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<title>Dictionary file and trace activation</title>
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<h2>Dictionary file and trace activation</h2>
<p>Trace activation is a way of generating specific trace data that is
relevant for your components. This reduces the amount of traces listed
on the TraceViewer user interface.</p>
<p>All the traces that come from various components on the device are
first passed onto a trace handler, called TraceCore. TraceCore then determines
which traces should be handed over to the PC and which ones should not. TraceCore
only passes on those traces that have been activated and ignores the rest.
<p>To activate and deactivate traces that are in the Open System Trace
(OST) format, you must first define the used <i>Dictionary file</i>. </p>
<p>Dictionary files are XML files that are usually available in your development
environment. They are automatically re-generated every time Trace Compiler
is run. This usually happens when you compile a component that contains Open
System Trace (OST) traces. Dictionary files can normally be found from the <i>
\epoc32\ost_dictionaries</i> directory under your Software Development Kit
<h5>Related tasks</h5>
<li><a href="../tasks/traceactivation.htm">Activating traces</a></li>
<li><a href="../tasks/decoding_traces.htm">Decoding binary traces with a Dictionary file</a></li>
<h5>Related concepts</h5>
<li><a href="trace_format.htm">Trace formats</a></li>
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