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<title>Setting project include paths and compiling</title>
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<h2>Setting project include paths and compiling</h2>
<p>To use Open System Trace (OST) traces, you must include the <i>
OpenSystemTrace.h</i> header file from the environment.
Currently TraceBuilder automatically adds the necessary system
include macro to the MMP file if it does not exist.</p>
<p> If you get an error about a missing header when compiling,
set the project's include paths: </p>
<li>Search the <i>/epoc32/include/</i> folder for the <i>OpenSystemTrace.h</i> file. </li>
<li>Then add a following line to your component's MMP file: <br>
<code>SYSTEMINCLUDE</code> <the path where <i>OpenSystemTrace.h</i> was found.
<p><b>Note:</b> If <i>OpenSystemTrace.h</i> was not found from your development environment,
you cannot use OST traces.</p></li>
<li>Compile your component using OST traces.
<p>The compilation is handled by <a href="../concepts/tracecompiler.htm">Trace Compiler</a>.</p></li>
<p>Note that you might also get errors such as <code>Userinclude path "/traces/" not found</code> or <code>Can't find following headers in User or System Include Paths "OstTraceDefinitions.h"</code> when you are compiling for the first time. This is because those paths and files are generated by TraceCompiler, and in the first time they do not exist when the Symbian Build System generates makefile.</p>
<p>When TraceCompiler is run to a component containing OST traces, you should see this kind of message:</p>
******************* TRACECOMPILER STARTS *******************<br>Building traces for component Hello3. Component UID: 0xE1B04078.<br>******************* TRACECOMPILER ENDS *********************
<p>After compilation, you should find a generated dictionary file for your component in the <i>/epoc32/ost_dictionaries/</i> folder.</p>
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