author Johnson Ma <johnson.ma@nokia.com>
Thu, 13 May 2010 17:42:48 +0800
changeset 3 a5f55a5789f3
parent 2 8bb370ba6d1d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Defect Fix: TeamTrack DEF145107

Help document for STF console based execution UI.
file version: 1.0
release date: 2009-12-03

Usage: stf [-option value] [--parameter value] [casename]

where options include:

-m <module name>
-s <script file path> if use this parameter, system will use "testsripter" to call the script file.
-i <engine initialization file path> Setting engine initialization file, if this option missed, STF will check the file under: "c:\testframework\testframework.ini"

-c <module initialization file path> Setting module initialization file.

--<configuration item> <value> 
         Setting configuration parameter, this setting will override settings in initialization file.
         The setting item could be:
         TestReportMode             # Possible values are: 'Empty', 'Summary', 'Environment', 'TestCases' or 'FullReport'
         CreateTestReport           # Possible values: YES or NO
         TestReportFormat           # Possible values: TXT, HTML or XML
         TestReportOutput           # Possible values: FILE or RDEBUG
         TestReportFileCreationMode # Possible values: OVERWRITE or APPEND    

-p <item> <value> 
         transfer name&value parameter into test module.

-v       display version information
-?/-h    display this help information.

For example:
1, stf -m demomodule 3
        STF will execute 3rd case in "demomodule".
2, stf -m demomodule -i c:\test\test.ini -p input ETrue -p expected 0 case1
        STF will execute "case1" under "demomodule", 
        take initialization setting from "test.ini", 
        transfer two paramters "input" and "expected" into test module.

3, stf -s c:\test\mytest.cfg --TestReportMode Summary
        STF will execute cases definied in "mytest.cfg" via testscripter, 
        take initialization setting from "c:\testframework\testframework.ini", and take "TestReportMode" parameter as "summary"