author Tapani Kanerva <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:11:25 +0200
changeset 67 b35006be8823
parent 0 40261b775718
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.

// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:


#include <icl/imageprocessor.h>
#include "fwextconstants.h"

//The size of the index lookup table
const TInt KIndexLookupSize = 256;

class CColorImageProcessor; // declared here
 * @internalComponent
 * @see CImageProcessor.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CColorImageProcessor ): public CImageProcessorExtension
	virtual ~CColorImageProcessor();
	// From CImageProcessor (Default implementations)
	TBool SetPixelRun(TRgb aColor,TInt aCount);
	TBool SetPixels(TRgb* aColorBuffer,TInt aBufferLength);
	TBool SetMonoPixel(TInt aGray256);
	TBool SetMonoPixelRun(TInt aGray256,TInt aCount);
	TBool SetMonoPixels(TUint32* aGray256Buffer,TInt aBufferLength);
	TBool SetMonoPixelBlock(TUint32* aGray256Buffer);
	// New - to facilitate default implementation of SetMonoPixelBlock()
	void CreateBlockBufferL(TInt aBlockArea);
	// Used by default implementation of SetMonoPixelBlock()
	TRgb*	iBlockBuffer;
	TInt	iBlockArea;

class CMonochromeImageProcessor; // declared here
 * @internalComponent
 * @see CImageProcessor.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMonochromeImageProcessor ): public CImageProcessorExtension
	virtual ~CMonochromeImageProcessor();
	// From CImageProcessor (Default implementations)
	TBool SetPixel(TRgb aColor);
	TBool SetPixelRun(TRgb aColor,TInt aCount);
	TBool SetPixels(TRgb* aColorBuffer,TInt aBufferLength);
	TBool SetPixelBlock(TRgb* aColorBuffer);
	TBool SetMonoPixelRun(TInt aGray256,TInt aCount);
	TBool SetMonoPixels(TUint32* aGray256Buffer,TInt aBufferLength);
	// New - to facilitate default implementation of SetPixelBlock()
	void CreateBlockBufferL(TInt aBlockArea);
	// Used by default implementation of SetPixelBlock()
	TUint32* iBlockBuffer;
	TInt	 iBlockArea;

class CPixelWriter; // declared here
 * @internalComponent
 * @see CColorImageProcessor.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPixelWriter ): public CColorImageProcessor
	static CPixelWriter* NewL();
	virtual ~CPixelWriter();
	// From CImageProcessor
	void PrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect);
	void PrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect,const TSize& aRgbBlockSize);
	void SetYPosIncrement(TInt aYInc);
	void SetLineRepeat(TInt aLineRepeat);
	void SetPixelPadding(TInt aNumberOfPixels);
	TBool SetPixel(TRgb aColor);
	TBool SetPixelRun(TRgb aColor,TInt aCount);
	TBool SetPixels(TRgb* aColorBuffer, TInt aBufferLength);
	TBool SetPixelBlock(TRgb* aColorBuffer);
	TBool SetPos(const TPoint& aPosition);
	TBool FlushPixels();
	// New
	virtual void Reset();
	virtual void DoPrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect,const TSize* aBlockSize);
	virtual void SetPixelBufferIndex(TRgb* aColorBuffer,TInt aCount);	//Used by FlushPixels to convert buffered 'SetPixel's
	virtual void SetPixelBlockIndex(TRgb* aColorBuffer);	//Used by SetPixelBlock
	virtual TBool NewLine();
	TInt iYInc;
	TInt iLineRepeat;
	TInt iPixelPadding;
	TInt iPixelsToSkip;
	TPoint iPos;
	TRect iImageRegion;
	TSize iBlockSize;
	TInt iBlockArea;
	TImageBitmapUtil iUtil;
	TColorConvertor* iColorConv;
	TRgb* iRgbBuffer;
	TRgb* iRgbBufferPtr;
	TRgb* iRgbBufferPtrLimit;
	TUint32* iIndexBuffer;
	TUint32* iIndexBufferPtrLimit;
	TDisplayMode iDisplayMode;
	TBool iDrawBottomUp;

class CMonochromePixelWriter; // declared here
 * @internalComponent
 * @see CMonochromeImageProcessor.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMonochromePixelWriter ): public CMonochromeImageProcessor
	static CMonochromePixelWriter* NewL();
	virtual ~CMonochromePixelWriter();
	// From CImageProcessor
	void PrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect);
	void PrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect,const TSize& aRgbBlockSize);
	void SetYPosIncrement(TInt aYInc);
	void SetLineRepeat(TInt aLineRepeat);
	void SetPixelPadding(TInt aNumberOfPixels);
	TBool SetMonoPixel(TInt aGray256);
	TBool SetMonoPixelRun(TInt aGray256,TInt aCount);
	TBool SetMonoPixels(TUint32* aGray256Buffer,TInt aBufferLength);
	TBool SetMonoPixelBlock(TUint32* aGray256Buffer);
	TBool SetPos(const TPoint& aPosition);
	TBool FlushPixels();
	// New
	virtual void Reset();
	virtual void DoPrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect,const TSize* aBlockSize);
	virtual void SetPixelBufferIndex(TUint32* aGray256Buffer,TInt aCount);	//Used by FlushPixels to convert buffered 'SetPixel's
	virtual void SetPixelBlockIndex(TUint32* aGray256Buffer);	//Used by SetPixelBlock
	virtual TBool NewLine();
	TInt iYInc;
	TInt iLineRepeat;
	TInt iPixelPadding;
	TInt iPixelsToSkip;
	TPoint iPos;
	TRect iImageRegion;
	TSize iBlockSize;
	TInt iBlockArea;
	TImageBitmapUtil iUtil;
	TColorConvertor* iColorConv;
	TUint32* iGray256Buffer;
	TUint32* iGray256BufferPtr;
	TUint32* iGray256BufferPtrLimit;
	TUint32* iIndexBuffer;
	TUint32* iIndexBufferPtrLimit;
	TUint32 iIndexLookup[KIndexLookupSize];
	TBool iDrawBottomUp;

class CErrorDiffuser; // declared here
 * @internalComponent
 * @see CPixelWriter.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CErrorDiffuser ): public CPixelWriter
	IMPORT_C static CErrorDiffuser* NewL();
	virtual ~CErrorDiffuser();
	class TColorError
		inline void AdjustColor(TRgb& aColor) const;
		inline TColorError();
		inline TColorError(TInt aRedError,TInt aGreenError,TInt aBlueError);
		inline void SetError(TRgb aIdealColor,TRgb aActualColor);
		inline TColorError operator+(const TColorError& aColorError) const;
		inline TColorError operator-(const TColorError& aColorError) const;
		inline TColorError operator<<(TInt aShift) const;
		inline TColorError& operator+=(const TColorError& aColorError);
		TInt iRedError;
		TInt iGreenError;
		TInt iBlueError;
	// From CPixelWriter
	void Reset();
	void DoPrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect,const TSize* aBlockSize);
	void SetPixelBufferIndex(TRgb* aColorBuffer,TInt aCount);
	void SetPixelBlockIndex(TRgb* aColorBuffer);
	void SetPixelBufferColor64KIndex(TRgb* aColorBuffer,TInt aCount);
	// optimized version of ClampColorComponent
	inline TInt ClipColorComponent(TInt value);
	TColorError* iScanlineErrorBuffer;
	TColorError* iEdgeErrorBuffer;
	TColorError iNextError;
	TPoint iLastPos;
	// for fast 64K mode
	TInt8* iRedErrorLookupTable;
	TInt8* iGreenErrorLookupTable;
	TInt iNextRedError;
	TInt iNextGreenError;
	TInt iNextBlueError;

class CMonochromeErrorDiffuser; // declared here
 * @internalComponent
 * @see CMonochromePixelWriter.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMonochromeErrorDiffuser ): public CMonochromePixelWriter
	static CMonochromeErrorDiffuser* NewL();
	virtual ~CMonochromeErrorDiffuser();
	// From CMonochromePixelWriter
	void Reset();
	void DoPrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect,const TSize* aBlockSize);
	void SetPixelBufferIndex(TUint32* aGray256Buffer,TInt aCount);
	void SetPixelBlockIndex(TUint32* aGray256Buffer);
	TInt* iScanlineErrorBuffer;
	TInt* iEdgeErrorBuffer;
	TInt iNextError;
	TPoint iLastPos;

class CThumbnailProcessor; // declared here
 * @internalComponent
 * @see CColorImageProcessor.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CThumbnailProcessor ): public CColorImageProcessor
	static CThumbnailProcessor* NewL(CImageProcessorExtension* aImageProc,TInt aReductionFactor);
	virtual ~CThumbnailProcessor();
	// From CImageProcessor
	void PrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect);
	void PrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect,const TSize& aRgbBlockSize);
	void SetYPosIncrement(TInt aYInc);
	void SetLineRepeat(TInt aLineRepeat);
	void SetPixelPadding(TInt aNumberOfPixels);
	TBool SetPixel(TRgb aColor);
	TBool SetPixelBlock(TRgb* aColorBuffer);
	TBool SetPos(const TPoint& aPosition);
	TBool FlushPixels();
	// New
	CThumbnailProcessor(CImageProcessorExtension* aImageProc,TInt aReductionFactor);
	void PrepareCommonL(const TRect& aImageRect);
	void DoFlushPixels();
	TBool NewLine();
	class TColorSum
		TInt iRed;
		TInt iGreen;
		TInt iBlue;
		TInt iCount;
	CImageProcessorExtension* iImageProc;
	TPoint iPos;
	TBool iPositionChanged;
	TInt iPixelPadding;
	TInt iEndOfLineX;
	TInt iYInc;
	TRect iImageRegion;
	TSize iOriginalBlockSize;
	TInt iReductionFactor;
	TRect iReducedImageRegion;
	TSize iReducedBlockSize;
	TRgb* iReducedPixelBuffer;
	TColorSum* iReducedSumBuffer;
	TBool iDrawBottomUp;

class CMonochromeThumbnailProcessor; // declared here
 * @internalComponent
 * @see CMonochromeImageProcessor.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMonochromeThumbnailProcessor ): public CMonochromeImageProcessor
	static CMonochromeThumbnailProcessor* NewL(CImageProcessorExtension* aImageProc,TInt aReductionFactor);
	virtual ~CMonochromeThumbnailProcessor();
	// From CImageProcessor
	void PrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect);
	void PrepareL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,const TRect& aImageRect,const TSize& aRgbBlockSize);
	void SetYPosIncrement(TInt aYInc);
	void SetLineRepeat(TInt aLineRepeat);
	void SetPixelPadding(TInt aNumberOfPixels);
	TBool SetMonoPixel(TInt aGray256);
	TBool SetMonoPixelRun(TInt aGray256,TInt aCount);
	TBool SetMonoPixelBlock(TUint32* aGray256Buffer);
	TBool SetPos(const TPoint& aPosition);
	TBool FlushPixels();
	// New
	CMonochromeThumbnailProcessor(CImageProcessorExtension* aImageProc,TInt aReductionFactor);
	void PrepareCommonL(const TRect& aImageRect);
	void DoFlushPixels();
	TBool NewLine();
	class TMonochromeSum
		TInt iLevel;
		TInt iCount;
	CImageProcessorExtension* iImageProc;
	TPoint iPos;
	TBool iPositionChanged;
	TInt iPixelPadding;
	TInt iEndOfLineX;
	TInt iYInc;
	TRect iImageRegion;
	TSize iOriginalBlockSize;
	TInt iReductionFactor;
	TRect iReducedImageRegion;
	TSize iReducedBlockSize;
	TUint32* iReducedPixelBuffer;
	TMonochromeSum* iReducedSumBuffer;
	TBool iDrawBottomUp;