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<title>Automatic Test System (ATS)</title>
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<h2>Automatic Test System (ATS)</h2>
<p>The Automatic Test System (ATS) provides an automated testing environment for Symbian OS devices. ATS supports booting the devices, flashing test images to them, copying the required files to devices, and executing the defined tests automatically on the target devices. Test execution results are also available from the ATS.</p>
<p>The ATS Server is a PC where ATS is installed. The ATS Server is aware of the whole ATS network. </p>
<p>The ATS Server connection is not needed for running tests in an emulator environment. The <i>atsserverinterface.exe</i> is used for this purpose and it is delivered as part of STF. </p>
<p>The ATS Test Drop (or a test package) is a .zip file that contains the <i>test.xml</i> file, test binaries, test script file, and flash images for the target device if it is defined. </p>
<h3>Related tasks</h3>
<li><a href="../tasks/preferences.htm">Setting TestDrop preferences</a></li>
<li><a href="../tasks/senddialog.htm">Sending a STF test drop to ATS</a></li>
<li><a href="../tasks/view_testdrop_results.htm">Viewing the TestDrop test results</a></li>
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