// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// EPOC includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <c32comm.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <securesocketinterface.h>
#include <securesocket.h>
#include "T_TLS_test.h"
#include <ssl_internal.h>
// Test system includes
#include <networking/log.h>
#include <networking/teststep.h>
#include "TestSuiteTls.h"
#include "TlsTestStep1.h"
#include "T_TLS_cntrl.h"
#include "tlsconnection.h"
GLREF_C void CommInitL();
_LIT( KTxtTLS, "T_TLS" );
* Constructor.
* Store the name of this test case
iTestStepName = _L("t_tls");
// destructor
TVerdict CTestStepT_Tls::doTestStepL( )
* This is the test code for t_tls.
// if the test has not left yet it must be a Pass
iTestStepResult = EPass;
TRAPD(error,CommInitL()); // init needed comms libs
TRAP(error,TLSTestL()); // more initialization, then do example
return iTestStepResult;
// constructor
// store the name of this test case
iTestStepName = _L("renegotiate");
TVerdict CTlsRenegotiateTest::doTestStepL( )
return CTestStepT_Tls::doTestStepL( );
// constructor
* Store the name of this test case.
iTestStepName = _L("CancelRecv");
TVerdict CTlsCancelRecvTest::doTestStepL( )
return CTestStepT_Tls::doTestStepL( );
* Constructor.
* Store the name of this test case.
iTestStepName = _L("oldgetOpts");
TVerdict CTlsOldGetOptsTest::doTestStepL( )
return CTestStepT_Tls::doTestStepL( );
* Constructor.
* Store the name of this test case.
iTestStepName = _L("OpenConnection");
TVerdict CTlsOpenConnection::doTestStepL( )
TRequestStatus Status;
TRAPD(error,CommInitL()); // init needed comms libs
// Create an active scheduler
CActiveScheduler* myActiveScheduler;
myActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
CleanupStack::PushL( myActiveScheduler );
CActiveScheduler::Install( myActiveScheduler );
// get address and port number
TPtrC addr = iAddress;
TESTL(GetStringFromConfig(KSectionName, KCfgIPAddress, addr));
iAddress.Copy( addr );
TESTL(GetIntFromConfig(KSectionName, KCfgIPPort, iPortNum));
// Connect the socket server
User::LeaveIfError( iTlsSuite->iSocketServer.Connect() );
// Open the socket
User::LeaveIfError( iInetAddr.Input( iAddress ));
iInetAddr.SetPort( iPortNum );
Log(_L("Connecting to %s:%d"), iAddress.PtrZ(), iPortNum );
User::LeaveIfError( iTlsSuite->iSocket.Open( iTlsSuite->iSocketServer, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp ) );
// connect the socket
iTlsSuite->iSocket.Connect( iInetAddr, Status );
Log(_L("Connect result is %d"), Status.Int() );
TESTEL(Status==KErrNone, Status.Int());
User::LeaveIfNull(iTlsSuite->iSecureSocket = CSecureSocket::NewL( iTlsSuite->iSocket,KSSLProtocol()));
// Remove objects from the cleanup stack
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // myActiveScheduler,
return EPass;
* Constructor.
* Store the name of this test case.
iTestStepName = _L("CloseConnection");
TVerdict CTlsCloseConnection::doTestStepL( )
iTlsSuite->iSocket.Close() ;
delete iTlsSuite->iSecureSocket;
return EPass;
void CTestStepT_Tls::TLSTestL()
CActiveScheduler* myActiveScheduler;
CController* myController;
// Create an active scheduler
myActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
CleanupStack::PushL( myActiveScheduler );
CActiveScheduler::Install( myActiveScheduler );
// Create the controller active object
myController = CController::NewL();
// Initiate the controllers timer request
myController->Start( this );
// Start the scheduler
delete myController;
// Remove objects from the cleanup stack
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // myActiveScheduler,
* Constructor.
* Store the name of this test case.
iTestStepName = _L("FailSuiteSelection");
TVerdict CTlsFailSuiteSelection::doTestStepL( )
TRequestStatus Status;
TVerdict result = EFail;
TRAPD(error,CommInitL()); // init needed comms libs
// Create an active scheduler
CActiveScheduler* myActiveScheduler;
myActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
CleanupStack::PushL( myActiveScheduler );
CActiveScheduler::Install( myActiveScheduler );
// get address, port number & cipher suite
TPtrC addr = iAddress;
TESTL(GetStringFromConfig(KSectionName, KCfgIPAddress, addr));
iAddress.Copy( addr );
TESTL(GetIntFromConfig(KSectionName, KCfgIPPort, iPortNum));
TPtrC PtrResult;
TPtrC* res=&PtrResult;
TESTL(GetStringFromConfig(KFSSectionName, KCfgCipherSuites, PtrResult));
iCipherSuites.Copy( PtrResult );
Log( _L("CipherSuites: %S"), res);
// Connect the socket server
User::LeaveIfError( iTlsSuite->iSocketServer.Connect() );
// configure address and port
User::LeaveIfError( iInetAddr.Input( iAddress ));
iInetAddr.SetPort( iPortNum );
// Open the socket
Log(_L("Connecting to %s:%d"), iAddress.PtrZ(), iPortNum );
User::LeaveIfError( iTlsSuite->iSocket.Open( iTlsSuite->iSocketServer, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp ) );
// connect the socket
iTlsSuite->iSocket.Connect( iInetAddr, Status );
Log(_L("Connect result is %d"), Status.Int() );
TESTEL(Status==KErrNone, Status.Int());
// create a secureSocket
User::LeaveIfNull(iSecureSocket = CSecureSocket::NewL( iTlsSuite->iSocket,KSSLProtocol()));
// configure invalid cipher suite
TBuf8<KCipherBufSize> cipherBuf;
TBuf8<3> tempBuf;
TInt i;
TLex8 myLex;
TInt cCount = 0; // used as an array index into the cipherBuf descriptor
TInt ret;
TInt value;
cipherBuf.SetLength( iCipherSuites.Length() );
for ( i=0; i<iCipherSuites.Length(); i+=2 )
// iCipherSuites contains a list of decimal values for each cipher suite that
// the client should offer to use. They are in a string format, so each decimal
// value takes 2 bytes.
// Copy the 2 bytes of one value into a buffer so that it can be converted into
// a real decimal value;
tempBuf.SetLength( 2 );
tempBuf[0] = iCipherSuites[i];
tempBuf[1] = iCipherSuites[i+1];
myLex.Assign( tempBuf );
ret = myLex.Val( value );
if ( ret!=KErrNone )
break; // from for loop
Log( _L(":%X"), value );
// The actual cipher suite list that must be passed in the socket options
// is in a binary format of 0x0,0xCipherValue,0x0,CipherValue etc
cipherBuf[ cCount++ ] = 0;
cipherBuf[ cCount++ ] = (unsigned char)value;
} // end of for loop
// Set the cipher suite(s) that the client will support
ret = iSecureSocket->SetAvailableCipherSuites( cipherBuf );
// this should fail with KErrNotSupported
if ( ret == KErrNotSupported )
result = EPass;
Log( _L("Test passes as because SetAvailableCipherSuites() returned KErrNotSupported") );
Log( _L("when setting cipher suites=%S"), res);
Log( _L("Test failed because SetAvailableCipherSuites() returned %d"),ret );
Log( _L("with invalid suite %S"), res);
result = EFail;
iTlsSuite->iSocket.Close() ;
// Remove objects from the cleanup stack
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // myActiveScheduler,
delete iSecureSocket;
return result;
Store the name of this test case
iTestStepName = _L("t_tls_DialogMode");
This is the test code for CTestStepDialogMode_Tls
TVerdict CTestStepDialogMode_Tls::doTestStepL( )
iTestStepResult = EPass;
Log(_L("Testing dialog mode change"));
// Create and install active scheduler
CActiveScheduler* myActiveScheduler;
myActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
CleanupStack::PushL( myActiveScheduler );
CActiveScheduler::Install( myActiveScheduler );
RSocket sock;
MSecureSocket* pSecSock = CTlsConnection::NewL(sock, KProtocolVerSSL30);
TDialogMode dlgMode;
TInt nErr;
//== Test setting dialog mode via MSecureSocket::SetDialogMode()
//== In this case we will use EDialogModeUnattended, EDialogModeAttended enum
//-- 1. test default dialog mode, it shall be EDialogModeAttended
dlgMode = pSecSock->DialogMode();
TESTL(dlgMode == EDialogModeAttended);
//-- 2. change dialog mode, check if has been changed correctly
nErr = pSecSock->SetDialogMode(EDialogModeUnattended);
TESTL(nErr == KErrNone);
dlgMode = pSecSock->DialogMode();
TESTL(dlgMode == EDialogModeUnattended);
//-- 3. change dialog mode to a different value, check if has been changed correctly
nErr = pSecSock->SetDialogMode(EDialogModeAttended);
TESTL(nErr == KErrNone);
dlgMode = pSecSock->DialogMode();
TESTL(dlgMode == EDialogModeAttended);
//-- 4. try to pass invalid value as a dialog mode
const TUint KInvalidModeValue = 0xdead;
nErr = pSecSock->SetDialogMode(static_cast<TDialogMode>(KInvalidModeValue));
TESTL(nErr == KErrArgument);
//== Test setting dialog mode via MSecureSocket::SetOpt()
//== In this case KSSLDialogUnattendedMode, KSSLDialogAttendedMode constants will be used
//== Check also their consistency with TDialogMode enum values
TInt nOption=-1;
//-- Set dialog mode to EDialogModeUnattended via MSecureSocket::SetOpt()
nErr = pSecSock->SetOpt(KSoDialogMode,KSolInetSSL,KSSLDialogUnattendedMode);
TESTL(nErr == KErrNone);
nErr = pSecSock->GetOpt(KSoDialogMode,KSolInetSSL,nOption);
TESTL(nErr == KErrNone);
TESTL((TUint)nOption == KSSLDialogUnattendedMode);
dlgMode = pSecSock->DialogMode();
TESTL(dlgMode == EDialogModeUnattended); //-- consistency check
//-- Set dialog mode to EDialogModeAttended via MSecureSocket::SetOpt()
nErr = pSecSock->SetOpt(KSoDialogMode,KSolInetSSL,KSSLDialogAttendedMode);
TESTL(nErr == KErrNone);
nErr = pSecSock->GetOpt(KSoDialogMode,KSolInetSSL,nOption);
TESTL(nErr == KErrNone);
TESTL((TUint)nOption == KSSLDialogAttendedMode);
dlgMode = pSecSock->DialogMode();
TESTL(dlgMode == EDialogModeAttended); //-- consistency check
delete pSecSock;
// Remove objects from the cleanup stack
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // myActiveScheduler,
return iTestStepResult;