Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include "cdevaudio.h"
#include <a3f/maudiostreamobserver.h>
#include <a3f/maudiocodecobserver.h>
#include <a3f/maudiogaincontrolobserver.h>
#include <a3f/msynccisupport.h>
#include <a3f/a3f_trace_utils.h>
class MAudioCodec;
class MAudioGainControl;
* Panic category and codes that DevSoundAdaptor raises on the client
enum TDevSoundAdaptorPanicCode
ECommitFailedDuringStop = 1,
* CDevAudioControl.
* ?description
* @lib mmfdevsoundadaptation.lib
* @since
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDevAudioControl) : public CBase,
public MAudioStreamObserver,
public MAudioGainControlObserver,
public MAudioContextObserver,
public MCustomInterfaceSupportObserver,
public MAudioCodecObserver
enum TStereoCh
* Initialize wanted state control components
* @since
* @return error code
virtual TInt Initialize(TUid aFormat);
* Uninitialize wanted state control components
* @since
* @return error code
virtual TInt Uninitialize();
* Remove any processing unit
* @since
* @return error code
virtual TInt RemoveProcessingUnits();
* Returns the supported Audio settings ie. encoding, sample rates,
* mono/stereo operation, buffer size etc..
* @since
* @param aCaps on return, contains supported capabilities
* @return error code
TInt GetCapabilities(TMMFCapabilities& aCap);
* Returns the current device configuration.
* @since
* @param aConfig on return, contains device settings.
* @return error code
TInt GetConfig(TMMFCapabilities& aConfig);
* Configure CMMFDevSound object with the settings in aConfig. Use this
* to set sampling rate, encoding and mono/stereo.
* Leaves on failure.
* @since
* @param const TMMFCapabilities& aConfig The attribute values to which
* CMMFDevSound object will be configured to.
* @return error code
TInt SetConfig(const TMMFCapabilities& aCaps);
* Initializes and starts the wanted operation (Play, Record, TonePlay).
* @since
* @return error code
virtual TInt ProcessInit();
* Processes the data (PlayData, RecordData).
* @since
* @return void
virtual void ProcessData();
* Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay).
* @since
* @return void
virtual TInt Stop();
* Temporarily Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay).
* @since
* @return void
virtual TInt Pause();
* Returns the samples played/recorded so far
* @since
* @return TInt Returns the samples played/recorded.
virtual TInt GetSamples();
* Retrieves a custom interface to the device.
* @since
* @param TUid aInterfaceId The interface UID, defined with the custom
* interface.
* @return TAny* A pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if
* the device does not implement the interface requested. The
* return value must be cast to the correct type by the user.
virtual TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId);
* Apply gains, balance. Scale gain to underlying (a3f) max gain.
* Assumed to be in active state. When called for SetVolume() etc call on higher-level
* aCommit should be ETrue, and will call Commit() if derived result is KErrNone.
* @param aDevSoundGain the DevSound gain to be applied
* @param aDevSoundMaxGain the cached A3F Max Gain to be used as boundary
* @param aBalance the balance value to be applied
* @param const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aRampDuration The period over
* which the volume is to rise. A zero value causes the
* sample to be played at the normal level for the full duration
* of the playback. A value, which is longer than the duration of
* the overall clip means that the sample never reaches its normal
* volume level.
* @param aBecomingActive indicates if DevSoundAdaptor is becoming active
* which is needed to avoid if a commit here could clash with the one that is going to activate the stream
* @return error code
TInt SetGains(TInt aDevSoundGain, TInt aDevSoundMaxGain, TInt aBalance[2], const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration, TBool aBecomingActive);
* Maps "legacy" volume/gain values to CAP channel array
* @since
void MapGains();
* Destroy logical chain
* @since
* @
TBool DestroyChain();
// From base class MAudioStreamObserver
* Handles audio stream state change event.
virtual void StateEvent(MAudioStream& aStream, TInt aReason, TAudioState aNewState);
* Notifies that adding of processing unit to the stream has been completed
* successfully or otherwise.
virtual void AddProcessingUnitComplete(MAudioStream& aStream, MAudioProcessingUnit* aInstance, TInt aError);
* Notifies that removing of processing unit from the stream has been completed
* successfully or otherwise.
virtual void RemoveProcessingUnitComplete(MAudioStream& aStream, MAudioProcessingUnit* aInstance, TInt aError);
Call-back indicating that is the last buffer has been processed by the sink.
virtual void ProcessingFinished (MAudioStream & aStream);
* Signals completion of a Flush() operation.
virtual void FlushComplete (MAudioStream& aStream, TInt aError);
// From base class MAudioGainControlObserver
* Notifies the observer that the max ramp time supported by the stream, has changed.
* @since
* @param aStream a reference to the stream whose max ramp time changed.
virtual void MaxRampTimeChanged(MAudioGainControl& aGain);
* Notifies the observer that the maximum gain value supported by the stream has changed.
* @since
* @param aStream a reference to the stream whose supported con
virtual void MaxGainChanged(MAudioGainControl& aGain);
* Notifies the observer that the stream gain has changes, due to request from the client
* or otherwise.
* If gain change by the client cannot be fulfilled, a gain change with an error code
* other than KErrNone will be issued.
* @since
* @param aStream a reference to the stream whose gain has changed.
* @param aStream an error code. KErrNone if the gain change was requested by the client
* and was completed successfully.
virtual void GainChanged(MAudioGainControl& aGain, TInt aError);
* Saves tonedata for later use
* This includes information about tone type, data, length, etc.
* @since
* @param aToneData
* @return error code
virtual TInt SetToneData(TToneData& aToneData);
// From base class MAudioContextObserver
* Callback to context observer to show progression through Commit() and pre-emption cycles
* @param aEvent a Uid giving the specific event.
* @param aError an error code. KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
virtual void ContextEvent(TUid aEvent, TInt aError);
// from MCustomInterfaceSupportObserver
virtual void CustomInterfaceRemoval(TUid, TAny* aPtr);
//From MAudioCodecObserver
virtual void SampleRateSet(TInt aError);
virtual void ModeSet(TInt aError);
virtual void GetSupportedSampleRatesComplete (TInt aError);
virtual void GetSupportedModesComplete (TInt aError);
* Called when a ProcessingFinished callback is received
* @since
* @param TBool& aAyncCompletion
* @return an error code KErrNone if successful
virtual TInt ProcessingFinishedReceived(TBool& aAyncCompletion);
virtual TInt ProcessingError(TBool& aAyncCompletion);
* EmptyBuffers using A3F::Flush
* @since
* @return an error code. KErrNone if successful
* KErrNotReady if not playing or paused
* KErrNotSupported if the operation is not supported
virtual TInt RequestEmptyBuffers();
* Gets the current play time from the audio renderer
* @since
* @param TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime On return contains the current play time
* @return an error code KErrNone if successful
virtual TInt GetTimePlayed(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime);
* Resume the operation (Play, Record, TonePlay) temporarily paused .
* @since
* @return TInt KErrNone if succesful
* KErrNotSupported if the operation is not supported by this implementation
virtual TInt Resume();
Used to send a stop call when there is a error in the buffer
virtual void BufferErrorEvent();
void ConstructL(CDevAudio* aDevAudio, MDevSoundAdaptationObserver& aDevSoundObserver);
// Ensure iAudioCodecIf is setup properly
TInt CacheAudioCodecIf();
* Returns to initialized state wanted control components
* @since
* @return error code
TInt Unload();
* Panic the thread
* @since
* @param panic code
void Panic(TDevSoundAdaptorPanicCode aCode);
TInt ResolveMode(TUint aMode, TUid& aModeValue);
TInt ResolveSampleRate(TInt aSampleRate, TInt& aSampleRateValue);
TUint GetModes(const RArray<TUid>& aMode);
TUint GetMode(TUid aMode);
TUint GetSampleRates(const RArray<TInt>& aSampleRates);
TUint GetSampleRate(TInt aSampleRates);
void CompleteMessageCap(TInt aError);
* Member data is protected for subclass access
protected: // data
// Not own
CDevAudio *iDevAudio;
* Pointer to audio codec
* Not own.
MAudioCodec* iAudioCodecIf;
* Pointer to audio gain control
* Not own.
MAudioGainControl* iGainControl;
* Observer for callbacks to DevSound Framework
* Not own.
MDevSoundAdaptationObserver *iAdaptationObserver;
* TODO: Review if this for buffer exchange
CMMFBuffer* iBuffer;
* Local cache of volume stuff
TInt iLegacyGain;
TInt iLegacyLeft;
TInt iLegacyRight;
TInt iError;
TBool iGainUpdateNeeded;
TBool iStateEventReceived;
TInt iStateEventError;
TInt iCallbackFromAdaptor;
TInt iProcessingUnitError;
TInt iErrorCondition;
TBool iObserverRegistered;
//Indicates whether the AsyncOperationComplete callback needs to be made during Preemption
TBool iIgnoreAsyncOpComplete;
TBool iPauseResumeSequenceDueToEmptyBuffers;
RArray<TAudioChannelGain> iChannelGains;
RArray<TUid> iSupportedModes;
RArray<TInt> iSupportedRates;
TInt iDesiredSampleRate;
TUid iDesiredMode;
TInt iCurrentSampleRate;
TUid iCurrentMode;
TInt iOutstandingCallbacks;