changeset 0 af10295192d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linklayerprotocols/pppnif/SPPP/PPPCHAP.CPP	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Authentication Protocol (CHAP) - RFC 1994, containing source code
+// common to all PPP authentication protocols derived from CHAP.
+ @file
+ @brief Source file for the implementation of PPP Challenge Handshake
+ @internalComponent
+#include "PPPCHAP.H"
+   Destructor.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	if (iPppLcp != 0)
+		{		
+		iChallengePacket.Free();
+		TimerDelete();
+		}
+	}
+void CPppChap::InitL(CPppLcp* aLcp)
+   @copydoc CPppAuthentication::InitL(CPppLcp*)
+   @see CPppAuthentication::InitL(CPppLcp*)
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	CPppAuthentication::InitL(aLcp);
+	TimerConstructL(KPppFsmTimerPriority);
+	Register();
+	}
+void CPppChap::LowerLayerUp()
+   @copydoc MPppRecvr::LowerLayerUp()
+   @see MPppRecvr::LowerLayerUp()
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	ASSERT(iPppLcp != 0);
+	AuthenticateRequest();
+	}
+void CPppChap::LowerLayerDown(TInt /*aStatus*/)
+   @copydoc MPppRecvr::LowerLayerDown(TInt)
+   @see MPppRecvr::LowerLayerDown(TInt)
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	ASSERT(iPppLcp != 0);
+	TimerCancel();
+	}
+void CPppChap::AuthenticateComplete(TInt aStatus)
+   @copydoc CPppAuthentication::AuthenticateComplete(TInt)
+   @see CPppAuthentication::AuthenticateComplete(TInt)
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	ASSERT(iPppLcp != 0);
+	if (aStatus==KErrNone)
+		{
+		if (!iChallengePacket.IsEmpty())
+			{
+			iResponseRetryCount = 0;
+			//ignore Error, if fails it will time out 
+			//and try again anyway.
+			TRAP_IGNORE(RespondL());
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		DoFail(aStatus);
+	}
+TBool CPppChap::RecvFrame(RMBufChain& aPacket)
+   @copydoc MPppRecvr::RecvFrame(RMBufChain&)
+   @see MPppRecvr::RecvFrame(RMBufChain&)
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	ASSERT(iPppLcp != 0);
+	RMBufPacket pkt;
+	pkt.Assign(aPacket);
+	pkt.Unpack();
+	RMBufPktInfo* info = pkt.Info();
+	if (IsInactive())
+		{
+		pkt.Free();
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+// Extract and drop LCP header
+	pkt.Align(4);
+	if (info->iLength < KPppChapCodeFieldSize + 
+			    KPppChapIdFieldSize +
+			    KPppChapLengthFieldSize)
+		{
+// Too short!
+		pkt.Free();
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+// check that the length of the packet is OK
+	TUint16 length = BigEndian::Get16(pkt.First()->Ptr() +
+			 		KPppChapCodeFieldSize + 
+					KPppChapIdFieldSize);
+	if (info->iLength < length)
+		{
+// Too short!
+		pkt.Free();
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	else if (info->iLength > length)
+		pkt.TrimEnd(length);
+	ASSERT(pkt.Length()==length);
+	TUint8 code = *(pkt.First()->Ptr());
+	TInt ret;
+	switch (code)
+		{
+	case KPppChapChallengeCode:
+			{
+			TRAP(ret, ChallengeL(pkt));
+			}
+		break;
+	case KPppChapResponseCode:
+//		{
+//		TInt vc = *ptr++;
+//		TUint8* vp = ptr;
+//		TInt nc = len-(vc+1);
+//		TUint8* np = ptr+vc;
+//		}
+		break;
+	case KPppChapSuccessCode:
+			{
+			TRAP(ret, SuccessL(pkt));
+			}
+		break;
+	case KPppChapFailureCode:
+			{
+			TRAP(ret, FailureL(pkt));
+			if (ret!=KErrNone)
+				DoFail(KErrIfAuthenticationFailure);
+			}
+		break;
+	// default: invalid CHAP packet code
+	// simply ignore the packet
+		}
+	pkt.Free();
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+// RFC 1994: "The Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
+// is used to periodically verify the identity of the peer using a
+// 3-way handshake.  This is done upon initial link establishment, and
+// MAY be repeated anytime after the link has been established."
+void CPppChap::ChallengeL(RMBufPacket& aPacket)
+   Processes a CHAP Challenge packet and attempts to respond to the
+   challenge.
+   @param aPacket [in] The CHAP Challenge packet to be processed.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	TimerCancel();
+	ProcessChallengePacketL(aPacket);
+	if (IsAuthenticateRequestDone())
+		{
+		iResponseRetryCount = 0;
+		RespondL();
+		}
+	}
+void CPppChap::CheckChallengePacketL(RMBufPacket& aPacket)
+   Checks that a CHAP Challenge packet is valid.  Leaves if the packet
+   is malformed.
+   @param aPacket [in] The CHAP Challenge packet to be checked.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+// In the case of MS-CHAP-V1 and MS-CHAP-V2 the Challenge Name may be
+// empty.  RFC 1994: "The Name field is one or more octets [...]".
+// RFC2433, RFC2759: "Microsoft authenticators do not currently
+// provide information in the Name field.  This may change in the
+// future."
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPacket.Length() >= KPppChapCodeFieldSize +
+					KPppChapIdFieldSize + 
+					KPppChapLengthFieldSize +
+					KPppChapValueSizeFieldSize + 
+					KPppChapMinValueSize,
+			User::Leave(KErrUnderflow));
+	TUint8 valueSize = *(aPacket.First()->Ptr() +
+			KPppChapCodeFieldSize +
+			KPppChapIdFieldSize +
+			KPppChapLengthFieldSize);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(valueSize >= KPppChapMinValueSize,
+			User::Leave(KErrUnderflow));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(valueSize <= aPacket.Length() -
+				KPppChapCodeFieldSize - 
+				KPppChapIdFieldSize -
+				KPppChapLengthFieldSize - 
+				KPppChapValueSizeFieldSize,
+			User::Leave(KErrOverflow));	
+	}
+void CPppChap::ProcessChallengePacketL(RMBufPacket& aPacket)
+   Processes a CHAP Challenge packet.
+   @param aPacket [in] The CHAP Challenge packet to be processed.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	CheckChallengePacketL(aPacket);
+	iChallengePacket.Free();
+	iChallengePacket.Assign(aPacket);
+// go past the CHAP Code field and
+// read the CHAP Identifier field
+	iCurrentId = *(iChallengePacket.First()->Ptr() 
+					+ KPppChapCodeFieldSize);
+// Go past the CHAP Code field, the CHAP Identifier field and the CHAP
+// Length field and read the CHAP Value-Size field.
+	TUint8 valueSize = *(iChallengePacket.First()->Ptr() +
+			KPppChapCodeFieldSize +
+			KPppChapIdFieldSize +
+			KPppChapLengthFieldSize);
+// Go past the CHAP Code field, the CHAP Identifier field, the CHAP
+// Length field and the CHAP Value-Size field and read the CHAP Value
+// field
+	iChallengeRef.Set(iChallengePacket.First()->Ptr() +
+				KPppChapCodeFieldSize +
+				KPppChapIdFieldSize +
+				KPppChapLengthFieldSize +
+				KPppChapValueSizeFieldSize,
+			valueSize,
+			valueSize);
+	}
+void CPppChap::RespondL()
+   Responds to the latest CHAP Challenge received.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	ASSERT(!iChallengePacket.IsEmpty());
+	ASSERT(IsAuthenticateRequestDone());
+	MakeResponseL(iCurrentId, 
+			iChallengeRef, 
+			iResponseValueRef,
+			iResponseNameRef);
+	SendResponseL(iCurrentId, iResponseValueRef, iResponseNameRef);
+	if (++iResponseRetryCount < KPppChapMaxResponseRetryCount)
+		TimerAfter(KPppChapResponseRetryTimerPeriod*  1000);
+	}
+void CPppChap::MakeResponsePacketLC(TUint8 aIdentifier, 
+				const TDesC8& aValue, 
+				const TDesC8& aName, 
+				RMBufPacket& aPacket)
+   Creates a CHAP response Packet.
+   @param aIdentifier [in] The CHAP Response Identifier.
+   @param aValue [in] The CHAP Response Value.
+   @param aName [in] The CHAP Response Name.
+   @param aPacket [out] The CHAP Response packet.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	ASSERT(aValue.Length() <= KMaxTInt8);
+	ASSERT(aName.Length() <= 
+		   KMaxTInt16 - 
+		   KPppChapCodeFieldSize -
+		   KPppChapIdFieldSize - 
+		   KPppChapLengthFieldSize -
+		   KPppChapValueSizeFieldSize -
+		   aValue.Length());
+	TUint16 length = static_cast<TUint16>(KPppChapCodeFieldSize +
+			 	KPppChapIdFieldSize + 
+				KPppChapLengthFieldSize +
+				KPppChapValueSizeFieldSize + 
+				aValue.Length() +
+				aName.Length());
+	aPacket.AllocL(length);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(aPacket);
+	RMBufPktInfo* info = aPacket.NewInfoL();
+// Construct packet header
+	TUint8* ptr = aPacket.First()->Ptr();
+// write the CHAP Code field
+	*ptr = KPppChapResponseCode;
+	ptr += KPppChapCodeFieldSize;
+// write the CHAP Identifier field
+	*ptr = aIdentifier;
+	ptr += KPppChapIdFieldSize;
+// write the CHAP Length field
+	BigEndian::Put16(ptr, length);
+	ptr += KPppChapLengthFieldSize;
+// write the CHAP Value-Size field
+	*ptr = static_cast<TUint8>(aValue.Length());
+	ptr += KPppChapValueSizeFieldSize;
+	Mem::Copy(ptr, aValue.Ptr(), aValue.Length());
+	ptr += aValue.Length();
+	Mem::Copy(ptr, aName.Ptr(), aName.Length());
+	ptr += aName.Length();
+	info->iLength = length;
+	TPppAddr::Cast((info->iDstAddr)).SetProtocol(KPppIdChap);
+	aPacket.Pack();
+	}
+void CPppChap::SendResponseL(TUint8 aResponseId, 
+			const TDesC8& aResponseValue, 
+			const TDesC8& aResponseName)
+   Generates a CHAP Response packet and sends it to the peer.
+   @param aResponseId [in] The CHAP Response Identifier.
+   @param aResponseValue [in] The CHAP Response Value.
+   @param aResponseName [in] The CHAP Response Name.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	RMBufPacket packet;
+	MakeResponsePacketLC(aResponseId,
+			aResponseValue,
+			aResponseName,
+			packet);
+	SendFrame(packet);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(); // packet
+	}
+void CPppChap::SuccessL(RMBufPacket& aPacket)
+   Processes a CHAP Success packet and takes action to complete the
+   authentication.
+   @param aPacket [in] The CHAP Success packet to be processed.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPacket.Length() >= KPppChapCodeFieldSize +
+					KPppChapIdFieldSize + 
+					KPppChapLengthFieldSize,
+			User::Leave(KErrUnderflow));
+// check the id
+	if (!CheckIdentifier(aPacket))
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+	TimerCancel();
+	DoSucceed();
+	if (iPppLcp->CallbackEnabled() &&
+		iPppLcp->CallbackRequestType() !=
+			ECallbackIETFRequestTypeMSCBCP)
+		{
+		iPppLcp->CallbackGrantedAndAuthenticated();
+		iPppLcp->TerminateLink(MNifIfNotify::ECallBack);
+		}
+	}
+void CPppChap::FailureL(RMBufPacket& aPacket)
+   Processes a CHAP Failure packet and takes action to handle the
+   authentication failure.
+   @param aPacket [in] The CHAP Failure packet to be processed.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPacket.Length() >= KPppChapCodeFieldSize +
+					KPppChapIdFieldSize + 
+					KPppChapLengthFieldSize,
+			User::Leave(KErrUnderflow));
+// check the id
+	if (!CheckIdentifier(aPacket))
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+	TimerCancel();
+	DoFail(KErrIfAuthenticationFailure);
+	}
+void CPppChap::TimerComplete(TInt /*aStatus*/)
+   Signals that the response retry timer has expired.
+   @param aStatus [in] A status code.
+   @see MTimer::TimerComplete(TInt)
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	ASSERT(iPppLcp != 0);
+	//ignore Error, if fails it will time out 
+	//and try again anyway.
+	TRAP_IGNORE(RetryResponseL());
+	}
+void CPppChap::RetryResponseL()
+   Resends the latest CHAP Response sent.
+   @internalComponent
+	{
+	SendResponseL(iCurrentId, iResponseValueRef, iResponseNameRef);
+	if (++iResponseRetryCount < KPppChapMaxResponseRetryCount)
+		TimerAfter(KPppChapResponseRetryTimerPeriod*  1000);
+	}