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<title>Model Control Options in System Model Generator Command-line Options</title>
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<a name="modelcontrol"></a><h1>Model Control Options</h1><table class="TableWrap" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="top"><th>Options</th><th>Description</th></tr>
<tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-sysdef <var>file/uri</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Location for the System
Definition XML file(s) used to build the model.
Multiple files will be merged according to the normal rules. Can
specify multiple times.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-srcvar </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>
The root directory (in the local filesystem) for the system definition. The order of this parameter must match the order
of the <code>-sysdef</code> parameter. Can specify multiple
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-sysdef-prefix </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Can specify multiple times.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-sysdef-path <var>path</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The directory which the system definition file
should be considered to be in when turning
unit's relative links into absolute paths. This
is only necessary to provide if the result
requires the absolute paths to be meaningful.
The order of this parameter must match the order
of the <code>-sysdef</code> parameter. Can specify multiple
</tbody><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-detail <var>item-type</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The type of the smallest System Model entity to
draw. One of <code>layer</code>, <code>package</code>, <code>collection</code> or
<code>component</code>. Defaults to <code>component</code>
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-detail-type fixed</code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> If set to <code>fixed</code>, the smallest System Model
entity drawn will have a fixed with (rather then
sized by their invisible components). This can
be used to reduce the size and complexity of the
overall model.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-filter-has <var>filter-name</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Like <code>-filter</code>, except any filter on an item must
be present in this list in order for that item
to appear. Include <code>*</code> in the list in order to
show items with no filters. <br/>Equivalent to <code>-show-attr filter <var>xxx</var></code>
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
<code>-show-attr</code> <var>attr<var>=<var>val</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> A mechanism of filtering which allows filtering
based on component attribute values. If a value
is set for that attribute, the component will be
shown. Use in conjunction with <code>-hide-attr</code> for
fine contol of what is shown. <code>class</code> and
<code>filter</code> attribtues are handled specially -- see
the documentation for details
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-hide-attr <var>attr<var>=val </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> A mechanism of filtering which allows filtering
based on component attribute values. If a value
is set for that attribute, the component will
not be shown on the model. Use in conjunction
with <code>-show-attr</code> for fine contol of what is
shown. <code>class</code> and <code>filter</code> attribtues are
handled specially -- see the documentation for
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-ignore <var>item</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The ID of a model entity to not draw. Any number
of these can be used. Can specify multiple
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-ignore-meta <var>rel</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The <code>rel</code> meta value to ignore. Takes the form
of "<code><var>relvalue</var></code>" or "<code><var>relvalue</var>:<var>type</var></code>". Can specify multiple
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-version-list</code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p>
Specifies the space-separated list of version numbers, ordered from
oldest to newest. This is used to compare version numbers in the VERSION rule
function. If not present, the value used are the Symbian Ltd version numbers from <code>ER5</code> through <code>9.5</code> and
Symbian Foundation version numbers from <code>^1</code> onward. <code>Future</code> is always last.
<tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-placeholder <var>item-type</var></code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The type of the smallest <strong>empty</strong> System Model
entity to draw. One of <code>layer</code>, <code>package</code>,
<code>collection</code> or <code>component</code>. For example, if
set to <code>package</code> empty layers and packages will
be drawn, but empty collections will be ignored.
If not set, no empty items will be drawn.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-level-detail <span class="aux">[</span>show<span class="aux">/</span>hide</var><span class="aux">]</span> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Toggles display of level names on packages or
layers. A value of <code>show</code> will display level
names inside either layers (at <code>layer</code> level of
detail only) or packages (at <code>package</code> level of
detail only). A value of <code>hide</code> (default) will
not show any level names.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-legend-width <var>%</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The percent width of the model the legend takes
up. This will scale the size of the legend and
model title, but not the logo, to fill the
specified space. If a logo is included, but no
width specified, the legend cannot be scaled
since it will not be able to determine the
available space. <br/>Note that that <code>-max-legend-scale</code> will further limit the potential width.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-legend-max-scale <var>scale</var></code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Specifies the maximum scale factor for resizing
the legend. If this is present and <code>-legend-width</code>
is not, the legend and title will scale to 100%
of the available width. If both are present the
scale factor will take precedent. If neither is
present, the legend will not resize.
<p>Note that
when this is used, the legend can shrink if it
would normally be wider than the model.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-title-scale <var>scale</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Specifies the scale factor for the size of the
title font (the text in the lower right). </p><p>Use
this instead of CSS to control the size, since
the model generator needs to explicitly know how
much space to allocate for the title.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-logo <var>file/uri</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> If present, the logo will be drawn in the lower-
left corner of the model. If the logo is an SVG
file, <code>-logo-width</code> and <code>-logo-height</code> are optional,
otherwise the must both be specified
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-logo-height <var>length</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Specifies the height of the logo (if any) in mm.
Width is scaled along with height unless
otherwise specified. Both width and height MUST
be specified if a bitmap image is used
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-logo-width <var>length</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Specifies the width of the logo (if any) in mm.
Height is scaled along with width unless
otherwise specified. Both width and height MUST
be specified if a bitmap image is used
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-legend_float <var>boolean</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> If set, the legend will appear when the mouse
hovers over the bottom of the window. The
floating legend will span the full width of the
window. This may not be readable, depending on
the amonent of content in the legend.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-static <var>boolean</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> If present, the model will not have any
mouseover effects (this is overriden when drawing dependencies).
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-navctrl <var>boolean</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> If set, a navigation control widget will appear
in the upper left corner of the model. The
control might not work on some SVG viewers.
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-dpi <var>number</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The DPI to use when printing from the Adobe SVG
Viewer. If not present, it will print well at A4 size. A value of <code>300</code> will look good on A3 size paper
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-model_font <var>font</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The name of the base font to use to draw the
model. This will be overriden by any custom CSS
in the Shapes XML
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-link-expr <var>expression</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The link used on any system model item. Any
values within <code>{<span class="aux">...</span>}</code> are evaluled as an
expression on the item. All xpath locations in
the expresion must be set otherwise the link
will not be created for the item. Can specify
multiple times.
<tbody class="deprecated"><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-filter <var>filter-name</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The name of a filter to turn on when building
the model. All filters on an item must be
present in this list in order for that item to
appear. Can have any number of these Defaults to
<code>java</code> and <code>gt</code>. Can specify multiple times..
<br/><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: Only works on 2.0 syntax and older
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-coreos <span class="aux">[</span>on<span class="aux">/</span>off<span class="aux">/</span>new</var><span class="aux">]</span>
</code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> Turn on or off Core OS colouring for 9.4 and
later models -- For backwards compatibility
only! Use <code>on</code> for Symbian OS 9.4 models and
<code>new</code> for Symbian OS 9.5 and later models (non-
</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell"><p><code>
-page-width <var>length</var> </code></p></td><td class="Cell"><p> The width of the drawn image (with units). If
not specified it will fit the viewer window.
Valid units: <code>in</code>, <code>mm</code>, <code>cm</code>, <code>px</code>, <code>pt</code>.
<br/><strong>DEPRECATED</strong>: Only works on 2.0 syntax and older models
</tbody></table><div class="section">
<h2> See also</h2><p>
<a href="Basic-Options.html#Basicoptions">Basic Options</a>
<a href="Build-Control-options.html#BuildControl">Build Control Options</a>
<a href="Files-or-uri-options.html#fileorurioptions">Files or URIs Options</a>
<a href="Labels-options.html#labeloptions">Labels Options</a>
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