author Jussi Ryoma <>
Tue, 24 Aug 2010 14:01:48 +0300
changeset 16 72f198be1c1d
parent 12 ae255c9aa552
permissions -rw-r--r--
Crash Analyser Carbide Extension 1.4.0

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<h2>Collecting Profiler Data Remotely</h2>

<p>Instead of collecting performance data with PI Profiler on the device and
importing it to Carbide.c++, you can also collect performance data directly
from Carbide. The PI Import Wizard offers the option of collecting profiler
data remotely from a device via a TraceViewer connection.</p>

<p>To collect profiler data remotely, perform the following steps.</p>

<div class="step">
<h3>Importing a Profiler Data File</h3>

<h5>Open Import Wizard</h5>

<p>In Carbide.c++, select <strong>Carbide</strong> &gt; <strong>Performance

<h5><a name="Select_Profiler_Data_File"
id="Select_Profiler_Data_File"></a>Select Profiler Data File(s)</h5>
  <li><a name="First" id="First">First use the radio buttons and select to get
    profiler data <strong>From Device via TraceViewer</strong></a> . 
    <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> Use the <strong>From File
    System</strong> option if you want to import existing PI Profiler data
    files. For more information see <a href="an_load_trace_files.htm">Importing
    Profiler Data files</a>.</p>
    <p>The Wizard automatically tries to fetch information on supported plugins
    from the connected device. If you already have set up a working connection,
    the plugins are listed in the <strong>Select Plug-ins for Tracing</strong>
    field. Otherwise you will get the below notice: </p>
    <p align="center"><img src="images/Import_wizard_error.png" alt=""></p>
    <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 2. Import wizard notice </p>
    <p>In this case, or if you want to change the settings, follow the
    instructions below:</p>
      <li>Select Connection settings to open the TraceViewer Connections
        Setting dialog. Select the connection you want to use or create a new
        one. For more information, see TraceViewer <a
        <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> You can use a USB or a TCP/IP
        Musti connection, but for profiling several samplers Musti is
        recommended due the too high amount of data.</p>
      <li>Click <strong>OK</strong> in the Connection Setting dialog to save
        the settings and exit. 
        <p>The selected connections is now shown below the <strong>Connections
        Settings</strong> button.</p>
      <li>Click <strong>Refresh Plug-ins List</strong> . 
        <p>The Wizard fetches the information on supported plugins and updates
        them to the <strong>Select Plug-ins for Tracing</strong> list.</p>
        <p align="center"><img src="images/PI_Wizard_Trace.png"></p>
        <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 3. Select Profiler Data File</p>
  <li><a name="Select" id="Select">Select the plug-ins you want to trace from
    the list</a>.</li>
  <li>Fill in the <strong>Profiler Data File Prefix</strong> you want to use as
    the name of the Profiler .dat file created.</li>
  <li>Click <strong>Start Tracing</strong>. 
    <p>The wizard starts tracing. You can see the name of the created base64
    encoded file (<em>*.base64</em>), the trace time (how long the trace has
    been running), as well as the size of the file in the <strong>Created
    Profiler Data File(s)</strong> list. </p>
  <li id="Stop">Click <strong>Stop Tracing</strong> to finish tracing. 
    <p>Tracing stops and the Wizard start converting the <em>*.base64</em> file
    into a <em>*.dat</em> file. You can follow the progress of the conversion
    from the progress bar. When the conversion is done, you can see the name of
    the file in the <strong>Created Profiler Data File(s)</strong> list change
    to <em>*.dat</em>.</p>

<p>It is possible to import several Profiler data files, so after the tracing
and file conversion, you can either</p>
  <li>Run another trace, with or without changing the setting first, or</li>
  <li>Click <strong>Next &gt;</strong> to continue importing the file(s). For
    instructions, see step 3 in <a
    Profiler Data Files</a>. </li>

<p align="left"><strong>Related references</strong></p>
  <li><a href="an_load_trace_files.htm">Importing Profiler Data files</a></li>
  <li><a href="../../reference/analyzer/main_view.htm">Analyzer View</a></li>
  <li><a href="key_profile_pref.htm">Key Press Profile</a> </li>

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