author Tapani Kanerva <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:11:25 +0200
changeset 67 b35006be8823
parent 0 40261b775718
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Example implementation of CDvbhReceiverInfo


#include "dvbhreceiverinfo.h"
#include "dvbhreceiverinfoobserver.h"
#include "dvbhtypes.h"
#include "dvbhstubcommon.h"
#include <in_sock.h>
* CDvbhReceiverInfo::CPrivateData contains the (implementation specific) private data of CDvbhReceiverInfo.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDvbhReceiverInfo::CPrivateData) : public CBase
    // Internal observer classes to monitor for RProperty changes.
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*  iStatePropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iSignalQualityPropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iPlatformPropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iNetworkTimePropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iFrequencyPropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iCellIdPropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iNetworkIdPropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iExtBatteryPropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iExtConnectionPropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iMtvAccConnectionPropertyObserver;
    CDvbhPropertyObserver*	iMtvAccAntennaConnectionPropertyObserver;

    // Wrappers around the external observer classes. To be called upon
    // when a property change is detected.
    TDvbhStateNotifier iStateNotifier;
	TDvbhSignalQualityNotifier iSignalQualityNotifier;
	TDvbhPlatformNotifier iPlatformNotifier;	
	TDvbhNetworkTimeNotifier iNetworkTimeNotifier;
	TDvbhFrequencyNotifier iFrequencyNotifier;
	TDvbhCellIdNotifier iCellIdNotifier;
	TDvbhNetworkIdNotifier iNetworkIdNotifier;	
    TDvbhExtBatteryStateNotifier iExtBatteryNotifier;
    TDvbhExtConnectionStateNotifier iExtConnectionNotifier;
    TMtvAccConnectionStateNotifier iMtvAccConnectionNotifier;
    TMtvAccAntennaConnectionStateNotifier iMtvAccAntennaConnectionNotifier;

    delete iStatePropertyObserver;
    delete iSignalQualityPropertyObserver;
    delete iPlatformPropertyObserver;
    delete iNetworkTimePropertyObserver;
    delete iFrequencyPropertyObserver;
    delete iCellIdPropertyObserver;
    delete iNetworkIdPropertyObserver;
    delete iExtBatteryPropertyObserver;
    delete iExtConnectionPropertyObserver;
    delete iMtvAccConnectionPropertyObserver;
    delete iMtvAccAntennaConnectionPropertyObserver;
* Helper function to check if the current receiver state is EDvbhStateReceiving or EDvbhStateReady.
* If aCheckReceivingOnly is EFalse, then it returns KErrNone if the current state is either EDvbhStateReceiving or EDvbhStateReady.
* If aCheckReceivingOnly is ETrue, then will only return KErrNone if the current state is EDvbhStateReceiving.
* @param aCheckReceivingOnly ETrue if you only want to check for EDvbhStateReceiving, otherwise will check for EDvbhStateReceiving or EDvbhStateReady.
* @return KErrNone if the current state equals EDvbhStateReceiving or EDvbhStateReady, and aCheckReceivingOnly equals EFalse.  If aCheckReceivingOnly equals ETrue, the KErrNone only if current state is EDvbhStateReceiving.  Otherwise a system-wide error code.
static TInt VerifyReadyOrReceiving(TBool aCheckReceivingOnly = EFalse)
	TDvbhState state = EDvbhStateInactive;
	TInt result = CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetState(state);
	if (result != KErrNone)
		return result;
	if (state != EDvbhStateReceiving && (state != EDvbhStateReady || aCheckReceivingOnly) )
		return KErrNotReady;
	return KErrNone;
* Example implementation of CDvbhReceiverInfo

EXPORT_C CDvbhReceiverInfo* CDvbhReceiverInfo::NewL()
	CDvbhReceiverInfo* self = CDvbhReceiverInfo::NewLC();
	return self;

EXPORT_C CDvbhReceiverInfo* CDvbhReceiverInfo::NewLC()
	CDvbhReceiverInfo* self = new (ELeave) CDvbhReceiverInfo;
	return self;	

EXPORT_C CDvbhReceiverInfo::CDvbhReceiverInfo()
void CDvbhReceiverInfo::ConstructL()
	iData = new (ELeave) CPrivateData;
EXPORT_C CDvbhReceiverInfo::~CDvbhReceiverInfo()
	delete iData;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetState( TDvbhState& aState )
	TInt state = 0;
	TInt result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyState, state);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		aState = static_cast<TDvbhState>(state);
	return result;	

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetStateObserver( MDvbhStateObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iStatePropertyObserver;
	iData->iStatePropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iStatePropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;

	return iData->iStatePropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iStateNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetSignalQuality( TDvbhSignalQuality& aSignalQuality )
	// API documentation states that this method may only be called if the receiver 
	// is in the Receiving state.
	TInt result = VerifyReadyOrReceiving(ETrue); //ETrue parameter means check for Receiving state only
	if (result != KErrNone)
		return result;
	// The receiver is in the correct state so we may proceed.
	TInt quality = 0;
	result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeySignalQuality, quality);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		aSignalQuality = static_cast<TDvbhSignalQuality>(quality);
	return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetSignalQualityObserver( MDvbhSignalQualityObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iSignalQualityPropertyObserver;
	iData->iSignalQualityPropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iSignalQualityPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	return iData->iSignalQualityPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iSignalQualityNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetPlatform( TDvbhPlatform& aPlatform, TIp6Addr& aESGRoot )
	// API documentation states that this method may only be called if the receiver 
	// is in the Ready or Receiving state.
	TInt result = VerifyReadyOrReceiving();
	if (result != KErrNone)
		return result;
	// The receiver is in the correct state so we may proceed.
	TDvbhPlatformProperty platform;		
	TPckg<TDvbhPlatformProperty> platformPckg(platform);
	result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyPlatform, platformPckg);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		aPlatform.iId = platform.iPlatform.iId;
		aPlatform.iName = platform.iPlatform.iName;
		aESGRoot = platform.iEsgRoot;
	return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetPlatformObserver( MDvbhPlatformObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iPlatformPropertyObserver;
	iData->iPlatformPropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iPlatformPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	return iData->iPlatformPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iPlatformNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetNetworkTime( TTime& aNetworkTime, TBool& aValid )
	TDvbhNetworkTime networkTime;
	TPckg<TDvbhNetworkTime> timePckg(networkTime);
	TInt result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyNetworkTime, timePckg);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		//API documentation states that KErrNotReady should be returned if a platform has
		//never been set on the receiver.
		if (networkTime.iPlatformId == KDvbhInvalidPlatform)
			result = KErrNotReady;
			//The platform is valid, but it might be old.  It will be old if there is no
			//current platform set, i.e. if the state is not Ready or Receiving.  Set the aValid
			//bool based on whether or not it the platform is old.
			if (VerifyReadyOrReceiving() == KErrNone)
				aValid = ETrue;
				aValid = EFalse;
			//Finally, update the time
			aNetworkTime = networkTime.iNetworkTime;	
	return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetNetworkTimeObserver( MDvbhNetworkTimeObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iNetworkTimePropertyObserver;
	iData->iNetworkTimePropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iNetworkTimePropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	return iData->iNetworkTimePropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iNetworkTimeNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetPerformanceData( TDvbhPerformanceData& aPerformanceData )
	TPckg<TDvbhPerformanceData> performancePckg(aPerformanceData);
	return RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyPerformanceData, performancePckg);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetFrequency( TDvbhFrequency& aFrequency )
	// API documentation states that this method may only be called if the receiver 
	// is in the Ready or Receiving state.
	TInt result = VerifyReadyOrReceiving();
	if (result != KErrNone)
		return result;
	// The receiver is in the correct state so we may proceed.	
	TInt frequency = 0;
	result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyFrequency, frequency);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		aFrequency = static_cast<TDvbhFrequency>(frequency);
	return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetFrequencyObserver( MDvbhFrequencyObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iFrequencyPropertyObserver;
	iData->iFrequencyPropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iFrequencyPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	return iData->iFrequencyPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iFrequencyNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetCellId( TDvbhCellId& aCellId )
	// API documentation states that this method may only be called if the receiver 
	// is in the Ready or Receiving state.
	TInt result = VerifyReadyOrReceiving();
	if (result != KErrNone)
		return result;
	// The receiver is in the correct state so we may proceed.
	TInt cellId = 0;
	result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyCellId, cellId);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		aCellId = static_cast<TDvbhCellId>(cellId);
	return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetCellIdObserver( MDvbhCellIdObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iCellIdPropertyObserver;
	iData->iCellIdPropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iCellIdPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	return iData->iCellIdPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iCellIdNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetNetworkId( TDvbhNetworkId& aNetworkId )
	// API documentation states that this method may only be called if the receiver 
	// is in the Ready or Receiving state.
	TInt result = VerifyReadyOrReceiving();
	if (result != KErrNone)
		return result;
	// The receiver is in the correct state so we may proceed.
	TInt networkId = 0;
	result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyNetworkId, networkId);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		aNetworkId = static_cast<TDvbhNetworkId>(networkId);
	return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetNetworkIdObserver( MDvbhNetworkIdObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iNetworkIdPropertyObserver;
	iData->iNetworkIdPropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iNetworkIdPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	return iData->iNetworkIdPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iNetworkIdNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetBatteryState( TDvbhExtBatteryState& aState )
	// The receiver is in the correct state so we may proceed.
	TInt state = 0;
	TInt result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyExtBatteryState, state);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		aState = static_cast<TDvbhExtBatteryState>(state);
	return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetBatteryStateObserver( MDvbhExtBatteryStateObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iExtBatteryPropertyObserver;
	iData->iExtBatteryPropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iExtBatteryPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	return iData->iExtBatteryPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iExtBatteryNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetExtConnectionState( TDvbhExtConnectionState& aConnectionState, const TDvbhReceiverType& aReceiver )
	// The receiver is in the correct state so we may proceed.
	TInt state = 0;
    TInt result = KErrNone;
    switch (aReceiver)
        case EDvbhReceiverIntegrated:
            result = KErrArgument;
	    case EDvbhReceiverBluetooth:
            result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KDvbhPropertyKeyExtConnectionState, state);
	    case EDvbhReceiverUsbAccessory:
            result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KMtvAccAttachedKey, state);
            result = KErrArgument;
    aConnectionState = EDvbhExtNotConnected;
    if (result == KErrNone)
		aConnectionState = static_cast<TDvbhExtConnectionState>(state);
	result = KErrNone;
    return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetExtConnectionStateObserver( MDvbhExtConnectionObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iExtConnectionPropertyObserver;
	delete iData->iMtvAccConnectionPropertyObserver;
	iData->iExtConnectionPropertyObserver = NULL;
	iData->iMtvAccConnectionPropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iExtConnectionPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	if ((iData->iMtvAccConnectionPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TInt result = iData->iExtConnectionPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iExtConnectionNotifier);
	if (result == KErrNone)
        result = iData->iMtvAccConnectionPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iMtvAccConnectionNotifier);
    return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetExtAntennaConnectionState( TDvbhExtAntennaConnectionState& aConnectionState, const TDvbhReceiverType& aReceiver )
	// The receiver is in the correct state so we may proceed.
	TInt state = 0;
    TInt result = KErrNone;
    switch (aReceiver)
        case EDvbhReceiverIntegrated:
            result = KErrArgument;
	    case EDvbhReceiverBluetooth:
            result = KErrArgument;
	    case EDvbhReceiverUsbAccessory:
            result = RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KMtvAccAntennaKey, state);
            result = KErrArgument;
    aConnectionState = EDvbhExtAntennaNotConnected;
    if (result == KErrNone)
		aConnectionState = static_cast<TDvbhExtAntennaConnectionState>(state);
	result = KErrNone;
    return result;

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetExtAntennaConnectionStateObserver( MDvbhExtAntennaConnectionObserver& aObserver )
	delete iData->iMtvAccAntennaConnectionPropertyObserver;
	iData->iMtvAccAntennaConnectionPropertyObserver = NULL;
	if ((iData->iMtvAccAntennaConnectionPropertyObserver = new CDvbhPropertyObserver) == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
    return iData->iMtvAccAntennaConnectionPropertyObserver->SetObserver(&iData->iMtvAccAntennaConnectionNotifier);

EXPORT_C TInt CDvbhReceiverInfo::GetExtDeviceInfo( TDvbhAccessoryInfo& aDeviceInfo, const TDvbhReceiverType& /*aReceiver*/ )
	TPckg<TDvbhAccessoryInfo> devinfoPckg(aDeviceInfo);
	return RProperty::Get(KDvbhPropertyCategory, KMtvAccInfoKey, devinfoPckg);