--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmplugins/lib3gp/wrapper/inc/c3gplibrary.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef C3GPLIBRARY_H
+#define C3GPLIBRARY_H
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <f32file64.h>
+#include <caf/content.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <3gplibrary/mp4lib.h>
+Error code for C3GPParse API
+3GP Parser requires more data before the requested information can be retrieved
+const TInt KErr3gpLibMoreDataRequired = (-12300);
+class M3GPParseCallback;
+File format to use when composing a file.
+enum T3GPFileFormatType
+ {
+ /** 3GP file format. */
+ E3GP3GP,
+ /** MPEG-4 file format. */
+ E3GPMP4,
+ /** 3GPP2 file format. */
+ E3GP3G2
+ };
+Optional flags to be used when composing a file.
+enum T3GPComposeFlag
+ {
+ /** Default value. No special setup. */
+ E3GPNoFlag = 0x0000,
+ /** Metadata is placed at end of file. */
+ E3GPMetaDataLast = 0x0001,
+ /** Collect metadata in files instead of storing it in memory. */
+ E3GPLongClip = 0x0002,
+ };
+Type of stream contained in the file.
+enum T3GPFrameType
+ {
+ /** Frame contains audio data. */
+ E3GPAudio,
+ /** Frame contains video data. */
+ E3GPVideo
+ };
+Type of video stream contained in the file.
+enum T3GPVideoType
+ {
+ /** No Video */
+ E3GPNoVideo,
+ /** MPEG-4 video (MPEG-4 Part 2) - Simple and Advance Simple Profiles */
+ E3GPMpeg4Video,
+ /** H263 Profile 0 */
+ E3GPH263Profile0,
+ /** H263 Profile 3 */
+ E3GPH263Profile3,
+ /** AVC (also known as H.264) Baseline Profile */
+ E3GPAvcProfileBaseline,
+ /** AVC (also known as H.264) Main Profile */
+ E3GPAvcProfileMain,
+ /** AVC (also known as H.264) Extended Profile */
+ E3GPAvcProfileExtended,
+ /** AVC (also known as H.264) High Profile */
+ E3GPAvcProfileHigh
+ };
+Type of audio stream contained in the file.
+enum T3GPAudioType
+ {
+ /** No audio */
+ E3GPNoAudio,
+ /** MPEG-4 audio (MPEG-4 Part 3) */
+ E3GPMpeg4Audio,
+ /** AMR NB */
+ E3GPAmrNB,
+ /** AMR WB */
+ E3GPAmrWB,
+ /** QCELP 13K */
+ E3GPQcelp13K
+ };
+Location of the user data in the file.
+enum T3GPUdtaLocation
+ {
+ /** User data resides within the Movie Box. */
+ E3GPUdtaMoov,
+ /** User data resides within the Track Box for video. */
+ E3GPUdtaVideoTrak,
+ /** User data resides within the Track Box for audio. */
+ E3GPUdtaAudioTrak
+ };
+Storage method of QCELP audio stream.
+enum T3GPQcelpStorageMode
+ {
+ /** QCELP Sample Entry ('sqcp') box is used for the storage of QCELP media data. */
+ E3GPQcelpSampleEntryBox,
+ /** MP4 Audio Sample Entry ('esds') box is used for the storage of QCELP media data. */
+ E3GPMP4AudioDescriptionBox
+ };
+Define the dependency information between video frames.
+enum T3GPVideoFrameDependency
+ {
+ /** The dependency of this sample is unknown or the dependency of other
+ samples on this sample is unknown. */
+ E3GPDependencyUnknown = 0,
+ /** This sample does depend on others or other samples depend on this sample. */
+ E3GPDependencyExists,
+ /** This sample does not depend on others or no other sample depends on this sample. */
+ E3GPDependencyNone,
+ };
+Define the existence of redundant coding in a frame.
+enum T3GPVideoFrameRedundancy
+ {
+ /** It is unknown whether there is redundant coding in this sample. */
+ E3GPRedundancyUnknown = 0,
+ /** There is redundant coding in this sample. */
+ E3GPRedundancyExists,
+ /** There is no redundant coding in this sample. */
+ E3GPRedundancyNone,
+ };
+Structure containing a frame's dependency information.
+ {
+ /** Defines the current frame’s dependency. It can be defined as an I-frame
+ (E3GPDependencyNone), not an I-frame (E3GPDependencyExists), or dependency
+ unknown (E3GPDependencyUnknown). See T3GPVideoFrameDependency.
+ */
+ T3GPVideoFrameDependency iDependsOn;
+ /** Defines the dependency of other frames on this frame. It can be defined as a disposable
+ frame (E3GPDependencyNone), non-disposable (E3GPDependencyExists), or dependency unknown
+ (E3GPDependencyUnknown). See T3GPVideoFrameDependency.
+ */
+ T3GPVideoFrameDependency iIsDependedOn;
+ /** Defines the existence of redundant coding in this frame. See T3GPVideoFrameRedundancy. */
+ T3GPVideoFrameRedundancy iHasRedundancy;
+ };
+Structure containing video frame properties.
+ {
+ /** Frame size. */
+ TUint32 iSize;
+ /** Frame start time. */
+ TUint32 iStartTime;
+ /** ETrue if frame is an intra or random access point. */
+ TBool iIsRandomAccessPoint;
+ };
+This class should not be used directly. It stores common properties amongst all supported
+types of video data.
+Note: iTimescale should be chosen so that the duration of each sample is an integer. It should also
+be chosen so that the duration of the presentation fits into 32 bits.
+ {
+ /**
+ @internalTechnology
+ */
+ T3GPVideoPropertiesBase(T3GPVideoType aType, TUint aTimescale, const TSize& aSize);
+ /** Type of video stream contained in the file. */
+ T3GPVideoType iType;
+ /** Timescale of the video data. This is the number of time units that pass in one second. */
+ TUint iTimescale;
+ /** Video width and height in pixels */
+ TSize iSize;
+ };
+This structure stores the common and MPEG-4 video specific properties of video data
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPVideoPropertiesMpeg4Video) : public T3GPVideoPropertiesBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C T3GPVideoPropertiesMpeg4Video(TUint aTimescale, const TSize& aSize, TUint aMaxBitRate, TUint aAvgBitRate, const TDesC8& aDecoderSpecificInfo);
+ /** Maximum video bit rate */
+ TUint iMaxBitRate;
+ /** Average video bit rate */
+ TUint iAvgBitRate;
+ /** MPEG-4 video decoder specific info data stored in an ESDS atom */
+ const TDesC8& iDecoderSpecificInfo;
+ };
+This structure stores the common and H.263 specific properties of video data
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPVideoPropertiesH263) : public T3GPVideoPropertiesBase
+ {
+ enum TProfile { EProfile0, EProfile3 };
+ IMPORT_C T3GPVideoPropertiesH263(TUint aTimescale, const TSize& aSize, TInt aVideoLevel, TProfile aProfile);
+ /** Indicates the H263 video level. */
+ TInt iVideoLevel;
+ };
+This structure stores the common and AVC-specific properties of video data.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPVideoPropertiesAvc) : public T3GPVideoPropertiesBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C T3GPVideoPropertiesAvc(TUint aTimescale, const TSize& aSize, const TDesC8& aDecoderSpecificInfo);
+ /** AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord data that will be stored in the avcC atom. */
+ const TDesC8& iDecoderSpecificInfo;
+ };
+This class should not be used directly. This structure stores common properties amongst all supported types of audio data
+ {
+ /**
+ @internalTechnology
+ */
+ T3GPAudioPropertiesBase(T3GPAudioType aType, TUint aTimescale, TInt aFramesPerSample);
+ /** Type of audio stream contained in the file */
+ T3GPAudioType iType;
+ /** Timescale of the audio data. This is the number of time units that pass in one second. It
+ must be smaller than 65536. */
+ TUint iTimescale;
+ /** Frames per sample. It must be smaller than 512. MPEG-4 audio has a fixed value of 1. */
+ TInt iFramesPerSample;
+ };
+This structure stores the common and MPEG-4 audio specific properties of audio data
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPAudioPropertiesMpeg4Audio) : public T3GPAudioPropertiesBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C T3GPAudioPropertiesMpeg4Audio(TUint aTimescale, const TDesC8& aDecoderSpecificInfo);
+ /** MPEG-4 audio decoder specific info data stored in an ESDS atom */
+ const TDesC8& iDecoderSpecificInfo;
+ };
+This structure stores the common and AMR specific properties of audio data
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPAudioPropertiesAmr) : public T3GPAudioPropertiesBase
+ {
+ enum TSpeechCodec{ EAmrWB, EAmrNB };
+ IMPORT_C T3GPAudioPropertiesAmr(TUint aTimescale, TInt aFramesPerSample, TInt aModeSet, TSpeechCodec aCodec);
+ /** AMR mode set. */
+ TInt iModeSet;
+ };
+This structure stores the common and Qcelp specific properties of audio data
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPAudioPropertiesQcelp) : public T3GPAudioPropertiesBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C T3GPAudioPropertiesQcelp(TUint aTimescale, TInt aFramesPerSample, const TDesC8& aDecoderSpecificInfo);
+ IMPORT_C T3GPAudioPropertiesQcelp(TUint aTimescale, TInt aFramesPerSample);
+ /** Specifies the mode to store QCELP audio data.
+ In 3G2 files, QCELP can be registered to be stored in two ways:
+ - Use QCELP Sample Entry (‘sqcp’) Box. This is the default mode.
+ - Use MPEG4 Audio Sample Description (‘esds’) Box. If this mode is selected, decoder specific info should be supplied.
+ See T3GPQcelpStorageMode. */
+ T3GPQcelpStorageMode iMode;
+ /** MPEG-4 audio decoder specific info data stored in an ESDS atom.
+ If this is provided as an input parameter, the storage mode is automatically set to MPEG4 Audio
+ Sample Description Box mode */
+ const TDesC8& iDecoderSpecificInfo;
+ };
+The 3GP composer accepts H.263 /H.264 / MPEG-4 / AVC video, and AMR / MPEG-4 AAC / QCELP
+audio as input to create a 3GP / 3G2 / MP4 file.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(C3GPCompose) : public CBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static C3GPCompose* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C static C3GPCompose* NewL(TInt aMediaWriteBufferSize, TInt aWriteBufferMaxCount);
+ IMPORT_C ~C3GPCompose();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio, const TDesC& aFilename, TUint aFlags = E3GPNoFlag);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio, RFile& aFile, TUint aFlags = E3GPNoFlag);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio, RFile64& aFile, TUint aFlags = E3GPNoFlag);
+ IMPORT_C TInt WriteVideoFrame(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TUint aDuration, TBool aKeyFrame);
+ IMPORT_C TInt WriteVideoFrame(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TUint aDuration, TBool aKeyFrame, const T3GPFrameDependencies& aDependencies);
+ IMPORT_C TInt WriteAudioFrames(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TUint aDuration);
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetUserData(T3GPUdtaLocation aLocation, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Complete();
+ C3GPCompose(TInt aMediaWriteBufferSize = 0, TInt aWriteBufferMaxCount = 0);
+ TInt SymbianOSError(MP4Err aError);
+ mp4_u32 Mp4Type(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio);
+ TInt SetComposeProperties(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio, T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, TUint aFlag);
+ TInt SetMPeg4VideoProperties(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo);
+ TInt SetAvcVideoProperties(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo);
+ TInt SetH263VideoProperties(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo);
+ TInt SetMpeg4AudioProperties(const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio);
+ TInt SetAmrAudioProperties(const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio);
+ TInt SetQcelpAudioProperties(const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio);
+ TInt SetComposeFlag(T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, TUint aFlag);
+ void Reset();
+ static void Panic(TInt aPanic);
+ MP4Handle iHandler;
+ TInt iMediaWriteBufferSize;
+ TInt iWriteBufferMaxCount;
+ TBool iHasVideo;
+ TBool iHasAudio;
+ TBool iDuplicateFileHandleCreated;
+ RFile64 iFile;
+ };
+The Parser provides APIs to parse 3GP, 3G2 and MP4 contents (from a file, a CAF object, or given
+through memory buffer), containing H.263/MPEG-4/H.264 video and AMR/MPEG-4/QCELP audio.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(C3GPParse) : public CBase, public M3GPMP4LibAsyncObserver
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static C3GPParse* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C static C3GPParse* NewL(TInt aReadBufferSize);
+ IMPORT_C ~C3GPParse();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(const TDesC& aFilename);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(const RFile& aFile);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(const RFile64& aFile);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(const ContentAccess::CData& aData);
+ IMPORT_C TInt InsertData(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoProperties(T3GPVideoType& aType, TUint& aLength, TReal& aFrameRate, TUint& aAvgBitRate, TSize& aSize, TUint& aTimeScale) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioProperties(T3GPAudioType& aType, TUint& aLength, TInt& aFramesPerSample, TUint& aAvgBitRate, TUint& aTimeScale) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetContainerProperties(TUint& aSize, TUint& aAvgBitRate) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetNumBufferedBytes(TInt& aNum) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetFrameType(T3GPFrameType& aType) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameSize(TUint& aSize) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioFramesSize(TUint& aSize) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoDecoderSpecificInfoSize(TInt& aSize) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoDecoderSpecificInfo(TDes8& aInfo) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioDecoderSpecificInfoSize(TInt& aSize) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioDecoderSpecificInfo(TDes8& aBuffer) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoTimestamp(TUint& aTimeStampInMs, TUint& aTimeStampInTimescale) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetStreamable(TBool& aStreamable) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Seek(TUint aPosition, TBool aKeyFrame, TUint& aAudioPosition, TUint& aVideoPosition) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetFrameAvailability(T3GPFrameType aType, TBool& aAvailable) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetNumberOfVideoFrames(TUint& aNum) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoSampleEntryIndex(TUint& aIndex) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameSize(TUint aIndex, TUint& aSize) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameStartTime(TUint aIndex, TUint& aTimeStampInMs, TUint& aTimeStampInTimescale) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameKeyType(TUint aIndex, TBool& aKeyFrame) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioSampleEntryIndex(TUint& aIndex) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetQcelpStorageMode(T3GPQcelpStorageMode& aMode) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetH263VideoLevel(TInt& aLevel) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetUserDataAtomSize(TUint32 aType, T3GPUdtaLocation aLocation, TUint& aAtomIndex, TInt& aSize) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetUserDataAtom(TUint32 aType, T3GPUdtaLocation aLocation, TDes8& aBuffer, TUint& aAtomIndex) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameDependencies(T3GPFrameDependencies& aDependencies) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameProperties(TUint aStartIndex, TUint aNumberOfFrames, RArray<T3GPFrameInfoParameters>& aArray) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt ReadVideoFrame(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aKeyFrame, TUint& aTimeStampInMs, TUint& aTimeStampInTimescale) const;
+ IMPORT_C void ReadVideoFrame(M3GPParseCallback& aCallback, TDes8& aBuffer);
+ IMPORT_C TInt ReadAudioFrames(TDes8& aBuffer, TInt& aReturnedFrames, TUint& aTimeStampInMs, TUint& aTimeStampInTimescale) const;
+ IMPORT_C void ReadAudioFrames(M3GPParseCallback& aCallback, TDes8& aBuffer);
+ IMPORT_C void CancelReadFrame();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Complete();
+ C3GPParse(TInt aReadBufferSize = 0);
+ TInt SymbianOSError(MP4Err aError) const;
+ TInt DoGetVideoProperties() const;
+ TInt DoGetAudioProperties() const;
+ TInt DoGetStreamProperties() const;
+ T3GPVideoType WrapperVideoType(TUint aType) const;
+ T3GPAudioType WrapperAudioType(TUint aType) const;
+ mp4_u8 UdtaLocation(T3GPUdtaLocation aLocation) const;
+ void Reset();
+ static void Panic(TInt aPanic);
+ // From M3GPMP4LibAsyncObserver
+ void M3GPMP4LibVideoFrameAvailable(MP4Err aError, mp4_u32 aFrameSize, mp4_u32 aTimeStamp, mp4_bool aKeyFrame, mp4_u32 aTimestamp2);
+ void M3GPMP4LibAudioFramesAvailable(MP4Err aError, mp4_u32 aAudioSize, mp4_u32 aTimeStamp, mp4_u32 aReturnedFrames, mp4_u32 aTimestamp2);
+ MP4Handle iHandler;
+ TInt iReadBufferSize;
+ // Async read
+ M3GPParseCallback* iCallback;
+ TDes8* iAsyncReadBuffer;
+ TBool iDuplicateFileHandleCreated;
+ RFile64 iFile;
+ // Video properties
+ mutable T3GPVideoType iVideoType;
+ mutable TUint iVideoLength;
+ mutable TUint iVideoMp4Type;
+ mutable TReal iVideoFrameRate;
+ mutable TSize iVideoSize;
+ mutable TUint iVideoTimeScale;
+ mutable TBool iVideoPropertiesSaved;
+ mutable TInt iVideoError;
+ // Audio Properties
+ mutable T3GPAudioType iAudioType;
+ mutable TUint iAudioLength;
+ mutable TUint iAudioMp4Type;
+ mutable TReal iAudioFramesPerSample;
+ mutable TSize iAudioSize;
+ mutable TUint iAudioTimeScale;
+ mutable TUint iAudioAvgBitRate;
+ mutable TBool iAudioPropertiesSaved;
+ mutable TInt iAudioError;
+ // Stream properties
+ mutable TUint iStreamAvgBitRate;
+ mutable TUint iStreamSize;
+ mutable TBool iStreamPropertiesSaved;
+ mutable TInt iStreamError;
+ };
+A mixin class to be implemented by the client in order to use the asynchronous frame retrieval
+APIs provided by the C3GPParse class. The derived class methods are called by C3GPParse when
+the audio/video frames retrieval completes, successful or not.
+class M3GPParseCallback
+ {
+ /**
+ This is called upon the completion of an asynchronous request to retrieve audio
+ frames by the API C3GPParse::ReadAudioFramesAsync.
+ @see C3GPParse::ReadAudioFramesAsync
+ @param aError Returns KErrNone on success. Returns KErrAccessDenied if the 3GP Parser is in buffer mode.
+ Otherwise, returns one of the system wide error codes. See synchronous version of
+ C3GPParse::ReadAudioFrames.
+ @param aReturnedFrames Number of the returned frames or 0 if not known.
+ @param aTimeStampInMs Audio frame presentation time in milliseconds from the beginning of the audio sequence.
+ @param aTimeStampInTimescale Audio frame presentation time in timescale from the beginning of the audio sequence.
+ */
+ virtual void AudioFramesAvailable(TInt aError, TUint aReturnedFrames, TUint aTimeStampInMs, TUint aTimeStampInTimescale) = 0;
+ /**
+ VideoFrameAvailable is called upon completion of an asynchronous request to retrieve
+ video frames by the API C3GPParse::ReadVideoFrameAsync.
+ @see C3GPParse::ReadVideoFrameAsync
+ @param aError Returns KErrNone on success. Returns KErrAccessDenied if the 3GP Parser is in buffer mode.
+ Otherwise, returns one of the system wide error codes. See synchronous version of
+ C3GPParse::ReadVideoFrame.
+ @param aKeyFrame Returns ETrue if the current frame is a key frame (intra), otherwise the value is EFalse.
+ @param aTimeStampInMs Video frame presentation time in milliseconds from the beginning of the video sequence.
+ @param aTimeStampInTimescale Video frame presentation time in timescale from the beginning of the video sequence.
+ */
+ virtual void VideoFrameAvailable(TInt aError, TBool aKeyFrame, TUint aTimeStampInMs, TUint aTimeStampInTimescale) = 0;
+ };
+#endif // C3GPLIBRARY_H