author Jussi Ryoma <>
Tue, 24 Aug 2010 14:01:48 +0300
changeset 16 72f198be1c1d
parent 9 14dc2103a631
permissions -rw-r--r--
Crash Analyser Carbide Extension 1.4.0

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<body><h2>TraceAnalyser basic walk-through</h2> <h5>Before you start</h5><p>
Setting up TraceAnalyser requires the following tracing tools: </p><ul>
<li><b>In Carbide.c++:</b> TraceBuilder and TraceViewer tools, accessible
from the <b>Carbide</b> menu. </li>
<li><b>In the device:</b> (Optional) The TraceSwitch tool that listens to
the incoming traces. For more information on how to obtain it, see the <a
href="../release_notes.htm#requirements">Release Note</a><?Pub Caret1>. </li>
</ul><p>The following steps are needed for using this tool: </p><ol>
<li>Open or create a project in Carbide.c++. </li>
<li>To add OST traces to the source code, start the TraceBuilder tool from <b>
Carbide > TraceBuilder</b>. <p> For more instructions, see the topic <i>Adding
traces to the source code</i> in TraceBuilder Help. </p></li>
<li>Set your project's include paths and compile the application. For instructions,
see <i>Setting project include paths and compiling</i> in TraceBuilder Help. <p><b>
Note:</b> Compilation uses TraceCompiler that generates the needed headers.
After compilation, you should have two files: </p><ul>
<li>a SIS file of your tool that you can now install into the device. </li>
<li>an XML format dictionary file that is needed for activating and decoding
traces in TraceViewer. It is generated into the following directory: <i>[SDK
root]\epoc32\include\internal\symbiantraces\dictionary</i>. </li>
<li>In TraceViewer, also define the settings for connecting your PC to the
device. The options are USB or eXtended Trace Interface (XTI). <p>See <i>
Setting TraceViewer preferences</i> in TraceViewer Help. </p><p><b>Tip:</b> If
you have TraceSwitch enabled in the device, the USB connection is supported
by default and you only need to plug in the device to start receiving traces. 
<li>To activate and decode traces, start the TraceViewer tool from <b>Carbide
> TraceViewer</b>, and activate the dictionary file there. <p>For instructions,
see <i>Trace activation </i> in TraceViewer Help. </p></li>
<li>In TraceAnalyser, create the rules for issues you want to monitor: timings
or parameters. <p>See example scenarios in <i>TraceAnalyser overview</i> and
step-by-step instructions in <a href="../tasks/creating_rules.htm">Creating
tracing rules</a>. </p></li>
<li>Transfer your application's SIS file to the device and run it. <p>If some
tracing rules fail during execution, they are listed on the TraceAnalyser's <b>
Fail Log</b> tab.</p></li>
<li>To analyse the failed rule in more detail, double-click it to view it
in the TraceViewer application. TraceViewer will show the codeline that caused
the failure.</li>
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