12:11:50:306 <html><body><pre>
12:11:50:307 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>
TEF Version : 3.2.1031
<font size=2 color=00AF00>*** TestExecute Started 12/01/2009 12:11:50:307 ***</font>
12:11:50:355 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script LOAD_SUITE te_RegStepTestSuite -SharedData
12:11:50:417 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script RUN_UTILS CopyFile C:\testdata\configs\readwriteConfig.ini C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini.bak
12:11:50:459 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script START_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0022
12:11:50:477 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script Line = 4 Command = START_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0022 </font>
12:11:50:506 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigNegStep C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section6
12:11:50:547 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 52 Negative test of read/write config file.
12:11:50:552 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 79 ---Start negative test of read/write integer from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:566 INFO - 594 teststepbase.cpp 356 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section6 IntValue 10
12:11:50:570 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 97 Test Passed!
12:11:50:575 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 103 ---Start negative test of read/write bool from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:589 INFO - 594 teststepbase.cpp 510 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section6 BoolValue 0
12:11:50:593 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 122 Test Passed!
12:11:50:597 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 128 ---Start negative test of read/write hex from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:611 INFO - 594 teststepbase.cpp 559 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section6 HexValue 171
12:11:50:615 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 138 Test Passed!
12:11:50:619 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 144 ---Start negative test of read/write string from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:633 INFO - 594 teststepbase.cpp 449 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section6 StringValue Changed string!
12:11:50:638 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 155 Test Passed!
12:11:50:654 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script Line = 16 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigNegStep C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section6 ***Result = PASS </font>
12:11:50:674 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigNegStep
12:11:50:704 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 52 Negative test of read/write config file.
12:11:50:709 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 79 ---Start negative test of read/write integer from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:713 ERROR - 594 teststepbase.cpp 367 Error occurs when writing integer to file, error code=0
12:11:50:717 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 97 Test Passed!
12:11:50:722 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 103 ---Start negative test of read/write bool from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:726 ERROR - 594 teststepbase.cpp 521 Error occurs when writing bool to file, error code=0
12:11:50:730 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 122 Test Passed!
12:11:50:734 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 128 ---Start negative test of read/write hex from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:738 ERROR - 594 teststepbase.cpp 570 Error occurs when writing hex to file, error code=0
12:11:50:743 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 138 Test Passed!
12:11:50:747 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 144 ---Start negative test of read/write string from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:751 ERROR - 594 teststepbase.cpp 460 Error occurs when writing string to file, error code=0
12:11:50:755 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 155 Test Passed!
12:11:50:771 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script Line = 17 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigNegStep ***Result = PASS </font>
12:11:50:799 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigNegStep C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section8
12:11:50:837 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 52 Negative test of read/write config file.
12:11:50:842 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 79 ---Start negative test of read/write integer from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:856 INFO - 594 teststepbase.cpp 356 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section8 IntValue 10
12:11:50:860 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 97 Test Passed!
12:11:50:864 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 103 ---Start negative test of read/write bool from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:879 INFO - 594 teststepbase.cpp 510 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section8 BoolValue 0
12:11:50:884 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 122 Test Passed!
12:11:50:888 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 128 ---Start negative test of read/write hex from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:902 INFO - 594 teststepbase.cpp 559 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section8 HexValue 171
12:11:50:906 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 138 Test Passed!
12:11:50:910 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 144 ---Start negative test of read/write string from/to configuration file...
12:11:50:924 INFO - 594 teststepbase.cpp 449 INI WRITE : C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section8 StringValue Changed string!
12:11:50:929 INFO - 594 readwriteconfignegstep.cpp 155 Test Passed!
12:11:50:944 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script Line = 18 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_RegStepTestSuite ReadWriteConfigNegStep C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini Section8 ***Result = PASS </font>
12:11:50:958 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script END_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0022
12:11:50:988 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script Line = 19 Command = END_TESTCASE DT-TEF-TestStep-0022 ***TestCaseResult = PASS </font>
12:11:51:023 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script RUN_UTILS DeleteFile C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini
12:11:51:118 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script RUN_UTILS CopyFile C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini.bak C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini
12:11:51:218 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-teststep-0022.script RUN_UTILS DeleteFile C:\testdata\configs\readwriteconfig.ini.bak
12:11:51:297 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>TEST STEP SUMMARY:</font>
12:11:51:301 <font size=2 color=00AF00>PASS = 3</font>
12:11:51:303 <font size=2 color=FF0000>FAIL = 0</font>
12:11:51:304 <font size=2 color=0000FF>ABORT = 0</font>
12:11:51:305 <font size=2 color=0000FF>PANIC = 0</font>
12:11:51:306 <font size=2 color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
12:11:51:307 <font size=2 color=0000FF>UNKNOWN = 0</font>
12:11:51:308 <font size=2 color=0000FF>UNEXECUTED = 0</font>
12:11:51:309 <font size=2 color=0000FF>COMMENTED OUT COMMAND'S = 0</font>
12:11:51:310 <font size=2 color=0000FF>SYSTEM PANICS COUNT = 0</font>
12:11:51:311 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>TEST CASE SUMMARY:</font>
12:11:51:312 <font size=2 color=00AF00>PASS = 1</font>
12:11:51:313 <font size=2 color=FF0000>FAIL = 0</font>
12:11:51:314 <font size=2 color=C0C0C0>SKIPPED_SELECTIVELY = 0</font>
12:11:51:315 <font size=2 color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
12:11:51:317 </pre></body></html>