Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file contains declaration for image transform
// Test Design:
// Test Spec:
#ifndef __IMAGETRANS_H__
#define __IMAGETRANS_H__
#include "e32base.h"
#include "e32std.h"
#include "e32cons.h"
#include "e32cmn.h"
#include "bacline.h"
#include "f32file.h"
#include <imagetransform.h>
#include <imageconversion.h>
#include <icl/squeezetransformextension.h>
#include <icl/orientationtransformextension.h>
#include <icl/overlaytransformextension.h>
#ifndef EXIT_FAILURE /* define exit() codes if not provided */
#define EXIT_FAILURE 0
#ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS /* define exit() codes if not provided */
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 1
typedef enum
ITRAN_NONE, /* no transformation */
ITRAN_TRANSPOSE, /* 90-degree rotation + horzontal flip */
ITRAN_TRANSVERSE, /* 270-degree rotation + horzontal flip */
ITRAN_SQU, /* squeezing with proposed size */
ITRAN_AUTOSQU, /* autosqueezing with proposed size and resize action */
ITRAN_HELP /* help for the imagetran tool */
typedef struct
ITRAN_CODES iTransform;
TFileName iOutputfile;
TFileName iInputfile;
_LIT8(KToolName, "imagetran");
const TInt KChunkDataOffset = 0; //the data offset from where the image frame starts
const TUid KImageFramePluginUid = {0x101F7C60};
static ITRAN_CMD_INFO iTransOpt; // Transformation option
class CActiveListener : public CActive
CActiveListener() : CActive(CActive::EPriorityIdle) { CActiveScheduler::Add(this); }
void InitialiseActiveListener() { SetActive(); }
// From CActive
virtual void RunL() { CActiveScheduler::Stop(); }
virtual void DoCancel() {};
class CActiveTransformListener : public CActiveListener
void InitialiseActiveListener(CImageTransform* aTransform)
iTransform = aTransform;
// From CActive
virtual void DoCancel()
if (iTransform)
CImageTransform* iTransform;
class CITArgsandFuncts :public CBase
/* Constructor for parsing the command line arguments */
/* Create the CITArgsandFuncts object */
static CITArgsandFuncts* NewL();
void ConstructL();
/* Destrcutor */
/* Start the image transformation by parsing the commandline arguments */
void ImageTranMainL();
/*Receive Arguments and perform the operation based on the option */
void ImageTransformL();
/* Perform transformations squeeze,autosqueeze,rotation/flip,overlay, */
void Peform_TransformationL();
/* Usage of the Imagetran Command line tool */
void ImageTranUsage ();
/* exit imagetran tool */
void ExitImageTranTool();
/* Parse switches */
void ParseSwitches (TInt aArgCount);
/* Parsing squeeze transformation parameters */
TInt ParseSqueezeParams(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing autosqueeze transformation parameters */
TInt ParseAutoSqueezeParams(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing flip transformation parameters */
TInt ParseFlipParams(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing Rotate transformation parameters */
TInt ParseRotateParams(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing Transpose transformation parameters */
TInt ParseTransposeParams(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing Transverse transformation parameters */
TInt ParseTransverseParams(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing Overlay transformation parameters */
TInt ParseOverlayParams(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing proposedsizeinbytes for squeeze & autosqueeze transformation */
TInt ParseProposedSize(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing maximagesize for autosqueeze transformation */
TInt ParseMaxImageSize(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing minimagesize for autosqueeze transformation */
TInt ParseMinImageSize(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing squeeze options for autosqueeze transformation */
TInt ParseSqueezeOptions(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing qualityfactor for autosqueeze transformation */
TInt ParseQualityFactor(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing colormode(sampling) for autosqueeze tarnsformation */
TInt ParseColorMode(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing flip options for flip transformation */
TInt ParseFlipOpt(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing rotation angle for rotate transformation */
TInt ParseRotationAngle(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing overlay position for overlay transformation */
TInt ParseOverlayPosition(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing inputfile name for transformation */
TInt ParseInputFile(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing outputfile name for transformation */
TInt ParseOutputFile(TInt aArgNum);
/* Parsing overlayfile name for overlay transformation */
TInt ParseOverLayFile(TInt aArgNum);
/*Case-insensitive matching of possibly-abbreviated keyword switches*/
TBool KeywordMatch (TPtrC aKeyMatch, const TDesC16& aKeyword, TInt aMinchars);
/* Read next argument from commandline */
void ReadNextArg(TInt aArgNum);
/* Get the input image size to valiadte MaxImagesize and MinImagesize against input image size */
void Fetch_ImageSize();
/* Validate imagesize to check it not a alphanumeric or alphabetic */
TUint ValidateImageSize();
/* To detect multiple transform options and set the transforma option slected */
void Select_Transform (ITRAN_CODES aTransform);
/* Set source and destination file, squeeze option transformation,
orientation uid for rotate,flip,transpose or transverse option */
void SetupTransformation (ITRAN_CODES aTransCode);
/* Set extension, overlayfile and overlay position for overlay comamnd */
void SetupOverlayTrans();
CImageTransform* iImageTransform;
CCommandLineArguments* iCmdArgs; // To hold teh command line args
CConsoleBase* iConsole; // To print the messages on console
TPtrC iOutputfile, iInputfile; // To hold the i/p and o/p files
TPtrC iOverlayfile; // To hold the overlay file
TFileName iToolName; // To hold the toolname for console messages purposes
TBuf8<596> iArgBuf; // To hold all the comamnd line args in buffer
TPtrC iArgumentPtr; // To extract the command line args
TUint iProposedSize; // Proposed size for squeezing
RFs iFs;
TSize iInputImageSize; // Inputfile image size for validating max and min image size
CSqueezeTransformExtension* iTransExtn; // Transofrmation extension such as squeeze, rotate, flip or overlay
CActiveScheduler* iScheduler;
TInt iColorMode; // If 0-420,1-422,2-444,3-411 colour samlping autosqueeze. This is an optional parameter.
TBool iEndOfCmd; // If true-> end of cmd args reached, if false-> still cmd args are there
TUid iSamplingUid; // Sampling uid based on clourmode for autosqueeze
COrientationTransformExtension* iTransOrientation; // Transformation orientation for image like rotate,flip,transpose,transverse
COverlayTransformExtension* iOverlayExtn; // OverLay extension for overlay transformation
COrientationTransformExtension::TOrientation iOrientation; // Transformation orientation for image like rotate,flip,transpose,transverse
TAdvancedSqueezeParams iSqueezeAutoResizeParams; // Provides advanced parameters for autosqueezing
TPoint iPoint;
#endif // __IMAGETRANS_H__