author terytkon
Wed, 02 Jun 2010 10:50:41 +0300
changeset 1 fe41c66bacc7
parent 0 30eb2d538f02
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed rest of the sfl licences to epl :)

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<title>Working with Variant Proposals</title>

  <div class="nested0" id="workingWithVariantProposals"><a name="workingWithVariantProposals"><!-- --></a>
    <h1 class="topictitle1">Working with Variant Proposals</h1>

    <div class="nested1" id="startingCarbideV"><a name="startingCarbideV"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Starting Carbide.v</h2>

			<div class="section">Situation: You want to open Carbide.v.</div>

				<div class="p">
					<span>Click the Carbide.v icon in your Windows Start menu or desktop.</span>
			<div class="section">Carbide.v opens. The panes on the screen are empty before you open a software variant proposal.</div>



    <div class="nested1" id="openingVariantProposal"><a name="openingVariantProposal"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Opening a Variant Proposal</h2>

			<div class="section">Situation: You want to view or work on a software variant proposal.</div>

					<span>Select <span class="uicontrol">File</span> - <span class="uicontrol">Open...</span> in the menu or click the toolbar <span class="uicontrol">Open <img src="images/open.png" alt="Open software variant proposal." /> icon </span>.</span>

					<span>Browse to the location of the CPF file (the software variant proposal), select the CPF and click Open.</span>


			<div class="section">The software variant proposal opens up in Carbide.v as a separate tab. and populates the panes on the screen. The newly opened tab displays the CPF file name that you opened.</div>

			<div class="example">You may keep several CPF files open in Carbide.v at the same time. you can switch between them clicking any of the tabs that are open.</div>
			<br />
      <div class="example"><img src="images/carbidev_cpf_open.png" alt="Opened variant proposal." /> </div>



    <div class="nested1" id="savingVariantProposal"><a name="savingVariantProposal"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Saving a Variant Proposal</h2>

			<div class="section">Situation: you want to save your work.</div>

				<div class="p">
					<span>As in any Windows software, select <span class="uicontrol">File</span> - <span class="uicontrol">Save</span> in the menu, click the <span class="uicontrol">Save</span> icon or press <span class="uicontrol">Ctrl-S</span>.</span>
			<div class="section">Carbide.v saves the software variant proposal as one CPF file.</div>



    <div class="nested1" id="savingVariantProposalAsDifferentVersion"><a name="savingVariantProposalAsDifferentVersion"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Saving a Variant Proposal as a Different Version</h2>

		<div class="section">Situation: you want to save your work with a different filename. You may want to do this e.g. in case if you want to "branch out" a different version of your CPF.</div>

					<span>Select <span class="uicontrol">File</span> - <span class="uicontrol">Save as...</span> in the menu, or click the <span class="uicontrol">Save as...</span> icon.</span>

					<span>Carbide.v opens the Save as... dialogue.</span>

					<span>Browse to the target folder in which you want to save your software variant proposal.</span>

					<span>Type a filename and click <span class="uicontrol">Save</span>.</span>

					<span>Type your notes about your software variant proposal and click <span class="uicontrol">OK</span>.</span>


			<div class="section">Carbide.v saves the software variant proposal as one CPF file. The tab name of the opened CPF has changed to indicate you the name of the newly saved CPF.</div>



  <div class="nested1" id="copyingSettingValues"><a name="copyingSettingValues"><!-- --></a>
		  <h2 class="topictitle2">Copying Setting Values</h2>

			  <div class="section">Situation: You want to copy setting values from an earlier CPF to the one you are working on. Carbide.v permits copying setting values from CPFs that you have stored other CPFs.</div>

				 <span>Select <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Tools</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Copy Values</span>
						  </span> or click the Copy Values icon <img src="images/copyvalues_16_tlb.png" /></span>
				  <span>Carbide.v opens a wizard dialogue popup. Browse to the CPF from which you want to copy values and click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span>.</span>
				  <span>Tick the filter <span class="uicontrol">checkbox options</span> to limit the settings to be compared.</span>
				  <span>Tick the settings that you want to copy from the source CPF to the one you are filling out and click <span class="uicontrol">[Finish]</span>.</span>
			    <br />
			    <span>If you want to continue copying values from another CPF, click <span class="uicontrol">Continue</span> to proceed back to step 2.</span>
			  <div class="section">Carbide.v populates the settings with the values that you selected to be copied from the earlier CPF(s).</div>
			  <br />
        <div class="example"> <img src="images/copy_values2.png" alt="Copying values." /> </div>


  <div class="nested1" id="searchingForSettings"><a name="searchingForSettings"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Searching for Settings</h2>

			<div class="section">Situation: You want to find settings with a known name or description in a CPF.</div>

				<span>Type a string (no wildcards) in the search box and click <span class="uicontrol">[Search]</span>.</span>

				<span>Carbide.v lists the settings that match your search string in the <span class="uicontrol">Search Results view.</span>.</span>

				<span>Double-click a setting in the Search Results view that you want to see. </span>


		<div class="section">Carbide.v opens the software proposal form in the place where the setting is located.</div>
		<br />
    <div class="example"> <img src="images/search_view.png" alt="Searching results."/> </div>


    <div class="nested1" id="creatingReport"><a name="creatingReport"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Creating a report</h2>

			<div class="section">Situation: You want to create a report of the currently opened software variant proposal</div>

				<span>Launch the report wizard clicking the <span class="uicontrol">Report</span> button.</span>
				<span>In the <span class="uicontrol">report wizard</span> filter out the report output and grouping</span>
				<span><span class="uicontrol">Write/Browse</span> for the output path and name of the report. Press <span class="uicontrol">OK</span> button to finish the wizard.</span>
        <div class="section">Carbide.V generates a report as a single web page file.  
                    In case the user has marked the particular option the report is opened directly in default web browser, 
                    otherwise system just informs the user that the report was successfully created in the specified location.</div>
        <br />
        <div class="example"> <img src="images/creating_report.png" alt="Creating of report." /> </div>


    <div class="nested1" id="viewingSummary"><a name="viewingSummary"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Viewing Summary</h2>

			<div class="section">Situation: You want to see the overview of the software variant proposal and the information related to it.</div>

			<div class="p">
				<span>click the <span class="uicontrol">Summary <img src="images/summary_16_nav.png" alt="Summary" /> </span> icon in the navigator.</span>
			<div class="section">You can see all the variant details (e.g. variant name, customer, variant version, product images) and variant statistics(e.g. counts of settings changed from default, possible errors, number of notes appended to settings and more). </div>

			<div class="example">You can access the settings with notes by clicking respective row, as well as settings with erroneous values.</div>
			<div class="example">By clicking on the statisctics you will see the particular lists of settings with the errors, changes and notes.</div>


    <div class="nested1" id="viewingChangeHistory"><a name="viewingChangeHistory"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Viewing Change History</h2>

		<div class="section">Situation: You want to get an overview of the changes made to the software variant proposal.</div>

			<div class="p">
				<span>click the <span class="uicontrol">Summary <img src="images/summary_16_nav.png" alt="Summary" /></span> icon in the navigator.</span>

	  <div class="section">You can see the change history as a list in the Summary. The change history text comes from the note the user has written in the Save as... dialog.</div>
		<br />
    <div class="example"> <img src="images/summary_page.png" alt="Summary page." /> </div>

    <div class="nested1" id="propertiesView"><a name="propertiesView"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Properties View</h2>

    <div class="nested1" id="resourcesProperties"><a name="resourcesProperties"><!-- --></a>
      <h4>Properties of Resources Library items</h4>
		<div class="section">Situation: You want to see details of an image, audio or video file located in your Resources library. Carbide.v can show details for any file, but it can only provide you details on supported image, audio and video file types.</div>
		<div class="section">The following image, audio and video formats are supported for preview:</div>
      <li>Image formats: svg, bmp, png, jpg, gif</li>
			<li>Audio formats: mp3</li>
			<li>Video formats: mpeg, avi</li>
    <div class="section">To view the properties for a resource, do the following:</div>
				<span>Click the <span class="uicontrol">Resources library</span> view to make it active.</span>
				<span>In the Resources library select an image, audio or video file you want to see the details of</span>
	  <div class="section">The <span class="uicontrol">Properties view</span> shows appropriate image, audio or video file details
     (depending on type of item system shows properties like image size, color depth, audio and video codecs, etc.)</div>
    <div class="nested1" id="settingProperties"><a name="settingProperties"><!-- --></a>
      <h4>Properties of settings</h4>
		<div class="section">Situation: You want to see details of a setting like description, allowed values, etc.</div>

				<span>Select a setting you want to see the details of</span>
	  <div class="section">The <span class="uicontrol">Properties view</span> shows appropriate setting details including settting's description, value ranges, default or notes</div>
    <div class="nested1" id="notesInProperties"><a name="notesInProperties"><!-- --></a>
      <h4>Appending notes via Properties view</h4>
		<div class="section">Situation: You want to append a note for a setting via propeties view.</div>

				<span>see section <a href="workingWithSettings.html#appendingNotesToSettings">Appending Notes to Settings</a> for more details</span>
	  <br />
    <div class="example"> <img src="images/properties_view.png" alt="Properties view." /> </div>
	  <div class="nested1" id="viewingErrors"><a name="viewingErrors"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Viewing of Errors</h2>

		<div class="section">Situation: You want to get an overview of all the possible errors made in the software variant proposal.</div>

	    <li>Check if the <img src="images/tab_errors_16.gif" alt="Errors view" /><span class="uicontrol"> Errors</span> view is visible.</li>
			<li>if not, you can toggle the view on by ticking <span class="uicontrol">View &gt; Errors</span> menu item.</li>
			<li>Click the <img src="images/tab_errors_16.gif" alt="Errors view" /><span class="uicontrol"> Errors</span> view to make it active.</li>
	  <div class="section">You can see a list of settings with error descriptions.<br />
	                       You can access the settings with the errorneous value by clicking respective row from the list.</div>
	  <br />
    <div class="example"> <img src="images/errors_view.png" alt="Errors view." /> </div>

    <div class="nested1" id="viewingNotes"><a name="viewingNotes"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Viewing of Notes</h2>

		<div class="section">Situation: You want to get an overview of all the notes appended to settings in the software variant proposal.</div>

	    <li>Check if the <img src="images/tab_notes_16.gif" alt="Notes view" /><span class="uicontrol"> Notes</span> view is visible.</li>
			<li>if not, you can toggle the view on by ticking <span class="uicontrol">View &gt; Notes</span> menu item.</li>
			<li>Click the <img src="images/tab_notes_16.gif" alt="Notes view" /><span class="uicontrol"> Notes</span> view to make it active.</li>
	  <div class="section">You can see a list of settings with notes. <br />
	                       You can access the settings with the appended note by clicking respective row from the list.</div>
	  <br />
    <div class="example"> <img src="images/notes_view.png" alt="Notes view." /> </div>


    <div class="nested1" id="viewingChanges"><a name="viewingChanges"><!-- --></a>
      <h2 class="topictitle2">Viewing of Changes</h2>

		<div class="section">Situation: You want to get an overview of all the settings with non-default values in the software variant proposal.</div>

	    <li>Check if the <img src="images/tab_changes_16.gif" alt="Changes view" /><span class="uicontrol"> Changes</span> view is visible.</li>
			<li>if not, you can toggle the view on by ticking <span class="uicontrol">View &gt; Changes</span> menu item.</li>
			<li>Click the <img src="images/tab_changes_16.gif" alt="Changes view" /><span class="uicontrol"> Changes</span> view to make it active.</li>
	  <div class="section">You can see a list of settings showing their default and current values. <br />
	                       You can access the settings with changes by clicking respective row from the list.</div>
	  <br />
    <div class="example"> <img src="images/changes_view.png" alt="Changes view." /> </div>


   <div id="footer">Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.<br/> 
                   License: <a href=""></a>.
