diff -r f345bda72bc4 -r 43e37759235e Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/functions_0x64.html
--- a/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/functions_0x64.html Tue Mar 30 11:56:28 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/functions_0x64.html Tue Mar 30 16:16:55 2010 +0100
@@ -1,373 +1,372 @@
+Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
-Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- DataSendAndReceive()
-: CRConnection
+: CRConnection
- DataTransferNotificationRequest()
-: CRConnection
+: CRConnection
- DataTransferredRequest()
-: CRConnection
+: CRConnection
- DataTypesQueryL()
-: CSqlExample
- DDriver1Channel
-: RDriver1
-, DDriver1Channel
+: CSqlExample
+- DDriver1Channel()
+: DDriver1Channel
- DDriver1Factory()
-: DDriver1Factory
- DealCardsL()
-: CCardGameDealer
- DealDeckL()
-: CScabbyQueenDealer
- DecodeFromDescriptorToBitmapL()
-: CIclExample
- DecodeFromFileToBitmapL()
-: CIclExample
- DecodeL()
-: CPngReadSubCodec
- DecodeTheThumbnailL()
-: CIclExample
- DecodeToHalfFourthAndEighthSizedBitmapL()
-: CIclExample
- DecodeToYuvFrameL()
-: CIclExample
- DecodeUsingContinueConvertL()
-: CIclExample
- DecodeUsingImageMaskL()
-: CIclExample
- DecodeUsingSepThreadL()
-: CIclExample
- DecodeWithRotateL()
-: CIclExample
+: DDriver1Factory
- Decrease()
-: RCountSubSession
-, CCountSubSession
-, RCountServSession
-, CCountServSession
-, RSecureSubSession
-, CSecureServerSubSession
+: RSecureSubSession
+, CSecureServerSubSession
+, CCountServSession
- DecreaseBy()
-: RCountSubSession
-, CCountSubSession
-, RCountServSession
-, CCountServSession
-, CSecureServerSubSession
+: CCountServSession
+, CSecureServerSubSession
- DecreaseByL()
-: RSecureSubSession
+: RSecureSubSession
- DecrementRefCount()
-: CProcessServer
-, CThreadServer
+: CProcessServer
+, CThreadServer
+- DecrementSessions()
+: CTimeServer
- DefaultServiceL()
-: CTextMtmClient
-, CMTMTxtSettings
+: CMTMTxtSettings
- DefinePropertyL()
-: CArrayPropertyWatch
- DeleteAccountsL()
-: CSearchsortExample
- DeleteAllL()
-: CTextServerMtm
+: CArrayPropertyWatch
+- DeleteAnniversaryL()
+: CCalendarAPIexampleEngine
- DeleteCounter()
-: CCountSession
-, CSecureServerSession
+: CSecureServerSession
- DeleteDefaultServiceSettingL()
-: CMTMTxtSettings
+: CMTMTxtSettings
- DeleteEntryL()
-: CCalExample
- DeleteFromL()
-: CTextMtmUi
+: CCalendarAPIexampleEngine
- DeleteL()
-: CFeatMngrExample
-, CCentRepExample
+: CFeatMngrExample
+, CCentRepExample
+- DeleteMessageL()
+: CSmsEngine
+, CSMSExampleMtmsEngine
- DeleteSchedulesL()
-: CTaskSchedule
- DeleteServiceL()
-: CTextMtmUi
- DeleteSettingsL()
-: CMTMTxtSettings
+: CTaskSchedule
- DeleteSmtpMessageL()
-: CSearchsortExample
- DeleteSourceAfterwards()
-: CTxtCopyToLocalOp
-, CTxtCopyFromLocalOp
-, CTxtCopyWithinServiceOp
-, CTxtMoveToLocalOp
-, CTxtMoveFromLocalOp
-, CTxtMoveWithinServiceOp
-, CTxtDeleteOp
+: CSearchsortExample
- DemoApiWithDbOverrideL()
-: CRConnection
+: CRConnection
- DemoApiWithoutDbOverrideL()
-: CRConnection
- descriptor
-: CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams
- DestinationTypesL()
-: CMediaClientEngine
- Differs()
-: TExampleShellModel
- DirectViewFinderL()
-: CCameraAppUi
+: CRConnection
+- DeviceDiscovered()
+: MDeviceDiscoObserver
+, CBluetoothPMPExampleEngine
+- DeviceListContainer()
+: CSharedIntermediator
+- Disconnect()
+: CConnector
+- DisconnectDevices()
+: CBluetoothPMPExampleEngine
+- DiscoverDevicesL()
+: CBluetoothPMPExampleEngine
+, CDeviceDiscoverer
+- DiscoverL()
+: MsgEditorServiceResolver
+- DiscoverServicesL()
+: CBluetoothPMPExampleEngine
+, CServiceDiscoverer
+- DiscoverServicesOnDeviceL()
+: CServiceDiscoverer
- DispatchMessageL()
-: CCountServSession
-, CCountSession
+: CCountServSession
- Display()
-: CProducer
+: CProducer
- DisplayAccountL()
-: CSendAs2Example
- DisplayingFrameCommentsL()
-: CIclExample
- DisplayingImageCommentsL()
-: CIclExample
+: CSendAs2Example
- DisplayLocaleSettings()
-: CLocaleSettings
+: CLocaleSettings
- DisplayMessageSummary()
-: CKeyReader
- DisplayMode()
-: CImageAppView
+: CKeyReader
- DisplayProgressinfo()
-: CRConnection
- DisplaySectionToDemo()
-: CRConnection
- DisplayTypefaces()
-: CPdrExample
- DoBasicAnimOperationL()
-: CAnimationAppView
+: CRConnection
+- DoActivateL()
+: CListboxView
+, CLogView
+- DoAddL()
+: CCalendarAPIexampleEngine
- DoCancel()
-: CSpriteAnimMover
-, CBasicAnimMover
-, CMyStringReverse
-, CTimerEntry
-, CUserInterface
-, CLongNumber
-, CFeatMngrExample
-, CAdder
-, CSubtractor
-, CCollector
-, CMsgQActive
-, CCardGameRecv
-, CCardGameSend
-, CPanConnections
-, CPdrPrint
-, CWsClient
-, CWsRedrawer
-, CKeyReader
-, CExampleActive
-, CTxtActiveOper
-, CTxtCopyMoveBase
-, CTextServerMtm
-, CEditRemoteOperation
-, CEchoRead
-, CEchoWrite
-, CEchoEngine
+: CListboxRefreshTimer
+, CThreadEngine
+, CCSAsyncRequestHandler
+, CMyStringReverse
+, CTimerEntry
+, CUserInterface
+, CLongNumber
+, CAdder
+, CSubtractor
+, CMsgQActive
+, CConnector
+, CDeviceDiscoverer
+, CListener
+, CTaskManagerEngine
+, CTaskManagerEngineReader
+, CBluetoothRefreshTimer
- DoChangeTransparencyL()
-: CTransparentUtil
- DoComplete()
-: CTextServerMtm
+: CTransparentUtil
- DoCreate()
-: DDriver1Channel
+: DDriver1Channel
+- DoDeactivate()
+: CListboxView
+, CLogView
- DoesScheduledItemExistL()
-: CTaskSchedule
- DoExit()
-: CMediaClientAppUi
- DoExperimentL()
-: CExampleAppView
+: CTaskSchedule
- DoHandleCompletingPhaseL()
-: CMTPExampleDpRequestProcessor
+: CMTPExampleDpRequestProcessor
- DoHandleResponsePhaseL()
-: CMTPExampleDpRequestProcessor
+: CMTPExampleDpRequestProcessor
- DoInvert()
-: CInverter
- DoMethodL()
-: CImplementationClassOne
-, CImplementationClassTwo
+: CInverter
- DoPacketSent()
-: CRtpFileSender
+: CRtpFileSender
- DoRequestNotificationL()
-: CNetworkRegInfo
-, CBatteryInfo
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CGetIndicator
-, CSignalInfo
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CLineStatus
-, CCallStatus
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CCallStatus
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CLineStatus
-, CNetworkRegInfo
-, CCallStatus
-, CLineStatus
-, CCurrentNetworkInfo
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CCurrentNetworkInfo
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CGetLockInfo
- DoRunL()
-: CTxtCopyToLocalOp
-, CTxtCopyFromLocalOp
-, CTxtCopyWithinServiceOp
-, CTextServerMtm
-, CTxtDeleteOp
-, CTxtCopyMoveBase
+: CCallStatus
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CLineStatus
+, CNetworkRegInfo
+, CCallStatus
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CLineStatus
+, CCurrentNetworkInfo
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CCallStatus
+, CCurrentNetworkInfo
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CGetLockInfo
+, CLineStatus
+, CNetworkRegInfo
+, CBatteryInfo
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CGetIndicator
+, CSignalInfo
+, CFlightModeInfo
+- DoSaveL()
+: CCalendarAPIexampleEngine
+- DoSearchL()
+: CCalendarAPIexampleEngine
- DoSendError()
-: CRtpFileSender
- DoSpriteAnimOperationL()
-: CAnimationAppView
+: CRtpFileSender
- DoStartRequestL()
-: CSwap
-, CCallForwardingStatus
-, CCallInfo
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CResume
-, CAnswerIncomingCall
-, CCallStatus
-, CHangup
-, CLineStatus
-, CCallStatus
-, CCallForwardingStatus
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CDialCall
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CHangup
-, CNetworkRegInfo
-, CSendDTMF
-, CCallWaitingStatus
-, CIdentityServiceStatus
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CPhoneId
-, CCallBarringStatus
-, CCallWaitingStatus
-, CCurrentNetworkInfo
-, CCallWaitingStatus
-, CLineStatus
-, CAnswerIncomingCall
-, CLineStatus
-, CCurrentNetworkName
-, CCallStatus
-, CHold
-, CBatteryInfo
-, CFlightModeInfo
-, CCurrentNetworkInfo
-, CCallBarringStatus
-, CSignalInfo
-, CIdentityServiceStatus
-, CDialCall
-, CSubscriberId
-, CGetIndicator
-, CNetworkRegInfo
-, COperatorName
-, CGetLockInfo
-, CPhoneId
-, CHangup
- DoStepL()
-: CTxtRefreshMBox
+: CHold
+, CLineStatus
+, CNetworkRegInfo
+, CResume
+, CSwap
+, CIdentityServiceStatus
+, CAnswerIncomingCall
+, CSubscriberId
+, CBatteryInfo
+, CGetIndicator
+, CPhoneId
+, CIdentityServiceStatus
+, CPhoneId
+, CCallBarringStatus
+, CCallForwardingStatus
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CCallStatus
+, CAnswerIncomingCall
+, CHangup
+, CCallWaitingStatus
+, CNetworkRegInfo
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CDialCall
+, CCurrentNetworkInfo
+, CCallStatus
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CCurrentNetworkInfo
+, CHangup
+, CCallInfo
+, CCallForwardingStatus
+, CSendDTMF
+, CLineStatus
+, CCallWaitingStatus
+, CSignalInfo
+, CCallStatus
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, COperatorName
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CCallBarringStatus
+, CHangup
+, CCallWaitingStatus
+, CFlightModeInfo
+, CLineStatus
+, CCurrentNetworkName
+, CGetLockInfo
+, CDialCall
- doTestStepL()
-: CMainTestStep
+: CMainTestStep
- doTestStepPostambleL()
-: CTe_ProcessClientServerTestSuiteStepBase
-, CTe_ThreadClientServerTestSuiteStepBase
+: CTe_ProcessClientServerTestSuiteStepBase
+, CTe_ThreadClientServerTestSuiteStepBase
- doTestStepPreambleL()
-: CTe_ThreadClientServerTestSuiteStepBase
-, CTe_ProcessClientServerTestSuiteStepBase
- Down
-: CNumberedWindow
+: CTe_ThreadClientServerTestSuiteStepBase
+, CTe_ProcessClientServerTestSuiteStepBase
- Draw()
-: CZoomControl
-, CNumberedWindow
-, CViewControl
-, CGlobalControl
-, CMainWindow
-, CStyleControl
-, CHelloControl
-, CDrawControl
-, CBitmapControl
-, CSmallWindow
-, CSmileyPicture
-, CGraphicExampleControl
-, CFontControl
-, CControlFrameworkView
-, CPictureControl
-, CRichControl
-, CFbsControl
-, CGraphicExampleControl
- DrawBitmapNow()
-: CImageAppView
- DrawBorder()
-: CControlFrameworkView
- DrawBorders()
-: CCameraAppView
+: CHelloWorldBasicAppView
+, CThreadAppView
+, CCSSyncAppView
+, CHandlerAppView
+, CCSAsyncAppView
+, CTestAppAppView
+, CHelloWorldBasicAppView
+, CLocalizationAppView
+, CTxtViewerAppView
+, CDBMSListboxView
+, CDBMSAppView
- DrawImage()
-: CCameraAppView
- DrawLeft()
-: CZoomControl
- DrawMessage()
-: CControlFrameworkView
- DrawRight()
-: CZoomControl
+: CLocalizationAppView
+- DrawLineL()
+: CBluetoothPMPExampleRTEContainer
+, CRichTextEditorRTE
+, CSMSExampleRTEContainer
+- DrawText()
+: CThreadAppView
+- DrawTextL()
+: CLogView
+, CSMSExampleRTEContainer
+, CBluetoothPMPExampleRTEContainer
+- DrawTextWithoutCarriageL()
+: CRichTextEditorRTE
+, CSMSExampleRTEContainer
+, CLogView
+, CBluetoothPMPExampleRTEContainer
+- DrawUnderlinedTextL()
+: CSMSExampleRTEContainer
+, CLogView
+, CBluetoothPMPExampleRTEContainer
- DrawWindow()
-: CTransparentUtil
+: CTransparentUtil
- DrawWindowRegion()
-: CTransparentUtil
- DropSession()
-: CMyServer
- Duration()
-: CMMFRawFormatRead
-, CMMFRawFormatWrite
+: CTransparentUtil
+- DynInitMenuPaneL()
+, CTxtViewerAppUi
+, CCSAsyncAppUi
Generated on Thu Jan 21 10:33:03 2010 for TB10.1 Example Applications by