Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <testframework.h>
#include <mmf/common/mmfcontroller.h>
#include <mmf/server/mmffile.h>
// Test controller/data plugin UIDs.
// These are custom controllers provided by Integration Testing
// dummy controller
#define KTSIMmfControllerUid 0x101f7bfa
#define KTSIMmfController2Uid 0x101f7bfc
#define KTSIMmfDataSinkUid 0x101f7bfe
#define KTSIMmfDataSourceUid 0x101f7c00
#define KTextBufLen 64
// priorities for controllers
enum TTSIMmfPriority
ETSIMmfPriorityLow = 1,
ETSIMmfPriorityHigh = 11
// -----------------------------------
// RTestStepMmfCtlfrm, which is the base class for all
// the MMF CTLFRM suite test steps.
class RTestStepMmfCtlfrm : public RTestStep
// RTestStepMmfCtlfrmTest1
// base class with preamble / postamble to open and close a test controller
class RTestStepMmfCtlfrmTest1 : public RTestStepMmfCtlfrm
TVerdict OpenL();
void Close();
RMMFController iController;
TMMFPrioritySettings iSettings;
// RTestStepMmfCtlfrmTest2
// base class with preamble / postamble to open and close a test controller 2
class RTestStepMmfCtlfrmTest2 : public RTestStepMmfCtlfrm
TVerdict OpenL();
void Close();
RMMFController iController;
TMMFPrioritySettings iSettings;
// RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudio
// base class with preamble / postamble to open and close the audio controller
// configured to receive events from the controlled
class RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudio : public RTestStepMmfCtlfrm
TVerdict OpenL();
void Close();
//[ check if the event status is pending ]
TBool IsTimeOut( TRequestStatus& aEventStatus );
//[ cancel received events ]
void CancelReceivedEvents();
//[ is event sought the one we received ]
TBool IsSoughtEvent( TMMFEvent& aExpectedEvent, TMMFEventPckg& receivedEvent );
// [ search for expected event ]
TVerdict SearchForEvent( TMMFEvent& aExpectedEvent );
RMMFController iController;
TMMFPrioritySettings iSettings;
RTimer iTimer ; // escape timer for waiting on events
TMMFFileConfig iFileConfig; // audio file
// RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudioPrimed
// same as above, with source/sink handles, and is primed in the preamble
class RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudioPrimed : public RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudio
TVerdict OpenL();
void Close();
TMMFMessageDestination* iSourceHandlePtr;
TMMFMessageDestination* iSinkHandlePtr;
// RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudioNoSource
// same as RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudio, but has no source or sink loaded yet
class RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudioNoSource : public RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudio
TVerdict OpenL();
// RTestStepMmfCtlfrmDualAudio
// same as RTestStepMmfCtlfrmAudio, with 2 identical controllers
class RTestStepMmfCtlfrmDualAudio : public RTestStepMmfCtlfrm
TVerdict OpenL();
void Close();
//[ check if the event status is pending ]
TBool IsTimeOut( TRequestStatus& aEventStatus );
//[ cancel received events ]
void CancelReceivedEvents( TInt aWhichController );
//[ is event sought the one we received ]
TBool IsSoughtEvent( TMMFEvent& aExpectedEvent, TMMFEventPckg& receivedEvent );
// [ search for expected event ]
TVerdict SearchForEvent( TMMFEvent& aExpectedEvent, TInt aWhichController );
RMMFController iController1;
RMMFController iController2;
TMMFPrioritySettings iSettings;
RTimer iTimer ; // escape timer for waiting on events
TMMFFileConfig iFileConfig1; // audio file
TMMFFileConfig iFileConfig2; // audio file
// RTestStepMmfCtlfrmVideo
// base class with preamble / postamble to open and close the video controller
class RTestStepMmfCtlfrmVideo : public RTestStepMmfCtlfrm
TVerdict OpenL();
void Close();
RMMFController iController;
TMMFPrioritySettings iSettings;
TMMFFileConfig iFileConfig; // video file