Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
Callback interface which is used to notify a client that a buffer has been
class MBufferWrittenObserver
virtual void BufferWritten(const TPtrC8& aWritten, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
class CBufferPool;
class RFile;
// can be used to emulate slow media on emulator
// for debugging/unittest purpose
#if ( defined(__WINS__) || defined(_DEBUG) )
const TUid KUidIclTestEmulateSlowMedia = { 0x10273823 };
class CCallbackTimer;
Asynchronous file writer which manages memory buffers and provides with
asynchronous file writing service, which gives performance increase
in case of writing large files (> 64K) onto slow/high latency media
class CAsyncFileWriter; //declared here
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAsyncFileWriter ): public CActive
// defines maximum number of pending buffers which can be held in the Q, must be power of 2
KMaxNumOfBuffers = 4,
static CAsyncFileWriter* NewL(MBufferWrittenObserver& aObserver, RFile& aFile, TInt aBufferSize);
To check a buffer out of the buffer pool,
@return buffer pointer
void CheckBufferOut(TPtr8& aBuffer);
To return a buffer back to the buffer pool,
@param buffer pointer
void CheckBufferIn(const TPtrC8& aBuffer);
To put a buffer into file writing Q
void WriteBufferL(const TDesC8& aBuf, TInt aFilePos);
To write all the pending buffers synchronously
TInt FlushBuffers();
CAsyncFileWriter(MBufferWrittenObserver& aObserver, RFile& aFile);
void ConstructL(TInt aBufferSize);
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
TInt WriteNextBuffer();
TInt WaitForCurrentBuffer();
void HandleBufferCompletion(TInt aError);
TPtrC8 iBufPtr[KMaxNumOfBuffers]; // array of pending buffer pointers
TInt iFilePos[KMaxNumOfBuffers]; // array of positions within the destination file
TInt iCurrentBuf; // index of the current buffer being written
TInt iNumOfPendingBuffs; // number of buffer pointer in the Q
MBufferWrittenObserver& iObserver; // observer interface pointer
RFile* const iFile; // destination file handle
CBufferPool* iBufferPool; // memory buffer manager
#ifdef WRITER_EMULATE_SLOW_MEDIA // can be used to emulate slow media (for testing)
static TInt TimerGate(TAny* aPtr);
CCallbackTimer* iCallbackTimer;
TBool iDelayOff;
TBool iEmulateSlowMedia;
#endif // ndef ASYNCFILEWRITER_H