author Graeme Price <GRAEME.PRICE@NOKIA.COM>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:32:18 +0100
changeset 15 307f4279f433
parent 14 578be2adaf3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial contribution of the Adaptation Documentation.

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<!-- Initial Contributors:
    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
<!DOCTYPE concept
  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="GUID-DA62FD4F-2E74-5B2F-B703-4A40DF5F01CA" xml:lang="en"><title>MAKSYM
Tool</title><shortdesc>MAKSYM is a command line tool that processes the log file generated
when building a ROM image, and creates a text file that lists the address
of every global and exported function in the ROM</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
<p> <xref href="GUID-CC04A14B-A839-5613-820D-F1E65EB2DF7F.dita">Reference: tools:
MAKSYM</xref> outlines the syntax of the command. </p>
<p>If you know the address of the instruction which caused an exception, you
can compare this address with the MAKSYM log to see which function this is
in. You can narrow this down to the exact code within the function by using <codeph>ABLD
LISTING</codeph> to get the assembler output from the compiler. </p>
<p>The following example MAKSYM log is taken from an EKA1 build; however,
the principle is the same for EKA2. </p>
<codeblock id="GUID-D59F2E58-C39A-516B-8185-F4C8DBB9BE45" xml:space="preserve">From    \Epoc32\Release\Misa\UREL\ekern.exe

50003040    0094    _E32Startup
500030d4    002c    ImpDma::Init1(void)
50003100    0004    ImpDma::Init3(void)
50003104    0008    ImpDma::MaxBlockSize(void)
<p>If, for example, the code address of the exception is at <codeph>0x500030dc</codeph>,
then you can see from the log that this is in the <codeph>ImpDma::Init1()</codeph> function,
at offset 8 from the start of the function. This function is in the file <filepath>...\e32\ekern\epoc\arm\sa1100\ka_dma.cpp</filepath>,
so use<codeph> ABLD LISTING</codeph> to obtain the assembler: </p>
<p><userinput>cd \e32</userinput> </p>
<p><userinput>abld listing misa urel ekern ka_dma </userinput> </p>
<p>Notice that you must specify the component that the file is part of, in
this case <codeph>EKERN</codeph>, and that you do not put the <filepath>.cpp</filepath> extension
on the source file name. If you do not specify a source file ABLD will create
an assembler listing for every file in component <codeph>EKERN</codeph>. </p>
<p>The listing file will be placed in the same directory as <codeph>ka_dma.cpp</codeph>,
and will be called <codeph>ka_dma.lis</codeph>. If you look at this file you
will see something like this: </p>
<codeblock id="GUID-285B04C6-E2C4-5A62-A47B-C31F71231F57" xml:space="preserve">7                  Init1__6ImpDma:
   8                      @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
   9                      @ frame_needed = 0, current_function_anonymous_args = 0
  10                      @ I don't think this function clobbers lr
  11 0000 18209FE5         ldr    r2, .L793
  12 0004 0630A0E3         mov    r3, #6
  13 0008 003082E5         str    r3, [r2, #0]
  14 000c 10309FE5         ldr    r3, .L793+4
  15 0010 10009FE5         ldr    r0, .L793+8
  16 0014 000083E5         str    r0, [r3, #0]
  17 0018 1810A0E3         mov    r1, #24
  18 001c FEFFFFEA         b    FillZ__3MemPvi
<p>Offset 8 is the first STR instruction. Comparing this with the C++ source: </p>
<codeblock id="GUID-695798DA-4A00-5963-A3B8-F30D5D908FDA" xml:space="preserve">void ImpDma::Init1()
// Phase 1 initialisation of the Dma channels
    PP::DmaChannelTable=(TDma **)(&amp;DmaChannels[0]);
    Mem::FillZ(PP::DmaChannelTable,sizeof(TDma *)*KNumberOfDmaChannels);
<p>The first store is to PP::DmaMaxChannels, so clearly there is a problem
writing this memory. </p>