author terytkon
Wed, 02 Jun 2010 10:50:41 +0300
changeset 1 fe41c66bacc7
parent 0 30eb2d538f02
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed rest of the sfl licences to epl :)

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<meta name="DC.Title" content="Navigating in Carbide.v" />
<meta name="abstract" content="An S60 phone software configuration includes much information that is not relevant in filling out a variant proposal. Carbide.v shows you a pre-organized view to the CPF: The main category and setting groups. they assist you in navigating to the relevant customizable settings." />
<meta name="description" content="An S60 phone software configuration includes much information that is not relevant in filling out a variant proposal. Carbide.v shows you a pre-organized view to the CPF: The main category and setting groups. they assist you in navigating to the relevant customizable settings." />
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<title>Navigating in Carbide.v</title>

  <div class="nested0" id="navigatingInCarbideV"><a name="navigatingInCarbideV"><!-- --></a>
    <h1 class="topictitle1">Navigating in Carbide.v</h1>

	  <p>An S60 phone software configuration includes much information that is not relevant in filling out a variant proposal. Carbide.v shows you a pre-organized view to the CPF: The main category and setting groups. they assist you in navigating to the relevant customizable settings.</p>

    <div class="nested1" id="menuContent"><a name="menuContent"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Menu content</h2>

			<div class="section">This part describes all the menu options of the application.</div>

					<span><b>File option.</b></span>
				    <dt><u>Open</u> - opens a standard Open dialog..</dt>
				    <dt><u>Open As New</u> - opens a standard Open dialog. CPF is opened as untitled.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Close</u> - closes the active CPF..</dt>
				    <dt><u>Close all</u> - closes all CPFs that are currently open in the tool.
Disabled if there is just one CPF open in the tool.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Save</u> - saves the active CPF.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Save as</u> - opens a standard Save As dialog.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Exit</u> - ends the session and closes the whole appication.</dt>
          <p />	  

					<span><b>Edit option.</b></span>
				    <dt><u>Undo</u> - undoes an action user has performed.
Note: Undo shall be unlimited i.e. saving should not erase the undo memory.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Redo</u> - redoes an action that user had undoed, or repeats an action that user last performed.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Cut</u> - cuts a string or resource to the clipboard.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Copy</u> - copies a string or resource to the clipboard.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Paste</u> - pastes a string or resource from the clipboard to a field that currently has focus.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Delete</u> - clears a string or resource from a field.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Select all</u> - selects all fields in the active form.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Hide Selected Settings</u> - removes the selected settings from the active CPF file.
Disabled when no settings are selected.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Reset to Default Values</u> - resets the selected (modified) settings back to their default values.
Disabled when no settings are selected.</dt>
          <p />	  
					<span><b>Tools option.</b></span>
					  <dt><u>Copy values</u> - opens the Copy Values dialog with the active CPF as a target.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Create report</u> - opens the Create Report dialog..</dt>
          <p />	  

					<span><b>View option.</b></span>
				    <dt><u>Properties</u> - displays / hides the Properties view.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Preview</u> - displays / hides the Preview view.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Resources</u> - displays / hides the Resources view.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Errors</u> - displays / hides the Errors view.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Notes</u> - displays / hides the Notes view.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Changes</u> - displays / hides the Changes view.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Search results</u> - displays / hides the Search Results view.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Toolbar</u> - displays / hides the toolbar.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Status bar</u> - displays / hides the statusbar.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Reset Layout</u> - resets the workspace to the default panel layout.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Window</u> - opens a submenu.</dt>
				      <li><u>New</u> - opens a new empty tab to the workspace.</li>
				      <li><u>1-X (cpf name)</u> - displays all open CPFs in the list, the currently active CPF has a checkmark..</li>
          <p />	  
					<span><b>Help option.</b></span>
				    <dt><u>Carbide.v Help</u> - opens a Help dialog.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Check For Updates</u> - opens a dialog for checking updates.</dt>
				    <dt><u>Report Bugs</u> - opens a dialog in which the user can send a free text bug report.</dt>
				    <dt><u>About Carbide.v</u> - opens About Carbide.v popup dialog.</dt>
          <p />



    <div class="nested1" id="toolbarContent"><a name="toolbarContent"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Toolbar description</h2>

			<div class="section">This part describes the main application toolbar buttons' actions.</div>

				<dt><img src="images/open.png" alt="Open"/> - opens a standard Open dialog.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/save_edit.gif" alt="Save"/> - saves the active CPF.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/saveas_edit.gif" alt="Save As"/> - opens a standard Save As dialog.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/restore_log.gif" alt="Report"/> - opens the Create Report dialog.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/copyvalues_16_tlb.png" alt="Copy Values"/> - opens the Copy Values dialog with the active CPF as a target.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/undo_edit.gif" alt="Undo"/> - undoes an action user has performed.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/redo_edit.gif" alt="Redo"/> - redoes an action that user had undoed, or repeats an action that user last performed.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/select_all_16_tlb.png" alt="Select all"/> - selects all fields in the active form.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/deselect_all_16_tlb.png" alt="Deselect all"/> - deselects all fields in the active form.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/resettodefault_16.png" alt="Reset to defaul"/> - resets the selected (modified) settings back to their default values.</dt>
				<dt><img src="images/hidesettings_16_tlb.png" alt="Hide"/> - removes the selected settings from the active CPF file.</dt>


    <div class="nested1" id="navigatingByGroups"><a name="navigatingByGroups"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Navigating By Groups</h2>

			<div class="section">Situation: You want to view the settings in logically organized groups. A phone software configuration may include a lot of  information that is not relevant in variant customization, from the end users' point of view. Therefore, CPFs are customized to show you only the settings that are relevant to you. These settings are organized into meaningful groups that Carbide.v displays you in its navigator. The navigator displays you main category and setting groups that assist you in finding the relevant customizable settings.</div>

					<span>Select the main category (the large icons on the left).</span>

					<span>Carbide.v lists the setting group titles beside the category icon.</span>

					<span>Select the setting group of your interest.</span>


			<div class="section">Carbide.v opens the selected group of settings in the software proposal form.</div>

			<div class="section">If you did not find the setting you were looking for, use the <a href="workingWithVariantProposals.html#searchingForSettings">Search</a>.        </div>
      <br />
      <div class="example"> <img src="images/navigator_groups.png" alt="Navigating by groups." /> </div>



  <div id="footer">Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.<br/> 
                   License: <a href=""></a>.
