Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This is the public client API for the GifScaler Library
#ifndef __GIFSCALER_H__
#define __GIFSCALER_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <fbs.h>
The public API for clients to call the GifScaler scaling and color quantization library.
class CGifScaler : public CBase
TOptions is an enumeration within the namespace CGifScaler
The enumeration provides a set of supported quantization levels:
(EHighQualityQuantization is the default setting as it provides the
best balance between quality and speed)
enum TOptions
/** Provides the lowest quality, but also the fastest.
/** Provides medium quality quantization
/** Provides high quality quantization
/** Provides the highest quality quantization, but is also the slowest.
IMPORT_C static CGifScaler* NewL(CFbsBitmap& aSource, TOptions aOptions = EHighQualityQuantization);
IMPORT_C static CGifScaler* NewL(CFbsBitmap& aSource, CFbsBitmap& aSourceMask, TOptions aOptions = EHighQualityQuantization);
IMPORT_C ~CGifScaler();
// Scale source and mask -> 8bpp destination. (One of the palette indices is transparent, if a mask is supplied)
IMPORT_C void Scale(TRequestStatus* aStatus, CFbsBitmap& aDestination, CPalette& aPalette, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue);
// Scale source and mask -> 8bpp destination. (As above, except that the transparency threshold must be specified)
IMPORT_C void ThresholdScale(TRequestStatus* aStatus, CFbsBitmap& aDestination, CPalette& aPalette, TUint8 aTransparencyThreshold, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue);
// Cancel scaling.
IMPORT_C void Cancel();
void ConstructL(CFbsBitmap& aSource, CFbsBitmap* aSourceMask, TOptions aOptions);
class CBody;
CBody* iBody;
#endif // __GIFSCALER_H__