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<h1>Values XML Files</h1><a name="valuesxml"></a><p>
The Values XML files are used to define default and per-item display
properties. You can use a values XML file to define colors, patterns, border
shapes, or border styles of the system model items.
For information about how to define new values for border shapes, colors or
patterns, see
<a href="../CustomSysmodel/index.html#cust%2eindex" title="This document describes how to customise a System Model diagram using a Shapes XML file to specify the styling of components and generated legend items.">Customizing the System Model Presentation</a>
There are four types of Values XML files:
</p><ul class="indexlinks">
<a href="Colours-XMLFile.html#coloursxml">Colors Values XML File</a></li>
<a href="Patterns-XMLFile.html#patternsxml">Patterns Values XML File</a></li>
<a href="Border-Shapes-XMLFile.html#bordershapesxml">Border Shapes Values XML File</a> (components only)</li>
<a href="Border-Style-XMLFile.html#borderstylesxml">Border Styles Values XML File</a></li>
<p>All Values XML files share the same basic syntax
<div class="Example"><code class="xml"><?xml version="1.0"?>
<br/><values <span class="opt">default="<var>presentation-value</var>"</span> <span class="opt">label="<var>label for legend section</var>"</span> <span class="default">rank="<var>item-type-list</var>"</span> <span class="default">id-namespace="<var>uri</var>" </span><span class="opt"><var>…namespaces…</var></span> >
<div class="indent"><item <span class="opt">label="<var>label for legend</var>"</span> value="<var>presentation-value</var>">
<div class="indent"><m ref="<var>id</var>"/>
<br/><m ref="<var>id</var>"/>
<br/><m ref="<var>id</var>"/>
<br><item …><div class="indent">…</div></item><br>…</div></values></code></div><p>
In the preceding syntax, the root element <code>values</code> contains any number of
<code>item</code> tags. The various attributes for the <code>values</code> tag are:
<code class="xml">rank="<var>item-type-list</var>"</code>: Space-separated list of the ranks (<code>component</code>, <code>collection</code>, <code>package</code> or <code>layer</code>) of items the <code>default</code> value applies to.
Any system model item of the listed rank <em>not</em> listed in the values file will get the <code>default</code> presentation value.
The (default) special value of <code>*</code> indicates this file applies to all ranks.
<code class="xml">default="<var>presentation-value</var>"</code>: Defines the
default presentation value for the system model item. This default value gets assigned to
the system model items of the specified rank to which no specific value is assigned.
<code class="xml">label="<var>label for legend section</var>"</code>: Defines the label that will precede the legend section.
<code class="xml">id-namespace="<var>uri</var>"</code>: The default namespace for all <code>ref</code> attributes in the XML file. Has the same meaning, usage and default value as <code>id-namespace</code> in the <a href="">System Definition</a>.
<code><var>namespaces</var></code>: Any namespace declaration should be done in the root element. ID references can use namespace prefixes to associate with system model items. See <a href="">Namespacing names</A> in the System Definition specification.
Each <code class="xml">item</code> tag can have the following attributes:
<code class="xml">label="<var>label for legend</var>"</code>: Defines the label for the legend.
<code>value="<var>presentation-value</var>"</code>: Defines the presentation
value for the item (color, border shape, etc). This presentation value gets assigned to all the referenced system model items that are
listed within that <code>item</code> element.
The <code>item</code> tag also contains <code>m</code> tags to reference the IDs of system model items.
Everything referenced in an
<code>item</code> tag has the same presentation value. The following is the basic syntax for <code>m</code>:
<code> <m ref="<var>id</var>"/></code>
Where <var>id</var> is a reference to the ID of a system model item
defined in a system definition file. <strong>Note:</strong> while most presentation values can apply to anything, only components can be given a border shape.
You are recommended to specify a default value when using the values to
specify colors or shapes on components, since the components not specified in the file will
either be black or not show up at all.
While creating a value XML file (colors, patterns, border shapes or
border styles), you can only specify predefined set of values to the items. For
information about the values that can be specified in each type of values XML
file, refer to the corresponding topic.
All values in a values XML file must be of the same type.
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