// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @file ctlbsassdatastepmain.cpp
// This is the class implementation for the Module Information Tests
// EPOC includes.
// LBS includes.
#include <lbs.h>
#include <lbs/lbsnetcommon.h>
#include <lbssatellite.h>
#include <lbs/lbsnetprotocolbase.h>
#include <lbs/lbsassistancedatabuilderset.h>
// LBS test includes.
#include "ctlbsassdatastepmain.h"
#include <lbs/test/tlbsutils.h>
const TInt KAssistanceDataProviderPluginUidValue = 0x10281D77;
Static Constructor
CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main* CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::New(CT_LbsAssDataServer& aParent)
// Note the lack of ELeave.
// This means that having insufficient memory will return NULL;
CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main* testStep = new CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main(aParent);
if (testStep)
TInt err = KErrNone;
TRAP(err, testStep->ConstructL());
if (err)
delete testStep;
testStep = NULL;
return testStep;
* Constructor
CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main(CT_LbsAssDataServer& aParent) : CT_LbsAssDataStep(aParent)
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::ConstructL()
// Create the base class objects.
// and the active object wrapper for the notify position update.
iDoPosUpdate = CT_LbsDoPosUpdate::NewL(this);
// Create and start the module data bus monitor, to listen for incoming data.
iModuleDataBusMonitor = CT_LbsAssDataModuleDataBusMonitor::NewL(this);
// Create the privacy controller for the MT-LR.
iPrivacyController = CLbsPrivacyController::NewL(*this);
* Destructor
delete iDoPosUpdate;
delete iModuleDataBusMonitor;
delete iPrivacyController;
* @return - TVerdict code
* Override of base class pure virtual
* Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
* not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
TVerdict CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::doTestStepL()
// Generic test step used to test the LBS Client Notify position update API.
if (TestStepResult() == EPass)
// Carry out common test actions (such as connecting to a server).
T_LbsUtils utils;
TModuleDataIn modDataIn; // Used to send test information to the test module.
// Request type is module test mode and most tests will only expect
// a single assistance data event.
modDataIn.iRequestType = TModuleDataIn::EModuleRequestTestMode;
modDataIn.iAssDataEventType = TModuleDataIn::EAssDataEventExpectSingle;
// Expected callbacks flags, most test steps require MO-LR.
iFlagsToHaltOn = KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | // Net Sim callback events.
KLbsCallback_MoLr |
KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate | // Test case callback events.
KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer; // Test module returned an answer.
// Carry out unique test actions.
if (GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KTestCaseId, iTestCaseId))
switch (iTestCaseId)
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0001
case 1:
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0001 - A-GPS module creation and destruction.
// TODO: Require a method of shuting down Lbs.
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0010 - Verify a single batch of GPS assistance data.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MO-LR.
// Module: Request assistance data.
// Read and verify assistance data and inform test step, ensure correct number of events.
// Local callback: Verify assistance data ok response.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
case 10:
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0011 - Verify multiple batches of GPS assistance data.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required multiple assistance data events test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MO-LR.
// Module: Request assistance data.
// Read and verify assistance data, ensure correct number of events.
// Local callback: Verify assistance data ok response.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
// TODO: May not be possible to pass assist data which causes multi events, also test 42 does some similar.
case 11:
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MO-LR
// Module: Start assistance data request.
// Cancel assistance data request - invoked via register callback.
// Local callback: Ensure the KErrCancel is returned for ReleaseLcsMoLr callback.
// Verify cancel request was recived by the module.
// Verify assistance data cancelled ok response.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
case 12:
// Expected callbacks flags, for a assitance data cancel during a MO-LR.
// Note: Currently we get a module answer because the assistance data event
// function is still called within the module - this may not happen if the
// timing of the cancel is different on other environments.
iFlagsToHaltOn = KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | // Net Sim callback events.
KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr |
KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr |
KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate | // Test case callback events.
KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer; // Test module returned an answer.
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_Cancel_Stage1;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0020 - Verify unsolicited GPS assistance data.
// External step: Create position for MT-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required single ass data event, and unsolicited test.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MT-LR
// Module: Read and verify ass data, ensure correct number of events.
// Local callback: Verify ass data ok response from module.
case 20:
// Expected callbacks flags for this test step.
iFlagsToHaltOn = KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | // Net Sim callback events.
KLbsCallback_MtLr |
KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer; // Test module returned an answer.
// Setup emergency locate service and pause to ensure value is set.
CLbsAdmin* admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();
User::LeaveIfError(admin->Set(KLbsSettingHomeEmergencyLocate, CLbsAdmin::EExternalLocateOn));
delete admin;
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_Unsolicited;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0030 - Verify the GPS assistance data time stamp.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MO-LR.
// Module: Read and verify assistance data, ensure correct number of events,
// and verify timestamp.
// Local callback: Verify assistance data ok response.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
case 30:
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_TimeStamp;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0040 - Empty GPS assistance data cache test.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MO-LR.
// Module: Attempt to read assistance data before receiving assistance data
// event, and verify KErrNotFound is returned, and inform test step.
// Local callback: Verify assistance data test ok response.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
case 40:
// Expected callbacks flags, not asking for assitance data so not expecting any MO-LR callbacks.
iFlagsToHaltOn = KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | // Net Sim callback events.
KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate | // Test case callback events.
KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer; // Test module returned an answer.
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_DataNotAvailable;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0041 - Request GPS assistance data when no network available.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MO-LR.
// Module: Request assistance data, ensure KErrNotReady is return when the
// data event is fired.
// Local callback: Verify assistance data ok response.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
case 41:
// Expected callbacks flags, expect the assistance request to fail so not expecting any MO-LR callbacks.
iFlagsToHaltOn = KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | // Net Sim callback events.
KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate | // Test case callback events.
KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer; // Test module returned an answer.
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_NoNetwork;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0042 - Request multiple items of GPS assistance data when not all of the itmes are available.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data, to return 1 item of data.
// Do MO-LR.
// Module: Request 2 items of assistance data, ensure item 1 is deliveried, item 2 returns an error
// of KErrNotFound.
// Local callback: Verify assistance data ok response, for both data items.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
case 42:
// Add the expected MeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData flag.
iFlagsToHaltOn |= KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData;
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_SomeDataNotAvailable;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0050 - Request assistance data, upper boundary test.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MO-LR.
// Module: Request non-exsisting type of assistance data, ensure the data event is fired with
// a error of KErrArgument.
// Local callback: Verify assistance data ok response.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
case 50:
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_InvalidDataRequest;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0051 - Get assistance data item, upper boundary test.
// External step: Create verify position for MO-LR.
// Local step: Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
// Setup net sim assistance data.
// Do MO-LR.
// Module: Request assistance data.
// From the event callback attempt to get assistance data using a invalid mask,
// ensure the error of KErrNotFound is returned.
// Local callback: Verify assistance data ok response.
// External step: Verify the position info data.
case 51:
// Set the test mode of the test module.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_InvalidDataGet;
User::Panic(KLbsAssDataStep_Main, KErrUnknown);
// Carry out the test.
// Inform the test module of the required test mode - will block.
// Connect to net sim.
// Setup net sim's assistance data.
// some tests doesn't need ref loc
switch (iTestCaseId)
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
case 12:
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0040 - Empty GPS assistance data cache test.
case 40:
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0041 - Request GPS assistance data when no network available.
case 41:
// Do nothing.
// Create a refposinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
RPointerArray<TAny>& refposInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* refposinfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(refposInfoArr[1]);
TPosition pos;
if (!iNetSim.SetReferenceLocation(pos))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's reference location."));
return TestStepResult();
// Set the position quality required by the network.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds maxFixTime(55000000);
TLbsNetPosRequestQuality netPosQuality;
if (!iNetSim.SetQuality(netPosQuality))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's quality."));
return TestStepResult();
// Set plugin to use.
TUid pluginUid = TUid::Uid(KAssistanceDataProviderPluginUidValue);
if (!iNetSim.SetAssistanceDataProvider(pluginUid))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's assistance data plugin uid."));
return TestStepResult();
// Start monitoring the module data bus, to retrieve assistance data verification
// from the test module.
// Kick off the keep alive timer.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 interval(KLbsKeepAlivePeriod);
// Kick off test.
// Clean up.
return TestStepResult();
/** NetSim callbacks given for a MoLr, which we invoke as a result of the notify position update.
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::Connected()
// Call base implementation.
switch (iTestCaseId)
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0020 - Verify unsolicited GPS assistance data.
case 20:
// Start a MT-LR request.
_LIT8(KTestRequesterId, "LbsAssData test requester id");
_LIT8(KTestClientName, "LbsAssData test client name");
_LIT8(KTestClientExternalId, "LbsAssData test client external id");
TLbsExternalRequestInfo reqInfo;
TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacy reqType;
// kick off the privacy request:
iNetSim.StartNetworkPrivacyRequest(reqType, reqInfo);
iState = EStartMTLRPrivReq;
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0041 - Request GPS assistance data when no network available.
case 41:
if (!iNetSim.SetResponseError(RLbsNetSimTest::KNetSimNetworkNotAvailable, ETrue))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's response code."));
// All other test cases required a MO-LR.
// Set net sim response code to KErrNone.
if (iTestCaseId != 41)
if (!iNetSim.SetResponseError(KErrNone, ETrue))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's response code."));
// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
T_LbsUtils utils;
utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr); // Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
// Kick off pos update - this will invoke the assistance data processing
// within the test module. The result of this will be reported back to
// the test step via the module data bus monitor.
// Move to the first pos update state after kick off first pos update
iState = EFirstPosUpdate;
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::Disconnected()
// Call base implementation.
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr(const TDesC& aData)
// Call base implementation.
// Verify the aData is blank to indicate this is a MOLR.
if (aData != KNullDesC)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, register contains data."));
switch (iTestCaseId)
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
case 12:
TModuleDataIn modDataIn; // Used to send test information to the test module.
// Request type is module test mode and most tests will only expect
// a single assistance data event.
modDataIn.iRequestType = TModuleDataIn::EModuleRequestTestMode;
// Inform the module it should perform the second part of the cancel test.
modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_Cancel_Stage2;
// Inform the test module of the required test mode - will block.
T_LbsUtils utils;
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr(TInt aReason)
// Call base implementation.
switch (iTestCaseId)
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
case 12:
if (aReason != KErrCancel)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, incorrect reason code expecting KErrCancel, got %d."), aReason);
if (aReason != KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, bad release reason %d."), aReason);
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyMeasurementControlLocation(const TPositionInfo& aPosition,
const RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& aData,
const TLbsNetPosRequestQuality& aQuality)
T_LbsUtils utils;
TInt err;
// Call base implementation.
CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyMeasurementControlLocation(aPosition, aData, aQuality);
// Verify the reference position - use the entry in the verify pos info array.
RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* verifyPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[1]);
if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(* verifyPosInfo, aPosition))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
// Verify the assistance data.
RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& data = const_cast<RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet&>(aData);
RUEPositioningGpsReferenceTimeBuilder* refTimeBuilder = NULL;
// Create a reader from the builder's data to allow us to verify the actual
// assistance data.
RUEPositioningGpsReferenceTimeReader refTimeReader;
TRAP(err, refTimeReader.OpenL());
if (err == KErrNone)
refTimeReader.DataBuffer() = refTimeBuilder->DataBuffer();
if (!utils.VerifySimpleAssistanceData(refTimeReader))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, assistance data incorrect."));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, assistance data reader err %d."), err);
// TODO: Check if we can verify aQuality in any way.
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyReleaseLcsLocationNotification(const CLbsNetworkProtocolBase::TLbsPrivacyResponse& aResult)
// Call base implementation.
// We should get this callback if requesting a MT-LR.
ASSERT(iState == EStartMTLRPrivReq);
// Should allways except privacy requests.
if (CLbsNetworkProtocolBase::EPrivacyResponseAccepted == aResult)
// Now invoke MT-LR location request.
iState = EStartMTLRLocReq;
// Un-expected response.
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, should have excepted MT-LR privacy request."));
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult(TInt aReason, const TPositionInfo& aPosition)
// Call base implementation.
CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult(aReason, aPosition);
if (aReason != KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, bad release reason %d."), aReason);
// Verify the real position returned from the network, this will be the same position
// we sent to the network as the result of the MO-LR, thus use the entry given by
// the test module.
T_LbsUtils utils;
RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* verifyRealPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[0]);
if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(*verifyRealPosInfo, aPosition))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyMeasurementReportLocation(const TPositionInfo& aPosition)
// Call base implementation.
// MT-LR complete.
if (EStartMTLRLocReq == iState)
iState = EWaiting;
// Verify the real position given to the network, this will be the same position
// returned as the result of the MO-LR, thus use the entry given by
// the test module.
T_LbsUtils utils;
RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* verifyRealPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[0]);
if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(*verifyRealPosInfo, aPosition))
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData(const TLbsAssistanceDataGroup& aFilter)
// Call base implementation.
switch (iTestCaseId)
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0042 - Request multiple items of GPS assistance data when not all of
// the items are available.
case 42:
if (aFilter != EAssistanceDataReferenceLocation)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, incorrect assistance data group filter expecting Ref Location, got %d."), aFilter);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, got un-expected request for more assistance data with filter value = %d."), aFilter);
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure(TInt aReason)
// Call base implementation.
switch (iTestCaseId)
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
case 12:
if (aReason != KErrCancel)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, incorrect reason code expecting KErrCancel, got %d."), aReason);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, got un-expected control failure with reason code = %d."), aReason);
/** Notify position update callback.
The notify position update as completed. We can mark as done in the callback flags.
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::MT_LbsDoPosUpdateCallback(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Got - Notify Update - Callback Event."));
// We should wait for the agps update (first one will be reference position) before setting this flag
if(iState != EFirstPosUpdate)
if (KErrNone != aStatus.Int())
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, pos info request err = %d."), aStatus.Int());
// iState is in EFirstPosUpdate after quick off first iDoPosUpdate
if (iState == EFirstPosUpdate)
/* iCurrentPosInfoArr index 0 contains ref pos,we need to store this in
iCurrentPosInfoArr index 1 for later use,before index 0 updated with realpos*/
RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* posInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(posInfoArr[0]);
//Some tests don't need to store ref pos
switch (iTestCaseId)
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
case 12:
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0040 - Empty GPS assistance data cache test.
case 40:
// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0041 - Request GPS assistance data when no network available.
case 41:
// Do nothing.
TPositionInfo* refPosInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
// Copy ref loc from posInfo to refPosInfo
TInt err = CopyPositionTypes(*refPosInfo, *posInfo);
if (err)
delete refPosInfo;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, err %d copying position infos."), err);
// Append ref loc to iCurrentPosInfoArr[1] for later use
// Kick off pos update - this will invoke the real position
// Move to the waiting state after kick off second pos update
iState = CT_LbsNetSimStep::EWaiting;
/** The module's output data bus has been updated.
This function is called when the module sends back answers to both the assistance data checks
and module test mode updates. */
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::HandleDataBusUpdateL(const TModuleDataOut& aModuleDataOut)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Got - Module Response - Callback Event."));
switch (iTestCaseId)
case 1:
// TODO: Look for startup - shutdown ok responses...
// Check for cancel request response.
case 12:
if(aModuleDataOut.iRequestType == TModuleDataOut::EModuleResponse)
//modDataOut.iResponse = TModuleDataOut::EModuleAssDataOk;
switch (aModuleDataOut.iResponse)
case TModuleDataOut::EModuleResponseOk:
INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Cancel request, module response."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, unexpected response from module."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, unexpected request type from module."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Assistance Data Verify Answer."));
switch (aModuleDataOut.iResponse)
// Fail test if ass data failed verifcation, or received un-expected response code.
case TModuleDataOut::EModuleAssDataOk:
// Ensure we only get a single assistance data event for each test, except for LBS-Ass-Data_0042
if (iTestCaseId != 42)
if (iAssEventCount > 2)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, more than a single assistance data event receivced."));
// Ignore requests for assistance data.
case TModuleDataOut::EModuleAssDataRequestedOk:
// Do nothing.
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, module assistance data verification, got: %d."), aModuleDataOut.iResponse);
/** Privacy controller callbacks.
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::ProcessNetworkLocationRequest(TUint aRequestId, const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aRequestInfo, const TNotificationType& aNotificationType)
// We not aiming to test MT-LR here so only carryout minimal verification - verify the request id only.
iPrivacyController->RespondNetworkLocationRequest(aRequestId, CLbsPrivacyController::ERequestAccepted);
iMtlrRequestId = aRequestId;
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(TUint aRequestId, const TPositionInfo& aPosInfo)
// Verify the request id.
if (aRequestId != iMtlrRequestId)
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Failed test, incorrect request ID, got %d, expecting %d."), aRequestId, iMtlrRequestId);
// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
TPositionInfo* posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
T_LbsUtils utils;
utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr); // Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
// As we don't own the passed posinfo, copy it.
TInt err = CopyPositionTypes(*posInfo, aPosInfo);
if (err)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, err %d copying position infos."), err);
void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::ProcessRequestComplete(TUint aRequestId, TInt aReason)
// Verify the request id.
if (aRequestId != iMtlrRequestId)
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Failed test, incorrect request ID, got %d, expecting %d."), aRequestId, iMtlrRequestId);
// Verify the reason code.
if (aReason)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, incorrect reason code, got %d, expecting KErrNone."), aReason);
/** Helper functions taken from internal Lbs utilities.
Deep copy of position info data by type
@param aTo the destination position info object reference
@param aFrom the source position info object reference
TInt CopyPositionTypes(TPositionInfoBase& aTo, const TPositionInfoBase& aFrom)
const TUint32 toClassType = aTo.PositionClassType();
const TUint toClassSize = aTo.PositionClassSize();
const TUint32 fromClassType = aFrom.PositionClassType();
const TUint fromClassSize = aFrom.PositionClassSize();
// check for self assignment
if(&aTo == &aFrom)
return KErrNone; // copy is implicit and already done :)
// check the assignment is even possible the source type must be at
// at least as BIG as the dest, or you leave unitialized data in the destination
if(fromClassSize < toClassSize)
return KErrArgument;
// check we are not assigning base types
if(toClassSize == sizeof(TPositionInfoBase)
|| fromClassSize == sizeof(TPositionInfoBase)
|| toClassType == EPositionInfoUnknownClass // this the type of a TPositionInfoBase
|| fromClassType == EPositionInfoUnknownClass)
return KErrArgument; // bad types - trying to copy between base types
// check the aTo type
TInt typeError = SupportedType(toClassType, toClassSize);
if(typeError != KErrNone)
return typeError; // i.e. KErrNotSupported
// check the aFromType
typeError = SupportedType(fromClassType, fromClassSize);
if(typeError != KErrNone)
return typeError; // i.e. KErrNotSupported
// Ok now we know we can copy these things from one to the other
// so here goes - the catch is we cannot overwrite the type and size
// of the destination, so we need a bit of pointer math.
// NB this relies on the being a class inheritance such that all of the
// types are derived from TPositionInfoBase first. Or the math goes
// haywire. This also implies a whole slew of assumptions about the ram
// layout of these classes....
TUint8* baseToAddr = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&aTo)+sizeof(TPositionInfoBase);
const TUint8* const baseFromAddr = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(&aFrom)+sizeof(TPositionInfoBase);
TUint32 dataLength = toClassSize-sizeof(TPositionInfoBase); // we copy only this many bytes form the source
TUint8* endAddr = Mem::Copy(baseToAddr, baseFromAddr, dataLength);
// Sanity check the Mem::Copy() - just in case...
if(endAddr != baseToAddr+dataLength)
return KErrGeneral; // Or KErrNoMemory?
return KErrNone;
Check the size for supported position info type
@param aType the position info type
@param aSize the size of specified type
@return Symbian standard error code
TInt SupportedType(const TUint32& aType, const TInt& aSize)
return KErrNotSupported; // something weird. Type ok but the size is wrong
else if(aType==(EPositionInfoClass|EPositionCourseInfoClass))
return KErrNotSupported; // something weird. Type ok but the size is wrong
else if(aType==(EPositionInfoClass|EPositionCourseInfoClass|EPositionSatelliteInfoClass))
return KErrNotSupported; // something weird. Type ok but the size is wrong
// othwerwise the size and type are what we expected
return KErrNone;