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<title>Creating tracing rules</title>
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<body><h2>Creating tracing rules</h2> <h5>Before you start</h5><p>Before you
can create tracing rules, check that you have: </p><ul>
<li>compiled your code, </li>
<li>and loaded the generated dictionary file to TraceViewer. </li>
</ul><p>See <a href="../gettingstarted/traceanalyser_basic_walkthrough.htm">
TraceAnalyser basic walk-through</a> for the complete steps. </p><p>To create
tracing rules, do the following: </p><ol>
<li>Start TraceAnalyser from the <b>Carbide > TraceAnalyser</b> menu item.
<li>Click <b>Create new rule</b>. <p>The <b>Edit Rule</b> dialog is displayed.
<li>From the <b>Rule Type</b> list box, select which kind of rule you are
creating: <ul>
<li><b>Timing rule</b> for detecting if an operation can be executed within
a specified time limit. </li>
<li><b>Trace parameter rule</b> for detecting if parameters are beyond a desireable
value range. </li>
<li>In the <b>Rule Name</b> field, type in a name for the rule. <p>For example: <i>
Camera Test</i>. </p></li>
<li>(Optional) In the <b>Description</b> field, type in a free-form description
of what the rule is about. <p> For example, for a timing rule: <i>Test that
the Camera application is able to capture a picture within 1000ms time limit.
<li>Configure the rule-specific settings. <p>For instructions, see either <a
href="#timing">To define timing rules</a> or <a href="#parameter">To define
parameter rules</a> below. </p></li>
<li>Connect your PC to the device by using the connection settings defined
in TraceViewer (USB or XTI). </li>
<li>In TraceViewer, activate the traces you want to receive. </li>
<li>Run your application on the device. <p>During execution, TraceAnalyser
lists both passed and failed events to the main view, along with other information
such as the pass rate. See the following example: </p><p><img src="images\dg_mainview.png"
alt="Sample of the main view, showing rules and activated/deactivated cases."></p></li>
</ol><p>After the rules have been executed, you can do either of the following:
<li><a href="viewing_failed_cases.htm">View the log of failed rules</a>, and
together with TraceViewer determine which codeline caused the rule violation.
<li><a href="viewing_the_history.htm">View the rule history graph</a> to see
how the performance of the application has changed over time. </li>
</ul><p></p><h3><a name="timing"></a>To define timing rules:</h3><ol>
<li>To select which trace should be monitored as the first part of this rule
(Trace A), click <b>Select Trace</b>. <p>The <b>Select Trace for Rule</b> dialog
is opened, showing the trace dictionaries that you loaded in TraceViewer earlier.
<li>Select the traces you want to use and click <b>OK. </b> </li>
<li>Repeat the above steps for Trace B. </li>
<li>In the <b>Time Limit</b> fields, enter the range the values in milliseconds
for Trace A and Trace B. <ul>
<li>For <b>Time Limit A</b>, the value means that Trace B must arrive after
this. </li>
<li>For <b>Time Limit B</b>, the value means that Trace B must arrive before
this. </li>
</ul><p>The following figure shows an example of how a tracing rule could
look like: </p><p><img src="images\dg_timingRule.png" alt="Sample of the Edit Rule dialog with the sample values filled in."></p></li>
<li>To finish, click <b>OK</b>. </li>
</ol><h3><a name="parameter"></a>To define parameter rules:</h3><ol>
<li>To select which trace should be monitored as the first part of this rule,
click <b>Select Trace</b>. <p>The <b>Select Trace for Rule</b> dialog is opened,
showing the trace dictionaries that you loaded in TraceViewer earlier. </p></li>
<li>Select the traces you want to use and click <b>OK. </b> </li>
<li>From the <b>Trace parameter should be</b> list box, select the behavior
what you want the parameter and values to be: <?Pub Caret><ul>
<li><b>Greater than/Equal to</b> </li>
<li><b>Less than/Equal to</b> </li>
<li><b>Between</b> </li>
<li><b>Equal to</b> </li>
</ul><p>The following figure shows an example of how a tracing rule could
look like: </p><p><img src="images\ParameterRuleDialog.png" alt="Sample of the UI showing values for parameter rule type"></p></li>
<li>To finish, click <b>OK</b>. </li>
</ol><h5>Related tasks</h5><ul>
<li><a href="modifying_rules.htm">Modifying rules</a></li>
<li><a href="viewing_failed_cases.htm">Viewing the log of failed rules</a></li>
<li><a href="viewing_the_history.htm">Viewing the rule history</a></li>
</ul> <div id="footer">Copyright © 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.
License: <a href=""></a>.</div> </body></html>
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