--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/camerafw/source/CameraOverlay.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+#include <ecam/mcameraoverlay.h>
+#include <ecam/cameraoverlayconst.h>
+#include "ecamversion.h"
+const TUint KBaselinedOverlayModeMask = (CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeVideo << 1) - 1;
+const TUint KOverlayGlobalStillMode = (CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageContinuous
+ | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageBracket
+ | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageBracketMerge
+ | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageTimed
+ | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageTimeLapse
+ | CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeStillImageBurst);
+Factory function that creates a new camera overlay object on the heap.
+@param aCamera
+ A reference to the camera object for which a camera overlay object is to be created.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.
+@return A pointer to the newly created camera overlay object.
+@note Clients using MCameraObserver are not recommended to use this extension class since they cannot handle events.
+EXPORT_C CCamera::CCameraOverlay* CCamera::CCameraOverlay::NewL(CCamera& aCamera)
+ {
+ CCamera::CCameraOverlay* self = new (ELeave) CCamera::CCameraOverlay(aCamera);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+CCameraOverlay second phase constructor.
+This function used to initialise internal state of the object.
+It uses reference to the camera to retrieve overlay interface pointer.
+@leave KErrNotSupported if this functionality is not supported; also any system wide error.
+void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iImpl = static_cast<MCameraOverlay*>(iOwner.CustomInterface(KECamMCameraOverlayUid));
+ if (iImpl == NULL)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ iImpl2 = static_cast<MCameraOverlay2*>(iOwner.CustomInterface(KECamMCameraOverlay2Uid));
+ }
+Constructor for the CCamera::CCameraOverlay class.
+@param aOwner
+ A reference to the camera object for which a camera overlay object is to be created.
+CCamera::CCameraOverlay::CCameraOverlay(CCamera& aOwner):iOwner(aOwner), iImpl(NULL), iImpl2(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+Destructor for the CCamera::CCameraOverlay class.
+EXPORT_C CCamera::CCameraOverlay::~CCameraOverlay()
+ {
+ if (iImpl != NULL)
+ {
+ iImpl->Release();
+ }
+ if (iImpl2 != NULL)
+ {
+ iImpl2->Release();
+ }
+ }
+Creates an image overlay object on the ECam implementation, returning a handle to the newly created object.
+@param aParameters
+ The parameters characterizing the overlay to be created.
+@param aBitmap
+ The image that is to become the overlay.
+ By default this is set to NULL, allowing the client to provide the image at some point after
+ the overlay object has been created, by using SetOverlayBitmapL().
+@leave KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.
+@leave KErrArgument if the member variables in TOverlayParameters are such that they create mutual exclusion.
+@return The overlay handle.
+EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::CreateOverlayL(const TOverlayParameters& aParameters, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
+ {
+ CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters overlayParameters = aParameters;
+ if (aParameters.iCurrentModes & EModeViewfinder)
+ {
+ overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= EModeClientViewfinder;
+ overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= EModeDirectViewfinder;
+ }
+ if (aParameters.iCurrentModes & EModeStillImage)
+ {
+ overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= KOverlayGlobalStillMode;
+ }
+ return iImpl->CreateOverlayL(overlayParameters, aBitmap);
+ }
+Allows the overlay image data to be changed for a specified overlay.
+Use this function to set the overlay image data if it was not specified when the overlay
+was created using CreateOverlayL().
+@param aOverlayHandle
+ The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be changed.
+@param aBitmap
+ The new image data for the overlay.
+@leave KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
+@note Once this method is called, overlay size should not be changed for the given overlay. Hence, SetOverlayParametersL
+ should not be called after this method.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetOverlayBitmapL(TUint aOverlayHandle, const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
+ {
+ iImpl->SetOverlayBitmapL(aOverlayHandle, aBitmap);
+ }
+Allows the overlay image data to be changed for a specified overlay. Ownership of the bitmap is passed to the
+Use this function to set the overlay image data if it was not specified when the overlay was created using
+@param aOverlayHandle
+ The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be changed.
+@param aBitmap
+ The new image data for the overlay.
+@leave May leave with any error code.
+@note If required, implementation is free to modify the overlay bitmap passed to it.
+@note SetOverlayParametersL should not be called after this method for the given overlay since it may change the overlay
+ parameters considerably. In such a case, SetOverlayParametersL may leave with error KErrArgument.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL(TUint aOverlayHandle, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
+ {
+ if(iImpl2 != NULL)
+ {
+ iImpl2->SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL(aOverlayHandle, aBitmap);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ }
+Gets the overlay image data for a specified overlay.
+@param aOverlayHandle
+ The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be obtained.
+@param aBitmap
+ A CFbsBitmap that will receive the returned image data for the overlay.
+@leave KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
+@leave KErrNotSupported if a sharing client (which did not create the given overlay) tries to retrieve the overlay bitmap
+ and the implementation may not be interested in providing the overlay.
+@note The ECam implementation will transfer the ownership of the aBitmap to the client.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetOverlayBitmapL(TUint aOverlayHandle, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
+ {
+ iImpl->GetOverlayBitmapL(aOverlayHandle, aBitmap);
+ }
+Gets the parameters that characterize a given overlay.
+@param aOverlayHandle
+ The handle of the overlay whose parameters are required.
+@param aInfo
+ Reference to TOverlayParameters object that will contain the returned overlay parameters.
+@leave KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetOverlayParametersL(TUint aOverlayHandle, TOverlayParameters& aInfo)
+ {
+ iImpl->GetOverlayParametersL(aOverlayHandle, aInfo);
+ // for clients not using CCamera::New2L() turn new overlay modes into old ones
+ if (iOwner.CameraVersion() == KCameraDefaultVersion)
+ {
+ // specific viewfinder modes into "old" EModeViewfinder
+ if (aInfo.iCurrentModes & (EModeClientViewfinder | EModeDirectViewfinder))
+ {
+ aInfo.iCurrentModes |= EModeViewfinder;
+ }
+ // turn different drive modes into "old" EModeStillImage
+ if (aInfo.iCurrentModes & ( EModeStillImageContinuous | EModeStillImageBracket |
+ EModeStillImageBracketMerge | EModeStillImageTimed |
+ EModeStillImageTimeLapse | EModeStillImageBurst
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ aInfo.iCurrentModes |= EModeStillImage;
+ }
+ // for old clients we present only old set of features
+ aInfo.iCurrentModes &= KBaselinedOverlayModeMask;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aInfo.iCurrentModes & EModeViewfinder)
+ {
+ aInfo.iCurrentModes |= EModeClientViewfinder;
+ aInfo.iCurrentModes |= EModeDirectViewfinder;
+ }
+ if (aInfo.iCurrentModes & EModeStillImage)
+ {
+ aInfo.iCurrentModes |= KOverlayGlobalStillMode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Sets new parameters that characterize a given overlay.
+@param aOverlayHandle
+ The handle of the overlay whose parameters are to be changed.
+@param aParameters
+ The new overlay parameters.
+@leave KErrNotSupported if TOverlayCameraMode passed in TOverlayParameters is not supported;
+ also any system wide error.
+@leave KErrArgument if the member variables in TOverlayParameters are such that they create mutual exclusion.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetOverlayParametersL(TUint aOverlayHandle, const TOverlayParameters& aParameters)
+ {
+ CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters overlayParameters = aParameters;
+ if (aParameters.iCurrentModes & EModeViewfinder)
+ {
+ overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= EModeClientViewfinder;
+ overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= EModeDirectViewfinder;
+ }
+ if (aParameters.iCurrentModes & EModeStillImage)
+ {
+ overlayParameters.iCurrentModes |= KOverlayGlobalStillMode;
+ }
+ iImpl->SetOverlayParametersL(aOverlayHandle, overlayParameters);
+ }
+Releases the specified overlay handle.
+@note If the handle specified in aOverlayHandle is invalid (out of range) the function
+ call is ignored and no error is reported.
+@param aOverlayHandle
+ The handle of the overlay that is to be released.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::ReleaseOverlay(TUint aOverlayHandle)
+ {
+ iImpl->ReleaseOverlay(aOverlayHandle);
+ }
+Gets information on the overlay functionality supported by the ECam implementation.
+@param aInfo
+ A reference to a TOverlaySupportInfo object that will receive the overlay support information.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetOverlaySupport(TOverlaySupportInfo& aInfo)
+ {
+ iImpl->GetOverlaySupport(aInfo);
+ // we hide new overlay modes for clients not using New2L()/NewDuplicate2L()
+ if (iOwner.CameraVersion() == KCameraDefaultVersion)
+ {
+ aInfo.iSupportedModes &= KBaselinedOverlayModeMask;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aInfo.iSupportedModes & EModeViewfinder)
+ {
+ aInfo.iSupportedModes |= EModeClientViewfinder;
+ aInfo.iSupportedModes |= EModeDirectViewfinder;
+ }
+ if (aInfo.iSupportedModes & EModeStillImage)
+ {
+ aInfo.iSupportedModes |= KOverlayGlobalStillMode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Gets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their Z-Value.
+@param aOverlayHandles
+ Returned list, in Z-Value order, of all the overlay handles maintained on the ECam implementation.
+ The topmost overlay is the first element of the array.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.
+@note Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of
+ any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if
+ required to remove any ambiguity.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(RArray<TUint>& aOverlayHandles)
+ {
+ iImpl->GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(aOverlayHandles);
+ }
+Sets the Z-Order of all the overlay handles known by this CCameraOverlay object.
+@param aOverlayHandles
+ The overlay handles in aOverlayHandles array. This must be the complete current set
+ of handles known to this CCameraOverlay object. The client specifies the desired
+ order by placing the topmost overlay in the first element of the array.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.
+@note Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of
+ any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if
+ required to remove any ambiguity.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(const RArray<TUint>& aOverlayHandles)
+ {
+ iImpl->SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(aOverlayHandles);
+ }
+Constructor for the TOverlaySupportInfo class.
+EXPORT_C CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlaySupportInfo::TOverlaySupportInfo()
+ {
+ iDesiredCameraMode = CCamera::CCameraOverlay::EModeNone;
+ iViewFinderHandle = KECamOverlayInvalidViewFinderHandle;
+ }
+Returns the size of the class. Used for extensibility by deriving from this base class and adding new member variables.
+Intended to be used for implementation of methods where this class reference is passed as function arguments.
+Implementation of such methods can find out the whether the actual class passed is base or the derived one. So, if a new application
+is made to run on an old implementation, an error may occur once the old implementation detects this by getting
+the size information of the T class passed. Also, if an old application is made to run on a new implementation, this can be
+corrrectly handled if the derived class variables handling is done in a proper 'if-else' statement.
+@return The size of the class.
+@note The size will be modified when the T-class gets updated.
+EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlaySupportInfo::Size() const
+ {
+ return sizeof(CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlaySupportInfo);
+ }
+Returns the version of the class. Used for extensibility specially when the class members are not added but the Reserved
+members get used at a later stage.
+@return The version of the class.
+@note The version will be modified when the T-class gets updated.
+EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlaySupportInfo::Version() const
+ {
+ return KECamOverlaySupportInfoCurrentVersion;
+ }
+Constructor for the TOverlayParameters class.
+EXPORT_C CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters::TOverlayParameters()
+ {
+ iViewFinderHandle = KECamOverlayInvalidViewFinderHandle;
+ }
+Returns the size of the class. Used for extensibility by deriving from this base class and adding new member variables.
+Intended to be used for implementation of methods where this class reference is passed as function arguments.
+Implementation of such methods can find out the whether the actual class passed is base or the derived one. So, if a new application
+is made to run on an old implementation, an error may occur once the old implementation detects this by getting
+the size information of the T class passed. Also, if an old application is made to run on a new implementation, this can be
+corrrectly handled if the derived class variables handling is done in a proper 'if-else' statement.
+@return The size of the class.
+@note The size will be modified when the T-class gets updated.
+EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters::Size() const
+ {
+ return sizeof(CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters);
+ }
+Returns the version of the class. Used for extensibility specially when the class members are not added but the Reserved
+members get used at a later stage.
+@return The version of the class.
+@note The version will be modified when the T-class gets updated.
+EXPORT_C TUint CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayParameters::Version() const
+ {
+ return KECamOverlayParametersCurrentVersion;
+ }
+Gets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their z-value, for a particular camera mode.
+If for viewfinder, then the handle number is used to get the z-value for the viewfinder whose handle number is passed.
+@param aOverlayCameraMode
+ The specific camera mode whose overlays' z-value information is required.
+@param aViewFinderHandle
+ The specific viewfinder handle, if overlays' z-value information is required for viewfinder camera mode.
+@param aOverlayHandles
+ Returned list, in z-value order, of all the overlay handles maintained on the ECam implementation.
+ The topmost overlay is the first element of the array.
+@leave May leave with any error code.
+@note Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of
+ any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if
+ required to remove any ambiguity.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayCameraMode aOverlayCameraMode, TInt aViewFinderHandle, RArray<TUint>& aOverlayHandles) const
+ {
+ if(iImpl2 != NULL)
+ {
+ iImpl2->GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(aOverlayCameraMode, aViewFinderHandle, aOverlayHandles);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ }
+Sets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their z-value for a particular camera mode.
+If for viewfinder, then the handle number is used to set the z-value for the viewfinder whose handle number is passed.
+@param aOverlayCameraMode
+ The specific camera mode whose overlays' z-value is to be set.
+@param aViewFinderHandle
+ The specific viewfinder handle, if overlays' z-value is required to be set for viewfinder camera mode.
+@param aOverlayHandles
+ The overlay handles in aOverlayHandles array. This must be the complete current set
+ of handles known to this CCameraOverlay object for the given camera mode (and for the given viewfinder, if applicable).
+ The client specifies the desired order by placing the topmost overlay in the first element of the array.
+@leave May leave with any error code.
+@note Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of
+ any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if
+ required to remove any ambiguity.
+EXPORT_C void CCamera::CCameraOverlay::SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(CCamera::CCameraOverlay::TOverlayCameraMode aOverlayCameraMode, TInt aViewFinderHandle, const RArray<TUint>& aOverlayHandles)
+ {
+ if(iImpl2 != NULL)
+ {
+ iImpl2->SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(aOverlayCameraMode, aViewFinderHandle, aOverlayHandles);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ }