changeset 0 40261b775718
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef MMRCSERVERINFO_H__
    17 #define MMRCSERVERINFO_H__
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    20 #include <e32msgqueue.h>
    21 #include "mmrcutil.h"
    22 #include "mmrcclientserver.h"
    23 #include "mmrcserversession.h" 
    25 class CMMRCServerController;
    27 /**
    28 @internalComponent
    30 This class implements the MMRC Server Info. 
    31 The main purpose of this class is to contain the different information
    32   about the MMRC Server.
    33   The server state
    34   The queue of resource Context
    35   The queue of resource in process
    36 */	
    37 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMMRCServerInfo ): public CBase
    38 	{
    39 	typedef RMMRCFifoQueue<CMMRCServerSession> RMMRCContextsQueueTD;
    40 	typedef RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<CMMRCServerSession> RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD;
    42 public:
    43 	/**
    44 	 * Constructs, and returns a pointer to, a new CMMRCServerInfo object.
    45 	 * Leaves on failure.
    46 	 * @param CMMRCServerController& A reference on the MMRC Server controller
    47 	 * @return CMMRCServerInfo* A pointer to newly created utlitly object.
    48 	 */	
    49 	static CMMRCServerInfo* NewL(CMMRCServerController& aServerController); 
    51 	/**
    52 	 * Constructs, leaves object on the cleanup stack, and returns a pointer
    53 	 * to, a new CMMRCServerInfo object.
    54 	 * Leaves on failure.
    55 	 * @param CMMRCServerController& A reference on the MMRC Server controller
    56 	 * @return CMMRCServerInfo* A pointer to newly created utlitly object.
    57 	 */	
    58 	 static CMMRCServerInfo* NewLC(CMMRCServerController& aServerController);
    60 	/**
    61 	 * Destructor.
    62 	 */
    63 	~CMMRCServerInfo();
    65 public:
    67 	TInt AllocatedPausedContextsCount();
    68 	TInt RequestsCount();
    69 	TInt AllocatedResourceContextsCount();
    70 	TInt AllocatedAPRContextsCount();
    73 	/** 
    74 	 * Change the state of the server
    75 	 * @param TMMRCServerState aNewState
    76 	 * @param TUint64 aContextId
    77 	 */
    78 	void SwitchServerState(TMMRCServerState aNewState, TUint64 aContextId);
    81 	/** 
    82 	 * get the state of the server
    83 	 * @param TMMRCServerState the state of the server
    84 	 * @param TUint64 aContextId
    85 	 */
    86 	void ServerState(TMMRCServerState& aServerState, TUint64& aContextId) const;
    88 	/** 
    89 	 * Push a Context on the Context queue
    90 	 * @param CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession
    91 	 * @leave in case of memory error
    92 	 */
    93 	void PushRequestL(const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession);
    95 	/** 
    96 	 * Pop and remove the first Context from the Context queue
    97 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
    98 	 */
    99 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstRequest();
   101 	/** 
   102 	 * Pop and remove the first Context from the Context queue by contextId
   103 	 * @param const TAudioContextId& aContextId
   104 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   105 	 */
   106 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstRequestByContextId( const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
   108 	/** 
   109 	 * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue
   110 	 * @param TInt aPriority
   111 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   112 	 */
   113 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveRequestFirstHighestPriority( );
   115 	/** 
   116 	 * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority and more than aPriority 
   117 	 * from the Context queue
   118 	 * @param TInt aPriority
   119 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   120 	 */
   121 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveRequestFirstHighestPriority( TInt aPriority );
   123 	/** 
   124 	 * Pop the first Context from the Context queue
   125 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   126 	 */
   127 	CMMRCServerSession* PopFirstRequest( ) const;
   129 	/** 
   130 	 * Pop the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue
   131 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   132 	 */
   133 	CMMRCServerSession* PopRequestFirstHighestPriority( ) const;
   135 	/** 
   136 	 * Pop the first Context of the highest priority and more than aPriority 
   137 	 * from the Context queue
   138 	 * @param TInt aPriority
   139 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   140 	 */
   141 	CMMRCServerSession* PopRequestFirstHighestPriority( TInt aPriority ) const;
   143 	/** 
   144 	 * Push an Context on the in-process Context queue
   145 	 * @param CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession
   146 	 * @leave in case of memory error
   147 	 */
   148 	void PushAllocatedResourceContextL(const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession);
   150 	/** 
   151 	 * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority from the in-process Context queue
   152 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   153 	 */
   154 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstAllocatedResourceContext();
   156 	/** 
   157 	 * Pop and remove the first Context from the in-process Context queue by contextId
   158 	 * @param const TAudioContextId& aContextId
   159 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   160 	 */
   161 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstAllocatedResourceContextByContextId( const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
   164 	/** 
   165 	 * Pop the first Context from the in-process Context queue
   166 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   167 	 */
   168 	CMMRCServerSession* PopFirstAllocatedResourceContext( ) const;
   170 	void PushPausedContextL(const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession );
   171 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstPausedContext();
   172 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemovePausedContext(const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
   173 	CMMRCServerSession* PausedContextByIndex(TInt aIndex);
   175 	void PushAPRContextL(const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession );
   176 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstAPRContext();
   177 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstAPRContextByContextId(const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
   178 	CMMRCServerSession* PopFirstAPRContext() const;
   180 	TBool IsOnAPRList(TAudioContextId aId);
   181 	TBool IsOnPauseList(TAudioContextId aId);
   184 private:	
   185 	/**
   186 	 * Push an Context on the Context queue in parameter
   187 	 * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
   188 	 * @param CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession
   189 	 * @leave in case of memory error
   190 	 */
   191 	void PushContextL(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue, const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession);
   193 	/**
   194 	 * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue in parameter
   195 	 * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
   196 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   197 	 */
   198 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstContext(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue);
   200 	/**
   201 	 * Pop and remove the first Context from the Context queue in parameter by contextId
   202 	 * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
   203 	 * @param const TAudioContextId& aContextId
   204 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   205 	 */
   206 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstContextByContextId(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue, const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
   208 	/**
   209 	 * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue in parameter
   210 	 * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
   211 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   212 	 */
   213 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveContextFirstHighestPriority(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue);
   215 	/**
   216 	 * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority and more than aPriority 
   217 	 * from the Context queue in parameter
   218 	 * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
   219 	 * @param TInt aPriority
   220 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   221 	 */
   222 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveContextFirstHighestPriority(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue, TInt aPriority );
   224 	/**
   225 	 * Pop the first Context from the Context queue in parameter
   226 	 * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
   227 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   228 	 */
   229 	CMMRCServerSession* PopFirstContext(const RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue) const;
   231 	/**
   232 	 * Pop the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue in parameter
   233 	 * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
   234 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context 
   235 	 */
   236 	CMMRCServerSession* PopContextFirstHighestPriority(const RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue) const;
   238 	/**
   239 	 * Pop the first Context of the highest priority and more than aPriority 
   240 	 * from the Context queue in parameter
   241 	 * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
   242 	 * @param TInt aPriority
   243 	 * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
   244 	 */
   245 	CMMRCServerSession* PopContextFirstHighestPriority(const RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue, TInt aPriority ) const;
   247 	void PushContextInOrderL(RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD& aContextsQueue, const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession);
   248 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstContextForPause(RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD& aContextsQueue);
   249 	CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveContextIdForPause(RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD& aContextsQueue, const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
   250 	CMMRCServerSession* PausedContextByIndexForPause(RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD& aContextsQueue, TInt aIndex);
   253 private:	
   254 	/**
   255 	 * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   256 	 * @param CMMRCServerController& A reference on the MMRC Server controller
   257 	 */
   258 	CMMRCServerInfo(CMMRCServerController& aServerController);
   260 	/**
   261 	 * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   262 	 */
   263 	void ConstructL();
   265 private:
   266 	CMMRCServerController& iMMRCServerController;
   267 	TMMRCServerState iMMRCServerInfoState;
   268 	RMMRCContextsQueueTD iMMRCContextsQueue; 					//0 or more context(s)
   269 	RMMRCContextsQueueTD iMMRCAllocatedResourceContextsQueue; 
   270 	RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD iMMRCPausedContextsQueue;
   271 	RMMRCContextsQueueTD iMMRCAPRContextsQueue;
   272 	TUint64	iLastTransactionContextId;
   273 	};
   275 #endif //__MMRCSERVERINFO_H__