author Zheng Shen <>
Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:02:28 +0800
changeset 617 3a747a240983
parent 1 be27ed110b50
permissions -rw-r--r--
ROM Tools Postlinker 2.2.5 Revert package_definition.xml to changeset 360bd6b35136

' WScript that will invoke the test run execute functionality at ATS3 web server without installing any ATS3
' specific programs on the local PC.
' Password must be given in encrypted format and the path to test drop must be in URLEncoded
' Usage cscript wshRunX.vbs <username> <password> <server hostname> <path to>

' Get the command line arguments
set args = WScript.Arguments

' Check that all arguments have been specified
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set env = objShell.Environment("Process")

' Invoke the web application and write the result to stdOut
WScript.StdOut.Write doTestRunX(env("ats3.username"), env("ats3.password"), env(""), URLEncode( env("ats3.pathToDrop") ), URLEncode( env("ats3.schedule") ))

' Quit the script

Function checkEnvVars(env)
	if env("ats3.username") = "" then
		WScript.Echo "Environment variable ats3.username not specified"
		WScript.Quit 1
	elseif env("ats3.password") = "" then
		WScript.Echo "Environment variable ats3.password not specified"
		WScript.Quit 1
	elseif env("") = "" then
		WScript.Echo "Environment variable not specified"
		WScript.Quit 1		
	elseif env("ats3.pathToDrop") = "" then
		WScript.Echo "Environment variable ats3.pathToDrop not specified"
		WScript.Quit 1	
	end if
End Function

' Invoke the ATS3 web application in given host with the specified username, password and file path
Function doTestRunX(uname, password, hostName, pathToDrop, schedule)
    On Error Resume Next
	'If the given hostname contain port, use it otherwise use the default 8080
        if(InStr(1, hostName, ":", VBTEXTCOMPARE) = 0) then
        	hostName = hostName & ":8080"
        end if    
	Set objxmlHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
	Call"GET", "http://" & hostName & "/ats3/" & uname & "&password=" & password & "&testrunpath=" & pathToDrop & "&schedule=" & schedule, False)
	If Err.Number <> 0 Then
		WScript.Echo "Error sending data to server: " + hostName
    	WScript.Quit 1
	End if		

    if objxmlHTTP.status = 200 then
    	doTestRunX = objxmlHTTP.ResponseText
        WScript.Echo "Error importing test run: " + objxmlHTTP.ResponseText
    	WScript.Quit 1
	end if
End Function

Function URLEncode(data)
	data = replace(data,"\","/")
	data = replace(data,"$","%24")
	data = replace(data,"&","%26")
	data = replace(data,"+","%2B")
	data = replace(data,",","%2C")
	data = replace(data,"/","%2F")
	data = replace(data,":","%3A")
	data = replace(data,";","%3B")
	data = replace(data,"=","%3D")
	data = replace(data,"?","%3F")
	data = replace(data,"@","%40")
	URLEncode = data
End Function