You can create start, stop, and activation triggers to TraceViewer.
A start trigger means that receiving traces starts only when the start
+ trigger is met.
A stop trigger means that the view will be paused when the stop trigger
+ is met.
An activation trigger means that when trace with the given trigger text
+ is received, a given activation configuration is loaded from the defined
+ activation configuration file, and sent to the device.
To configure the triggers:
Open the TraceViewer menu by clicking , and select Triggers.
The Trigger Rules dialog is displayed.
To manage the rules, do any of the following:
To create a new start or stop rule, click Add. The Trigger
+ Rule Definition dialog is opened.
To edit an existing start or stop rule, select it and click
+ Edit. The Trigger Rule Definition dialog is opened.
To delete a rule, select it and click Remove.
To clear the whole tree, click Clear.
To create groups for rules, click Group.
See the following figure for an example:
In the Trigger Rule Definition dialog, enter a name for the
+ trigger and the text to be matched with each trace.
From the Type listbox, select the trigger type: Start
+ trigger, Stop trigger, or Activation trigger.
+ See following example:
If you selected Activation trigger, continue to step 5, otherwise skip
+ to step 8.
Click the button next to the Conf field to select the
+ configuration file to be used for the Activation trigger. The Load
+ Configuration dialog opens:
Browse to the desired activation file and select the configuration from
+ the Load configuration listbox.
Activation files and configurations are created by using the
+ Trace Activation dialog. For more information, see Activating traces.