//! @File
//! @SYMTestSuiteName lbsclientmodstatusevent.script
//! @SYMScriptTestEnvironment
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
LOAD_SUITE LbsClientTestServer -SharedData
PRINT Run LbsClientTestServer
//Before we start LBS, select the test A-GPS integration module and network reg status txt file to use.
MkDir c:\private\10282253\
MkDir c:\private\10282253\lbs\
MkDir c:\private\10282253\lbs\locmods\
CopyFile c:\testdata\configs\xtestmodule.ini c:\private\10282253\lbs\locmods\agpsintegmodule.ini
CopyFile c:\testdata\configs\lbstestconfig.txt c:\config.txt
DeleteFile c:\private\10282253\lbs\lbsprofile.ini
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_ResetDefaultAdmin
RUN_TEST_STEP 030 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_StartLbs
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0001
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0001
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request module status event for all modules
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Configure test agps module with device and data quality
//! 2. Connect to the location server.
//! 3. Set the notify module event mask to select device status event
//! 4. Request module status event for all modules (ie do not provide a moduleid)
//! 5. Kick test agps module to cause events requested above
//! 6. Wait for events from (test) agps module and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct event is returned for agps modules. Ensure the event
//! details are correct.
//! PREQ786
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented, test a-gps modules maybe required.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyModuleData c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0002
RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0002
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_VerifyModuleStatus
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0001
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0002
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0002
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request multiple module status events for a given module
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Configure test agps module with device and data quality
//! 2. Connect to the location server.
//! 3. Set the notify module event mask to select device status event
//! 4. Request module status event using module id for (test) agps module
//! 5. Kick test agps module to cause events requested above
//! 6. Wait for event and verify as below
//! 7. Repeat steps 4 to 6, to request a further status event.
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct events are returned for the module. Ensure the event
//! details are correct.
//! PREQ786
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented, test a-gps module required.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyModuleData c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0003
RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0003
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_VerifyModuleStatus
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0002
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0003
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0003
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request module device status event for a-gps module
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Configure test agps module with device and data quality
//! 2. Connect to the location server.
//! 3. Set the notify module event mask to select device status event
//! 4. Request module status event using a valid module id for a-gps module
//! 5. Kick test agps module to cause events requested above
//! 6. Wait for event and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct event is returned for the module. Ensure the event
//! details are correct.
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented. test a-gps required.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyModuleData c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0004
RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0004
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_VerifyModuleStatus
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0003
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0004
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0004
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request module data quality status event
//! 1. Configure test agps module with device and data quality
//! 2. Connect to the location server.
//! 3. Set the notify module event mask to select data quality status event
//! 4. Request module status event using a valid agps module id
//! 5. Kick test agps module to cause events requested above
//! 6. Wait for event and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct data quality event is returned. Ensure the event details
//! are correct.
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.17
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented, test a-gps module required.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyModuleData c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0005
RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0005
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_VerifyModuleStatus
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0004
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0005
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0005
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request system module status event - system module error.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. configure system to be transient
//! 2. use agps test module that leaves during install or have a configuration file with no binary (Billy's suggestions)
//! 3. Connect to the location server.
//! 4. Set the notify module event mask to select system status event
//! 5. Request module status event using agps module id
//! 6. Cause a-gps manager to attempt to install agps module (how?)
//! 7. Wait for event and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct system module error event is returned for. Ensure the
//! event details are correct.
//! PREQ786
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Not Implemented. Requires leaving test agps module. Needs to be in a different script file since requires 'transient' config?
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0005
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0006
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0006
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request system module status event - system module installed.
//!@SYMTestActions 1. configure system to be transient
//! 2. Connect to the location server.
//! 3. Set the notify module event mask to select system status event
//! 4. Request module status event using agps module id
//! 5. Cause a-gps manager to attempt to install agps module (how?)
//! 6. Wait for event and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct system module installed event is returned. Ensure the
//! event details are correct.
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 2
//!@SYMTestStatus Not Implemented. Requires leaving test agps module. Needs to be in a different script file since requires 'transient' config?
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0006
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0007
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0007
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request system module status event - system module removed
//!@SYMTestActions 1. configure system to be transient
//! 2. Connect to the location server.
//! 3. Set the notify module event mask to select system status event
//! 4. Request module status event using agps module id
//! 5. Cause a-gps manager to attempt to install agps module (how?)
//! 6. Wait for install event (?)
//! 7. Wait long enough (how long's that?) for a-gps mgr to uninstall a-gps module
//! 8. Wait for event and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct system module error event is returned. Ensure the
//! event details are correct.
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 2
//!@SYMTestStatus Not Implemented. Needs to be in a different script file since requires 'transient' config?
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0007
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0008
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0008
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request devicestatus and device quality status events
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Configure test agps module with device and data quality
//! 2. Connect to the location server.
//! 3. Set the notify module event mask to select both status events
//! 4. Request module status event using a-gps module id
//! 5. Kick test agps module to cause events requested above
//! 6. Wait for all module status events and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify all the correct events are returned. Ensure the event details are
//! correct.
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.17
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented, test module required.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_CreateVerifyModuleData c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0009
RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0009
RUN_TEST_STEP 120 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_VerifyModuleStatus
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0008
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0009
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0009
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request module status event for a non-existing module
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Connect to the location server.
//! 2. Set the notify module event mask to select all status events
//! 3. Request module status event using an in-valid module id
//! 4. Wait for module status event and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct error is returned (KErrNotFound).
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.17
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 2
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0010
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0009
// Not a valid test on variant2
//START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0010
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0010
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request module status event when no events have been requested
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Connect to the location server.
//! 2. Set the notify module event mask to select no events
//! 3. Request module status event using a valid module id
//! 4. Wait for module status event and verify as below
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct error is returned (KErrArgument).
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.17
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 2
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
//RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
//RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
//RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0011
//END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0010
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0011
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0011
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Cancel module status event request
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Connect to the location server.
//! 2. Set the notify module event mask to select device status event
//! 3. Request module status event using a-gps module id
//! 4. Cancel module status event
//! 5. Wait for event to be cancelled and verify as below.
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Request completed with the correct error (KErrCancel).
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.13
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.17
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 1
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0012
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0011
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0012
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0012
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Cancel a non-existent module status event request
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Connect to the location server.
//! 2. Cancel module status event
//! Note: do not request module status event.
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct bad argument error (KErrNotFound) is returned to
//! indicate there is no outstanding request with the specified ID.
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.13
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.17
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 2
//!@SYMTestStatus Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0013
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0012
START_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0013
//!@SYMTestCaseID LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0013
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc Request module status event with no server connection
//!@SYMTestActions 1. Cancel a module status event request - use CancelRequest().
//! Note: no server connection is carried out and the request ID is not valid.
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify the correct panic (EPositionServerBadHandle) is given, as a result of not having a connection
//! established with the location server.
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.13
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.17
//!@SYMREQ REQ786.18
//!@SYMTestType CIT
//!@SYMTestPriority 2
//!@SYMTestStatus Not Implemented.
RUN_TEST_STEP 010 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_InstallScheduler
RUN_TEST_STEP 020 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_SetUpPsy c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-CLIENT-MODSTATUSEVENT
RUN_TEST_STEP !PanicCode=6 20 LbsClientTestServer LbsClientStep_ModStatus c:\testdata\configs\LbsClientModStatusEvent.ini LBS-Mod-Status-Event-0014
END_TESTCASE LBS-Client-ModStatusEvent-0013
RUN_TEST_STEP 030 LbsClientTestServer LbsStep_StopLbs
// Re-select the real A-GPS integration module.
RUN_UTILS DeleteFile c:\private\10282253\lbs\locmods\agpsintegmodule.ini
// Delete network registration status text file
RUN_UTILS DeleteFile c:\config.txt