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+<a name="modelcontrol"></a><h1>Model Control Options</h1><table class="TableWrap" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="top"><th>Options</th><th>Description</th></tr>
+<tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -sysdef <var>file/uri</var>   </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   Location for the System
+                       Definition XML file(s) used to build the model.
+					   Multiple files will be merged according to the normal rules. Can
+                       specify multiple times.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -srcvar             </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> 
+ The root directory (in the local filesystem) for the system definition. The order of this parameter must match the order
+                       of the <code>-sysdef</code> parameter. Can specify multiple
+                       times.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -sysdef-prefix    </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>      Can specify multiple times.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -sysdef-path <var>path</var>  </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   The directory which the system definition file
+                       should be considered to be in when turning
+                       unit's relative links into absolute paths. This
+                       is only necessary to provide if the result
+                       requires the absolute paths to be meaningful.
+                       The order of this parameter must match the order
+                       of the <code>-sysdef</code> parameter. Can specify multiple
+                       times.
+	</p></td></tr>
+	</tbody><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -detail <var>item-type</var>   </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  The type of the smallest System Model entity to
+                       draw. One of <code>layer</code>, <code>package</code>, <code>collection</code> or
+                       <code>component</code>.  Defaults to <code>component</code>
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -detail-type fixed</code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>    If set to <code>fixed</code>, the smallest System Model
+                       entity drawn will have a fixed with (rather then
+                       sized by their invisible components). This can
+                       be used to reduce the size and complexity of the
+                       overall model. 
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -filter-has <var>filter-name</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  Like <code>-filter</code>, except any filter on an item must
+                       be present in this list in order for that item
+                       to appear. Include <code>*</code> in the list in order to
+                       show items with no filters. <br/>Equivalent to <code>-show-attr filter <var>xxx</var></code>
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ <code>-show-attr</code> <var>attr<var>=<var>val</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  A mechanism of filtering which allows filtering
+                       based on component attribute values. If a value
+                       is set for that attribute, the component will be
+                       shown. Use in conjunction with <code>-hide-attr</code> for
+                       fine contol of what is shown. <code>class</code> and
+                       <code>filter</code> attribtues are handled specially -- see
+                       the documentation for details
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -hide-attr <var>attr<var>=val </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  A mechanism of filtering which allows filtering
+                       based on component attribute values. If a value
+                       is set for that attribute, the component will
+                       not be shown on the model. Use in conjunction
+                       with <code>-show-attr</code> for fine contol of what is
+                       shown. <code>class</code> and <code>filter</code> attribtues are
+                       handled specially -- see the documentation for
+                       details
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -ignore <var>item</var>     </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>     The ID of a model entity to not draw. Any number
+                       of these can be used. Can specify multiple
+                       times.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -ignore-meta <var>rel</var>  </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   The <code>rel</code> meta value to ignore. Takes the form
+                       of "<code><var>relvalue</var></code>" or "<code><var>relvalue</var>:<var>type</var></code>". Can specify multiple
+                       times.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -version-list</code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>    
+			Specifies the space-separated list of version numbers, ordered from
+			oldest to newest. This is used to compare version numbers in the VERSION rule
+			function. If not present, the value used are the Symbian Ltd version numbers from <code>ER5</code> through <code>9.5</code> and
+	Symbian Foundation version numbers from <code>^1</code> onward. <code>Future</code> is always last.
+	</p></td></tr>
+	<tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -placeholder <var>item-type</var></code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   The type of the smallest <strong>empty</strong> System Model
+                       entity to draw. One of <code>layer</code>, <code>package</code>,
+                       <code>collection</code> or <code>component</code>.  For example, if
+                       set to <code>package</code> empty layers and packages will
+                       be drawn, but empty collections will be ignored.
+                       If not set, no empty items will be drawn.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -level-detail  <span class="aux">[</span>show<span class="aux">/</span>hide</var><span class="aux">]</span> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  Toggles display of level names on packages or
+                       layers. A value of <code>show</code> will display level
+                       names inside either layers (at <code>layer</code> level of
+                       detail only) or packages (at <code>package</code> level of
+                       detail only). A value of <code>hide</code> (default) will
+                       not show any level names.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+-legend-width <var>%</var>    </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   The percent width of the model the legend takes
+                       up. This will scale the size of the legend and
+                       model title, but not the logo, to fill the
+                       specified space. If a logo is included, but no
+                       width specified, the legend cannot be scaled
+                       since it will not be able to determine the
+                       available space. <br/>Note that that <code>-max-legend-scale</code> will further limit the potential width.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -legend-max-scale <var>scale</var></code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   Specifies the maximum scale factor for resizing
+                       the legend. If this is present and <code>-legend-width</code>
+                       is not, the legend and title will scale to 100%
+                       of the available width. If both are present the
+                       scale factor will take precedent. If neither is
+                       present, the legend will not resize. 
+		  </p> 
+		  <p>Note that
+                       when this is used, the legend can shrink if it
+                       would normally be wider than the model.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -title-scale <var>scale</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   Specifies the scale factor for the size of the
+                       title font (the text in the lower right). </p><p>Use
+                       this instead of CSS to control the size, since
+                       the model generator needs to explicitly know how
+                       much space to allocate for the title.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -logo <var>file/uri</var>  </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>      If present, the logo will be drawn in the lower-
+                       left corner of the model. If the logo is an SVG
+                       file, <code>-logo-width</code> and <code>-logo-height</code> are optional,
+                       otherwise the must both be specified
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -logo-height <var>length</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  Specifies the height of the logo (if any) in mm.
+                       Width is scaled along with height unless
+                       otherwise specified. Both width and height MUST
+                       be specified if a bitmap image is used
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -logo-width <var>length</var>  </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  Specifies the width of the logo (if any) in mm.
+                       Height is scaled along with width unless
+                       otherwise specified. Both width and height MUST
+                       be specified if a bitmap image is used
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -legend_float <var>boolean</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   If set, the legend will appear when the mouse
+                       hovers over the bottom of the window. The
+                       floating legend will span the full width of the
+                       window. This may not be readable, depending on
+                       the amonent of content in the legend.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -static <var>boolean</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>      If present, the model will not have any
+                       mouseover effects (this is  overriden when drawing dependencies).
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -navctrl <var>boolean</var>  </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>    If set, a navigation control widget will appear
+                       in the upper left corner of the model. The
+                       control might not work on some SVG viewers.
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -dpi <var>number</var>   </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>        The DPI to use when printing from the Adobe SVG
+                       Viewer. If not present, it will print well at A4             size. A value of <code>300</code> will look good on A3 size                      paper
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -model_font <var>font</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>     The name of the base font to use to draw the
+                       model. This will be overriden by any custom CSS
+                       in the Shapes XML
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -link-expr     <var>expression</var>  </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>       The link used on any system model item. Any
+                       values within <code>{<span class="aux">...</span>}</code> are evaluled as an
+                       expression on the item. All xpath locations in
+                       the expresion must be set otherwise the link
+                       will not be created for the item. Can specify
+                       multiple times.
+	</p></td></tr></tbody>
+	<tbody class="deprecated"><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -filter <var>filter-name</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  The name of a filter to turn on when building
+                       the model.  All filters on an item must be
+                       present in this list in order for that item to
+                       appear. Can have any number of these Defaults to
+                       <code>java</code> and <code>gt</code>. Can specify multiple times..
+                       <br/><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: Only works on 2.0 syntax and older
+                       models
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -coreos <span class="aux">[</span>on<span class="aux">/</span>off<span class="aux">/</span>new</var><span class="aux">]</span> 
+   </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>  Turn on or off Core OS colouring for 9.4 and
+                       later models -- For backwards compatibility
+                       only! Use <code>on</code> for Symbian OS 9.4 models and
+                       <code>new</code> for Symbian OS 9.5 and later models (non-
+                       Foundation)
+	</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
+ -page-width <var>length</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>   The width of the drawn image (with units). If
+                       not specified it will fit the viewer window.
+                       Valid units: <code>in</code>, <code>mm</code>, <code>cm</code>, <code>px</code>, <code>pt</code>.
+                       <br/><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: Only works on 2.0 syntax and older  models
+	</p></td></tr>
+	</tbody></table><div class="section">
+<h2> See also</h2><p>
+		<a href="Basic-Options.html#Basicoptions">Basic Options</a> 
+	  </p><p>
+		<a href="Build-Control-options.html#BuildControl">Build Control Options</a> 
+	  </p><p>
+		<a href="Files-or-uri-options.html#fileorurioptions">Files or URIs Options</a> 
+	  </p><p>
+		<a href="Labels-options.html#labeloptions">Labels Options</a> 
+	  </p></div>
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