Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Declares the DVB-H tuner hardware adaptation information classes.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <mobiletv/hai/dvbh/dvbhtypes.h>
class TIp6Addr;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetStateObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of RDvbhReceiver state changes.
* Clients wishing to monitor state changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetStateObserver().
class MDvbhStateObserver
* @param aNewState Identifies the state to which the RDvbhReceiver has just transitioned.
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever RDvbhReceiver changes state, in order to
* inform the client of the new state.
virtual void DvbhStateChange( TDvbhState aNewState ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetSignalQualityObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of changes to signal quality.
* Clients wishing to monitor signal quality should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetSignalQualityObserver().
class MDvbhSignalQualityObserver
* @param aNewSignalQuality Identifies the new signal quality value.
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the signal quality changes, in order to
* inform the client of the new signal quality.
virtual void DvbhSignalQualityChange( const TDvbhSignalQuality& aNewSignalQuality ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetPlatformObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of changes of the current IP platform.
* Clients wishing to monitor IP platform changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetPlatformObserver().
class MDvbhPlatformObserver
* @param aNewPlatform Identifies the IP platform to which the receiver has just switched.
* @param aESGRoot The IP address of the bootstrap ESG sevice on the new platform.
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the current IP platform changes, in order to
* inform the client of the new IP platform and bootstrap ESG IP address.
virtual void DvbhPlatformChange( const TDvbhPlatform& aNewPlatform, const TIp6Addr& aESGRoot ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetNetworkTimeObserver()
* Defines an interface for notifying of updates to the network time.
* Clients wishing to monitor network time changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetNetworkTimeObserver().
* Network time update is triggered via call to RDvbhReceiver::UpdateNetworkTime()
class MDvbhNetworkTimeObserver
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the current network time has been updated.
virtual void DvbhNetworkTimeUpdate() = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetFrequencyObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of changes to the frequency to which the receiver is tuned.
* Clients wishing to monitor frequency changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetFrequencyObserver().
class MDvbhFrequencyObserver
* @param aNewFrequency Identifies the frequency to which the tuner has just tuned.
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the tuned frequency changes, in order to
* inform the client of the new frequency.
virtual void DvbhFrequencyChange( const TDvbhFrequency& aNewFrequency ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetCellIdObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of changes to current cellId.
* Clients wishing to monitor cellId changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetCellIdObserver().
class MDvbhCellIdObserver
* @param aNewCellId The new cellId.
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the current cellId changes, in order to
* inform the client of the new cellId.
virtual void DvbhCellIdChange( const TDvbhCellId& aNewCellId ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetNetworkIdObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of changes to current networkId.
* Clients wishing to monitor networkId changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetNetworkIdObserver().
class MDvbhNetworkIdObserver
* @param aNewNetworkId The ID of the network to which the receiver is now tuned.
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the ID of the network to which it is tuned changes,
* in order to inform the client of the new networkId.
virtual void DvbhNetworkIdChange( const TDvbhNetworkId& aNewNetworkId ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetBatteryStateObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of changes in external DVB-H receiver battery state.
* Clients wishing to monitor battery changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetBatteryStateObserver().
class MDvbhExtBatteryStateObserver
* @param aNewState The new battery state of external receiver.
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the battery state of external receiver is changed,
* in order to inform the client of the new aNewState.
virtual void DvbhExtBatteryStateChange( TDvbhExtBatteryState aNewState ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetExtConnectionStateObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of changes in external DVB-H receiver connection
* Clients wishing to monitor connection changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetExtConnectionStateObserver().
class MDvbhExtConnectionObserver
* @param aNewState The new external receiver connection state.
* @param aReceiverType Type of the receiver
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the connection state of external receiver is changed,
* in order to inform the client of the new aNewState.
virtual void DvbhExtConnectionStateChange(
const TDvbhExtConnectionState& aNewState, const TDvbhReceiverType& aReceiverType ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* @see CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetExtAntennaConnectionStateObserver()
* Defines an interface for receiving notifications of changes in external DVB-H receiver antenna connection.
* Clients wishing to monitor connection changes should provide a CDvbhReceiverInfo
* instance with an implementation of this interface via CDvbhReceiverInfo::SetExtAntennaConnectionStateObserver().
class MDvbhExtAntennaConnectionObserver
* @param aNewState The new external antenna connection state.
* @param aReceiverType Type of the receiver
* When a client has registered an implementation with a CDvbhReceiverInfo instance,
* this method will be called whenever the connection state of external receiver antenna is changed,
* in order to inform the client of the new aNewState.
virtual void DvbhExtAntennaConnectionStateChange(
const TDvbhExtAntennaConnectionState& aNewState, const TDvbhReceiverType& aReceiverType ) = 0;
* @publishedPartner
* @prototype
* Provides operations for reading and tracking information about the receiver, such
* as state, signal quality, frequency, etc. Refer to the individual class methods
* for the full list.
* Use of this class is safe in the sense that it will not interfere with the
* receiver operation in any way. There can be multiple simultaneous instances
* of CDvbhReceiverInfo at one time.
class CDvbhReceiverInfo : public CBase
* @return A new instance of CDvbhReceiverInfo.
* Factory function for creating a CDvbhReceiverInfo object.
IMPORT_C static CDvbhReceiverInfo* NewL();
* @return A new instance of CDvbhReceiverInfo.
* Factory function for creating a CDvbhReceiverInfo object, with
* the new object left on the CleanupStack.
IMPORT_C static CDvbhReceiverInfo* NewLC();
* C++ destructor.
IMPORT_C ~CDvbhReceiverInfo();
* @param aState Updated with the current state of the receiver.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the current state of the receiver.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetState( TDvbhState& aState );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhStateObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhStateObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhStateObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified of any changes in receiver
* state via that observer until either a new observer is registered or this object is
* destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetStateObserver( MDvbhStateObserver& aObserver );
* @param aSignalQuality Updated with the current signal quality value.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotReady if receiver is not in the Receiving state, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the current signal quality value.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetSignalQuality( TDvbhSignalQuality& aSignalQuality );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhSignalQualityObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhSignalQualityObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhSignalQualityObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified of any changes to signal
* quality via that observer until either a new observer is registered or this object is
* destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetSignalQualityObserver( MDvbhSignalQualityObserver& aObserver );
* @param aPlatform Updated with the currently active IP platform.
* @param aESGRoot Updated with the IP address of the bootstrap ESG service on the platform.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotReady if platform has not been set on the receiver, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the currently active IP platform and IP address of its bootstrap ESG service.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetPlatform( TDvbhPlatform& aPlatform, TIp6Addr& aESGRoot );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhPlatformObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhPlatformObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhPlatformObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified of any changes to IP platform
* via that observer until either a new observer is registered or this object is
* destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetPlatformObserver( MDvbhPlatformObserver& aObserver );
* @param aNetworkTime Upated with the current network time.
* @param aValid Updated with ETrue if the receiver is in Ready or Receiving state; or EFalse if the time offset of a previous platform is available and has been used as a fallback to calculate the given time.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotReady if no platform has ever been set on the receiver, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see RDvbhReceiver::UpdateNetworkTime()
* Retrieves the current network time by calculating it from the offset obtained
* after the last call to RDvbhReceiver::UpdateNetworkTime().
IMPORT_C static TInt GetNetworkTime( TTime& aNetworkTime, TBool& aValid );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhNetworkTimeObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhNetworkTimeObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhNetworkTimeObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified whenever the network time has been
* updated via that observer until either a new observer is registered or this object is
* destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetNetworkTimeObserver( MDvbhNetworkTimeObserver& aObserver );
* @param aPerformanceData Updated with the current usage and performance data of the receiver.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotReady if the receiver is not in Receiving state, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the current performance and usage data from the receiver.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetPerformanceData( TDvbhPerformanceData& aPerformanceData );
* @param aFrequency Updated with the frequency to which the receiver is currently tuned.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotReady if platform has not been set on the receiver, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the frequency to which the receiver is currently tuned.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetFrequency( TDvbhFrequency& aFrequency );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhFrequencyObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhFrequencyObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhFrequencyObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified whenever the frequency to which
* the receiver is tuned changes via that observer until either a new observer is
* registered or this object is destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetFrequencyObserver( MDvbhFrequencyObserver& aObserver );
* @param aCellId Updated with the current cellId.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotReady if platform has not been set on the receiver, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the current cellId.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetCellId( TDvbhCellId& aCellId );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhCellIdObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhCellIdObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhCellIdObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified whenever the current cellId changes
* via that observer until either a new observer is registered or the object is destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetCellIdObserver( MDvbhCellIdObserver& aObserver );
* @param aNetworkId Updated with the ID of the network to which the receiver is currently tuned.
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotReady if platform has not been set on the receiver, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the networkId of the network to which the receiver is currently tuned.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetNetworkId( TDvbhNetworkId& aNetworkId );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhNetworkIdObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhNetworkIdObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhNetworkIdObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified whenever the ID of the network to which
* the receiver is tuned changes via that observer until either a new observer is
* registered or this object is destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetNetworkIdObserver( MDvbhNetworkIdObserver& aObserver );
* @param aState Updated with the battery state of external receiver
* @return KErrNone on success, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the battery state of external receiver
IMPORT_C static TInt GetBatteryState( TDvbhExtBatteryState& aState );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhExtBatteryStateObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhExtBatteryStateObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhExtBatteryStateObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified whenever the battery state of external receiver
* has changed via that observer until either a new observer is
* registered or this object is destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetBatteryStateObserver( MDvbhExtBatteryStateObserver& aObserver );
* @param aConnectionState Updated with the connection state of external receiver
* @param aReceiver Input for which receiver type the connection state is queried
* @return KErrNone on success, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the connection state of external receiver
IMPORT_C static TInt GetExtConnectionState( TDvbhExtConnectionState& aConnectionState, const TDvbhReceiverType& aReceiver );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhExtConnectionObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhExtConnectionObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhExtConnectionObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified whenever the connection state of external
* receiver has changed via that observer until either a new observer is
* registered or this object is destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetExtConnectionStateObserver( MDvbhExtConnectionObserver& aObserver );
* @param aConnectionState Updated with the antenna connection state of external receiver
* @param aReceiver Input for which receiver type the connection state is queried
* @return KErrNone on success, or another system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the antenna connection state of external receiver.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetExtAntennaConnectionState( TDvbhExtAntennaConnectionState& aConnectionState, const TDvbhReceiverType& aReceiver );
* @param aObserver An instance of an MDvbhExtAntennaConnectionObserver implementation.
* @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code. Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* @see MDvbhExtAntennaConnectionObserver
* Used to register an MDvbhExtAntennaConnectionObserver implementation with the object. Once a client
* has registered such an observer, it will be notified whenever the antenna connection state of external
* receiver has changed via that observer until either a new observer is
* registered or this object is destroyed.
* If called more than once on an instance, the most recent observer registered
* overrides any previously registered observers.
IMPORT_C TInt SetExtAntennaConnectionStateObserver( MDvbhExtAntennaConnectionObserver& aObserver );
* @param aDeviceInfo Updated with the device information of external receiver
* @param aReceiver Input for which receiver type the device information is queried
* @return KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported if receiver type is not supported, or another system-wide error code.
* Clients should accept unknown error codes gracefully since new error codes may be returned in the future.
* Retrieves the device information of external receiver. Please note that the external receiver must be connected to get valid
* device information.
IMPORT_C static TInt GetExtDeviceInfo( TDvbhAccessoryInfo& aDeviceInfo, const TDvbhReceiverType& aReceiver );
* C++ constructor.
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Implementers of this interface should declare their own CPrivateData
* class containing whatever private data is needed for their implementation.
class CPrivateData;
CPrivateData* iData;