Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "mmfpcm16ToImaAdpcm.h"
* NewL
CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmHwDevice* CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmHwDevice::NewL()
CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmHwDevice* self=new(ELeave) CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmHwDevice();
return self;
* ~CMMFPcm16ToAlawHwDevice
* ConstructL
void CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmHwDevice::ConstructL()
iCodec = new (ELeave) CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmCodec();
* Codec
CMMFSwCodec &CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmHwDevice::Codec()
return *iCodec;
* ResetL
void CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmCodec::ResetL()
//Reset the actual codec
TMMFImaAdpcmCodecState state;
state.iIndex = 0;
state.iPredicted = 0;
* ProcessL
* @param aSrc src buffer
* @param aDst destination buffer
* @return CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult
* This function converts PCM samples to IMA ADPCM samples in
* blocks of KImaAdpcmBlockAlign (256) bytes. 1010 source
* bytes are required to fill a 256 byte block.
* @pre if last buffer and src contains < 1010 bytes discard input
* This function throws away the last buffer if it contains < 1010 bytes
* (ie we must have sufficient data to process an entire frame )
* All other src buffers must contain
* All destination buffer must contain
CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmCodec::ProcessL(const CMMFBuffer& aSrc, CMMFBuffer& aDst)
CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult result;
result.iCodecProcessStatus = TCodecProcessResult::EProcessComplete;
//convert from generic CMMFBuffer to CMMFDataBuffer
const CMMFDataBuffer* source = STATIC_CAST(const CMMFDataBuffer*, &aSrc);
CMMFDataBuffer* destination = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, &aDst);
//[ source and destination must not be null ]
if( !source || !destination )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
//[ check preconditions ]
if( !BuffersStatus( source, destination ))
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
//[ code the buffers ]
ProcessBuffers( *source, *destination, result );
return result;
* ProcessBuffers
* @param aSource
* @param aDestination
* @param aResult
* all we have to do is find out how many source frames there
* are to process and process them
* finally returning process complete and fillin the status of the result
void CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmCodec::ProcessBuffers(const CMMFDataBuffer& aSource, CMMFDataBuffer& aDestination, CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult& aResult )
//[ calculate how many full buffers are to be processed ]
const TUint srcLen = aSource.Data().Length();
TInt numFullSrcFrames = srcLen/KSourceFrameSize;
TUint8* pSrc = const_cast<TUint8*>(aSource.Data().Ptr());
TUint8* pDst = const_cast<TUint8*>(aDestination.Data().Ptr());
TInt dstBytesAdded = 0;
// calculate number of pcm samples per source frame
const TInt KSamplesPerFrame = KSourceFrameSize/(sizeof(TInt16));
//[ convert all the buffers ]
for( TInt count = 0; count < numFullSrcFrames; count++ )
i16PcmToImaAdpcm.Convert(pSrc, pDst, KSamplesPerFrame );
pSrc += KSourceFrameSize;
pDst += KCodedFrameSize;
dstBytesAdded += KCodedFrameSize;
aResult.iSrcBytesProcessed = numFullSrcFrames*KSourceFrameSize;
aResult.iDstBytesAdded = dstBytesAdded;
aDestination.Data().SetLength( aResult.iDstBytesAdded);
* BuffersStatus
* @param source buffer containing the data to be coded
* @param destination buffer containing the coded data
* @return TBool EFalse indicates bad buffers
TBool CMMFPcm16ToImaAdpcmCodec::BuffersStatus( const CMMFDataBuffer* source, const CMMFDataBuffer* destination )
TBool status = EFalse;
//[ demand source and destination positions are zero ]
CMMFDataBuffer* pDst = const_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( destination );
if( source->Position() || destination->Position() )
return status;
//[ Have we got full buffers ]
TInt sourceBuffers = source->Data().Length()/KSourceFrameSize;
TInt destBuffers = (pDst->Data().MaxLength())/KCodedFrameSize;
if( sourceBuffers <= destBuffers ) // the sink can process the source
return ETrue; // note this precondition has been weakened in line with other codecs
} // such that it can process partially full buffers
// ie you can if you wish use larger buffers than needed and only partially
// fill them. We do however expect all the input to be processed.
return status;