12:10:05:439 <html><body><pre>
12:10:05:439 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>
TEF Version : 3.2.1031
<font size=2 color=00AF00>*** TestExecute Started 31/12/2008 12:10:05:439 ***</font>
12:10:05:464 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script LOAD_SUITE TEFPlatsec
12:10:05:498 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script START_TESTCASE DT-TEF-Utilities-0005
12:10:05:507 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 3 Command = START_TESTCASE DT-TEF-Utilities-0005 </font>
12:10:05:515 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script PRINT should be fail.because LaunchApp.
12:10:05:519 INFO - 608 scriptengine.cpp 1381 should be fail.because LaunchApp.
12:10:05:530 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP
12:10:05:556 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:05:558 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:05:560 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:05:562 INFO - 613 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP executable dummy.exe
12:10:05:564 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:05:566 INFO - 613 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP capabilities ReadUserData
12:10:05:568 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : ReadUserData
12:10:05:569 INFO - 613 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:571 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:573 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability ReadUserData
12:10:05:575 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is ReadUserData
12:10:05:577 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 8000
12:10:05:579 INFO - 613 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 8000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:604 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 12 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:05:616 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:05:644 INFO - 616 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:05:646 INFO - 616 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:05:648 INFO - 616 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:650 INFO - 616 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:652 INFO - 616 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:05:655 INFO - 616 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:05:664 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 13 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:05:676 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP
12:10:05:701 INFO - 617 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:05:704 INFO - 617 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:05:705 INFO - 617 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:05:707 INFO - 617 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:734 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 14 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:05:746 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP
12:10:05:772 INFO - 620 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:05:774 INFO - 620 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:05:776 INFO - 620 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:05:778 INFO - 620 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:806 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 17 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESSAGING_CAP ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:05:821 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:05:880 INFO - 623 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:05:882 INFO - 623 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:05:885 INFO - 623 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:886 INFO - 623 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:888 INFO - 623 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:05:891 INFO - 623 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:05:900 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 18 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:05:920 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDB_CAP_MX_1
12:10:05:978 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:05:980 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:05:982 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:05:984 INFO - 624 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDB_CAP_MX_1 executable dummy.exe
12:10:05:986 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:05:988 INFO - 624 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDB_CAP_MX_1 capabilities ReadDeviceData
12:10:05:990 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : ReadDeviceData
12:10:05:992 INFO - 624 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDB_CAP_MX_1 destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:994 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:05:996 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability ReadDeviceData
12:10:05:998 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is ReadDeviceData
12:10:06:000 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 10
12:10:06:002 INFO - 624 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 10 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:025 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 21 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDB_CAP_MX_1 ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:06:044 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:06:103 INFO - 627 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:06:105 INFO - 627 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:107 INFO - 627 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:109 INFO - 627 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:111 INFO - 627 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:06:114 INFO - 627 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:06:123 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 22 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:06:142 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDB_CAP_MX_1
12:10:06:201 INFO - 628 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:06:203 INFO - 628 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:06:205 INFO - 628 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:207 INFO - 628 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDB_CAP_MX_1 destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:234 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 23 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDB_CAP_MX_1 ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:06:254 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESS_CAP_MX_2
12:10:06:312 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:06:314 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:06:316 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:318 INFO - 631 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESS_CAP_MX_2 executable dummy.exe
12:10:06:320 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:06:322 INFO - 631 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESS_CAP_MX_2 capabilities ReadUserData
12:10:06:324 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : ReadUserData
12:10:06:326 INFO - 631 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESS_CAP_MX_2 destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:328 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:330 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability ReadUserData
12:10:06:332 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is ReadUserData
12:10:06:334 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 8000
12:10:06:335 INFO - 631 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 8000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:359 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 26 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESS_CAP_MX_2 ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:06:379 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:06:438 INFO - 634 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:06:440 INFO - 634 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:442 INFO - 634 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:444 INFO - 634 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:445 INFO - 634 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:06:448 INFO - 634 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:06:457 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 27 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:06:477 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESS_CAP_MX_2
12:10:06:535 INFO - 635 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:06:537 INFO - 635 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:06:539 INFO - 635 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:541 INFO - 635 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESS_CAP_MX_2 destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:568 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 28 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MESS_CAP_MX_2 ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:06:587 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TCB
12:10:06:646 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:06:648 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:06:650 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:652 INFO - 638 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TCB executable dummy.exe
12:10:06:654 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:06:656 INFO - 638 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TCB capabilities TCB
12:10:06:658 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : TCB
12:10:06:660 INFO - 638 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TCB destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:662 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:664 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability TCB
12:10:06:666 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is TCB
12:10:06:668 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 1
12:10:06:670 INFO - 638 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 1 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:693 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 31 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TCB ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:06:712 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:06:771 INFO - 641 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:06:773 INFO - 641 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:775 INFO - 641 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:777 INFO - 641 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:779 INFO - 641 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:06:781 INFO - 641 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:06:790 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 32 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:06:809 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TCB
12:10:06:868 INFO - 642 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:06:870 INFO - 642 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:06:872 INFO - 642 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:874 INFO - 642 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TCB destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:901 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 33 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TCB ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:06:921 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini ALLFILES
12:10:06:979 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:06:981 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:06:983 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:06:985 INFO - 645 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini ALLFILES executable dummy.exe
12:10:06:987 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:06:989 INFO - 645 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini ALLFILES capabilities ALLFILES
12:10:06:991 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : ALLFILES
12:10:06:993 INFO - 645 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini ALLFILES destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:995 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:06:997 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability ALLFILES
12:10:06:999 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is ALLFILES
12:10:07:001 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 800
12:10:07:002 INFO - 645 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 800 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:025 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 36 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini ALLFILES ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:07:045 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:07:103 INFO - 648 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:07:105 INFO - 648 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:107 INFO - 648 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:109 INFO - 648 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:111 INFO - 648 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:07:114 INFO - 648 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:07:123 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 37 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:07:142 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini ALLFILES
12:10:07:200 INFO - 649 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:07:202 INFO - 649 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:07:204 INFO - 649 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:206 INFO - 649 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini ALLFILES destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:233 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 38 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini ALLFILES ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:07:253 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDD
12:10:07:311 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:07:313 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:07:315 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:317 INFO - 652 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDD executable dummy.exe
12:10:07:319 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:07:321 INFO - 652 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDD capabilities COMMDD
12:10:07:323 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : COMMDD
12:10:07:325 INFO - 652 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDD destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:327 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:329 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability COMMDD
12:10:07:331 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is COMMDD
12:10:07:333 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 2
12:10:07:334 INFO - 652 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 2 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:358 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 40 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDD ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:07:378 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:07:435 INFO - 655 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:07:437 INFO - 655 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:439 INFO - 655 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:441 INFO - 655 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:443 INFO - 655 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:07:446 INFO - 655 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:07:455 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 41 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:07:474 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDD
12:10:07:532 INFO - 656 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:07:534 INFO - 656 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:07:536 INFO - 656 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:538 INFO - 656 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDD destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:565 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 42 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini COMMDD ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:07:588 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DISKADMIN
12:10:07:647 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:07:649 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:07:651 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:653 INFO - 659 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DISKADMIN executable dummy.exe
12:10:07:655 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:07:657 INFO - 659 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DISKADMIN capabilities COMMDD
12:10:07:658 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : COMMDD
12:10:07:661 INFO - 659 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DISKADMIN destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:662 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:664 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability COMMDD
12:10:07:666 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is COMMDD
12:10:07:668 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 2
12:10:07:670 INFO - 659 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 2 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:693 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 44 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DISKADMIN ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:07:713 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:07:771 INFO - 662 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:07:773 INFO - 662 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:775 INFO - 662 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:777 INFO - 662 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:779 INFO - 662 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:07:782 INFO - 662 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:07:791 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 45 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:07:810 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DISKADMIN
12:10:07:868 INFO - 663 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:07:871 INFO - 663 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:07:872 INFO - 663 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:874 INFO - 663 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DISKADMIN destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:901 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 46 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DISKADMIN ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:07:921 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DRM
12:10:07:979 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:07:981 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:07:983 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:07:985 INFO - 666 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DRM executable dummy.exe
12:10:07:987 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:07:989 INFO - 666 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DRM capabilities DRM
12:10:07:991 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : DRM
12:10:07:993 INFO - 666 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DRM destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:995 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:07:997 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability DRM
12:10:07:999 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is DRM
12:10:08:001 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 40
12:10:08:002 INFO - 666 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 40 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:026 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 48 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DRM ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:08:045 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:08:104 INFO - 669 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:08:106 INFO - 669 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:108 INFO - 669 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:110 INFO - 669 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:112 INFO - 669 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:08:114 INFO - 669 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:08:123 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 49 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:08:142 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DRM
12:10:08:201 INFO - 670 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:08:203 INFO - 670 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:08:205 INFO - 670 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:207 INFO - 670 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DRM destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:233 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 50 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini DRM ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:08:253 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCALSERVICES
12:10:08:312 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:08:314 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:08:316 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:318 INFO - 673 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCALSERVICES executable dummy.exe
12:10:08:320 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:08:322 INFO - 673 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCALSERVICES capabilities LOCALSERVICES
12:10:08:324 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : LOCALSERVICES
12:10:08:326 INFO - 673 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCALSERVICES destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:328 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:330 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability LOCALSERVICES
12:10:08:332 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is LOCALSERVICES
12:10:08:334 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 4000
12:10:08:335 INFO - 673 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 4000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:359 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 52 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCALSERVICES ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:08:378 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:08:437 INFO - 676 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:08:439 INFO - 676 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:441 INFO - 676 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:443 INFO - 676 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:445 INFO - 676 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:08:448 INFO - 676 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:08:457 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 53 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:08:476 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCALSERVICES
12:10:08:535 INFO - 677 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:08:537 INFO - 677 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:08:539 INFO - 677 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:541 INFO - 677 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCALSERVICES destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:568 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 54 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCALSERVICES ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:08:587 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCATION
12:10:08:646 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:08:648 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:08:650 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:652 INFO - 680 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCATION executable dummy.exe
12:10:08:653 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:08:656 INFO - 680 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCATION capabilities LOCATION
12:10:08:658 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : LOCATION
12:10:08:660 INFO - 680 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCATION destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:662 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:664 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability LOCATION
12:10:08:665 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is LOCATION
12:10:08:667 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 20000
12:10:08:669 INFO - 680 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 20000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:693 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 56 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCATION ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:08:712 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:08:770 INFO - 683 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:08:772 INFO - 683 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:775 INFO - 683 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:776 INFO - 683 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:778 INFO - 683 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:08:781 INFO - 683 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:08:790 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 57 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:08:809 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCATION
12:10:08:867 INFO - 684 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:08:869 INFO - 684 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:08:871 INFO - 684 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:873 INFO - 684 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCATION destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:900 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 58 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini LOCATION ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:08:920 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MULTIMEDIADD
12:10:08:979 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:08:981 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:08:983 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:08:985 INFO - 687 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MULTIMEDIADD executable dummy.exe
12:10:08:987 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:08:989 INFO - 687 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MULTIMEDIADD capabilities MULTIMEDIADD
12:10:08:991 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : MULTIMEDIADD
12:10:08:993 INFO - 687 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MULTIMEDIADD destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:995 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:08:997 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability MULTIMEDIADD
12:10:08:999 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is MULTIMEDIADD
12:10:09:001 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 8
12:10:09:002 INFO - 687 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 8 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:026 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 60 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MULTIMEDIADD ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:09:045 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:09:104 INFO - 690 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:09:106 INFO - 690 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:108 INFO - 690 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:110 INFO - 690 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:112 INFO - 690 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:09:114 INFO - 690 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:09:124 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 61 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:09:143 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MULTIMEDIADD
12:10:09:201 INFO - 691 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:09:203 INFO - 691 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:09:205 INFO - 691 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:207 INFO - 691 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MULTIMEDIADD destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:234 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 62 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini MULTIMEDIADD ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:09:254 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKCONTROL
12:10:09:313 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:09:315 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:09:317 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:319 INFO - 694 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKCONTROL executable dummy.exe
12:10:09:321 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:09:323 INFO - 694 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKCONTROL capabilities NETWORKCONTROL
12:10:09:325 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : NETWORKCONTROL
12:10:09:327 INFO - 694 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKCONTROL destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:329 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:331 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability NETWORKCONTROL
12:10:09:333 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is NETWORKCONTROL
12:10:09:334 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 400
12:10:09:336 INFO - 694 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 400 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:360 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 64 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKCONTROL ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:09:379 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:09:438 INFO - 697 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:09:440 INFO - 697 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:442 INFO - 697 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:444 INFO - 697 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:446 INFO - 697 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:09:448 INFO - 697 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:09:458 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 65 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:09:477 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKCONTROL
12:10:09:536 INFO - 698 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:09:538 INFO - 698 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:09:540 INFO - 698 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:542 INFO - 698 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKCONTROL destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:569 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 66 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKCONTROL ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:09:589 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKSERVICES
12:10:09:648 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:09:650 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:09:651 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:653 INFO - 701 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKSERVICES executable dummy.exe
12:10:09:655 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:09:657 INFO - 701 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKSERVICES capabilities NETWORKSERVICES
12:10:09:659 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : NETWORKSERVICES
12:10:09:661 INFO - 701 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKSERVICES destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:663 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:665 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability NETWORKSERVICES
12:10:09:667 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is NETWORKSERVICES
12:10:09:669 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 2000
12:10:09:671 INFO - 701 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 2000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:694 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 68 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKSERVICES ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:09:714 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:09:772 INFO - 704 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:09:774 INFO - 704 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:776 INFO - 704 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:778 INFO - 704 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:780 INFO - 704 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:09:783 INFO - 704 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:09:792 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 69 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:09:811 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKSERVICES
12:10:09:870 INFO - 705 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:09:872 INFO - 705 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:09:874 INFO - 705 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:876 INFO - 705 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKSERVICES destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:903 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 70 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NETWORKSERVICES ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:09:923 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini POWERMGMT
12:10:09:981 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:09:983 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:09:985 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:09:987 INFO - 708 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini POWERMGMT executable dummy.exe
12:10:09:989 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:09:991 INFO - 708 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini POWERMGMT capabilities POWERMGMT
12:10:09:993 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : POWERMGMT
12:10:09:995 INFO - 708 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini POWERMGMT destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:997 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:09:999 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability POWERMGMT
12:10:10:001 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is POWERMGMT
12:10:10:003 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 4
12:10:10:005 INFO - 708 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 4 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:028 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 72 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini POWERMGMT ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:10:048 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:10:106 INFO - 711 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:10:108 INFO - 711 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:110 INFO - 711 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:112 INFO - 711 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:114 INFO - 711 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:10:117 INFO - 711 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:10:126 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 73 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:10:145 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini POWERMGMT
12:10:10:204 INFO - 712 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:10:206 INFO - 712 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:10:208 INFO - 712 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:210 INFO - 712 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini POWERMGMT destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:236 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 74 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini POWERMGMT ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:10:256 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini PROTSERV
12:10:10:315 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:10:317 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:10:319 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:320 INFO - 715 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini PROTSERV executable dummy.exe
12:10:10:323 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:10:325 INFO - 715 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini PROTSERV capabilities PROTSERV
12:10:10:327 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : PROTSERV
12:10:10:329 INFO - 715 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini PROTSERV destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:331 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:332 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability PROTSERV
12:10:10:334 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is PROTSERV
12:10:10:336 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 100
12:10:10:338 INFO - 715 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 100 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:362 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 77 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini PROTSERV ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:10:381 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:10:440 INFO - 718 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:10:442 INFO - 718 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:444 INFO - 718 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:446 INFO - 718 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:448 INFO - 718 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:10:450 INFO - 718 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:10:460 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 78 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:10:479 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini PROTSERV
12:10:10:537 INFO - 719 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:10:540 INFO - 719 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:10:541 INFO - 719 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:543 INFO - 719 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini PROTSERV destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:570 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 79 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini PROTSERV ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:10:590 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READDEVICEDATA
12:10:10:649 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:10:651 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:10:653 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:655 INFO - 722 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READDEVICEDATA executable dummy.exe
12:10:10:657 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:10:659 INFO - 722 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READDEVICEDATA capabilities READDEVICEDATA
12:10:10:661 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : READDEVICEDATA
12:10:10:663 INFO - 722 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READDEVICEDATA destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:665 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:667 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability READDEVICEDATA
12:10:10:668 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is READDEVICEDATA
12:10:10:670 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 10
12:10:10:672 INFO - 722 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 10 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:695 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 82 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READDEVICEDATA ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:10:715 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:10:774 INFO - 725 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:10:776 INFO - 725 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:778 INFO - 725 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:779 INFO - 725 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:781 INFO - 725 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:10:784 INFO - 725 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:10:793 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 83 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:10:813 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READDEVICEDATA
12:10:10:871 INFO - 726 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:10:873 INFO - 726 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:10:875 INFO - 726 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:877 INFO - 726 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READDEVICEDATA destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:904 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 84 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READDEVICEDATA ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:10:924 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READUSERDATA
12:10:10:982 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:10:984 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:10:986 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:10:988 INFO - 729 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READUSERDATA executable dummy.exe
12:10:10:990 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:10:992 INFO - 729 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READUSERDATA capabilities TCB
12:10:10:994 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : TCB
12:10:10:996 INFO - 729 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READUSERDATA destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:10:998 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:000 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability TCB
12:10:11:002 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is TCB
12:10:11:004 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 1
12:10:11:006 INFO - 729 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 1 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:029 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 87 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READUSERDATA ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:11:048 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:11:107 INFO - 732 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:11:109 INFO - 732 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:111 INFO - 732 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:113 INFO - 732 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:115 INFO - 732 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:11:118 INFO - 732 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:11:127 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 88 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:11:146 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READUSERDATA
12:10:11:204 INFO - 733 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:11:206 INFO - 733 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:11:208 INFO - 733 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:210 INFO - 733 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READUSERDATA destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:237 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 89 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini READUSERDATA ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:11:257 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SURROUNDINGSDD
12:10:11:316 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:11:318 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:11:320 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:322 INFO - 736 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SURROUNDINGSDD executable dummy.exe
12:10:11:324 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:11:326 INFO - 736 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SURROUNDINGSDD capabilities SURROUNDINGSDD
12:10:11:328 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : SURROUNDINGSDD
12:10:11:330 INFO - 736 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SURROUNDINGSDD destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:332 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:334 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability SURROUNDINGSDD
12:10:11:336 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is SURROUNDINGSDD
12:10:11:338 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 40000
12:10:11:340 INFO - 736 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 40000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:363 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 92 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SURROUNDINGSDD ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:11:383 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:11:441 INFO - 739 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:11:443 INFO - 739 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:445 INFO - 739 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:447 INFO - 739 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:449 INFO - 739 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:11:452 INFO - 739 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:11:461 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 93 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:11:480 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SURROUNDINGSDD
12:10:11:539 INFO - 740 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:11:541 INFO - 740 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:11:543 INFO - 740 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:545 INFO - 740 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SURROUNDINGSDD destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:572 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 94 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SURROUNDINGSDD ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:11:592 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SWEVENT
12:10:11:650 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:11:652 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:11:654 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:656 INFO - 743 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SWEVENT executable dummy.exe
12:10:11:658 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:11:660 INFO - 743 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SWEVENT capabilities SWEVENT
12:10:11:662 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : SWEVENT
12:10:11:664 INFO - 743 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SWEVENT destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:666 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:668 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability SWEVENT
12:10:11:670 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is SWEVENT
12:10:11:672 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 1000
12:10:11:674 INFO - 743 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 1000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:697 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 97 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SWEVENT ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:11:716 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:11:775 INFO - 746 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:11:777 INFO - 746 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:779 INFO - 746 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:781 INFO - 746 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:783 INFO - 746 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:11:785 INFO - 746 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:11:794 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 98 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:11:813 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SWEVENT
12:10:11:872 INFO - 747 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:11:874 INFO - 747 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:11:876 INFO - 747 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:878 INFO - 747 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SWEVENT destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:905 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 99 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini SWEVENT ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:11:925 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI
12:10:11:983 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:11:985 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:11:987 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:11:989 INFO - 750 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI executable dummy.exe
12:10:11:991 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:11:993 INFO - 750 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI capabilities TRUSTEDUI
12:10:11:995 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : TRUSTEDUI
12:10:11:997 INFO - 750 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:11:999 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:001 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:003 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:005 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 80
12:10:12:007 INFO - 750 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 80 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:030 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 102 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:12:049 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:12:108 INFO - 753 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:12:110 INFO - 753 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:112 INFO - 753 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:114 INFO - 753 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:116 INFO - 753 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:12:119 INFO - 753 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:12:128 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 103 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:12:147 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:205 INFO - 754 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:12:208 INFO - 754 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:12:209 INFO - 754 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:211 INFO - 754 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:238 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 104 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:12:258 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:317 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:12:319 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:12:321 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:323 INFO - 757 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI executable dummy.exe
12:10:12:325 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:12:327 INFO - 757 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI capabilities TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:329 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:331 INFO - 757 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:333 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:334 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:336 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:338 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 80
12:10:12:340 INFO - 757 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 80 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:364 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 107 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:12:383 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:12:442 INFO - 760 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:12:444 INFO - 760 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:446 INFO - 760 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:448 INFO - 760 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:450 INFO - 760 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:12:452 INFO - 760 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:12:461 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 108 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:12:481 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI
12:10:12:539 INFO - 761 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:12:541 INFO - 761 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:12:543 INFO - 761 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:545 INFO - 761 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:572 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 109 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini TRUSTEDUI ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:12:592 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini USERENVIRONMENT
12:10:12:651 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:12:653 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:12:655 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:657 INFO - 764 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini USERENVIRONMENT executable dummy.exe
12:10:12:658 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:12:661 INFO - 764 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini USERENVIRONMENT capabilities USERENVIRONMENT
12:10:12:663 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : USERENVIRONMENT
12:10:12:665 INFO - 764 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini USERENVIRONMENT destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:667 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:669 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability USERENVIRONMENT
12:10:12:671 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is USERENVIRONMENT
12:10:12:672 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 80000
12:10:12:674 INFO - 764 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 80000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:698 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 112 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini USERENVIRONMENT ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:12:717 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:12:775 INFO - 767 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:12:777 INFO - 767 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:779 INFO - 767 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:781 INFO - 767 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:783 INFO - 767 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:12:786 INFO - 767 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:12:795 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 113 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:12:814 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini USERENVIRONMENT
12:10:12:873 INFO - 768 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:12:875 INFO - 768 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:12:877 INFO - 768 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:879 INFO - 768 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini USERENVIRONMENT destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:12:906 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 114 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini USERENVIRONMENT ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:12:926 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEDEVICEDATA
12:10:12:985 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:12:987 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:12:989 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:12:991 INFO - 771 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEDEVICEDATA executable dummy.exe
12:10:12:993 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:12:995 INFO - 771 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEDEVICEDATA capabilities WRITEDEVICEDATA
12:10:12:997 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : WRITEDEVICEDATA
12:10:12:999 INFO - 771 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEDEVICEDATA destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:001 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:003 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability WRITEDEVICEDATA
12:10:13:005 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is WRITEDEVICEDATA
12:10:13:006 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 20
12:10:13:008 INFO - 771 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 20 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:032 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 117 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEDEVICEDATA ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:13:051 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:13:110 INFO - 774 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:13:112 INFO - 774 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:13:114 INFO - 774 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:116 INFO - 774 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:118 INFO - 774 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:13:120 INFO - 774 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:13:130 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 118 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:13:149 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEDEVICEDATA
12:10:13:208 INFO - 775 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:13:210 INFO - 775 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:13:212 INFO - 775 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:13:214 INFO - 775 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEDEVICEDATA destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:241 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 119 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEDEVICEDATA ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:13:261 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEUSERDATA
12:10:13:319 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:13:322 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:13:323 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:13:325 INFO - 778 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEUSERDATA executable dummy.exe
12:10:13:327 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:13:330 INFO - 778 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEUSERDATA capabilities WRITEUSERDATA
12:10:13:332 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : WRITEUSERDATA
12:10:13:334 INFO - 778 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEUSERDATA destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:336 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:338 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability WRITEUSERDATA
12:10:13:340 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is WRITEUSERDATA
12:10:13:341 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is 10000
12:10:13:343 INFO - 778 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe 10000 C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:367 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 122 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEUSERDATA ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:13:386 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:13:445 INFO - 781 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:13:447 INFO - 781 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:13:449 INFO - 781 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:451 INFO - 781 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:453 INFO - 781 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:13:455 INFO - 781 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:13:465 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 123 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:13:484 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEUSERDATA
12:10:13:543 INFO - 782 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:13:545 INFO - 782 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:13:547 INFO - 782 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:13:549 INFO - 782 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEUSERDATA destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:576 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 124 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini WRITEUSERDATA ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:13:595 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NONE
12:10:13:654 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 48 Setting the capabilities of the executable.
12:10:13:656 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 51 Server Name
12:10:13:658 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 52 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:13:660 INFO - 785 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NONE executable dummy.exe
12:10:13:662 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy.exe
12:10:13:664 INFO - 785 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NONE capabilities NONE
12:10:13:666 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 73 New capabilities for the executable : NONE
12:10:13:668 INFO - 785 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NONE destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:670 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 83 Destination path specified is : C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:672 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 153 Adding capability NONE
12:10:13:674 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 194 The capability get is NONE
12:10:13:676 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 106 Capality Hex value is FFFFFFFF
12:10:13:678 INFO - 785 testplatsecsetcapabilities.cpp 113 command line arguments for setcap is dummy.exe FFFFFFFF C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:701 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 127 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec SetCapabilities C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NONE ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:13:721 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH
12:10:13:779 INFO - 788 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 50 Server Name
12:10:13:781 INFO - 788 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 51 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:13:783 INFO - 788 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH executable dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:785 INFO - 788 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 63 Executable name read from the ini file is dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:787 INFO - 788 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 66 No Command line arguments provided
12:10:13:789 INFO - 788 testplatseclaunchapp.cpp 74 Launching the app failed with error : -1
12:10:13:799 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 128 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec LaunchApp C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini CAP_LAUNCH Code = -1 ***Result = FAIL </font>
12:10:13:818 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NONE
12:10:13:876 INFO - 789 testplatseccleanup.cpp 45 Cleaning up the exe
12:10:13:878 INFO - 789 testplatseccleanup.cpp 48 Server Name
12:10:13:880 INFO - 789 testplatseccleanup.cpp 49 Server Name TEFPlatsec
12:10:13:882 INFO - 789 teststepbase.cpp 294 INI READ : C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NONE destinationPath C:\sys\bin\dummy_Cap.exe
12:10:13:909 <font size=2 color=00AF00>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 129 Command = RUN_TEST_STEP 100 TEFPlatsec Cleanup C:\testdata\configs\CapabilityPolicing.ini NONE ***Result = PASS </font>
12:10:13:922 c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script END_TESTCASE DT-TEF-Utilities-0005
12:10:13:977 <font size=2 color=FF0000>c:\testdata\scripts\dt-tef-utilities-0005.script Line = 130 Command = END_TESTCASE DT-TEF-Utilities-0005 ***TestCaseResult = FAIL </font>
12:10:13:997 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>TEST STEP SUMMARY:</font>
12:10:14:002 <font size=2 color=00AF00>PASS = 51</font>
12:10:14:003 <font size=2 color=FF0000>FAIL = 26</font>
12:10:14:004 <font size=2 color=0000FF>ABORT = 0</font>
12:10:14:004 <font size=2 color=0000FF>PANIC = 0</font>
12:10:14:004 <font size=2 color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
12:10:14:005 <font size=2 color=0000FF>UNKNOWN = 0</font>
12:10:14:005 <font size=2 color=0000FF>UNEXECUTED = 0</font>
12:10:14:006 <font size=2 color=0000FF>COMMENTED OUT COMMAND'S = 0</font>
12:10:14:006 <font size=2 color=0000FF>SYSTEM PANICS COUNT = 0</font>
12:10:14:006 <font size=2 color=00AFFF>TEST CASE SUMMARY:</font>
12:10:14:007 <font size=2 color=00AF00>PASS = 0</font>
12:10:14:007 <font size=2 color=FF0000>FAIL = 1</font>
12:10:14:008 <font size=2 color=C0C0C0>SKIPPED_SELECTIVELY = 0</font>
12:10:14:008 <font size=2 color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
12:10:14:009 </pre></body></html>