author terytkon
Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:39:02 +0200
changeset 0 30eb2d538f02
permissions -rw-r--r--
Moved all configtools under oss repository and under epl licence.
Ignore whitespace changes - Everywhere: Within whitespace: At end of lines:
30eb2d538f02 Moved all configtools under oss repository and under epl licence.
diff changeset
# <copyright>
# </copyright>
# $Id$

30eb2d538f02 Moved all configtools under oss repository and under epl licence.
diff changeset
pluginName = Application Shell Editor Plugin
pluginName =
providerName =
_UI_CreateChild_text = {0}
_UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0}
_UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1}
_UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature
_UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}.
_UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent.

_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1}

_UI_EAppShellDocument_type = Application Shell Document
_UI_EFolderElement_type = Folder
_UI_EApplicationElement_type = Application
_UI_EURLElement_type = URL
_UI_EDataElement_type = Data
_UI_ELockDescriptor_type = ELock Descriptor
_UI_EIconDescriptor_type = EIcon Descriptor
_UI_Unknown_type = Object

_UI_Unknown_datatype= Value

_UI_EFolderElement_titleName_feature = Title Name
_UI_EFolderElement_default_feature = Default
_UI_EFolderElement_shortName_feature = Short Name
_UI_EFolderElement_longName_feature = Long Name
_UI_EFolderElement_applicationGroupName_feature = Application Group Name
_UI_EApplicationElement_uid_feature = Uid
_UI_EApplicationElement_view_feature = View
_UI_EApplicationElement_titleName_feature = Title Name
_UI_EApplicationElement_shortName_feature = Short Name
_UI_EApplicationElement_longName_feature = Long Name
_UI_EURLElement_url_feature = Url
_UI_EURLElement_titleName_feature = Title Name
_UI_EURLElement_shortName_feature = Short Name
_UI_EURLElement_longName_feature = Long Name
_UI_EDataElement_version_feature = Version
_UI_EFolderElementContainer_folders_feature = Folders
_UI_ELockDescriptor_lockName_feature = Lock Name
_UI_ELockDescriptor_lockIcon_feature = Lock Icon
_UI_ELockDescriptor_lockDelete_feature = Lock Delete
_UI_ELockDescriptor_lockOrganize_feature = Lock Organize
_UI_ELockDescriptor_hideChangeSkin_feature = Hide Change Skin
_UI_ELockDescriptor_hideMemDetails_feature = Hide Memory Details
_UI_ELockDescriptor_hideDownload_feature = Hide Download
_UI_ELockDescriptor_hideAnimatedIcons_feature = Hide Animated Icons
_UI_EIconDescriptor_iconFile_feature = Icon File
_UI_EIconDescriptor_m3gIconFile_feature = M3g Icon File
_UI_EIconDescriptor_iconId_feature = Icon Id
_UI_EIconDescriptor_maskId_feature = Mask Id
_UI_EIconDescriptor_iconSkinMajorId_feature = Icon Skin Major Id
_UI_EIconDescriptor_iconSkinMinorId_feature = Icon Skin Minor Id
_UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified

_UI_EAppshellModelEditor_menu = &EAppshellModel Editor

_UI_CreateChild_menu_item = &New Child
_UI_CreateSibling_menu_item = N&ew Sibling

_UI_ShowPropertiesView_menu_item = Show &Properties View
_UI_RefreshViewer_menu_item = &Refresh

_UI_SelectionPage_label = Selection
_UI_ParentPage_label = Parent
_UI_ListPage_label = List
_UI_TreePage_label = Tree
_UI_TablePage_label = Table
_UI_TreeWithColumnsPage_label = Tree with Columns
_UI_ObjectColumn_label = Object
_UI_SelfColumn_label = Self

_UI_NoObjectSelected = Selected Nothing
_UI_SingleObjectSelected = Selected Object: {0}
_UI_MultiObjectSelected = Selected {0} Objects

_UI_OpenEditorError_label = Open Editor

_UI_Wizard_category = Example EMF Model Creation Wizards

_UI_CreateModelError_message = Problems encountered in file "{0}"

_UI_EAppshellModelModelWizard_label = Application Shell Document
_UI_EAppshellModelModelWizard_description = Create a new Application Shell document

_UI_EAppshellModelEditor_label =  Application Shell Editor

_UI_EAppshellModelEditorFilenameDefaultBase = My
_UI_EAppshellModelEditorFilenameExtensions = eappshellmodel

_UI_Wizard_label = New

_WARN_FilenameExtension = The file name must end in ''.{0}''
_WARN_FilenameExtensions = The file name must have one of the following extensions: {0}

_UI_ModelObject = &Model Object
_UI_XMLEncoding = &XML Encoding
_UI_XMLEncodingChoices = UTF-8 ASCII UTF-16 UTF-16BE UTF-16LE ISO-8859-1
_UI_Wizard_initial_object_description = Select a model object to create

_UI_FileConflict_label = File Conflict
_WARN_FileConflict = There are unsaved changes that conflict with changes made outside the editor.  Do you wish to discard this editor's changes?

_UI_EAppshellDocument_type = Application Shell Document
_UI_EAppshellDocument_data_feature = Data
_UI_EHideDescriptor_type = Hide Descriptor
_UI_EHideDescriptor_hideChangeSkin_feature = Hide Change Skin
_UI_EHideDescriptor_hideMemDetails_feature = Hide Mem Details
_UI_EHideDescriptor_hideDownload_feature = Hide Download
_UI_EHideDescriptor_hideAnimatedIcons_feature = Hide Animated Icons
_UI_EBooleanFlag_OFF_literal = 0
_UI_EBooleanFlag_ON_literal = 1
_UI_ENameDescriptor_type = EName Descriptor
_UI_EFolderElement_applications_feature = Applications
_UI_ENameDescriptor_titleName_feature = Title Name
_UI_ENameDescriptor_shortName_feature = Short Name
_UI_ENameDescriptor_longName_feature = Long Name
_UI_EFolderElement_contents_feature = Contents
_UI_EFolderElement_folders_feature = Folders
_UI_EDataElement_folders_feature = Folders
_UI_EFolderElement_urls_feature = Urls
_UI_EDataElement_folder_feature = Folder