1 |
2 |
Platform_Abbreviation = Nokia
3 |
Platform_Version_Major = 9
4 |
Platform_Version_Minor = 2
5 |
Platform_Year = 2009
6 |
Platform_Week = 44
7 |
Platform_HW_Spec = 79
8 |
Platform_Version = $Platform_Version_Major.$Platform_Version_Minor
9 |
PLATFORM_VERSION = $Platform_Version #TUI #This is visible creature
10 |
Platform_Type = Rel #RnD #
11 |
Platform_Build_ID = $Platform_Type${Platform_Year}${Platform_Week}
12 |
FP_ID = #2
13 |
FP = #FP${FP_ID}
14 |
FP_Version = v0.5
15 |
Support_pack = #Supporting Feature Pack ${FP_ID}
16 |
Edition_number = 9.2
17 |
Edition = ${Edition_number}
18 |
Symbian_Version = 9.4
19 |
Platform_Name = ${Platform_Abbreviation}_${Platform_Version_Major}${Platform_Version_Minor}_${Platform_Year}${Platform_Week}
20 |
21 |
# a - alpha, b - beta, f - final, h - herald
22 |
SDK_Phase = #f
23 |
Increment = 1
24 |
Build_number =
25 |
26 |
27 |
S60_Root = S:
28 |
Sce_Root = M:
29 |
S60_Root_Path = C:\users\Builds\${Platform_Name} #Where Z will be substed
30 |
Start_time = 0906230130
31 |
SCM_Project = Series60SDK_dev-bh1cfsdk#9.1_bakkm
32 |
Reconfigure = Yes
33 |
SCM_WA_Path = G:\SDK_BIS\Repository\ccm_wa\bakki_wa
34 |
SCM_Workarea = ${SCM_WA_Path}\${SCM_Project}
35 |
Print_tasks_since = 2009/08/01 #empty means - 1 day
36 |
Output_Base = \\bhbld067\Builds\Nightly_builds
37 |
Output_Base_substed = N:
38 |
Nbr_of_envs_to_keep = 3
39 |
Nbr_of_nbs_to_keep = 3
40 |
IFs_Platform_Version = $Platform_Version
41 |
Build_ID_Server = bhbld067.apac.nokia.com
42 |
43 |
44 |
Mail_From = bakkiaraj.m@nokia.com
45 |
Mail_To =
46 |
Mail_Cc = $Mail_From , bakkiaraj.m@nokia.com
47 |
SMS_To = #+919740090439
48 |
49 |
50 |
[Environment Validation]
51 |
MinDiskSpace = 30
52 |
Logonname = noe\bakkm
53 |
TestMapDrive = K:
54 |
FilerblrDrive = G:
55 |
TestMapDirectory = \\filerblr\SP\AM\DT_SDK\SDK_BIS\SAN_TEST_SCRIPTS
56 |
FilerblrMapDirectory = \\filerblr\SP\AM\DT_SDK
57 |
TimeServer = ntp0.apac.nokia.com
58 |
Build_id_service_host = ${Build_ID_Server}
59 |
Build_id_service_portno = 1234
60 |
Symsee = 7.4.0
61 |
Java = javac 1.6.0_10
62 |
Ant = 1.6.5
63 |
Perl = v5.8.8
64 |
Rvct = RVCT2.2
65 |
Doxygen = 1.4.5
66 |
CarbideIDE = 3.2.5
67 |
Software_list = Java,Perl,Ant,Symsee,Rvct,Doxygen,CarbideIDE #This should match the sub check_for_sw_paths
68 |
validatelogpath = \SDK_Build\PF_5250\
69 |
70 |
Jsr_j9filename = j9_23_j9midps60
71 |
j9_filepath = ${S60_Root}\epoc32\release\winscw\udeb
72 |
jsr_spec_cm_path = ${SCM_Workarea}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_API
73 |
jsr_specfile = ${jsr_spec_cm_path}\jsr_specification.xml
74 |
jsr_wa = ${Sce_Root}\jsr_wa
75 |
76 |
77 |
Required_Java = 1.5.0
78 |
Required_Perl = 5.6.1
79 |
Required_DirectX_user = 9.0
80 |
Required_DirectX =
81 |
Support_URL = http://forum.nokia.com
82 |
SDK_Company_Name = Nokia
83 |
#SDK_Product_name = ${Platform_Abbreviation} ${Edition} SDK
84 |
SDK_Product_name = Nokia ${Edition} SDK
85 |
#SDK_Short_name = ${Platform_Abbreviation} ${Edition} SDK
86 |
SDK_Short_name = Nokia ${Edition} SDK
87 |
Release = Hybrid #CPP, MIDP, TUI
88 |
#Kit_ID = ${Platform_Abbreviation}_${Edition_number}_Edition_SDK
89 |
Kit_ID = Nokia_${Edition_number}_SDK
90 |
Device_Name = com.nokia.s60
91 |
Target_Directory = C:\\Nokia\\devices
92 |
#Start_Menu = ${Platform_Abbreviation} Developer Tools
93 |
Start_Menu = Nokia Developer Tools
94 |
Start_Menu1 = ${Edition} SDK
95 |
Start_Menu2 = ${FP_Version}
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
#Grace_server = \\bhsmb001.apac.nokia.com\hydra
100 |
Grace_server = \\bhbld067\PLATFORM_Backup
101 |
Getenv_server = \\vagrp014\groups4
102 |
Repository = \\filerblr\SP\AM\DT_SDK\SDK_BIS\Repository
103 |
Platform_Build = $Grace_server\s60_devices_sw\S60_5_${Platform_Version_Minor}\S60.MCL_${Platform_Year}${Platform_Week}_S60.5${Platform_Version_Minor}
104 |
Api_Build =
105 |
Platform_Languages = ${Platform_Build}
106 |
Platform_Patch = ${Repository}\Platform_Patch\${Platform_Version_Major}_${Platform_Version_Minor}\${Platform_Year}_wk${Platform_Week}
107 |
Beatnik = ${Repository}\Beatnik\${Platform_Version_Major}_${Platform_Version_Minor}\200748
108 |
Capas = ${Repository}\Capas\${Platform_Version_Major}_${Platform_Version_Minor}\${Platform_Year}${Platform_Week}
109 |
Languages_Patch = ${Repository}\Languages_Patch\${Platform_Version_Major}_${Platform_Version_Minor}\${Platform_Year}${Platform_Week}
110 |
Common_Blacklist = ##Caution: This overrides IF sheets black_list, if spesified.
111 |
Common_Graylist = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Common_Graylist
112 |
Common_Patch = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Common_Patch
113 |
Common_S60Tools = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Common_S60Tools
114 |
Doc_Browser = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationapps\s60_sdk_docs\DocBrowser\eclipse
115 |
Doc_General = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationapps\s60_sdk_docs\Hybrid\General
116 |
Doc_External = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationapps\s60_sdk_docs\Hybrid\External
117 |
Doc_Carbide_Plugin = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationapps\s60_sdk_docs\Hybrid\Carbide_plugin
118 |
Doc_Licensee = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationapps\s60_sdk_docs\Hybrid\Licensee
119 |
Doc_Eclipse_Plugin = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationapps\s60_sdk_docs\Hybrid\Eclipse_Plugin
120 |
Doc_NetBeans_Plugin = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationapps\s60_sdk_docs\Hybrid\NetBeans_Plugin
121 |
CPP_OpenC_Plugin = ${Repository}\Plugins\${Platform_Version_Major}_${Platform_Version_Minor}\${Platform_Year}_wk${Platform_Week}
122 |
Vista_GCCEPatch_Plugin = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Plugins\Vista_GCCEPatch
123 |
CPP_API = ##Caution: This overrides IF sheets sdk_api.txt, if spesified.
124 |
#S60_API = sheets #The same as CPP. Empty means metaxmls
125 |
S60_API =
126 |
Sheet_Patches = \\filerblr\SP\AM\DT_SDK\SDK_BIS\IF_sheets\SDK_interface_list_5250
127 |
Doc_Browser_Url = https://trcmswww.nmp.nokia.com:58443/document_browser/ccm_wa/Symbian_Architecture/Ext-NMP/Symbian_Architecture/Interface_mngt
128 |
Sheets_Local_Repo = ${Repository}\IF_Sheets\${Platform_Version_Major}_${Platform_Version_Minor}\${Platform_Year}_wk${Platform_Week}
129 |
CPP_Carbide_Manifest = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\CPP_Carbide_Manifest
130 |
CPP_CarbideVS_Descriptor = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\CPP_CarbideVS_Descriptor
131 |
CPP_Commonfilestools = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\CPP_Commonfilestools
132 |
CPP_Doc_APIRef = #
133 |
CPP_Examples = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\sdkexamples\cppexamples\S60Ex
134 |
CPP_Symbian_Ex = ${Repository}\CPP_Symbian_Ex\${Platform_Version_Major}_${Platform_Version_Minor}\Current
135 |
CPP_Graylist = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\CPP_Graylist
136 |
SDK_Installer = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\SDK_Installer
137 |
CPP_Patch = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\CPP_Patch
138 |
#CPP_S60Tools = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\CPP_S60Tools
139 |
CPP_Tools = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\CPP_Tools
140 |
#CPP_Tools_build = ${S60_Root}\Series60Tools
141 |
CPP_Tools_build = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_S60Tools\Ecmt
142 |
Java_API = ${Repository}\Java_API\${Platform_Version_Major}_${Platform_Version_Minor}\${Platform_Year}_wk${Platform_Week}
143 |
144 |
#Java_Eclipse_Installer = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_Eclipse_Installer
145 |
Java_Examples = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\sdkexamples\javaexamples\dist
146 |
Java_Doc_Examples = #${S60_Root}\Series60SDK_dev\S60_SDK_docs\hybrid\Examples CHECK THIS
147 |
Java_Patch =
148 |
#Java_Netbeans_Installer = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_Netbeans_Installer
149 |
Java_SDK = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\sdkconnectivityfw\series60_tools\MIDP\dist\S60_3rd_MIDP_SDK\bin
150 |
Java_Toolchain = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\sdkconnectivityfw\series60_tools\MIDP\dist\S60_3rd_MIDP_SDK\bin\epoc32\tools\ecmt
151 |
Java_Graylist = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_Graylist
152 |
Java_S60Tools = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_S60Tools
153 |
#Java_Tools = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_Tools
154 |
#Java_Tools_build = ${S60_Root}\Series60Tools
155 |
Java_Tools_build = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_S60Tools\Ecmt
156 |
Java_NUMC = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Java_NUMC
157 |
Widget_Examples = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\sdkexamples\widgetexamples
158 |
HSAPI = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Plugins\HSAPI
159 |
OOMMonitorAPI = ${S60_Root}\PublicSDK\sdkcreationmw\SDKComponents\Plugins\OOMMonitorAPI
160 |
161 |
[Package Tools]
162 |
#following line will be automatically updated
163 |
StartDir = C:/USERS/SDK_build/PublicSDK_9_2_WINSCW
164 |
PTBase = apirefgen
165 |
PTOutputDir = ${StartDir}/${PTBase}/output
166 |
ApispecPath = ${PTOutputDir}/apispecs #input for mangler
167 |
HtmlTempPath = ${PTOutputDir}/htmltemp # doxygen output & input for mangler
168 |
CapabilityPath = ${StartDir}/${PTBase}/capability #input for mangler
169 |
ApisDir = ${PTOutputDir}/apis # doxygen input
170 |
HtmlDir = ${PTOutputDir}/html #mangler output
171 |
ApiCategories = sdk #|domain #partner? # Controls which types of APIs to include, e.g. "sdk", "sdk|domain" or "any" for all APIs included
172 |
ApiDescr = ${S60_Root}/sce/Repository_area/CPP_API/apidescr.xml #$Sce_Root\apirefgen\apidescr\apidescr.xml
173 |
ApiPackagingType = sdk #plugin_apiref_only #sdk #plugin
174 |
PTAPIDocumentationPath = plugins
175 |
PTRelNoteTemplate = $PTBase\templates\ReleaseNote.txt
176 |
PTUninstallTemplate = $PTBase\Templates\uninstall.pl
177 |
HeaderDestination = ${S60_Root}\sce\epoc32\include
178 |
sdkApiRefFullName = ${SDK_Product_name}
179 |
pluginApiRefFullName = sub{($ApiPackagingType eq 'sdk') ? "S60 API Reference" : "$api_name_canonical"}
180 |
ApiRefFullName = ${${ApiPackagingType}ApiRefFullName}
181 |
Apistructure = conf/s60_newstruct_32.xml
182 |
Generate_DefaultToc = yes # sub{($ApiCategories eq 'sdk') ? "no" : "yes"}
183 |
#PluginShortname = sub{($ApiCategories eq 'sdk') ? "s60apiref_" : "$api_name_canonical"}
184 |
PluginShortname = sub{($ApiPackagingType eq 'sdk') ? "s60apiref_" : "$api_name_canonical"}
185 |
GenerateMetaxmlFiles = yes # yes|no|doc|api #when metaxml file is missing for doc/zip file or an API
186 |
CopyHeadersForFakeMetaxml = yes # yes|no|doc|api # copy headers for what... sometimes headers are not public, but documentation is
187 |
SkipMetaXmlFilesRegExp = "dummy|converged_call_provider_api|openvg_api|service_provider_settings_api|dummy\.metaxml"
188 |
#SkipMetaXmlFilesRegExp = "converged_call_provider_api|ipappsrv_sdk\.metaxml" #regexp saying which metaxml file (paths) to be skipped if matched i.e.: "mobileruntime|dummy|xyzapi\.metaxml"
189 |
#SkipMetaXmlFilesRegExp = "mobileruntime|voiceservices|web|aiw_browser_provider_api|browser_dialogs_provider_api|http_cache_mgr_api|multipart_parser_api|scheme_handler_plugin_api" #regexp saying which metaxml file (paths) to be skipped if matched i.e.: "mobileruntime|dummy|xyzapi\.metaxml"