author terytkon
Sat, 06 Nov 2010 16:59:14 +0200
changeset 9 63964d875993
parent 7 3c36c452f013
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Merge changes to system model generator to SF tip.

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<a name="Localisation"></a><h1>Dictionary XML File</h1><div class="section">
		You can use the Dictionary XML to provide abbreviations and other short forms for specific words. 
		The system model generator will create a <a href="Localisation-XMLFile.html">Localization XML</a> file from this when creating the system model.</p>

<p>If using the Localization XML file just to provide abbreviations, you may be better of using a <a href="Dictionary-XMLFile.html">Dictionary XML file</a> instead.</p>	  
<div class="section">
<div class="Example"><code class="xml">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;  
<div class="indent">&lt;word term="<var>term</var>" <span class="opt">d="<var>display-form</var>"</span> <span class="opt">abbrev="<var>abbreviation</var>"</span> <span class="opt">s="<var>short-form</var>"</span>/&gt;
<br>    &lt;word &#133;/&gt;
<br>    &#133;

<p>The root element <code>dict</code> takes no attributes. the <code>word</code> element specifies a word, and  three forms of information:
			<strong>A display form</strong> 
			<strong>An abbreivation</strong> 
			<strong>A short form</strong> 

<p>The element <code>word</code> can takes these attributes: 
			<code class="xml">term="<var>term</var>"</code>: This is the term which is to be abbreviated. It's case sensitive and should apper the same way it appears in the system defiition <code>name</code> attribtues. Spaces are not valid, only a single word can be used.

			<code class="xml">d="<var>display-form</var>"</code>: An optional attribute specifing how the term will be displayed if there is enough space. This is where you would show the hyphenation or other special character replacements. This will almost always be the full length word, but with added soft hyphens. For example<br/>
			<code class="xml">&lt;word term="Interface" d="Inter&amp;#xad;face"/&gt;<br/>
			&lt;word term="and" d="&amp;amp;"/&gt;</code>.

			<code class="xml">abbrev="<var>abbreivation</var>"</code>: An optional attribute specifing a shorter abbreviation for the term which can be used if there is insufficient space for the display form.
			This will often be used in combination with <code>d</code>, but is not required to be.
			 For example<br/>
			<code class="xml">&lt;word term="Supplementary" d="Suppl."/&gt;<br/>
			&lt;word term="Documentation" d="Docs"/&gt;</code>.
			<code class="xml">s="<var>short-form</var>"</code>: An optional attribute specifing the shortest possible form of the term that still makes sense.
			This will be used when space is very low. 
			This can be used instead of <code>abbrev</code> or in addition to it.
			 For example<br/>
			<code class="xml">&lt;word term="Hardware" s="HW"/&gt;<br/>
			&lt;word term="Database" abbrev="Dbase." s="DB"/&gt;</code>.

<div class="section">
<div class="Example"><code class="xml">&lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt; 
<div class="indent">   
  &lt;word term="Multimedia" d="Multi&amp;#xad;media" s="MM"/&gt;
 <br/> &lt;word term="Frameworks" d="Frame&amp;#xad;works" abbrev="Fmwks." s="FW"/&gt;
 <br/>&lt;word term="Framework" d="Frame&amp;#xad;work" abbrev="Fmwk." s="FW"/&gt;
  <br/>&lt;word term="Adaptation" abbrev="Adapt." d="Adapta&amp;#xad;tion"/&gt;
  <br/>&lt;word term="Bluetooth" d="Blue&amp;#xad;tooth" abbrev="Btooth." s="BT"/&gt;
  <br/>&lt;word term="Localization" d="Localiz&amp;#xad;ation"/&gt;
  <br/>&lt;word term="Communications" d="Communi&amp;#xad;cations" abbrev="Comms"/&gt;
  <br/>&lt;word term="Provisioning" d="Provision&amp;#xad;ing" s="Prov."/&gt;
  <br/>&lt;word term="Phonebook" d="Phone&amp;#xad;book" s="Phbk."/&gt;
<div class="section">
<h2> See also</h2><p>
		<a href="System-Info-XMLFile.html#SystemInfoXML">SystemInfo XML File</a> 
		<a href="Localisation-XMLFile.html">Localization XML File</a> 
		<a href="Dependencies-sysinfo.html">Dependencies Sysinfo File</a> 
		<a href="Values-XML-index.html#valuesxml" title="The Values XML files are used to define default and per-component display properties. You can use a values XML file to define colors, patterns, border shapes, or border styles of the components.">Values XML File</a> 

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