Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
@rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
@rem All rights reserved.
@rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
@rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
@rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
@rem Initial Contributors:
@rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
@rem Contributors:
@rem Description:
REM Remove old results from MMC
del e:\logs\testexecute\te_tsi_icl_pluginsupport_01suite.htm
md e:\logs
md e:\logs\testexecute
REM Create destination directories for test images
md c:\te_tsi_icl_pluginsupport_01
REM Copy test images from MMC to ROM
copy e:\te_tsi_icl_pluginsupport_01\*.* c:\te_tsi_icl_pluginsupport_01
REM Run the tests
testexecute z:\testdata\scripts\te_tsi_icl_pluginsupport_01suite.script
REM Move the results file from the ROM to the MMC
move c:\logs\testexecute\te_tsi_icl_pluginsupport_01suite.htm e:\logs\testexecute\te_tsi_icl_pluginsupport_01suite.htm
REM Delete the test images
del c:\te_tsi_icl_pluginsupport_01\*.*