ROM Tools
authorZheng Shen <>
Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:02:28 +0800
changeset 617 3a747a240983
parent 616 24e4ef208cca
child 620 ad8ffc8e1982
ROM Tools Postlinker 2.2.5 Revert package_definition.xml to changeset 360bd6b35136
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/Makefile.elftran	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.                                             
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available 
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"     
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available            
-# at the URL "".          
-# Initial Contributors:                                            
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.                        
-# Contributors:                                                    
-# Description:                                                     
-CXX	 = g++296
-		-I $(EPOCROOT)epoc32/include -I ../inc -I ../elftools/inc
-SOURCE	 = elf_file.cpp elf_dlld.cpp elf_imp.cpp elf_reloc.cpp elf_tran.cpp \
-	   e32uid.cpp \
-	   h_file.cpp h_mem.cpp h_utl.cpp \
-	   e32image.cpp tr_main.cpp imgdump.cpp \
-	   decode.cpp encode.cpp deflate.cpp inflate.cpp panic.cpp compress.cpp
-BLDDIR	 = ../build-elftran
-OBJECT   = $(addprefix $(BLDDIR)/, $(notdir $(SOURCE:.cpp=.o)))
-TARGET	 = $(BLDDIR)/elftran
-VPATH	 = ../host ../e32uid ../e32image ../e32image/deflate ../elftools/elftran
-_dummy := $(shell mkdir -p $(BLDDIR))
-all: $(TARGET)
-	$(CXX) $^ -o $@
-	strip $@
-$(OBJECT): $(BLDDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
-	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-	rm -f $(OBJECT) $(TARGET)
-	-rmdir $(BLDDIR)
-.PHONY: all clean
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/compress.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\compress.cpp
-#include "deflate.h"
-#if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
-#include <fstream>
-#else //__MSVCDOTNET__
-#include <fstream.h>
-#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "h_utl.h"
-class TFileOutput : public TBitOutput
-	{
-	enum {KBufSize=0x1000};
-	TFileOutput(ostream& os);
-	void FlushL();
-	TUint32 iDataCount; 
-	void OverflowL();
-	ostream& iOutStream;
-	TUint8 iBuf[KBufSize];
-	};
-TFileOutput::TFileOutput(ostream& os)
-	:iOutStream(os)
-	{
-	Set(iBuf,KBufSize);
-	}
-void TFileOutput::OverflowL()
-// empty the buffer and reset the pointers
-	{
-	FlushL();
-	Set(iBuf,KBufSize);
-	}
-void TFileOutput::FlushL()
-// write out the contents of the buffer
-	{
-	TInt len=Ptr()-iBuf;
-	if (len)
-		{
-		iOutStream.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(iBuf), len); // write extended header
-		iDataCount += len;
-		}
-	}
-void DeflateCompress(char *bytes,TInt size,ostream &os)
-	{
-	TFileOutput* output=new TFileOutput(os);
-	output->iDataCount = 0;
-	DeflateL((TUint8*)bytes,size,*output);
-	output->FlushL();
-	delete output;
-	}
-TUint32 DeflateCompressCheck(char *bytes,TInt size,ostream &os)
-	{
-	TUint32 r = 0;
-	TFileOutput* output=new TFileOutput(os);
-	output->iDataCount = 0;
-	DeflateL((TUint8*)bytes,size,*output);
-	output->FlushL();
-	r = output->iDataCount; // Preserve the compressed count
-	delete output;
-	return r; // Return the compressed size
-	}
-class TFileInput : public TBitInput
-	{
-	TFileInput(unsigned char* source,int size);
-	void UnderflowL();
-	TUint8* iReadBuf;
-	TInt iSize;
-	};
-TFileInput::TFileInput(unsigned char* source,int size)
-	:iReadBuf(source),iSize(size)
-	{
-	Set(source,iSize*8);
-	}
-void TFileInput::UnderflowL()
-	{
-	Print(ESevereError,"Buffer underflow on deflate\n");
-	}
-void InflateUnCompress(unsigned char* source, int sourcesize,unsigned char* dest, int destsize)
-	{
-	TFileInput* input = new TFileInput(source, sourcesize);
-	CInflater* inflater=CInflater::NewLC(*input);
-	inflater->ReadL(dest,destsize);
-	delete input;
-	//delete inflater;
-	}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/decode.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\decode.cpp
-#include "huffman.h"
-#include "panic.h"
-#include <cpudefs.h>
-#include "h_utl.h"
-#include "farray.h"
-const TInt KHuffTerminate=0x0001;
-const TUint32 KBranch1=sizeof(TUint32)<<16;
-TUint32* HuffmanSubTree(TUint32* aPtr,const TUint32* aValue,TUint32** aLevel)
-// write the subtree below aPtr and return the head
-	{
-	TUint32* l=*aLevel++;
-	if (l>aValue)
-		{
-		TUint32* sub0=HuffmanSubTree(aPtr,aValue,aLevel);	// 0-tree first
-		aPtr=HuffmanSubTree(sub0,aValue-(aPtr-sub0)-1,aLevel);			// 1-tree
-		TInt branch0=(TUint8*)sub0-(TUint8*)(aPtr-1);
-		*--aPtr=KBranch1|branch0;
-		}
-	else if (l==aValue)
-		{
-		TUint term0=*aValue--;						// 0-term
-		aPtr=HuffmanSubTree(aPtr,aValue,aLevel);			// 1-tree
-		*--aPtr=KBranch1|(term0>>16);
-		}
-	else	// l<iNext
-		{
-		TUint term0=*aValue--;						// 0-term
-		TUint term1=*aValue--;
-		*--aPtr=(term1>>16<<16)|(term0>>16);
-		}
-	return aPtr;
-	}
-void Huffman::Decoding(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aDecodeTree[],TInt aSymbolBase)
-/** Create a canonical Huffman decoding tree
-	This generates the huffman decoding tree used by TBitInput::HuffmanL() to read huffman
-	encoded data. The input is table of code lengths, as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
-	and must represent a valid huffman code.
-	@param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
-	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
-	@param "TUint32 aDecodeTree[]" The space for the decoding tree. This must be the same
-		size as the code-length table, and can safely be the same memory
-	@param "TInt aSymbolBase" the base value for the output 'symbols' from the decoding tree, by default
-		this is zero.
-	@panic "USER ???" If the provided code is not a valid Huffman coding
-	@see IsValid()
-	@see HuffmanL()
-	{
-	if(!IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes))
-		Panic(EHuffmanInvalidCoding);
-	TFixedArray<TInt,KMaxCodeLength> counts;
-	counts.Reset();
-	TInt codes=0;
-	TInt ii;
-	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
-		{
-		TInt len=aHuffman[ii];
-		aDecodeTree[ii]=len;
-		if (--len>=0)
-			{
-			++counts[len];
-			++codes;
-			}
-		}
-	TFixedArray<TUint32*,KMaxCodeLength> level;
-	TUint32* lit=aDecodeTree+codes;
-	for (ii=0;ii<KMaxCodeLength;++ii)
-		{
-		level[ii]=lit;
-		lit-=counts[ii];
-		}
-	aSymbolBase=(aSymbolBase<<17)+(KHuffTerminate<<16);
-	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
-		{
-		TUint len=TUint8(aDecodeTree[ii]);
-		if (len)
-			*--level[len-1]|=(ii<<17)+aSymbolBase;
-		}
-	if (codes==1)	// codes==1 special case: the tree is not complete
-		{
-		TUint term=aDecodeTree[0]>>16;
-		aDecodeTree[0]=term|(term<<16); // 0- and 1-terminate at root
-		}
-	else if (codes>1)
-		HuffmanSubTree(aDecodeTree+codes-1,aDecodeTree+codes-1,&level[0]);
-	}
-// The decoding tree for the externalised code
-const TUint32 HuffmanDecoding[]=
-	{
-	0x0004006c,
-	0x00040064,
-	0x0004005c,
-	0x00040050,
-	0x00040044,
-	0x0004003c,
-	0x00040034,
-	0x00040021,
-	0x00040023,
-	0x00040025,
-	0x00040027,
-	0x00040029,
-	0x00040014,
-	0x0004000c,
-	0x00040035,
-	0x00390037,
-	0x00330031,
-	0x0004002b,
-	0x002f002d,
-	0x001f001d,
-	0x001b0019,
-	0x00040013,
-	0x00170015,
-	0x0004000d,
-	0x0011000f,
-	0x000b0009,
-	0x00070003,
-	0x00050001
-	};
-void Huffman::InternalizeL(TBitInput& aInput,TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
-/** Restore a canonical huffman encoding from a bit stream
-	The encoding must have been stored using Huffman::ExternalizeL(). The resulting
-	code-length table can be used to create an encoding table using Huffman::Encoding()
-	or a decoding tree using Huffman::Decoding().
-	@param "TBitInput& aInput" The input stream with the encoding
-	@param "TUint32 aHuffman[]" The internalized code-length table is placed here
-	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of huffman codes in the table
-	@leave "TBitInput::HuffmanL()"
-	@see ExternalizeL()
-// See ExternalizeL for a description of the format
-	{
-	// initialise move-to-front list
-	TFixedArray<TUint8,Huffman::KMetaCodes> list;
-	for (TInt i=0;i<list.Count();++i)
-		list[i]=TUint8(i);
-	TInt last=0;
-	// extract codes, reverse rle-0 and mtf encoding in one pass
-	TUint32* p=aHuffman;
-	const TUint32* end=aHuffman+aNumCodes;
-	TInt rl=0;
-	while (p+rl<end)
-		{
-		TInt c=aInput.HuffmanL(HuffmanDecoding);
-		if (c<2)
-			{
-			// one of the zero codes used by RLE-0
-			// update he run-length
-			rl+=rl+c+1;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			while (rl>0)
-				{
-				if (p>end)
-					{
-					Panic(EHuffmanCorruptFile);
-					}
-				*p++=last;
-				--rl;
-				}
-			--c;
-			list[0]=TUint8(last);
-			last=list[c];
-			HMem::Copy(&list[1],&list[0],c);
-			if (p>end)
-				{
-				Panic(EHuffmanCorruptFile);
-				}
-			*p++=last;
-			}
-		}
-	while (rl>0)
-		{
-		if (p>end)
-			{
-			Panic(EHuffmanCorruptFile);
-			}
-		*p++=last;
-		--rl;
-		}
-	}
-// bit-stream input class
-inline TUint reverse(TUint aVal)
-// Reverse the byte-order of a 32 bit value
-// This generates optimal ARM code (4 instructions)
-	{
-	TUint v=(aVal<<16)|(aVal>>16);
-	v^=aVal;
-	v&=0xff00ffff;
-	aVal=(aVal>>8)|(aVal<<24);
-	return aVal^(v>>8);
-	}
-/** Construct a bit stream input object
-	Following construction the bit stream is ready for reading bits, but will
-	immediately call UnderflowL() as the input buffer is empty.
-	:iCount(0),iRemain(0)
-	{}
-TBitInput::TBitInput(const TUint8* aPtr, TInt aLength, TInt aOffset)
-/** Construct a bit stream input object over a buffer
-	Following construction the bit stream is ready for reading bits from
-	the specified buffer.
-	@param "const TUint8* aPtr" The address of the buffer containing the bit stream
-	@param "TInt aLength" The length of the bitstream in bits
-	@param "TInt aOffset" The bit offset from the start of the buffer to the bit stream (defaults to zero)
-	{
-	Set(aPtr,aLength,aOffset);
-	}
-void TBitInput::Set(const TUint8* aPtr, TInt aLength, TInt aOffset)
-/** Set the memory buffer to use for input
-	Bits will be read from this buffer until it is empty, at which point
-	UnderflowL() will be called.
-	@param "const TUint8* aPtr" The address of the buffer containing the bit stream
-	@param "TInt aLength" The length of the bitstream in bits
-	@param "TInt aOffset" The bit offset from the start of the buffer to the bit stream (defaults to zero)
-	{
-	TUint p=(TUint)aPtr;
-	p+=aOffset>>3;			// nearest byte to the specified bit offset
-	aOffset&=7;				// bit offset within the byte
-	const TUint32* ptr=(const TUint32*)(p&~3);	// word containing this byte
-	aOffset+=(p&3)<<3;		// bit offset within the word
-	if (aLength==0)
-		iCount=0;
-	else
-		{
-		// read the first few bits of the stream
-		iBits=reverse(*ptr++)<<aOffset;
-		aOffset=32-aOffset;
-		aLength-=aOffset;
-		if (aLength<0)
-			aOffset+=aLength;
-		iCount=aOffset;
-		}
-	iRemain=aLength;
-	iPtr=ptr;
-	}
-TUint TBitInput::ReadL()
-/** Read a single bit from the input
-	Return the next bit in the input stream. This will call UnderflowL() if
-	there are no more bits available.
-	@return The next bit in the stream
-	@leave "UnderflowL()" It the bit stream is exhausted more UnderflowL is called
-		to get more data
-	{
-	TInt c=iCount;
-	TUint bits=iBits;
-	if (--c<0)
-		return ReadL(1);
-	iCount=c;
-	iBits=bits<<1;
-	return bits>>31;
-	}
-TUint TBitInput::ReadL(TInt aSize)
-/** Read a multi-bit value from the input
-	Return the next few bits as an unsigned integer. The last bit read is
-	the least significant bit of the returned value, and the value is
-	zero extended to return a 32-bit result.
-	A read of zero bits will always reaturn zero.
-	This will call UnderflowL() if there are not enough bits available.
-	@param "TInt aSize" The number of bits to read
-	@return The bits read from the stream
-	@leave "UnderflowL()" It the bit stream is exhausted more UnderflowL is called
-		to get more data
-	{
-	if (!aSize)
-		return 0;
-	TUint val=0;
-	TUint bits=iBits;
-	iCount-=aSize;
-	while (iCount<0)
-		{
-		// need more bits
-#ifdef __CPU_X86
-		// X86 does not allow shift-by-32
-		if (iCount+aSize!=0)
-			val|=bits>>(32-(iCount+aSize))<<(-iCount);	// scrub low order bits
-		val|=bits>>(32-(iCount+aSize))<<(-iCount);	// scrub low order bits
-		aSize=-iCount;	// bits still required
-		if (iRemain>0)
-			{
-			bits=reverse(*iPtr++);
-			iCount+=32;
-			iRemain-=32;
-			if (iRemain<0)
-				iCount+=iRemain;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			UnderflowL();
-			bits=iBits;
-			iCount-=aSize;
-			}
-		}
-#ifdef __CPU_X86
-	// X86 does not allow shift-by-32
-	iBits=aSize==32?0:bits<<aSize;
-	iBits=bits<<aSize;
-	return val|(bits>>(32-aSize));
-	}
-TUint TBitInput::HuffmanL(const TUint32* aTree)
-/** Read and decode a Huffman Code
-	Interpret the next bits in the input as a Huffman code in the specified
-	decoding. The decoding tree should be the output from Huffman::Decoding().
-	@param "const TUint32* aTree" The huffman decoding tree
-	@return The symbol that was decoded
-	@leave "UnderflowL()" It the bit stream is exhausted more UnderflowL is called
-		to get more data
-	{
-	TUint huff=0;
-	do
-		{
-		aTree=PtrAdd(aTree,huff>>16);
-		huff=*aTree;
-		if (ReadL()==0)
-			huff<<=16;
-		} while ((huff&0x10000u)==0);
-	return huff>>17;
-	}
-void TBitInput::UnderflowL()
-/** Handle an empty input buffer
-	This virtual function is called when the input buffer is empty and
-	more bits are required. It should reset the input buffer with more
-	data using Set().
-	A derived class can replace this to read the data from a file
-	(for example) before reseting the input buffer.
-	@leave "KErrUnderflow" The default implementation leaves
-	{
-	Panic(EHuffmanBufferOverflow);
-	}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/deflate.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\deflate.cpp
-#include "deflate.h"
-#include "h_utl.h"
-#include "panic.h"
-class HDeflateHash
-	{
-	inline static HDeflateHash* NewLC(TInt aLinks);
-	inline TInt First(const TUint8* aPtr,TInt aPos);
-	inline TInt Next(TInt aPos,TInt aOffset) const;
-	inline HDeflateHash();
-	inline static TInt Hash(const TUint8* aPtr);
-	typedef TUint16 TOffset;
-	TInt iHash[256];
-	TOffset iOffset[1];	// or more
-	};
-class MDeflater
-	{
-	void DeflateL(const TUint8* aBase,TInt aLength);
-	inline virtual ~MDeflater() { }; 
-	const TUint8* DoDeflateL(const TUint8* aBase,const TUint8* aEnd,HDeflateHash& aHash);
-	static TInt Match(const TUint8* aPtr,const TUint8* aEnd,TInt aPos,HDeflateHash& aHas);
-	void SegmentL(TInt aLength,TInt aDistance);
-	virtual void LitLenL(TInt aCode) =0;
-	virtual void OffsetL(TInt aCode) =0;
-	virtual void ExtraL(TInt aLen,TUint aBits) =0;
-	};
-class TDeflateStats : public MDeflater
-	{
-	inline TDeflateStats(TEncoding& aEncoding);
-	inline virtual ~TDeflateStats() { } 
-// from MDeflater
-	void LitLenL(TInt aCode);
-	void OffsetL(TInt aCode);
-	void ExtraL(TInt aLen,TUint aBits);
-	TEncoding& iEncoding;
-	};
-class TDeflater : public MDeflater
-	{
-	inline TDeflater(TBitOutput& aOutput,const TEncoding& aEncoding);
-	inline virtual ~TDeflater() { }; 
-// from MDeflater
-	void LitLenL(TInt aCode);
-	void OffsetL(TInt aCode);
-	void ExtraL(TInt aLen,TUint aBits);
-	TBitOutput& iOutput;
-	const TEncoding& iEncoding;
-	};
-// Class HDeflateHash
-inline HDeflateHash::HDeflateHash()
-	{TInt* p=iHash+256;do *--p=-KDeflateMaxDistance-1; while (p>iHash);}
-inline HDeflateHash* HDeflateHash::NewLC(TInt aLinks)
-	{
-	return new(HMem::Alloc(0,_FOFF(HDeflateHash,iOffset[Min(aLinks,KDeflateMaxDistance)]))) HDeflateHash;
-	}
-inline TInt HDeflateHash::Hash(const TUint8* aPtr)
-	{
-	TUint x=aPtr[0]|(aPtr[1]<<8)|(aPtr[2]<<16);
-	return (x*KDeflateHashMultiplier)>>KDeflateHashShift;
-	}
-inline TInt HDeflateHash::First(const TUint8* aPtr,TInt aPos)
-	{
-	TInt h=Hash(aPtr);
-	TInt offset=Min(aPos-iHash[h],KDeflateMaxDistance<<1);
-	iHash[h]=aPos;
-	iOffset[aPos&(KDeflateMaxDistance-1)]=TOffset(offset);
-	return offset;
-	}
-inline TInt HDeflateHash::Next(TInt aPos,TInt aOffset) const
-	{return aOffset+iOffset[(aPos-aOffset)&(KDeflateMaxDistance-1)];}
-// Class TDeflater
-// generic deflation algorithm, can do either statistics and the encoder
-TInt MDeflater::Match(const TUint8* aPtr,const TUint8* aEnd,TInt aPos,HDeflateHash& aHash)
-	{
-	TInt offset=aHash.First(aPtr,aPos);
-	if (offset>KDeflateMaxDistance)
-		return 0;
-	TInt match=0;
-	aEnd=Min(aEnd,aPtr+KDeflateMaxLength);
-	TUint8 c=*aPtr;
-	do
-		{
-		const TUint8* p=aPtr-offset;
-		if (p[match>>16]==c)
-			{	// might be a better match
-			const TUint8* m=aPtr;
-			for (;;)
-				{
-				if (*p++!=*m++)
-					break;
-				if (m<aEnd)
-					continue;
-				return ((m-aPtr)<<16)|offset;
-				}
-			TInt l=m-aPtr-1;
-			if (l>match>>16)
-				{
-				match=(l<<16)|offset;
-				c=m[-1];
-				}
-			}
-		offset=aHash.Next(aPos,offset);
-		} while (offset<=KDeflateMaxDistance);
-	return match;
-	}
-const TUint8* MDeflater::DoDeflateL(const TUint8* aBase,const TUint8* aEnd,HDeflateHash& aHash)
-// Apply the deflation algorithm to the data [aBase,aEnd)
-// Return a pointer after the last byte that was deflated (which may not be aEnd)
-	{
-	const TUint8* ptr=aBase;
-	TInt prev=0;		// the previous deflation match
-	do
-		{
-		TInt match=Match(ptr,aEnd,ptr-aBase,aHash);
-// Extra deflation applies two optimisations which double the time taken
-// 1. If we have a match at p, then test for a better match at p+1 before using it
-// 2. When we have a match, add the hash links for all the data which will be skipped 
-		if (match>>16 < prev>>16)
-			{	// use the previous match--it was better
-			TInt len=prev>>16;
-			SegmentL(len,prev-(len<<16));
-			// fill in missing hash entries for better compression
-			const TUint8* e=ptr+len-2;
-			do 
-				{
-				++ptr;
-				if (ptr + 2 < aEnd)
-					aHash.First(ptr,ptr-aBase);
-				} while (ptr<e);
-			prev=0;
-			}
-		else if (match<=(KDeflateMinLength<<16))
-			LitLenL(*ptr);			// no deflation match here
-		else
-			{	// save this match and test the next position
-			if (prev)	// we had a match at ptr-1, but this is better
-				LitLenL(ptr[-1]);
-			prev=match;
-			}
-		++ptr;
-		} while (ptr+KDeflateMinLength-1<aEnd);
-	if (prev)
-		{		// emit the stored match
-		TInt len=prev>>16;
-		SegmentL(len,prev-(len<<16));
-		ptr+=len-1;
-		}
-	return ptr;
-	}
-void MDeflater::DeflateL(const TUint8* aBase,TInt aLength)
-// The generic deflation algorithm
-	{
-	const TUint8* end=aBase+aLength;
-	if (aLength>KDeflateMinLength)
-		{	// deflation kicks in if there is enough data
-		HDeflateHash* hash=HDeflateHash::NewLC(aLength);
-		if(hash==NULL)
-			Panic(EHuffmanOutOfMemory);
-		aBase=DoDeflateL(aBase,end,*hash);
-		delete hash;
-		}
-	while (aBase<end)					// emit remaining bytes
-		LitLenL(*aBase++);
-	LitLenL(TEncoding::EEos);	// eos marker
-	}
-void MDeflater::SegmentL(TInt aLength,TInt aDistance)
-// Turn a (length,offset) pair into the deflation codes+extra bits before calling
-// the specific LitLen(), Offset() and Extra() functions.
-	{
-	aLength-=KDeflateMinLength;
-	TInt extralen=0;
-	TUint len=aLength;
-	while (len>=8)
-		{
-		++extralen;
-		len>>=1;
-		}
-	LitLenL((extralen<<2)+len+TEncoding::ELiterals);
-	if (extralen)
-		ExtraL(extralen,aLength);
-	aDistance--;
-	extralen=0;
-	TUint dist=aDistance;
-	while (dist>=8)
-		{
-		++extralen;
-		dist>>=1;
-		}
-	OffsetL((extralen<<2)+dist);
-	if (extralen)
-		ExtraL(extralen,aDistance);
-	}
-// Class TDeflateStats
-// This class analyses the data stream to generate the frequency tables 
-// for the deflation algorithm
-inline TDeflateStats::TDeflateStats(TEncoding& aEncoding)
-	:iEncoding(aEncoding)
-	{}
-void TDeflateStats::LitLenL(TInt aCode)
-	{
-	++iEncoding.iLitLen[aCode];
-	}
-void TDeflateStats::OffsetL(TInt aCode)
-	{
-	++iEncoding.iDistance[aCode];
-	}
-void TDeflateStats::ExtraL(TInt,TUint)
-	{}
-// Class TDeflater
-// Extends MDeflater to provide huffman encoding of the output
-inline TDeflater::TDeflater(TBitOutput& aOutput,const TEncoding& aEncoding)
-// construct for encoding
-	:iOutput(aOutput),iEncoding(aEncoding)
-	{}
-void TDeflater::LitLenL(TInt aCode)
-	{
-	iOutput.HuffmanL(iEncoding.iLitLen[aCode]);
-	}
-void TDeflater::OffsetL(TInt aCode)
-	{
-	iOutput.HuffmanL(iEncoding.iDistance[aCode]);
-	}
-void TDeflater::ExtraL(TInt aLen,TUint aBits)
-	{
-	iOutput.WriteL(aBits,aLen);
-	}
-void DoDeflateL(const TUint8* aBuf,TInt aLength,TBitOutput& aOutput,TEncoding& aEncoding)
-	{
-// analyse the data for symbol frequency 
-	TDeflateStats analyser(aEncoding);
-	analyser.DeflateL(aBuf,aLength);
-// generate the required huffman encodings
-	Huffman::HuffmanL(aEncoding.iLitLen,TEncoding::ELitLens,aEncoding.iLitLen);
-	Huffman::HuffmanL(aEncoding.iDistance,TEncoding::EDistances,aEncoding.iDistance);
-// Store the encoding table
-	Huffman::ExternalizeL(aOutput,aEncoding.iLitLen,KDeflationCodes);
-// generate the tables
-	Huffman::Encoding(aEncoding.iLitLen,TEncoding::ELitLens,aEncoding.iLitLen);
-	Huffman::Encoding(aEncoding.iDistance,TEncoding::EDistances,aEncoding.iDistance);
-// now finally deflate the data with the generated encoding
-	TDeflater deflater(aOutput,aEncoding);
-	deflater.DeflateL(aBuf,aLength);
-	aOutput.PadL(1);
-	}
-void DeflateL(const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aLength, TBitOutput& aOutput)
-	{
-	TEncoding* encoding=new TEncoding;
-	HMem::FillZ(encoding,sizeof(TEncoding));
-	DoDeflateL(aBuf,aLength,aOutput,*encoding);
-	}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/deflate.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\deflate.h
-#ifndef __DECODE_H__
-#define __DECODE_H__
-#include "huffman.h"
-#include <e32base.h>
-// deflation constants
-const TInt KDeflateLengthMag=8;
-const TInt KDeflateDistanceMag=12;
-const TInt KDeflateMinLength=3;
-const TInt KDeflateMaxLength=KDeflateMinLength-1 + (1<<KDeflateLengthMag);
-const TInt KDeflateMaxDistance=(1<<KDeflateDistanceMag);
-const TInt KDeflateDistCodeBase=0x200;
-// hashing
-const TUint KDeflateHashMultiplier=0xAC4B9B19u;
-const TInt KDeflateHashShift=24;
-class TEncoding
-	{
-	enum {ELiterals=256,ELengths=(KDeflateLengthMag-1)*4,ESpecials=1,EDistances=(KDeflateDistanceMag-1)*4};
-	enum {ELitLens=ELiterals+ELengths+ESpecials};
-	enum {EEos=ELiterals+ELengths};
-	TUint32 iLitLen[ELitLens];
-	TUint32 iDistance[EDistances];
-	};
-const TInt KDeflationCodes=TEncoding::ELitLens+TEncoding::EDistances;
-class CInflater
-	{
-	enum {EBufSize = 0x800, ESafetyZone=8};
-	static CInflater* NewLC(TBitInput& aInput);
-	~CInflater();
-	TInt ReadL(TUint8* aBuffer,TInt aLength);
-	TInt SkipL(TInt aLength);
-	CInflater(TBitInput& aInput);
-	void ConstructL();
-	void InitL();
-	TInt InflateL();
-	TBitInput* iBits;
-	const TUint8* iRptr;			// partial segment
-	TInt iLen;
-	const TUint8* iAvail;			// available data
-	const TUint8* iLimit;
-	TEncoding* iEncoding;
-	TUint8* iOut;					// circular buffer for distance matches
-	TUint8 iHuff[EBufSize+ESafetyZone];			// huffman data
-	};
-void DeflateL(const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aLength, TBitOutput& aOutput);
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/encode.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\encode.cpp
-#include "huffman.h"
-#include "panic.h"
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include "h_utl.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "farray.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-void User::Invariant()
-	{
-	fprintf(stderr, "User::Invariant() called\n");
-	exit(1);
-	}
-// local definitions used for Huffman code generation
-typedef TUint16 THuff;		/** @internal */
-const THuff KLeaf=0x8000;	/** @internal */
-struct TNode
-/** @internal */
-	{
-	TUint iCount;
-	THuff iLeft;
-	THuff iRight;
-	};
-void HuffmanLengthsL(TUint32* aLengths,const TNode* aNodes,TInt aNode,TInt aLen)
-/** recursive function to calculate the code lengths from the node tree
-	@internal
-	{
-	if (++aLen>Huffman::KMaxCodeLength)
-		Panic(EHuffmanBufferOverflow);
-	const TNode& node=aNodes[aNode];
-	TUint x=node.iLeft;
-	if (x&KLeaf)
-		aLengths[x&~KLeaf]=aLen;
-	else
-		HuffmanLengthsL(aLengths,aNodes,x,aLen);
-	x=node.iRight;
-	if (x&KLeaf)
-		aLengths[x&~KLeaf]=aLen;
-	else
-		HuffmanLengthsL(aLengths,aNodes,x,aLen);
-	}
-void InsertInOrder(TNode* aNodes, TInt aSize, TUint aCount, TInt aVal)
-/**	Insert the {aCount,aValue} pair into the already sorted array of nodes
-	@internal
-	{
-	// Uses Insertion sort following a binary search...
-	TInt l=0, r=aSize;
-	while (l < r)
-		{
-		TInt m = (l+r) >> 1;
-		if (aNodes[m].iCount<aCount)
-			r=m;
-		else
-			l=m+1;
-		}
-	HMem::Copy(aNodes+l+1,aNodes+l,sizeof(TNode)*(aSize-l));
-	aNodes[l].iCount=aCount;
-	aNodes[l].iRight=TUint16(aVal);
-	}
-void Huffman::HuffmanL(const TUint32 aFrequency[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aHuffman[])
-/** Generate a Huffman code
-	This generates a Huffman code for a given set of code frequencies. The output
-	is a table of code lengths which can be used to build canonincal encoding tables
-	or decoding trees for use with the TBitInput and TBitOutput classes.
-	Entries in the table with a frequency of zero will have a zero code length
-	and thus no associated huffman encoding. If each such symbol should have a
-	maximum length encoding, they must be given at least a frequency of 1.
-	For an alphabet of n symbols, this algorithm has a transient memory overhead
-	of 8n, and a time complexity of O(n*log(n)).
-	@param "const TUint32 aFrequency[]" The table of code frequencies
-	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
-	@param "TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table for the output code-length table. This must be
-		the same size as the frequency table, and can safely be the same table
-	@leave "KErrNoMemory" If memory used for code generation cannot be allocated
-  	@panic "USER ???" If the number of codes exceeds Huffman::KMaxCodes
-	{
-	if(TUint(aNumCodes)>TUint(KMaxCodes))
-		Panic(EHuffmanTooManyCodes);
-	// Sort the values into decreasing order of frequency
-	//
-	TNode* nodes = new TNode[aNumCodes];
-	if(nodes==NULL)
-		Panic(EHuffmanOutOfMemory);
-	TInt lCount=0;
-	for (TInt ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
-		{
-		TInt c=aFrequency[ii];
-		if (c!=0)
-			InsertInOrder(nodes,lCount++,c,ii|KLeaf);
-		}
-	// default code length is zero
-	HMem::FillZ(aHuffman,aNumCodes*sizeof(TUint32));
-	if (lCount==0)
-		{
-		// no codes with frequency>0. No code has a length
-		}
-	else if (lCount==1)
-		{
-		// special case for a single value (always encode as "0")
-		aHuffman[nodes[0].iRight&~KLeaf]=1;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// Huffman algorithm: pair off least frequent nodes and reorder
-		//
-		do
-			{
-			--lCount;
-			TUint c=nodes[lCount].iCount + nodes[lCount-1].iCount;
-			nodes[lCount].iLeft=nodes[lCount-1].iRight;
-			// re-order the leaves now to reflect new combined frequency 'c'
-			InsertInOrder(nodes,lCount-1,c,lCount);
-			} while (lCount>1);
-		// generate code lengths in aHuffman[]
-		HuffmanLengthsL(aHuffman,nodes,1,0);
-		}
-	delete [] nodes;
-	if(!IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes))
-		Panic(EHuffmanInvalidCoding);
-	}
-TBool Huffman::IsValid(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
-/** Validate a Huffman encoding
-	This verifies that a Huffman coding described by the code lengths is valid.
-	In particular, it ensures that no code exceeds the maximum length and
-	that it is possible to generate a canonical coding for the specified lengths.
-	@param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
-	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
-	@return True if the code is valid, otherwise false
-	{
-	// The code is valid if one of the following holds:
-	// (a) the code exactly fills the 'code space'
-	// (b) there is only a single symbol with code length 1
-	// (c) there are no encoded symbols
-	//
-	TUint remain=1<<KMaxCodeLength;
-	TInt totlen=0;
-	for (const TUint32* p=aHuffman+aNumCodes; p>aHuffman;)
-		{
-		TInt len=*--p;
-		if (len>0)
-			{
-			totlen+=len;
-			if (len>KMaxCodeLength)
-				return EFalse;
-			TUint c=1<<(KMaxCodeLength-len);
-			if (c>remain)
-				return EFalse;
-			remain-=c;
-			}
-		}
-	return remain==0 || totlen<=1;
-	}
-void Huffman::Encoding(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aEncodeTable[])
-/** Create a canonical Huffman encoding table
-	This generates the huffman codes used by TBitOutput::HuffmanL() to write huffman
-	encoded data. The input is table of code lengths, as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
-	and must represent a valid huffman code.
-	@param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
-	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
-	@param "TUint32 aEncodeTable[]" The table for the output huffman codes. This must be
-		the same size as the code-length table, and can safely be the same table
-	@panic "USER ???" If the provided code is not a valid Huffman coding
-	@see IsValid()
-	@see HuffmanL()
-	{
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes),Panic(EHuffmanInvalidCoding));
-	TFixedArray<TInt,KMaxCodeLength> lenCount;
-	lenCount.Reset();
-	TInt ii;
-	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
-		{
-		TInt len=aHuffman[ii]-1;
-		if (len>=0)
-			++lenCount[len];
-		}
-	TFixedArray<TUint,KMaxCodeLength> nextCode;
-	TUint code=0;
-	for (ii=0;ii<KMaxCodeLength;++ii)
-		{
-		code<<=1;
-		nextCode[ii]=code;
-		code+=lenCount[ii];
-		}
-	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
-		{
-		TInt len=aHuffman[ii];
-		if (len==0)
-			aEncodeTable[ii]=0;
-		else
-			{
-			aEncodeTable[ii] = (nextCode[len-1]<<(KMaxCodeLength-len))|(len<<KMaxCodeLength);
-			++nextCode[len-1];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/** the encoding table for the externalised code
-	@internal
-const TUint32 HuffmanEncoding[]=
-	{
-	0x10000000,
-	0x1c000000,
-	0x12000000,
-	0x1d000000,
-	0x26000000,
-	0x26800000,
-	0x2f000000,
-	0x37400000,
-	0x37600000,
-	0x37800000,
-	0x3fa00000,
-	0x3fb00000,
-	0x3fc00000,
-	0x3fd00000,
-	0x47e00000,
-	0x47e80000,
-	0x47f00000,
-	0x4ff80000,
-	0x57fc0000,
-	0x5ffe0000,
-	0x67ff0000,
-	0x77ff8000,
-	0x7fffa000,
-	0x7fffb000,
-	0x7fffc000,
-	0x7fffd000,
-	0x7fffe000,
-	0x87fff000,
-	0x87fff800
-	};
-void EncodeRunLengthL(TBitOutput& aOutput, TInt aLength)
-/** encode 0a as '0' and 0b as '1', return number of symbols created
-	@internal
-	{
-	if (aLength>0)
-		{
-		EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,(aLength-1)>>1);
-		aOutput.HuffmanL(HuffmanEncoding[1-(aLength&1)]);
-		}
-	}
-void Huffman::ExternalizeL(TBitOutput& aOutput,const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
-/** Store a canonical huffman encoding in compact form
-	As the encoding is canonical, only the code lengths of each code needs to be saved.
-	Due to the nature of code length tables, these can usually be stored very compactly
-	by encoding the encoding itself, hence the use of the bit output stream.
-	@param "TBitOutput& aOutput" The output stream for the encoding
-	@param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
-	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of huffman codes in the table
-	@leave "TBitOutput::HuffmanL()"
-	{
-	// We assume that the code length table is generated by the huffman generator,
-	// in which case the maxmimum code length is 27 bits.
-	//
-	// We apply three transformations to the data:
-	// 1. the data goes through a move-to-front coder
-	// 2. apply a rle-0 coder which replace runs of '0' with streams of '0a' and '0b'
-	// 3. encode the result using a predefined (average) huffman coding
-	//
-	// This can be done in a single pass over the data, avoiding the need for additional
-	// memory.
-	//
-	// initialise the list for the MTF coder
-	TFixedArray<TUint8,Huffman::KMetaCodes> list;
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0;i<list.Count();++i)
-		list[i]=TUint8(i);
-	TInt last=0;
-	TInt rl=0;
-	const TUint32* p32=aHuffman;
-	const TUint32* e32=p32+aNumCodes;
-	while (p32<e32)
-		{
-		TInt c=*p32++;
-		if (c==last)
-			++rl;	// repeat of last symbol
-		else
-			{
-			// encode run-length
-			EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,rl);
-			rl=0;
-			// find code in MTF list
-			TInt j;
-			for (j=1;list[j]!=c;++j)
-				;
-			// store this code
-			aOutput.HuffmanL(HuffmanEncoding[j+1]);
-			// adjust list for MTF algorithm
-			while (--j>0)
-				list[j+1]=list[j];
-			list[1]=TUint8(last);
-			last=c;
-			}
-		}
-	// encod any remaining run-length
-	EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,rl);
-	}
-/** Construct a bit stream output object
-	Following construction the bit stream is ready for writing bits, but will first call
-	OverflowL() as the output buffer is 'full'. A derived class can detect this state as
-	Ptr() will return null.
-	:iCode(0),iBits(-8),iPtr(0),iEnd(0)
-	{}
-TBitOutput::TBitOutput(TUint8* aBuf,TInt aSize)
-/** Construct a bit stream output object over a buffer
-	Data will be written to the buffer until it is full, at which point OverflowL() will
-	be called. This should handle the data and then can Set() again to reset the buffer
-	for further output.
-	@param "TUint8* aBuf" The buffer for output
-	@param "TInt aSize" The size of the buffer in bytes
-	:iCode(0),iBits(-8),iPtr(aBuf),iEnd(aBuf+aSize)
-	{}
-void TBitOutput::HuffmanL(TUint aHuffCode)
-/** Write a huffman code
-	This expects a huffman code value as generated by Huffman::Encoding()
-	@param "TUint aHuffCode" The huffman code write to the stream
-	@leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
-	{
-	DoWriteL(aHuffCode<<(32-Huffman::KMaxCodeLength),aHuffCode>>Huffman::KMaxCodeLength);
-	}
-void TBitOutput::WriteL(TUint aValue,TInt aLength)
-/** Write an arbitrary integer value
-	Write an unsigned integer using the number of bits specified. Only
-	the low order bits of the value are written to the output, most
-	significant bit first.
-	@param "TUint aValue" The value to write to the stream
-	@param "TUint aLength" The number of bits to output
-	@leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
-	{
-	if (aLength)
-		DoWriteL(aValue<<=32-aLength,aLength);
-	}
-void TBitOutput::PadL(TUint aPadding)
-/** Pad the bitstream to the next byte boundary
-	Terminate the bitstream by padding the last byte with the requested value.
-	Following this operation the bitstream can continue to be used, the data will
-	start at the next byte.
-	@param "TUint aPadding" The bit value to pad the final byte with
-	@leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
-	{
-	if (iBits>-8)
-		WriteL(aPadding?0xffffffffu:0,-iBits);
-	}
-void TBitOutput::DoWriteL(TUint aBits,TInt aSize)
-/** Write the higher order bits to the stream
-	@internal
-	{
-	if (aSize>25)
-		{
-		// cannot process >25 bits in a single pass
-		// so do the top 8 bits first
-		ASSERT(aSize<=32);
-		DoWriteL(aBits&0xff000000u,8);
-		aBits<<=8;
-		aSize-=8;
-		}
-	TInt bits=iBits;
-	TUint code=iCode|(aBits>>(bits+8));
-	bits+=aSize;
-	if (bits>=0)
-		{
-		TUint8* p=iPtr;
-		do
-			{
-			if (p==iEnd)
-				{
-				// run out of buffer space so invoke the overflow handler
-				iPtr=p;
-				OverflowL();
-				p=iPtr;
-				ASSERT(p!=iEnd);
-				}
-			*p++=TUint8(code>>24);
-			code<<=8;
-			bits-=8;
-			} while (bits>=0);
-		iPtr=p;
-		}
-	iCode=code;
-	iBits=bits;
-	}
-void TBitOutput::OverflowL()
-/** Handle a full output buffer
-	This virtual function is called when the output buffer is full. It should deal
-	with the data in the buffer before reseting the buffer using Set(), allowing
-	further data to be written.
-	A derived class can replace this to write the data to a file (for example)
-	before marking the buffer as empty.
-	@leave "KErrOverflow" The default implementation leaves
-	{
-	Panic(EHuffmanBufferOverflow);
-	}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/farray.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\farray.h
-#ifndef __FARRAY_H__
-#define __FARRAY_H__
-#include <assert.h>
-template <class T,TInt S> 
-class TFixedArray
-// Range checking wrapper+ class for C++ arrays
-// Can be embedded in C-objects, or used on the stack: use Reset() to zero it
-	{
-	typedef TFixedArray<T,S> ThisClass;
-	inline TFixedArray();
-	inline TFixedArray(const T* aList, TInt aLength);
-	//
-	inline void Copy(const T* aList, TInt aLength);
-	inline void Reset();		// zero fill
-	inline void DeleteAll();
-	//
-	inline TInt Count() const;
-	inline TInt Length() const;
-	// Accessors - debug range checking
-	inline T& operator[](TInt aIndex);
-	inline const T& operator[] (TInt aIndex) const;
-	// Accessors - always range checking
-	inline T& At(TInt aIndex);
-	inline const T& At(TInt aIndex) const;
-	// Provides pointers to the beginning and end of the array
-	inline T* Begin();
-	inline T* End();
-	inline const T* Begin() const;
-	inline const T* End() const;
-	//
-	inline static TBool InRange(TInt aIndex);
-	T iRep[S];
-	};
-// Template class TFixedArray
-IMPORT_C void PanicTFixedArray();
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline TFixedArray<T,S>::TFixedArray()
-	{}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline void TFixedArray<T,S>::Copy(const T* aList,TInt aLength)
-	{assert(TUint(aLength)<=TUint(S));HMem::Copy(iRep,aList,aLength*sizeof(T));}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline TFixedArray<T,S>::TFixedArray(const T* aList,TInt aLength)
-	{Copy(aList,aLength);}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline void TFixedArray<T,S>::Reset()
-	{HMem::FillZ(iRep,sizeof(iRep));}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline TInt TFixedArray<T,S>::Count() const
-	{return S;}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline TInt TFixedArray<T,S>::Length() const
-	{return sizeof(T);}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline TBool TFixedArray<T,S>::InRange(TInt aIndex)
-	{return TUint(aIndex)<S;}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline T& TFixedArray<T,S>::operator[](TInt aIndex)
-	{assert(InRange(aIndex));return iRep[aIndex];}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline const T& TFixedArray<T,S>::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
-	{return const_cast<ThisClass&>(*this)[aIndex];}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline T& TFixedArray<T,S>::At(TInt aIndex)
-	{verify(InRange(aIndex));return iRep[aIndex];}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline const T& TFixedArray<T,S>::At(TInt aIndex) const
-	{return const_cast<ThisClass&>(*this).At(aIndex);}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline T* TFixedArray<T,S>::Begin()
-	{return &iRep[0];}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline T* TFixedArray<T,S>::End()
-	{return &iRep[S];}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline const T* TFixedArray<T,S>::Begin() const
-	{return &iRep[0];}
-template <class T,TInt S>
-inline const T* TFixedArray<T,S>::End() const
-	{return &iRep[S];}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/huffman.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\huffman.h
-#ifndef __HUFFMAN_H__
-#define __HUFFMAN_H__
-#include <e32std.h>
-/** Bit output stream.
-	Good for writing bit streams for packed, compressed or huffman data algorithms.
-	This class must be derived from and OverflowL() reimplemented if the bitstream data
-	cannot be generated into a single memory buffer.
-	@since 8.0
-	@library euser.lib
-class TBitOutput
-	{
-	TBitOutput();
-	TBitOutput(TUint8* aBuf,TInt aSize);
-	inline virtual ~TBitOutput() { } 
-	inline void Set(TUint8* aBuf,TInt aSize);
-	inline const TUint8* Ptr() const;
-	inline TInt BufferedBits() const;
-	void WriteL(TUint aValue, TInt aLength);
-	void HuffmanL(TUint aHuffCode);
-	void PadL(TUint aPadding);
-	void DoWriteL(TUint aBits, TInt aSize);
-	virtual void OverflowL();
-	TUint iCode;		// code in production
-	TInt iBits;
-	TUint8* iPtr;
-	TUint8* iEnd;
-	};
-/** Set the memory buffer to use for output
-	Data will be written to this buffer until it is full, at which point OverflowL() will
-	be called. This should handle the data and then can Set() again to reset the buffer
-	for further output.
-	@param "TUint8* aBuf" The buffer for output
-	@param "TInt aSize" The size of the buffer in bytes
-inline void TBitOutput::Set(TUint8* aBuf,TInt aSize)
-	{iPtr=aBuf;iEnd=aBuf+aSize;}
-/** Get the current write position in the output buffer
-	In conjunction with the address of the buffer, which should be known to the
-	caller, this describes the data in the bitstream.
-inline const TUint8* TBitOutput::Ptr() const
-	{return iPtr;}
-/** Get the number of bits that are buffered
-	This reports the number of bits that have not yet been written into the
-	output buffer. It will always lie in the range 0..7. Use PadL() to
-	pad the data out to the next byte and write it to the buffer.
-inline TInt TBitOutput::BufferedBits() const
-	{return iBits+8;}
-/** Bit input stream.
-	Good for reading bit streams for packed, compressed or huffman data algorithms.
-	@since 8.0
-	@library euser.lib
-class TBitInput
-	{
-	TBitInput();
-	TBitInput(const TUint8* aPtr, TInt aLength, TInt aOffset=0);
-	void Set(const TUint8* aPtr, TInt aLength, TInt aOffset=0);
- 	inline virtual ~TBitInput() { } 
-	TUint ReadL();
-	TUint ReadL(TInt aSize);
-	TUint HuffmanL(const TUint32* aTree);
-	virtual void UnderflowL();
-	TInt iCount;
-	TUint iBits;
-	TInt iRemain;
-	const TUint32* iPtr;
-	};
-/** Huffman code toolkit.
-	This class builds a huffman encoding from a frequency table and builds
-	a decoding tree from a code-lengths table
-	The encoding generated is based on the rule that given two symbols s1 and s2, with 
-	code length l1 and l2, and huffman codes h1 and h2:
-		if l1<l2 then h1<h2 when compared lexicographically
-		if l1==l2 and s1<s2 then h1<h2 ditto
-	This allows the encoding to be stored compactly as a table of code lengths
-	@since 8.0
-	@library euser.lib
-class Huffman
-	{
-	enum {KMaxCodeLength=27};
-	enum {KMetaCodes=KMaxCodeLength+1};
-	enum {KMaxCodes=0x8000};
-	static void HuffmanL(const TUint32 aFrequency[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aHuffman[]);
-	static void Encoding(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aEncodeTable[]);
-	static void Decoding(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aDecodeTree[],TInt aSymbolBase=0);
-	static TBool IsValid(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes);
-	static void ExternalizeL(TBitOutput& aOutput,const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes);
-	static void InternalizeL(TBitInput& aInput,TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes);
-	};
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/inflate.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\inflate.cpp
-#include "deflate.h"
-#include "panic.h"
-#include "h_utl.h"
-// Class RInflater
-// The inflation algorithm, complete with huffman decoding
-inline CInflater::CInflater(TBitInput& aInput)
-	:iBits(&aInput),iEncoding(0),iOut(0)
-	{}
-void CInflater::ConstructL()
-	{
-	iEncoding=new TEncoding;
-	if(iEncoding==NULL)
-		Panic(EHuffmanOutOfMemory);
-	InitL();
-	iLen=0;
-	iOut=new TUint8[KDeflateMaxDistance];
-	if(iOut==NULL)
-		Panic(EHuffmanOutOfMemory);
-	iAvail=iLimit=iOut;
-	}
-CInflater* CInflater::NewLC(TBitInput& aInput)
-	{
-	CInflater* self=new CInflater(aInput);
-	if(self==NULL)
-		Panic(EHuffmanOutOfMemory);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	return self;
-	}
-	{
-	delete iEncoding;
-	delete [] iOut;
-	}
-TInt CInflater::ReadL(TUint8* aBuffer,TInt aLength)
-	{
-	TInt tfr=0;
-	for (;;)
-		{
-		TInt len=Min(aLength,iLimit-iAvail);
-		if (len && aBuffer)
-			{
-			HMem::Copy(aBuffer,iAvail,len);
-			aBuffer+=len;
-			}
-		aLength-=len;
-		iAvail+=len;
-		tfr+=len;
-		if (aLength==0)
-			return tfr;
-		len=InflateL();
-		if (len==0)
-			return tfr;
-		iAvail=iOut;
-		iLimit=iAvail+len;
-		}
-	}
-TInt CInflater::SkipL(TInt aLength)
-	{
-	return ReadL(0,aLength);
-	}
-void CInflater::InitL()
-	{
-// read the encoding
-	Huffman::InternalizeL(*iBits,iEncoding->iLitLen,KDeflationCodes);
-// validate the encoding
-	if (!Huffman::IsValid(iEncoding->iLitLen,TEncoding::ELitLens) ||
-		!Huffman::IsValid(iEncoding->iDistance,TEncoding::EDistances))
-		Panic(EHuffmanCorruptFile);
-// convert the length tables into huffman decoding trees
-	Huffman::Decoding(iEncoding->iLitLen,TEncoding::ELitLens,iEncoding->iLitLen);
-	Huffman::Decoding(iEncoding->iDistance,TEncoding::EDistances,iEncoding->iDistance,KDeflateDistCodeBase);
-	}
-TInt CInflater::InflateL()
-// consume all data lag in the history buffer, then decode to fill up the output buffer
-// return the number of available bytes in the output buffer. This is only ever less than
-// the buffer size if the end of stream marker has been read
-	{
-// empty the history buffer into the output
-	TUint8* out=iOut;
-	TUint8* const end=out+KDeflateMaxDistance;
-	const TUint32* tree=iEncoding->iLitLen;
-	if (iLen<0)	// EOF
-		return 0;
-	if (iLen>0)
-		goto useHistory;
-	while (out<end)
-		{
-		// get a huffman code
-		{
-		TInt val=iBits->HuffmanL(tree)-TEncoding::ELiterals;
-		if (val<0)
-			{
-			*out++=TUint8(val);
-			continue;			// another literal/length combo
-			}
-		if (val==TEncoding::EEos-TEncoding::ELiterals)
-			{	// eos marker. we're done
-			iLen=-1;
-			break;
-			}
-		// get the extra bits for the code
-		TInt code=val&0xff;
-		if (code>=8)
-			{	// xtra bits
-			TInt xtra=(code>>2)-1;
-			code-=xtra<<2;
-			code<<=xtra;
-			code|=iBits->ReadL(xtra);
-			}
-		if (val<KDeflateDistCodeBase-TEncoding::ELiterals)
-			{	// length code... get the code
-			iLen=code+KDeflateMinLength;
-			tree=iEncoding->iDistance;
-			continue;			// read the huffman code
-			}
-		// distance code
-		iRptr=out-(code+1);
-		if (iRptr+KDeflateMaxDistance<end)
-			iRptr+=KDeflateMaxDistance;
-		}
-		TInt tfr=Min(end-out,iLen);
-		iLen-=tfr;
-		const TUint8* from=iRptr;
-		do
-			{
-			*out++=*from++;
-			if (from==end)
-				from-=KDeflateMaxDistance;
-			} while (--tfr!=0);
-		iRptr=from;
-		tree=iEncoding->iLitLen;
-		};
-	return out-iOut;
-	}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/panic.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\panic.cpp
-#include "panic.h"
-#include "h_utl.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-char* HuffmanError[]=	{
-						"Huffman: Too many codes\n",
-						"Huffman: Invalid coding\n",
-						"Huffman: Buffer overflow\n",
-						"Huffman: Out Of Memory\n",
-						"Huffman: Corrupt File\n",
-						};
-const TInt KHuffmanErrorBase=700;
-void Panic(TPanic aPanic)
-	{
-  	Print(ESevereError,HuffmanError[TInt(aPanic)]);
-	exit(KHuffmanErrorBase+TInt(aPanic));
-	}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/panic.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools\petran\Szip\panic.h
-#ifndef __PANIC_H__
-#define __PANIC_H__
-#include <e32std.h>
-enum TPanic
-	{
-	EHuffmanTooManyCodes=0,
-	EHuffmanInvalidCoding=1,
-	EHuffmanBufferOverflow=2,
-	EHuffmanOutOfMemory=3,
-	EHuffmanCorruptFile=4,
-	};
-void Panic(TPanic aPanic);
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/e32image.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,866 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools/e32image/e32image.cpp
-// Basic operations on E32Image files which are used by ROMBUILD.
-// These are independent of the original file format from which the
-// E32Image file was derived.
-#include <time.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "h_utl.h"
-#if defined (__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
-#include <fstream>
-#else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
-#include <fstream.h>
-#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
-#include <assert.h>
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-  #include <io.h>
-#include "h_ver.h"
-// get E32ImageHeader class...
-#define RETURN_FAILURE(_r) return (fprintf(stderr, "line %d\n", __LINE__),_r)
-//#define E32IMAGEHEADER_TRACE(_t) printf _t
-#include "e32image.h"
-#include "byte_pair.h"
-void DeflateCompress(char* bytes, TInt size, ostream& os);
-void InflateUnCompress(unsigned char* source, int sourcesize, unsigned char* dest, int destsize);
-void CompressPages(TUint8 * bytes, TInt size, ostream &os, CBytePair *aBPE);
-int  DecompressPages(TUint8 * bytes, istream& is, CBytePair *aBPE);
-// needed by E32ImageHeaderV::ValidateHeader...
-void Mem::Crc32(TUint32& aCrc, const TAny* aPtr, TInt aLength)
-	{
-	HMem::Crc32(aCrc, aPtr, aLength);
-	}
-// E32 Image files
-	: iData(NULL), iSize(0), iOrigHdr(NULL), iHdr(NULL), iFileName(NULL)
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-	  , iWideFileName(NULL)
-, iError(0), iSource(EE32Image), iOrigHdrOffsetAdj(0), iExportBitMap(0)
-	{}
-	{
-	free(iData);
-	delete [] iFileName;
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-	delete [] iWideFileName;
-	if (iHdr && iHdr != iOrigHdr)
-		delete iHdr;
-	free(iExportBitMap);
-	}
-// dummy implementation
-TBool E32ImageFile::Translate(const char*, TUint, TBool, TBool)
-	{
-	return EFalse;
-	}
-Int64 timeToInt64(TInt aTime)
-	{
-	aTime-=(30*365*24*60*60+7*24*60*60);	// seconds since midnight Jan 1st, 2000
-	Int64 daysTo2000AD=730497;
-	Int64 t=daysTo2000AD*24*3600+aTime;	// seconds since 0000
-	t=t+3600;								// BST (?)
-	return t*1000000;						// milliseconds
-	}
-class TE32ImageUids : public TCheckedUid
-	{
-	TE32ImageUids(TUint32 aUid1, TUint32 aUid2, TUint32 aUid3) : TCheckedUid(TUidType(TUid::Uid(aUid1), TUid::Uid(aUid2), TUid::Uid(aUid3))) {}
-	TUint Check() { return TCheckedUid::Check(); }
-	};
-void E32ImageFile::SetDefaultHeader()
-	{
-	iHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV*)iOrigHdr;
-	iHdr->iUid1 = 0;
-	iHdr->iUid2 = 0;
-	iHdr->iUid3 = 0;
-	iHdr->iHeaderCrc = 0;
-	iHdr->iSignature = 0x434f5045u;
-	iHdr->iModuleVersion = 0x00010000u;
-	iHdr->iCompressionType = 0;
-	iHdr->iToolsVersion = TVersion(MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Build);
-	Int64 time1(timeToInt64(time(0))); 
-	iHdr->iTimeLo=(TUint32)time1;
-	iHdr->iTimeHi=(TUint32)(time1>>32);
-	iHdr->iFlags = KImageHdrFmt_V;
-	iHdr->iCodeSize = 0;
-	iHdr->iDataSize = 0;
-	iHdr->iHeapSizeMin = 0;
-	iHdr->iHeapSizeMax = 0;
-	iHdr->iStackSize = 0;
-	iHdr->iBssSize = 0;
-	iHdr->iEntryPoint = 0;
-	iHdr->iCodeBase = 0;
-	iHdr->iDataBase = 0;
-	iHdr->iDllRefTableCount = 0;
-	iHdr->iExportDirOffset = 0;
-	iHdr->iExportDirCount = 0;
-	iHdr->iTextSize = 0;
-	iHdr->iCodeOffset = 0;
-	iHdr->iDataOffset = 0;
-	iHdr->iImportOffset = 0;
-	iHdr->iCodeRelocOffset = 0;
-	iHdr->iDataRelocOffset = 0;
-	iHdr->iProcessPriority = (TUint16)EPriorityForeground;
-	iHdr->iUncompressedSize = 0;
-	iHdr->iS.iSecureId = 0;
-	iHdr->iS.iVendorId = 0;
-	iHdr->iExceptionDescriptor = 0;
-	iHdr->iSpare2 = 0;
-	iHdr->iExportDescSize = 0;
-	iHdr->iExportDescType = KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles;
-	iHdr->iExportDesc[0] = 0;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetCallEntryPoints(TInt aBool)
-	{
-	if (aBool)
-		iHdr->iFlags&=~KImageNoCallEntryPoint;
-	else
-		iHdr->iFlags|=KImageNoCallEntryPoint;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetFixedAddress(TInt aBool)
-	{
-	if (aBool)
-		iHdr->iFlags|=KImageFixedAddressExe;
-	else
-		iHdr->iFlags&=~KImageFixedAddressExe;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetPriority(TProcessPriority aPri)
-	{
-	iHdr->iProcessPriority = (TUint16)aPri;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetCapability(SCapabilitySet& aCapabilities)
-	{
-	iHdr->iS.iCaps = aCapabilities;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetFPU(unsigned int aFPU)
-	{
-	iHdr->iFlags &=~ KImageHWFloatMask;
-	if (aFPU == 1)
-		iHdr->iFlags |= KImageHWFloat_VFPv2;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::Adjust(TInt aSize, TBool aAllowShrink)
-// Adjust the size of allocated data and fix the member data
-	{
-	TInt asize = ALIGN4(aSize);
-	if (asize == iSize)
-		return;
-	if (iSize == 0)
-		{
-		iSize = asize;
-		iData = (char*)malloc(iSize);
-		memset(iData, 0, iSize);
-		}
-	else if (aAllowShrink || asize > iSize)
-		{
-		TInt oldsize = iSize;
-		iSize = asize;
-		iData = (char*)realloc(iData, iSize);
-		if (iSize > oldsize)
-			memset(iData+oldsize, 0, iSize-oldsize);
-		}
-	if (!iData)
-		iSize = 0;
-	if (iHdr && iHdr == iOrigHdr)
-		iHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV*)iData;
-	iOrigHdr = (E32ImageHeader*)iData;
-	}
-TInt E32ImageFile::ReadHeader(ifstream& is)
-	{
-	Adjust(sizeof(E32ImageHeader), EFalse);
-, sizeof(E32ImageHeader));
-	TInt hdrsz = iOrigHdr->TotalSize();
-	if (hdrsz > 0x10000 || hdrsz <= 0)
-		return KErrCorrupt;	// sanity check
-	if (hdrsz > (TInt)sizeof(E32ImageHeader))
-		{
-		Adjust(hdrsz, EFalse);
-, hdrsz-sizeof(E32ImageHeader));
-		}
-	TUint32 uncompressedSize;
-	TInt r = iOrigHdr->ValidateHeader(iFileSize,uncompressedSize);
-	if (r != KErrNone)
-		{
-		fprintf(stderr, "Integrity check failed %d\n", r);
-		return r;
-		}
-	iHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV*)iOrigHdr;
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetStackSize(TInt aSize)
-	{
-	iHdr->iStackSize=aSize;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetHeapSizeMin(TInt aSize)
-	{
-	iHdr->iHeapSizeMin=aSize;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetHeapSizeMax(TInt aSize)
-	{
-	iHdr->iHeapSizeMax=aSize;
-	}
-TUint E32ImageFile::TextOffset()
-// Return the offset of the text section
-	{
-	return 0;
-	}
-TUint E32ImageFile::DataOffset()
-// return the offset of the initialised data
-	{
-	return iHdr->iCodeSize;
-	}
-TUint E32ImageFile::BssOffset()
-// return the offset from the start of code where the bss is linked
-	{
-	return DataOffset()+iHdr->iDataSize;
-	}
-TInt E32ImageFile::IsDll()
-	{
-	return iHdr->iFlags&KImageDll;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::RelocateSection(char* aPtr, char* aRelocs, TUint aCodeDelta, TUint aDataDelta, char* aImagePtr, TLinAddr** aIATRefs, TBool keepIAT)
-// Relocates the section data at aPtr
-	{
-	TUint codeStart=iHdr->iCodeBase;
-	TUint codeFinish=codeStart+iHdr->iCodeSize;
-	TUint iatStart = aIATRefs ? codeStart+iHdr->iTextSize : 0;
-	TUint iatFinish = aIATRefs ? iatStart+NumberOfImports()*sizeof(TUint) : 0;
-//	Print(ELog,"IAT: %x->%x\n",iatStart,iatFinish);
-	char* relocs=aRelocs;
-	TUint page=0;
-	TInt size=0;
-	TInt i=((E32RelocSection *)relocs)->iNumberOfRelocs;
-	relocs+=sizeof(E32RelocSection);
-	while (i>0)
-		{
-		if (size>0)
-			{
-			TUint offset=*(TUint16 *)relocs;
-			relocs+=2;
-			if (offset!=0)
-				{ // its a reloc
-				TUint va=page+(offset&0x0fff);
-				TUint relocType=offset&0xf000;
-				TUint *dataptr=(TUint *)(aPtr+va);
-				assert((char *)dataptr < aRelocs);
-				TUint data=*dataptr;
-//				Print(ELog,"data %x\n",data);
-				if (relocType == KTextRelocType) 
-					*dataptr=data+aCodeDelta; // points to text/rdata section
-				else if (relocType == KDataRelocType)
-					*dataptr=data+aDataDelta;
-				else 
-					{
-					if (relocType != KInferredRelocType)
-						Print(EError,"Unrecognized relocation type %x\n",relocType);
-					if (data>=iatStart && data<iatFinish)
-						{
-						TUint iatNum = (data-iatStart)/sizeof(TLinAddr);
-						// If "keepIAT" is used then the importing instruction must import through the IAT entry,
-						// but otherwise we change the IAT entry to point to the bit of code doing the importing
-						// and do the real fix-up later on in TRomBuilderEntry::FixupImports.
-						// NB: We always want to do this for X86 or data exports dont work.
-						if (keepIAT || (iHdr->iCpuIdentifier & 0x1000) /*denotes X86*/) 
-							*dataptr=data+aCodeDelta; 
-						else 
-							{
-							if ((TUint)aIATRefs[iatNum]>65535)
-								Print(EWarning, "Multiple relocations for IAT entry %d (0x%x, 0x%x)\n",
-										iatNum, aIATRefs[iatNum], dataptr);
-							else
-								aIATRefs[iatNum] = (TLinAddr*)(aImagePtr+va);	// ROM image address of importing pointer					
-							}
-						}
-					else if (data>=codeStart && data<codeFinish)
-						*dataptr=data+aCodeDelta; // points to text/rdata section
-					else
-						*dataptr=data+aDataDelta; // points to data section
-					}
-				--i;
-				}
-			size-=2;
-			}
-		else
-			{ // next page of relocs
-			page=*(TUint *)relocs;
-			relocs+=4;
-			size=*(TUint *)relocs;
-			relocs+=4;
-			size-=8;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetUids(TUid aUid1, TUid aUid2, TUid aUid3)
-	{
-	iHdr->iUid1=aUid1.iUid;
-	iHdr->iUid2=aUid2.iUid;
-	iHdr->iUid3=aUid3.iUid;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetSecureId(TUint32 aId)
-	{
-	((E32ImageHeaderV*)iHdr)->iS.iSecureId = aId;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::SetVendorId(TUint32 aId)
-	{
-	((E32ImageHeaderV*)iHdr)->iS.iVendorId = aId;
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::UpdateHeaderCrc()
-	{
-	TE32ImageUids u(iHdr->iUid1, iHdr->iUid2, iHdr->iUid3);
-	iHdr->iUidChecksum = u.Check();
-	TInt hdrsz = iHdr->TotalSize();
-	TInt orighdrsz = iOrigHdr->TotalSize();
-	iHdr->iUncompressedSize = iSize - orighdrsz;
-	iHdr->iHeaderCrc = KImageCrcInitialiser;
-	TUint32 crc = 0;
-	HMem::Crc32(crc, iHdr, hdrsz);
-	iHdr->iHeaderCrc = crc;
-	}
-TInt E32ImageFile::NumberOfImports()
-// Return the number of imports made by this image
-	{
-	if (iHdr->iDllRefTableCount==0 || iHdr->iImportOffset==0)
-		return 0;
-	TUint impfmt = iHdr->ImportFormat();
-	const E32ImportSection* isection = (const E32ImportSection*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iImportOffset);
-	TInt d;
-	TInt nImports = 0;
-	const E32ImportBlock* b = (const E32ImportBlock*)(isection+1);
-	for (d=0; d<iHdr->iDllRefTableCount; d++)
-		{
-		nImports += b->iNumberOfImports;
-		b = b->NextBlock(impfmt);
-		}
-	if (impfmt==KImageImpFmt_PE || impfmt==KImageImpFmt_PE2)
-		{
-		TUint *imports=(TUint *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset + iHdr->iTextSize);
-		TInt i=0;
-		while (*imports++)
-			i++;
-		assert(i==nImports);
-		}
-	return nImports;
-	}
-// Work out which exports are missing from the export directory
-void E32ImageFile::CreateExportBitMap()
-	{
-	TInt nexp = iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount;
-	TInt memsz = (nexp + 7) >> 3;
-	iExportBitMap = (TUint8*)malloc(memsz);
-	memset(iExportBitMap, 0xff, memsz);
-	TUint* exports = (TUint*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset);
-	TUint absoluteEntryPoint = iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint + iOrigHdr->iCodeBase;
-	TUint impfmt = iOrigHdr->ImportFormat();
-	TUint hdrfmt = iOrigHdr->HeaderFormat();
-	TUint absentVal = (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_ELF) ? absoluteEntryPoint : iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint;
-	TInt i;
-	iMissingExports = 0;
-	for (i=0; i<nexp; ++i)
-		{
-		if (exports[i] == absentVal)
-			{
-			iExportBitMap[i>>3] &= ~(1u << (i & 7));
-			++iMissingExports;
-			}
-		}
-	if (hdrfmt < KImageHdrFmt_V && iMissingExports)
-		{
-		fprintf(stderr, "Bad exports\n");
-		exit(999);
-		}
-	}
-// Append an export description to the E32ImageHeader if necessary
-void E32ImageFile::AddExportDescription()
-	{
-	if (iMissingExports == 0)
-		return;	// nothing to do
-	TInt nexp = iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount;
-	TInt memsz = (nexp + 7) >> 3;	// size of complete bitmap
-	TInt mbs = (memsz + 7) >> 3;	// size of meta-bitmap
-	TInt nbytes = 0;
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
-		if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
-			++nbytes;				// number of groups of 8
-	TUint8 edt = KImageHdr_ExpD_FullBitmap;
-	TInt extra_space = memsz - 1;
-	if (mbs + nbytes < memsz)
-		{
-		edt = KImageHdr_ExpD_SparseBitmap8;
-		extra_space = mbs + nbytes - 1;
-		}
-	extra_space = (extra_space + sizeof(TUint) - 1) &~ (sizeof(TUint) - 1);
-	TInt hdrsz = sizeof(E32ImageHeaderV) + extra_space;
-	iHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV*)malloc(hdrsz);
-	memcpy(iHdr, iOrigHdr, sizeof(E32ImageHeaderV));
-	iHdr->iExportDescType = edt;
-	if (edt == KImageHdr_ExpD_FullBitmap)
-		{
-		iHdr->iExportDescSize = (TUint16)memsz;
-		memcpy(iHdr->iExportDesc, iExportBitMap, memsz);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		iHdr->iExportDescSize = (TUint16)(mbs + nbytes);
-		memset(iHdr->iExportDesc, 0, extra_space + 1);
-		TUint8* mptr = iHdr->iExportDesc;
-		TUint8* gptr = mptr + mbs;
-		for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
-			{
-			if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
-				{
-				mptr[i>>3] |= (1u << (i&7));
-				*gptr++ = iExportBitMap[i];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	iHdr->iCodeOffset += extra_space;
-	if (iHdr->iDataOffset)
-		iHdr->iDataOffset += extra_space;
-	if (iHdr->iCodeRelocOffset)
-		iHdr->iCodeRelocOffset += extra_space;
-	if (iHdr->iDataRelocOffset)
-		iHdr->iDataRelocOffset += extra_space;
-	if (iHdr->iImportOffset)
-		iHdr->iImportOffset += extra_space;
-	if (iHdr->iExportDirOffset)
-		iHdr->iExportDirOffset += extra_space;
-	}
-// Check the export description is consistent with the export directory
-TInt E32ImageFile::CheckExportDescription()
-	{
-	TUint hdrfmt = iOrigHdr->HeaderFormat();
-	if (hdrfmt < KImageHdrFmt_V && iMissingExports)
-		return KErrCorrupt;
-	if (iHdr->iExportDescType == KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles)
-		{
-		return iMissingExports ? KErrCorrupt : KErrNone;
-		}
-	TInt nexp = iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount;
-	TInt memsz = (nexp + 7) >> 3;	// size of complete bitmap
-	TInt mbs = (memsz + 7) >> 3;	// size of meta-bitmap
-	TInt eds = iHdr->iExportDescSize;
-	if (iHdr->iExportDescType == KImageHdr_ExpD_FullBitmap)
-		{
-		if (eds != memsz)
-			return KErrCorrupt;
-		if (memcmp(iHdr->iExportDesc, iExportBitMap, eds) == 0)
-			return KErrNone;
-		return KErrCorrupt;
-		}
-	if (iHdr->iExportDescType != KImageHdr_ExpD_SparseBitmap8)
-		return KErrNotSupported;
-	TInt nbytes = 0;
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
-		if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
-			++nbytes;				// number of groups of 8
-	TInt exp_extra = mbs + nbytes;
-	if (eds != exp_extra)
-		return KErrCorrupt;
-	const TUint8* mptr = iHdr->iExportDesc;
-	const TUint8* gptr = mptr + mbs;
-	for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
-		{
-		TUint mbit = mptr[i>>3] & (1u << (i&7));
-		if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
-			{
-			if (!mbit || *gptr++ != iExportBitMap[i])
-				return KErrCorrupt;
-			}
-		else if (mbit)
-			return KErrCorrupt;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-TInt E32ImageFile::Validate()
-	{
-	TInt orighdrsz = iOrigHdr->TotalSize();
-	TInt r = iHdr->ValidateWholeImage(iData+orighdrsz,iSize-orighdrsz);
-	if(r!=KErrNone)
-		return r;
-	return r;
-	}
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const E32ImageFile& aImage)
-// Output an E32ImageFile
-	{
-            CBytePair bpe(EFalse);
-	E32ImageHeaderV* h = aImage.iHdr;
-	TUint hdrfmt = h->HeaderFormat();
-	if (hdrfmt != KImageHdrFmt_V)
-		return os;	// don't generate old binary formats
-	TInt hdrsz = h->TotalSize();
-	TInt orighdrsz = aImage.iOrigHdr->TotalSize();
-	os.write((const char*)aImage.iHdr, hdrsz);
-	TUint compression = h->CompressionType();
-	if (compression == KUidCompressionDeflate)
-		{
-		int srcsize = aImage.iSize - orighdrsz;
-		DeflateCompress(aImage.iData + orighdrsz, srcsize, os);
-		}
-	else if (compression == KUidCompressionBytePair)
-		{
-		// Compress and write out code part
-		int srcStart = orighdrsz;
-		CompressPages( (TUint8*)aImage.iData + srcStart, aImage.iOrigHdr->iCodeSize, os, &bpe);
-		// Compress and write out data part
-		srcStart += aImage.iOrigHdr->iCodeSize;
-		int srcLen = aImage.iSize - srcStart;
-		//Print(EWarning," Data part start:0x%08x, len:%d (0x%08x)\n", srcStart, aImage.iOrigHdr->iDataSize, aImage.iOrigHdr->iDataSize);
-		//CompressPages((TUint8*)aImage.iData + srcStart, aImage.iOrigHdr->iDataSize, os);		
-		CompressPages((TUint8*)aImage.iData + srcStart, srcLen, os, &bpe);		
-		}
-	else if (compression == KFormatNotCompressed)
-		{
-		int srcsize = aImage.iSize - orighdrsz;
-		os.write(aImage.iData + orighdrsz, srcsize); // image not to be compressed
-		}
-	return os;
-	}
-ifstream& operator>>(ifstream& is, E32ImageFile& aImage)
-// Input an E32ImageFile
-	{
-            CBytePair bpe(EFalse);
-	aImage.iError = aImage.ReadHeader(is);
-	if (aImage.iError != KErrNone)
-		return is;
-	E32ImageHeader* oh = aImage.iOrigHdr;
-	TInt orighdrsz = oh->TotalSize();
-	int remainder = aImage.iSize - orighdrsz;
-	TUint compression = oh->CompressionType();
-	if (compression == 0)
-		{
- + orighdrsz, remainder);
-		}
-	else if (compression == KUidCompressionDeflate)
-		{ //Uncompress
-		aImage.iError = KErrNoMemory;
-		unsigned int uncompsize = ((E32ImageHeaderComp*)aImage.iOrigHdr)->iUncompressedSize;
-		aImage.Adjust(uncompsize + orighdrsz);
-		if (aImage.iData==NULL)
-			return is;
-		oh = aImage.iOrigHdr;
-		unsigned char* compressedData = new unsigned char[remainder];
-		if (compressedData==NULL)
-			return is;
-<char *>(compressedData), remainder);
-		unsigned int destsize = uncompsize;
-		InflateUnCompress( compressedData, remainder, (unsigned char*)(aImage.iData + orighdrsz), destsize);
-		if (destsize != uncompsize)
-			Print(EWarning, "Inconsistent sizes discovered during uncompression.\n");
-		delete [] compressedData;
-		if ((TUint)orighdrsz > oh->iCodeOffset)
-			{
-			// need to adjust code offsets in original
-			aImage.iOrigHdrOffsetAdj = (TUint)orighdrsz - oh->iCodeOffset;
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iCodeOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iDataOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iCodeRelocOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iDataRelocOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iImportOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iExportDirOffset);
-			}
-		aImage.iError = KErrNone;
-		}
-	else if(compression == KUidCompressionBytePair)
-	{ // Uncompress
-		aImage.iError = KErrNoMemory;
-		unsigned int uncompsize = ((E32ImageHeaderComp*)aImage.iOrigHdr)->iUncompressedSize;
-		aImage.Adjust(uncompsize + orighdrsz);
-		if (aImage.iData==NULL)
-			return is;
-		oh = aImage.iOrigHdr;
-		// Read and decompress code part of the image
-		unsigned int uncompressedCodeSize = DecompressPages((TUint8 *) (aImage.iData + orighdrsz), is, &bpe);
-		// Read and decompress data part of the image
-		unsigned int uncompressedDataSize = DecompressPages((TUint8 *) (aImage.iData + orighdrsz + uncompressedCodeSize), is, &bpe);
-		if (uncompressedCodeSize + uncompressedDataSize != uncompsize)
-			Print(EWarning, "Inconsistent sizes discovered during uncompression.\n");
-		if ((TUint)orighdrsz > oh->iCodeOffset)
-			{
-			// need to adjust code offsets in original
-			aImage.iOrigHdrOffsetAdj = (TUint)orighdrsz - oh->iCodeOffset;
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iCodeOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iDataOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iCodeRelocOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iDataRelocOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iImportOffset);
-			aImage.OffsetAdjust(oh->iExportDirOffset);
-			}
-		aImage.iError = KErrNone;
-	}
-	aImage.CreateExportBitMap();
-	return is;
-	}
-TInt E32ImageFile::IsE32ImageFile(char *aFileName)
-	{
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-	E32ImageFile f;
-	struct stat buf;
-	if (stat(aFileName, &buf) < 0) 
-		{
-		return FALSE;
-		}
-	f.iFileSize = buf.st_size;
-	_finddata_t fileinfo;
-	int ret=_findfirst((char *)aFileName,&fileinfo);
-	if (ret==-1) 
-		return FALSE;
-	E32ImageFile f;
-	f.iFileSize = fileinfo.size;
-	ifstream ifile(aFileName, ios::in | ios::binary);
-	if(!ifile.is_open())
-		return FALSE;
-	TInt r = f.ReadHeader(ifile);
-	ifile.close();
-	return (r == KErrNone);
-	}
-TInt E32ImageFile::IsValid()
-	{
-	return (iError == KErrNone);
-	}
-TInt E32ImageFile::Open(const char* aFileName)
-// Open an E32 Image file
-	{
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-	struct stat buf;
-	if (stat(aFileName, &buf) < 0) 
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Cannot open %s for input.\n",aFileName);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	iFileSize = buf.st_size;
-	_finddata_t fileinfo;
-	int ret=_findfirst((char *)aFileName,&fileinfo);
-	if (ret==-1) 
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Cannot open %s for input.\n",aFileName);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	iFileSize = fileinfo.size;
-	Adjust(iFileSize);
-	ifstream ifile((char *)aFileName, ios::in | ios::binary);
-	if(!ifile.is_open())
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Cannot open %s for input.\n",aFileName);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	ifile >> *this;
-	ifile.close();
-	if (iError != KErrNone)
-		return iError;
-	iFileName=strdup((char *)aFileName);
-	if (iFileName==NULL)
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-TInt E32ImageFile::Open(const wchar_t* aFileName)
-// Open an E32 Image file
-	{
-	_wfinddata_t fileinfo;
-	int ret=_wfindfirst(aFileName,&fileinfo);
-	if (ret==-1) 
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Cannot open %ls for input.\n",aFileName);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	iFileSize = fileinfo.size;
-	Adjust(iFileSize);
-	FILE* file = _wfopen(aFileName, L"rb");
-	if(!file)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Cannot open %ls for input.\n",aFileName);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-	char *tmp;  				// Convert wide character name to char *, then open a file.
-	wcstombs(tmp,aFileName,100);
-	ifstream ifile(tmp, ios::in | ios::binary);
-	#else
-	ifstream ifile(fileno(file));
-	#endif
-	if(!ifile.is_open())
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Cannot open %ls for input,\n",aFileName);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	ifile >> *this;
-	ifile.close();
-	fclose(file);
-	if (iError != KErrNone)
-		return iError;
-	iWideFileName=wcsdup(aFileName);
-	if (iWideFileName==NULL)
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-TUint E32ImageFile::VaOfOrdinal(TUint aOrdinal)
-// return the offset of the exported symbol
-	{
-	TUint* exportdir = (TUint*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset);
-	return exportdir[aOrdinal-KOrdinalBase];
-	}
-// Determine the type of entry point in this module and set the flags
-// in the E32Image header accordingly.
-TInt E32ImageFile::DetermineEntryPointType()
-	{
-	TUint cpu = iHdr->CpuIdentifier();
-	if (cpu != ECpuArmV4 && cpu != ECpuArmV5)
-		return KErrNone;	// if not ARM, leave EPT as 0
-	TUint epOffset = iHdr->iEntryPoint;
-	if (epOffset & 3)
-		return KErrNone;	// if entry point not 4 byte aligned, must be old style
-	TUint fileOffset = epOffset + iHdr->iCodeOffset;
-	if (fileOffset+4 > (TUint)iSize)
-		return KErrCorrupt;	// entry point is past the end of the file??
-	TInt ept = 0;			// old style if first instruction not recognised
-	unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)iData + fileOffset + 4;
-	TUint32 x = *--p;
-	x<<=8;
-	x|=*--p;
-	x<<=8;
-	x|=*--p;
-	x<<=8;
-	x|=*--p;
-	if ((x & 0xffffff00) == 0xe31f0000)
-		{
-		// starts with tst pc, #n - new entry point
-		ept = (x & 0xff) + 1;
-		}
-	if (ept>7)
-		return KErrNotSupported;
-	iHdr->iFlags |= (ept<<KImageEptShift);
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/imgdump.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools/e32image/imgdump.cpp
-#include <e32image.h>
-#include <h_utl.h>
-#include <string.h>
-void PriorityToStr(TProcessPriority aPri, char *aStr)
-	{
-	if (aPri==EPrioritySupervisor)
-		strcpy(aStr,"Supervisor");
-	else if (aPri>EPriorityRealTimeServer)
-		sprintf(aStr, "RealTime+%d", aPri-EPriorityRealTimeServer);
-	else if (aPri==EPriorityRealTimeServer)
-		strcpy(aStr,"RealTime");
-	else if (aPri>EPriorityFileServer)
-		sprintf(aStr, "FileServer+%d", aPri-EPriorityFileServer);
-	else if (aPri==EPriorityFileServer)
-		strcpy(aStr,"FileServer");
-	else if (aPri>EPriorityWindowServer)
-		sprintf(aStr, "WindowServer+%d", aPri-EPriorityWindowServer);
-	else if (aPri==EPriorityWindowServer)
-		strcpy(aStr,"WindowServer");
-	else if (aPri>EPriorityHigh)
-		sprintf(aStr, "High+%d", aPri-EPriorityHigh);
-	else if (aPri==EPriorityHigh)
-		strcpy(aStr,"High");
-	else if (aPri>EPriorityForeground)
-		sprintf(aStr, "Foreground+%d", aPri-EPriorityForeground);
-	else if (aPri==EPriorityForeground)
-		strcpy(aStr,"Foreground");
-	else if (aPri>EPriorityBackground)
-		sprintf(aStr, "Background+%d", aPri-EPriorityBackground);
-	else if (aPri==EPriorityBackground)
-		strcpy(aStr,"Background");
-	else if (aPri>EPriorityLow)
-		sprintf(aStr, "Low+%d", aPri-EPriorityLow);
-	else if (aPri==EPriorityLow)
-		strcpy(aStr,"Low");
-	else
-		sprintf(aStr, "Illegal (%d)", aPri);
-	}
-void nl()
-	{
-	Print(EAlways, "\n");
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::Dump(TText *aFileName,TInt aDumpFlags)
-	{
-	if (IsValid())
-		{
-		Print(EAlways, "E32ImageFile '%s'\n", aFileName);
-		DumpHeader(aDumpFlags);
-		DumpData(aDumpFlags);
-		}
-	else
-		Print(EAlways, "This is not an E32 image file (error %d).\n", iError);
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::DumpHeader(TInt aDumpFlags)
-	{
-	TUint flags = iOrigHdr->iFlags;
-	TUint abi = E32ImageHeader::ABIFromFlags(flags);
-	TUint hdrfmt = E32ImageHeader::HdrFmtFromFlags(flags);
-	TUint impfmt = E32ImageHeader::ImpFmtFromFlags(flags);
-	TUint ept = E32ImageHeader::EptFromFlags(flags);
-	TBool isARM = EFalse;
-	if(aDumpFlags&EDumpHeader)
-		{
-		Print(EAlways, "V%d.%02d(%03d)", iOrigHdr->iToolsVersion.iMajor,iOrigHdr->iToolsVersion.iMinor,iOrigHdr->iToolsVersion.iBuild);
-		Print(EAlways, "\tTime Stamp: %08x,%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iTimeHi, iOrigHdr->iTimeLo);
-		char sig[5];
-		memcpy(sig, (const char*)&iOrigHdr->iSignature, 4);
-		sig[4]=0;
-		Print(EAlways, sig);
-		if (iOrigHdr->iFlags&KImageDll)
-			Print(EAlways, " Dll for ");
-		else
-			Print(EAlways, " Exe for ");
-		switch (iOrigHdr->CpuIdentifier())
-			{
-		case ECpuX86:
-			Print(EAlways, "X86 CPU\n");
-			break;
-		case ECpuArmV4:
-			isARM = ETrue;
-			Print(EAlways, "ARMV4 CPU\n");
-			break;
-		case ECpuArmV5:
-			isARM = ETrue;
-			Print(EAlways, "ARMV5 CPU\n");
-			break;
-		case ECpuMCore:
-			Print(EAlways, "M*Core CPU\n");
-			break;
-		case ECpuUnknown:
-			Print(EAlways, "Unknown CPU\n");
-			break;
-		default:
-			Print(EAlways, "something or other\n");
-			break;
-			}
-		Print(EAlways, "Flags:\t%08x\n", flags);
-		if (!(flags & KImageDll))
-			{
-			char str[80];
-			PriorityToStr(iOrigHdr->ProcessPriority(), str);
-			Print(EAlways, "Priority %s\n", str);
-			if (flags & KImageFixedAddressExe)
-				Print(EAlways, "Fixed process\n");
-			}
-		if (flags & KImageNoCallEntryPoint)
-			Print(EAlways, "Entry points are not called\n");
-		Print(EAlways, "Image header is format %d\n", hdrfmt>>24);
-		TUint compression = iOrigHdr->CompressionType();
-		switch (compression)
-			{
-			case KFormatNotCompressed:
-				Print(EAlways, "Image is not compressed\n");
-				break;
-			case KUidCompressionDeflate:
-				Print(EAlways, "Image is compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm\n");
-				break;
-			case KUidCompressionBytePair:
-				Print(EAlways, "Image is compressed using the BYTEPAIR algorithm\n");
-				break;
-			default:
-				Print(EAlways, "Image compression type UNKNOWN (%08x)\n", compression);
-			}
-		if (compression)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Uncompressed size %08x\n", iOrigHdr->UncompressedFileSize());
-			}
-		TUint FPU = flags & KImageHWFloatMask;
-		if (FPU == KImageHWFloat_None)
-			Print(EAlways, "Image FPU support : Soft VFP\n");
-		else if (FPU == KImageHWFloat_VFPv2) 
-			Print(EAlways, "Image FPU support : VFPv2\n");
-		else
-			Print(EAlways, "Image FPU support : Unknown\n");
-		if (flags & KImageCodeUnpaged)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Code Paging : Unpaged\n");
-			}
-		else if (flags & KImageCodePaged)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Code Paging : Paged\n");
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Code Paging : Default\n");
-			}
-		if (flags & KImageDataUnpaged)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Data Paging : Unpaged\n");
-			}
-		else if (flags & KImageDataPaged)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Data Paging : Paged\n");
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Data Paging : Default\n");
-			}
-		if(flags & KImageDebuggable)
-			{
- 			Print(EAlways, "Debuggable : True\n");
- 			}
- 		else
- 			{
- 			Print(EAlways, "Debuggable : False\n");
- 			}
-		if(flags & KImageSMPSafe)
-			{
- 			Print(EAlways, "SMP Safe : True\n");
- 			}
- 		else
- 			{
- 			Print(EAlways, "SMP Safe : False\n");
- 			}
-		}
-	if (hdrfmt >= KImageHdrFmt_V && (aDumpFlags&(EDumpHeader|EDumpSecurityInfo)))
-		{
-		//
-		// Important. Don't change output format of following security info
-		// because this is relied on by used by "Symbian Signed".
-		//
-		E32ImageHeaderV* v = iHdr;
-		Print(EAlways, "Secure ID: %08x\n", v->iS.iSecureId);
-		Print(EAlways, "Vendor ID: %08x\n", v->iS.iVendorId);
-		Print(EAlways, "Capabilities: %08x %08x\n", v->iS.iCaps[1], v->iS.iCaps[0]);
-		if(aDumpFlags&EDumpSecurityInfo)
-			{
-			TInt i;
-			for(i=0; i<ECapability_Limit; i++)
-				if(v->iS.iCaps[i>>5]&(1<<(i&31)))
-					Print(EAlways, "              %s\n", CapabilityNames[i]);
-			Print(EAlways, "\n");
-			}
-		}
-	if(aDumpFlags&EDumpHeader)
-		{
-		if (hdrfmt >= KImageHdrFmt_V)
-			{
-			E32ImageHeaderV* v = iHdr;
-			TUint32 xd = v->iExceptionDescriptor;
-			if ((xd & 1) && (xd != 0xffffffffu))
-				{
-				xd &= ~1;
-				Print(EAlways, "Exception Descriptor Offset:  %08x\n", v->iExceptionDescriptor);
-				TExceptionDescriptor * aED = (TExceptionDescriptor * )(iData + v->iCodeOffset + xd);
-				Print(EAlways, "Exception Index Table Base: %08x\n", aED->iExIdxBase);
-				Print(EAlways, "Exception Index Table Limit: %08x\n", aED->iExIdxLimit);
-				Print(EAlways, "RO Segment Base: %08x\n", aED->iROSegmentBase);
-				Print(EAlways, "RO Segment Limit: %08x\n", aED->iROSegmentLimit);
-				}
-			else
-				Print(EAlways, "No Exception Descriptor\n");
-			Print(EAlways, "Export Description: Size=%03x, Type=%02x\n", v->iExportDescSize, v->iExportDescType);
-			if (v->iExportDescType != KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles)
-				{
-				TInt nb = v->iExportDescSize;
-				TInt i;
-				TInt j = 0;
-				for (i=0; i<nb; ++i)
-					{
-					if (++j == 8)
-						{
-						j = 0;
-						Print(EAlways,"\n");
-						}
-					Print(EAlways," %02x", v->iExportDesc[i]);
-					}
-				Print(EAlways,"\n");
-				}
-			TInt r = CheckExportDescription();
-			if (r == KErrNone)
-				Print(EAlways,"Export description consistent\n");
-			else if (r == KErrNotSupported)
-				Print(EAlways,"Export description type not recognised\n");
-			else
-				Print(EAlways,"!! Export description inconsistent !!\n");
-			}
-		TUint32 mv = iOrigHdr->ModuleVersion();
-		Print(EAlways, "Module Version: %d.%d\n", mv>>16, mv&0xffff);
-		if (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_PE)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Imports are PE-style\n");
-			}
-		else if (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_ELF)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Imports are ELF-style\n");
-			}
-		else if (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_PE2)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways, "Imports are PE-style without redundant ordinal lists\n");
-			}
-		if (isARM)
-			{
-			if (abi == KImageABI_GCC98r2)
-				{
-				Print(EAlways, "GCC98r2 ABI\n");
-				}
-			else if (abi == KImageABI_EABI)
-				{
-				Print(EAlways, "ARM EABI\n");
-				}
-			if (ept == KImageEpt_Eka1)
-				{
-				Print(EAlways, "Built against EKA1\n");
-				}
-			else if (ept == KImageEpt_Eka2)
-				{
-				Print(EAlways, "Built against EKA2\n");
-				}
-			}
-		Print(EAlways, "Uids:\t\t%08x %08x %08x (%08x)\n", iOrigHdr->iUid1, iOrigHdr->iUid2, iOrigHdr->iUid3, iOrigHdr->iUidChecksum);
-		if (hdrfmt >= KImageHdrFmt_V)
-			Print(EAlways, "Header CRC:\t%08x\n", iHdr->iHeaderCrc);
-		Print(EAlways, "File Size:\t%08x\n", iSize);
-		Print(EAlways, "Code Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iCodeSize);
-		Print(EAlways, "Data Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iDataSize);
-		Print(EAlways, "Compression:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iCompressionType);
-		Print(EAlways, "Min Heap Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iHeapSizeMin);
-		Print(EAlways, "Max Heap Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iHeapSizeMax);
-		Print(EAlways, "Stack Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iStackSize);
-		Print(EAlways, "Code link addr:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iCodeBase);
-		Print(EAlways, "Data link addr:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iDataBase);
-		Print(EAlways, "Code reloc offset:\t%08x\n", OrigCodeRelocOffset());
-		Print(EAlways, "Data reloc offset:\t%08x\n", OrigDataRelocOffset());
-		Print(EAlways, "Dll ref table count: %d\n", iOrigHdr->iDllRefTableCount);
-		if (iOrigHdr->iCodeSize || iOrigHdr->iDataSize || iOrigHdr->iBssSize || iOrigHdr->iImportOffset)
-			Print(EAlways, "        Offset  Size  Relocs #Relocs\n");
-		Print(EAlways, "Code    %06x %06x", OrigCodeOffset(), iOrigHdr->iCodeSize);
-		if (iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset)
-			{
-			E32RelocSection *r=(E32RelocSection *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset);
-			Print(EAlways, " %06x %06x", OrigCodeRelocOffset(), r->iNumberOfRelocs);
-			}
-		else
-			Print(EAlways, "              ");
-		Print(EAlways, "        +%06x (entry pnt)", iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint);
-		nl();
-		Print(EAlways, "Data    %06x %06x", OrigDataOffset(), iOrigHdr->iDataSize);
-		if (iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset)
-			{
-			E32RelocSection *r=(E32RelocSection *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset);
-			Print(EAlways, " %06x %06x", OrigDataRelocOffset(), r->iNumberOfRelocs);
-			}
-		nl();
-		Print(EAlways, "Bss            %06x\n", iOrigHdr->iBssSize);
-		if (iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset)
-			Print(EAlways, "Export  %06x %06x                      (%d entries)\n", OrigExportDirOffset(), iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount*4, iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount);
-		if (iOrigHdr->iImportOffset)
-			Print(EAlways, "Import  %06x\n", OrigImportOffset());
-		}
-	}
-void dump(TUint *aData, TInt aLength)
-	{
-	TUint *p=aData;
-	TInt i=0;
-	char line[256];
-	char *cp=(char*)aData;
-	TInt j=0;
-	memset(line,' ',sizeof(line));
-	while (i<aLength)
-		{
-		TInt ccount=0;
-		char* linep=&line[8*9+2];
-		Print(EAlways, "%06x:", i);
-		while (i<aLength && ccount<8)
-			{
-			Print(EAlways," %08x", *p++);
-			i+=4;
-			ccount++;
-			for (j=0; j<4; j++)
-				{
-				unsigned char c=*cp++;
-				if (c<32 || c>127)
-					{
-					c = '.';
-					}
-				*linep++ = c;
-				}
-			}
-		*linep='\0';
-		Print(EAlways, "%s", line+(ccount*9));
-		nl();
-		}
-	}
-void dumprelocs(char *aRelocs)
-	{
-	TInt num=((E32RelocSection *)aRelocs)->iNumberOfRelocs;
-	Print(EAlways, "%d relocs\n", num);
-	aRelocs+=sizeof(E32RelocSection);
-	TInt printed=0;
-	while (num>0)
-		{
-		TInt page=*(TUint *)aRelocs;
-		TInt size=*(TUint *)(aRelocs+4);
-		TInt pagesize=size;
-		size-=8;
-		TUint16 *p=(TUint16 *)(aRelocs+8);
-		while (size>0)
-			{
-			TUint a=*p++;
-			TUint relocType = a >> 12;
-			if (relocType==3 || relocType==1)
-				{
-				Print(EAlways, "%08x(%1x) ", page+(a&0x0fff), relocType);
-				printed++;
-				if (printed>3)
-					{
-					nl();
-					printed=0;
-					}
-				}
-			size-=2;
-			num--;
-			}
-		aRelocs+=pagesize;
-		}
-	nl();
-	}
-void E32ImageFile::DumpData(TInt aDumpFlags)
-	{
-	if(aDumpFlags&EDumpCode)
-		{
-		Print(EAlways, "\nCode (text size=%08x)\n", iOrigHdr->iTextSize);
-		dump((TUint *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset), iOrigHdr->iCodeSize);
-		if (iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset)
-			dumprelocs(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset);
-		}
-	if((aDumpFlags&EDumpData) && iOrigHdr->iDataOffset)
-		{
-		Print(EAlways, "\nData\n");
-		dump((TUint *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iDataOffset), iOrigHdr->iDataSize);
-		if (iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset)
-			dumprelocs(iData + iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset);
-		}
-	if(aDumpFlags&EDumpExports)
-		{
-		Print(EAlways, "\nNumber of exports = %d\n", iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount);
-		TInt i;
-		TUint* exports = (TUint*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset);
-		TUint absoluteEntryPoint = iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint + iOrigHdr->iCodeBase;
-		TUint impfmt = iOrigHdr->ImportFormat();
-		TUint absentVal = (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_ELF) ? absoluteEntryPoint : iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint;
-		for (i=0; i<iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount; ++i)
-			{
-			TUint exp = exports[i];
-			if (exp == absentVal)
-				Print(EAlways, "\tOrdinal %5d:\tABSENT\n", i+1);
-			else
-				Print(EAlways, "\tOrdinal %5d:\t%08x\n", i+1, exp);
-			}
-		}
-	//
-	// Important. Don't change output format of following inport info
-	// because this is relied on by tools used by "Symbian Signed".
-	//
-	if((aDumpFlags&EDumpImports) && iOrigHdr->iImportOffset)
-		{
-		const E32ImportSection* isection = (const E32ImportSection*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iImportOffset);
-		TUint* iat = (TUint*)((TUint8*)iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset + iOrigHdr->iTextSize);
-		Print(EAlways, "\nIdata\tSize=%08x\n", isection->iSize);
-		Print(EAlways, "Offset of import address table (relative to code section): %08x\n", iOrigHdr->iTextSize);
-		TInt d;
-		const E32ImportBlock* b = (const E32ImportBlock*)(isection + 1);
-		for (d=0; d<iOrigHdr->iDllRefTableCount; d++)
-			{
-			char* dllname = iData + iOrigHdr->iImportOffset + b->iOffsetOfDllName;
-			TInt n = b->iNumberOfImports;
-			Print(EAlways, "%d imports from %s\n", b->iNumberOfImports, dllname);
-			const TUint* p = b->Imports();
-			TUint impfmt = iOrigHdr->ImportFormat();
-			if (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_ELF)
-				{
-				while (n--)
-					{
-					TUint impd_offset = *p++;
-					TUint impd = *(TUint*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset + impd_offset);
-					TUint ordinal = impd & 0xffff;
-					TUint offset = impd >> 16;
-					if (offset)
-						Print(EAlways, "%10d offset by %d\n", ordinal, offset);
-					else
-						Print(EAlways, "%10d\n", ordinal);
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				while (n--)
-					Print(EAlways, "\t%d\n", *iat++);
-				}
-			b = b->NextBlock(impfmt);
-			}
-		}
-	}
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/inc/e32image.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#ifndef __E32IMAGE_H__
-#define __E32IMAGE_H__
-#if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
-#include <fstream>
-using namespace std;
-#else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
-#include <fstream.h>
-#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <e32ldr.h>
-#include <f32image.h>
-enum TFileSource
-	{
-	EE32Image=0,
-	EPeFile=1,
-	EElfFile=2,
-	};
-class E32ImageFile
-	{
-	static E32ImageFile* New();
-	E32ImageFile();
-	virtual ~E32ImageFile();
-	virtual TBool Translate(const char* aFileName, TUint aDataBase, TBool aAllowDllData, TBool aSymLkupEnabled = FALSE);
-	TInt ReadHeader(ifstream& is);
-	TInt Open(const char* aFileName);
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-	TInt Open(const wchar_t* aFileName);
-	void Adjust(TInt aSize, TBool aAllowShrink=ETrue);
-	TUint VaOfOrdinal(TUint aOrdinal);
-	void RelocateSection(char* aPtr, char *aRelocs, TUint aCodeDelta, TUint aDataDelta, char* aImagePtr, TLinAddr** aIATRefs, TBool keepIAT=EFalse);
-	//
-	TUint TextOffset();
-	TUint DataOffset();
-	TUint BssOffset();
-	TUint32 Capability();
-	TUint32 Format();
-	TInt NumberOfImports();
-	TInt IsValid();
-	TInt IsDll();
-	enum TDumpFlags
-		{
-		EDumpHeader = 1<<0,
-		EDumpSecurityInfo = 1<<1,
-		EDumpCode = 1<<2,
-		EDumpData = 1<<3,
-		EDumpExports = 1<<4,
-		EDumpImports = 1<<5,
-		EDumpDefaults = EDumpHeader|EDumpCode|EDumpData|EDumpExports|EDumpImports
-		};
-	void Dump(TText *aFileName,TInt aDumpFlags);
-	void DumpHeader(TInt aDumpFlags);
-	void DumpData(TInt aDumpFlags);
-	void SetStackSize(TInt aSize);
-	void SetHeapSizeMin(TInt aSize);
-	void SetHeapSizeMax(TInt aSize);
-	void SetUids(TUid aUid1, TUid aUid2, TUid aUid3);
-	void SetSecureId(TUint32 aId);
-	void SetVendorId(TUint32 aId);
-	void SetCallEntryPoints(TInt aBool);
-	void SetFixedAddress(TInt aBool);
-	void SetPriority(TProcessPriority aPri);
-	void SetCapability(SCapabilitySet& aCapabilities);
-	void SetFPU(unsigned int aFPU);
-	static TInt IsE32ImageFile(char *aFileName);
-	TInt DetermineEntryPointType();
-	void UpdateHeaderCrc();
-	void SetDefaultHeader();
-	void CreateExportBitMap();
-	void AddExportDescription();
-	TInt CheckExportDescription();
-	TInt Validate();
-	inline TUint OrigCodeOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset);}
-	inline TUint OrigDataOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iDataOffset);}
-	inline TUint OrigCodeRelocOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset);}
-	inline TUint OrigDataRelocOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset);}
-	inline TUint OrigImportOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iImportOffset);}
-	inline TUint OrigExportDirOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset);}
-	inline TUint OffsetUnadjust(TUint a) const {return a ? a-iOrigHdrOffsetAdj : 0;}
-	inline void OffsetAdjust(TUint& a) { if (a) a+=iOrigHdrOffsetAdj; }
-	char* iData;
-	TInt iSize;
-	E32ImageHeader* iOrigHdr;
-	E32ImageHeaderV* iHdr;
-	char* iFileName;
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-	wchar_t* iWideFileName;
-	TInt iError;
-	TFileSource iSource;
-	TUint iOrigHdrOffsetAdj;
-	TInt iFileSize;
-	TUint8* iExportBitMap;
-	TInt iMissingExports;
-	};
-#ifdef __VC32__
-ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const E32ImageFile &aImage);
-ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const E32ImageFile &aImage);
-ifstream &operator>>(ifstream &is, E32ImageFile &aImage);
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/inc/h_utl.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#if !defined(__H_UTL_H__)
-#define __H_UTL_H__
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef __VC32__
- #ifdef __MSVCDOTNET__
-  #include <iostream>
-  #include <strstream>
-  #include <fstream>
-  using namespace std;
- #else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
-  #include <iostream.h>
-  #include <strstrea.h>
-  #include <fstream.h>
- #endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
-#else //!__VC32__
-#ifdef __TOOLS2__ 
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-using namespace std;
-#else // !__TOOLS2__ OR __VC32__ OR __MSVCDOTNET__
-  #include <iostream.h>
-  #include <strstream.h>
-  #include <fstream.h>
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#define _close close
-#define _filelength filelength
-#define _lseek lseek
-#define _read read
-#define _snprintf snprintf
-#define _vsnprintf vsnprintf
-// linux case insensitive stromg comparisons have different names
-#define stricmp  strcasecmp		
-#define _stricmp strcasecmp		
-#define strnicmp strncasecmp	
-// to fix the linux problem: memcpy does not work with overlapped areas.
-#define memcpy memmove
-// hand-rolled strupr function for converting a string to all uppercase
-char* strupr(char *a);
-// return the length of a file
-off_t filelength (int filedes);
-#include <e32cmn.h>
-#include <e32def.h>
-#include <e32def_private.h>
-#define ALIGN4K(a) ((a+0xfff)&0xfffff000)
-#define ALIGN4(a) ((a+0x3)&0xfffffffc)
-#ifdef HEAPCHK
-#define NOIMAGE
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include <windows.h>
-void HeapCheck();
-#define Print H.PrintString
-const TInt KMaxStringLength=0x400;
-class HFile
-	{
-	static TBool Open(const TText * const aFileName, TInt32 * const aFileHandle);
-	static TBool Read(const TInt32 aFileHandle, TAny * const aBuffer, const TUint32 aCount);
-	static TBool Seek(const TInt32 aFileHandle, const TUint32 aOffset);
-	static TUint32 GetPos(const TInt32 aFileHandle);
-	static TAny Close(const TInt32 aFileHandle);
-	static TUint32 GetLength(const TInt32 aFileHandle);
-	static TUint32 GetLength(TText *aName);
-	static TUint32 Read(TText *aName, TAny *someMem);
-	};
-//inline TAny* operator new(TUint /*aSize*/, TAny* aBase)
-//	{return aBase;}
-class HMem
-	{
-	static TAny *Alloc(TAny * const aBaseAddress,const TUint32 aImageSize);
-	static void Free(TAny * const aMem);
-	static void Copy(TAny * const aDestAddr,const TAny * const aSourceAddr,const TUint32 aLength);
-	static void Move(TAny * const aDestAddr,const TAny * const aSourceAddr,const TUint32 aLength);
-	static void Set(TAny * const aDestAddr, const TUint8 aFillChar, const TUint32 aLength);
-	static void FillZ(TAny * const aDestAddr, const TUint32 aLength);
-	static TUint CheckSum(TUint *aPtr, TInt aSize);
-	static TUint CheckSum8(TUint8 *aPtr, TInt aSize);
-	static TUint CheckSumOdd8(TUint8 *aPtr, TInt aSize);
-	static TUint CheckSumEven8(TUint8 *aPtr, TInt aSize);
-	static void Crc32(TUint32& aCrc, const TAny* aPtr, TInt aLength);
-	};
-enum TPrintType {EAlways, EScreen, ELog, EWarning, EError, EPeError, ESevereError, EDiagnostic};
-class HPrint
-	{
-	~HPrint();
-	void SetLogFile(TText *aFileName);
-	void CloseLogFile();						//	Added to close intermediate log files.
-	TInt PrintString(TPrintType aType,const char *aFmt,...);
-	TText iText[KMaxStringLength];
-	TBool iVerbose;
-	ofstream iLogFile;
-	};
-extern HPrint H;
-extern TBool PVerbose;
-TAny *operator new(TUint aSize);
-void operator delete(TAny *aPtr);
-#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-istringstream &operator>>(istringstream &is, TVersion &aVersion);
-istrstream &operator>>(istrstream &is, TVersion &aVersion);
-TInt StringToTime(TInt64 &aTime, char *aString);
-void ByteSwap(TUint &aVal);
-void ByteSwap(TUint16 &aVal);
-void ByteSwap(TUint *aPtr, TInt aSize);
-extern TBool gLittleEndian;
- Convert string to number.
-template <class T>
-TInt Val(T& aVal, char* aStr)
-	{
-	T x;
-	#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-	istringstream val(aStr);
-	#else
-	istrstream val(aStr,strlen(aStr));
-	#endif
-	#if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined (__TOOLS2__) 
-		val >> setbase(0);
-	#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__                             
-	val >> x;
-	if (!val.eof() ||
-		return KErrGeneral;
-	aVal=x;
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-// Filename decompose routines
-enum TDecomposeFlag
-	{
-	EUidPresent=1,
-	EVerPresent=2
-	};
-class TFileNameInfo
-	{
-	TFileNameInfo(const char* aFileName, TBool aLookForUid);
-	const char* iFileName;
-	TInt iTotalLength;
-	TInt iBaseLength;
-	TInt iExtPos;
-	TUint32 iUid3;
-	TUint32 iModuleVersion;
-	TUint32 iFlags;
-	};
-extern char* NormaliseFileName(const char* aName);
-extern char* SplitFileName(const char* aName, TUint32& aUid, TUint32& aModuleVersion, TUint32& aFlags);
-extern char* SplitFileName(const char* aName, TUint32& aModuleVersion, TUint32& aFlags);
-extern TInt ParseCapabilitiesArg(SCapabilitySet& aCapabilities, const char *aText);
-extern TInt ParseBoolArg(TBool& aValue, const char *aText);
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/inc/h_ver.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#ifndef __H_VER_H__
-#define __H_VER_H__
-const TInt MajorVersion=2;
-const TInt MinorVersion=1;
-const TInt Build=600;
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/inc/seclib.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools/inc/seclib.h
-// Get the capabilities of an emulator / e32image.
-// Image security information structure.
- @internalTechnology
- @prototype
-struct SBinarySecurityInfo
-	{
-	TUint32			iSecureId;
-	TUint32			iVendorId;
-	TUint8			iCapabilities[KCapabilitySetMaxSize];
-	TBool			iE32Image;
-	};
- * Extracts security information from an image.
- *
- * @internalTechnology
- * @prototype
- */
-TInt GetSecurityInfo(const char* aFileName, SBinarySecurityInfo& aInfo);
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-TInt GetSecurityInfo(const wchar_t* aFileName, SBinarySecurityInfo& aInfo);
--- a/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/tr_main.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32tools/e32image/tr_main.cpp
-// Translate X->E32Image top level
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-  #include <io.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef __VC32__
- #ifdef __MSVCDOTNET__
-  #include <strstream>
-  #include <iomanip>
- #else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
-  #include <strstrea.h>
-  #include <iomanip.h>
- #endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
-#else // !__VC32__*/
-#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-  #include <sstream>
-  #include <iomanip>
-  #else
- #include <strstream.h>
- #include <iomanip.h>
-#endif // __VC32__
-#include <e32std.h>
-#ifdef __SUPPORT_PE_FILES__
-#include "pe_file.h"
-#include "elftran.h"
-#include <h_utl.h>
-#include <h_ver.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern int gAlignConstSection;
-extern TUint gConstSectionAddressMask;
-int gVerbose=0;
-char *gFile1=NULL;
-char *gFile2=NULL;
-unsigned int gStack=0;
-unsigned int gHeapMin=0;
-unsigned int gHeapMax=0;
-TUid gUid1=KNullUid;
-TUid gUid2=KNullUid;
-TUid gUid3=KNullUid;
-unsigned int gSecureId=0;
-unsigned int gVendorId=0;
-unsigned int gVersionWord=0x00010000u;
-int gCallEntryPoints=TRUE;
-int gFixedAddress=FALSE;
-int gPriority=EPriorityForeground;
-SCapabilitySet gCapability={0};
-int gAllowDllData=FALSE;
-// fix warning for Linux warning: 0 instead of NULL
-TUint gDataBase=0;
-int gCompress=TRUE;
-unsigned int gFPU=0;
-int gCodePaged=FALSE;
-int gCodeUnpaged=FALSE;
-int gCodeDefaultPaged=FALSE;
-int gDataPaged=FALSE;
-int gDataUnpaged=FALSE;
-int gDataDefaultPaged=FALSE;
-int gDebuggable=FALSE;
-int gSmpSafe=FALSE;
-int gSetStack=FALSE;
-int gSetHeap=FALSE;
-int gSetUid1=FALSE;
-int gSetUid2=FALSE;
-int gSetUid3=FALSE;
-int gSetCallEntryPoints=FALSE;
-int gSetFixedAddress=FALSE;
-int gSetPriority=FALSE;
-int gSetCapability=FALSE;
-int gSetCompress=FALSE;
-int gSetVersion=FALSE;
-int gSetSecureId=FALSE;
-int gSetVendorId=FALSE;
-int gSetFPU=FALSE;
-int gSetCodePaged=FALSE;
-int gSetDataPaged=FALSE;
-int gSetSymLkup=FALSE;
-int gSetDebuggable=FALSE;
-int gSetSmpSafe=FALSE;
-enum CompressionMethods
-	ENoCompression = 0,
-	EDeflate = 1,
-	EBytePair = 2,
-int gCompressionMethod = EDeflate;
-int gSuppressComprMethod = FALSE;
-#ifdef __SUPPORT_PE_FILES__
-char* gX86imp=NULL;
-int gX86num_imp_dlls=0;
-int gX86imp_size=0;
-int gX86num_imports=0;
-TBool gLittleEndian=ETrue;
-class E32ImageFileRef
-	{
-	E32ImageFileRef() {iPtr = E32ImageFile::New();}
-	~E32ImageFileRef() {delete iPtr;}
-	class E32ImageFile& Ref() {return *iPtr;}
-	E32ImageFileRef(const E32ImageFileRef&);
-	E32ImageFileRef& operator=(const E32ImageFileRef&);
-	E32ImageFile* iPtr;
-	};
-int setPagedFlags(E32ImageFile& f)
-	{
-	unsigned check1 = gCodePaged + gCodeUnpaged + gCodeDefaultPaged;
-	unsigned check2 = gDataPaged + gDataUnpaged + gDataDefaultPaged;
-	if (check1 > 1 || check2 > 1)
-		{
-		Print(EError, "Conflicting paging options.\n");
-		return KErrArgument;
-		}
-	if (gCodePaged)
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags |= KImageCodePaged;
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageCodeUnpaged;
-		}
-	else if (gCodeUnpaged)
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags |= KImageCodeUnpaged;
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageCodePaged;
-		}
-	else if (gCodeDefaultPaged)
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageCodePaged;
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageCodeUnpaged;
-		}
-	if (gDataPaged)
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags |=  KImageDataPaged;
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageDataUnpaged;
-		}
-	else if (gDataUnpaged)
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags |=  KImageDataUnpaged;
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageDataPaged;
-		}
-	else if (gDataDefaultPaged)
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageDataPaged;
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageDataUnpaged;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-void setDebuggableFlags(E32ImageFile& f)
-	{
-	if (gDebuggable)
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags |= KImageDebuggable;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageDebuggable;
-		}
-	}
-void setSmpSafeFlags(E32ImageFile& f)
-	{
-	if (gSmpSafe)
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags |= KImageSMPSafe;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		f.iHdr->iFlags &= ~KImageSMPSafe;
-		}
-	}
-int dotran(const char* ifilename, const char* ofilename)
-	{
-	E32ImageFileRef fRef;
-	E32ImageFile& f = fRef.Ref();
-	int r=f.Translate(ifilename, gDataBase, gAllowDllData, gSetSymLkup);
-	if (r!=KErrNone)
-		return r;
-	if (gSetStack)
-		f.SetStackSize(gStack);
-	if (gSetHeap)
-		{
-		f.SetHeapSizeMin(gHeapMin);
-		f.SetHeapSizeMax(gHeapMax);
-		}
-	if (!gSetUid1)
-		gUid1=TUid::Uid(f.iHdr->iUid1);
-	if (!gSetUid2)
-		gUid2=TUid::Uid(f.iHdr->iUid2);
-	if (!gSetUid3)
-		gUid3=TUid::Uid(f.iHdr->iUid3);
-	if (!gSetSecureId)
-		gSecureId = f.iHdr->iUid3;
-	if (!gSetVendorId)
-		gVendorId = 0;
-	f.SetUids(gUid1, gUid2, gUid3);
-	f.SetSecureId(gSecureId);
-	f.SetVendorId(gVendorId);
-	if (gSetCallEntryPoints)
-		f.SetCallEntryPoints(gCallEntryPoints);
-	if (gSetCapability)
-		f.SetCapability(gCapability);
-	if (gSetPriority)
-		{
-		if (f.iHdr->iFlags&KImageDll)
-			Print(EWarning,"Cannot set priority of a DLL.\n");
-		else
-			f.SetPriority((TProcessPriority)gPriority);
-		}
-	if (gSetFixedAddress)
-		{
-		if (f.iHdr->iFlags&KImageDll)
-			Print(EWarning,"Cannot set fixed address for DLL.\n");
-		else
-			f.SetFixedAddress(gFixedAddress);
-		}
-	if (gSetVersion)
-		f.iHdr->iModuleVersion = gVersionWord;
-	if(gCompress)
-	{
-		switch(gCompressionMethod)
-		{
-			case ENoCompression:
-				f.iHdr->iCompressionType = KFormatNotCompressed;
-				break;
-			case EDeflate:
-				f.iHdr->iCompressionType = KUidCompressionDeflate;
-				break;
-			case EBytePair:
-				f.iHdr->iCompressionType = KUidCompressionBytePair;
-				break;
-			default:
-				Print(EError, "Unknown compression method:%d", gCompressionMethod);
-				return 1;
-		} // End of switch()
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		f.iHdr->iCompressionType = KFormatNotCompressed;		
-	}
-	if (gSetFPU)
-		f.SetFPU(gFPU);
-	r = setPagedFlags(f);
-	if (r != KErrNone)
-	{
-		return r;
-	}
-	setDebuggableFlags(f);
-	setSmpSafeFlags(f);
-	f.CreateExportBitMap();
-	f.AddExportDescription();
-	f.UpdateHeaderCrc();
-	r = f.Validate();
-	if (r!=KErrNone)
-		return r;
-	ofstream ofile(ofilename, ios::binary);
-	if (!ofile)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Cannot open %s for output.\n",ofilename);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	ofile << f;
-	ofile.close();
-	if (gVerbose)
-		f.Dump((TText*)ofilename,gVerbose);
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-int dodump(const char* ifilename)
-	{
-	E32ImageFile f;
-	TInt r = f.Open(ifilename);
-	if (r>0)
-		return 1;
-	else if (r==KErrCorrupt || r==KErrNotSupported)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"%s is not a valid E32Image file.\n",ifilename);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	else if (r!=0)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Error %d reading %s.\n",r,ifilename);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	f.Dump((TText*)ifilename, gVerbose ? gVerbose : E32ImageFile::EDumpDefaults);
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-int doalter(const char* ifilename)
-	{
-	E32ImageFile f;
-	TInt r = f.Open(ifilename);
-	if (r>0)
-		return 1;
-	else if (r==KErrCorrupt || r==KErrNotSupported)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"%s is not a valid E32Image file.\n",ifilename);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	else if (r!=0)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Error %d reading %s.\n",r,ifilename);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	TUint hdrfmt = f.iHdr->HeaderFormat();
-	if (hdrfmt != KImageHdrFmt_V)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Can't modify old format binaries\n");
-		return 1;
-		}
-	if (gDataBase)
-		{
-		Print(EWarning, "Ignoring -datalinkaddress Switch");
-		}
-	if (gSetStack)
-		f.SetStackSize(gStack);
-	if (gSetHeap)
-		{
-		f.SetHeapSizeMin(gHeapMin);
-		f.SetHeapSizeMax(gHeapMax);
-		}
-	if (!gSetUid1)
-		gUid1=TUid::Uid(f.iHdr->iUid1);
-	if (!gSetUid2)
-		gUid2=TUid::Uid(f.iHdr->iUid2);
-	if (!gSetUid3)
-		gUid3=TUid::Uid(f.iHdr->iUid3);
-	f.SetUids(gUid1, gUid2, gUid3);
-	if (gSetSecureId)
-		f.SetSecureId(gSecureId);
-	if (gSetVendorId)
-		f.SetVendorId(gVendorId);
-	if (gSetCallEntryPoints)
-		f.SetCallEntryPoints(gCallEntryPoints);
-	if (gSetCapability)
-		f.SetCapability(gCapability);
-	if (gSetPriority)
-		{
-		if (f.iHdr->iFlags&KImageDll)
-			Print(EWarning,"Cannot set priority of a DLL.\n");
-		else
-			f.SetPriority((TProcessPriority)gPriority);
-		}
-	if (gSetFixedAddress)
-		{
-		if (f.iHdr->iFlags&KImageDll)
-			Print(EWarning,"Cannot set fixed address for DLL.\n");
-		else
-			f.SetFixedAddress(gFixedAddress);
-		}
-	if (gSetVersion)
-		f.iHdr->iModuleVersion = gVersionWord;
-	if(gCompress)
-	{
-		switch(gCompressionMethod)
-		{
-			case ENoCompression:
-				f.iHdr->iCompressionType = KFormatNotCompressed;
-				break;
-			case EDeflate:
-				f.iHdr->iCompressionType = KUidCompressionDeflate;
-				break;
-			case EBytePair:
-				f.iHdr->iCompressionType = KUidCompressionBytePair;
-				break;
-			default:
-				Print(EError, "Unknown compression method:%d", gCompressionMethod);
-				return 1;
-		} // End of switch()
-	}
-	else
-		f.iHdr->iCompressionType = KFormatNotCompressed;
-	if (gSetFPU)
-		f.SetFPU(gFPU);
-	r = setPagedFlags(f);
-	if (r != KErrNone)
-	{
-		return r;
-	}
-	setDebuggableFlags(f);
-	setSmpSafeFlags(f);
-	f.UpdateHeaderCrc();
-	r = f.Validate();
-	if (r!=KErrNone)
-		return r;
-	ofstream ofile(ifilename, ios::binary);
-	if (!ofile)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Cannot open %s for output.\n",ifilename);
-		return 1;
-		}
-	ofile << f;
-	ofile.close();
-	if (gVerbose)
-		f.Dump((TText *)ifilename,gVerbose);
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-int helpme(char *aStr)
-	{
-	Print(EAlways,"Syntax: %s [options] inputfile outputfile\n",aStr);
-	Print(EAlways,"        %s [options] e32imagefile\n",aStr);
-	Print(EAlways,"option: [-v] [[-no]call[entrypoint]] [-priority <priority>]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-stack <size>] [-heap <min> <max>] [-uid<n> <uid>]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-allowdlldata] [-datalinkaddress <base>] [-fixed] [-moving]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-align-const-section] [-const-section-address-mask <mask>]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-[no]compress] [-compressionmethod none|deflate|bytepair]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-capability \"<list>\"] [-version M.m] [-vid <id>]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-fpu <softvfp|vfpv2>]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-codepaging <paged|unpaged|default>]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-datapaging <paged|unpaged|default>]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-debuggable]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-smpsafe]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-sym_name_lkup]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"        [-dump [h][s][c][d][e][i]]\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"flags for dump: h Header\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"                s Security info\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"                c Code section\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"                d Data section\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"                e Export info\n");
-	Print(EAlways,"                i Import table\n");
-	return KErrArgument;
-	}
-int isNumber(char *aStr)
-	{
-	return (aStr[0]>='0') && (aStr[0]<='9');
-	}
-int getUIntArg(unsigned int &aVal, int argc, char *argv[], int i)
-	{
-	if (i>=argc)
-		return KErrArgument;
-	if (!isNumber(argv[i]))
-		return KErrArgument;
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-	int n;
-	sscanf(argv[i], "%i", &n);
-	aVal = n;
-#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-istringstream s(argv[i]/*, strlen(argv[i])*/);
-istrstream s(argv[i], strlen(argv[i]));
-#if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
-	s >> setbase(0);
-#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
-	s >> aVal;
-#endif // __LINUX__
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-int getCapabilitiesArg(SCapabilitySet& aVal, int argc, char *argv[], int i)
-	{
-	memset(&aVal,0,sizeof(aVal));
-	if (i>=argc)
-		return KErrArgument;
-	if (isNumber(argv[i]))
-		return getUIntArg(*(TUint*)&aVal[0], argc, argv, i);
-	return ParseCapabilitiesArg(aVal,argv[i]);
-	}
-int getPriorityArg(int &aVal, int argc, char *argv[], int i)
-	{
-	if (i>=argc)
-		return KErrArgument;
-	if (isNumber(argv[i]))
-		{
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-		int n;
-		sscanf(argv[i], "%i", &n);
-		aVal = n;
-#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-istringstream s(argv[i]);
-istrstream s(argv[i], strlen(argv[i]));
-#if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
-		s >> setbase(0);
-#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
-		s>>aVal;
-#endif // __LINUX__
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		if (stricmp(argv[i], "low")==0)
-			aVal=EPriorityLow;
-		else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "background",4)==0)
-			aVal=EPriorityBackground;
-		else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "foreground",4)==0)
-			aVal=EPriorityForeground;
-		else if (stricmp(argv[i], "high")==0)
-			aVal=EPriorityHigh;
-		else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "windowserver",3)==0)
-			aVal=EPriorityWindowServer;
-		else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "fileserver",4)==0)
-			aVal=EPriorityFileServer;
-		else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "realtime",4)==0)
-			aVal=EPriorityRealTimeServer;
-		else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "supervisor",3)==0)
-			aVal=EPrioritySupervisor;
-		else
-			{
-			Print(EError, "Unrecognised priority\n");
-			return KErrArgument;
-			}
-		}
-	if (aVal<EPriorityLow || aVal>EPrioritySupervisor)
-		{
-		Print(EError, "Priority out of range\n");
-		return KErrArgument;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-int getVersionArg(unsigned int& aVal, const char* aArg)
-	{
-	const char* s = aArg;
-	unsigned int major = 0;
-	unsigned int minor = 0;
-	for (; major<=6553 && *s>='0' && *s<='9'; ++s)
-		major = major*10 + (*s - '0');
-	if (*s == '.')
-		{
-		for (++s; minor<=6553 && *s>='0' && *s<='9'; ++s)
-			minor = minor*10 + (*s - '0');
-		if (*s==0 && major<32768 && minor<32768)
-			{
-			aVal = (major << 16) | minor;
-			return KErrNone;
-			}
-		}
-	Print(EError, "Bad argument to -version\n");
-	return KErrArgument;
-	}
-int getFPUArg(unsigned int &aVal, int argc, char *argv[], int i)
-	{
-	if (i>=argc)
-		return KErrArgument;
-	else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "softvfp", 7)==0)
-		aVal = 0;
-	else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "vfpv2", 5)==0)
-		aVal = 1;
-	else
-		{
-		Print(EError, "Bad argument to -fpu\n");
-		return KErrArgument;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-int getCompressionMethod(int &aVal, int argc, char *argv[], int i)
-	if( i >= argc || argv[i] == NULL)
-	{
-		Print(EError, "Missing argument to -compressionmethod\n");
-		return KErrArgument;
-	}
-	else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "none", 2) == 0)
-	{
-		aVal = ENoCompression;
-	}
-	else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "deflate", 7) == 0)
-	{
-		aVal = EDeflate;
-	}
-	else if (strnicmp(argv[i], "bytepair", 8) == 0)
-	{
-		aVal = EBytePair;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		Print(EError, "Bad argument '%s' to -compressionmethod\n", argv[i]);
-		return KErrArgument;
-	}
-	return KErrNone;
-int processCL(int argc, char *argv[])
-	{
-	int r=KErrNone;
-	int i=1;
-	while (i<argc)
-		{
-		if (stricmp("-v", argv[i])==0)
-			gVerbose |= E32ImageFile::EDumpDefaults;
-		else if (stricmp("-dump", argv[i])==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			if (i>=argc)
-				return KErrArgument;
-			char* s=argv[i];
-			while(char c = *(s++))
-				{
-				if(c<'a')
-					c += 'a'-'A';
-				switch(c)
-					{
-				case 'h': gVerbose |= E32ImageFile::EDumpHeader; break;
-				case 's': gVerbose |= E32ImageFile::EDumpSecurityInfo; break;
-				case 'c': gVerbose |= E32ImageFile::EDumpCode; break;
-				case 'd': gVerbose |= E32ImageFile::EDumpData; break;
-				case 'e': gVerbose |= E32ImageFile::EDumpExports; break;
-				case 'i': gVerbose |= E32ImageFile::EDumpImports; break;
-				default: return KErrArgument;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		else if (stricmp("-stack", argv[i])==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			gSetStack=TRUE;
-			r=getUIntArg(gStack, argc, argv, i);
-			}
-		else if (stricmp("-uid1", argv[i])==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			gSetUid1=TRUE;
-			unsigned int id;
-			r=getUIntArg(id, argc, argv, i);
-			gUid1=TUid::Uid(id);
-			}
-		else if (stricmp("-uid2", argv[i])==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			gSetUid2=TRUE;
-			unsigned int id;
-			r=getUIntArg(id, argc, argv, i);
-			gUid2=TUid::Uid(id);
-			}
-		else if (stricmp("-uid3", argv[i])==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			gSetUid3=TRUE;
-			unsigned int id;
-			r=getUIntArg(id, argc, argv, i);
-			gUid3=TUid::Uid(id);
-			}
-		else if (stricmp("-version", argv[i])==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			r=getVersionArg(gVersionWord, argv[i]);
-			gSetVersion=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (stricmp("-sid", argv[i])==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			r=getUIntArg(gSecureId, argc, argv, i);
-			gSetSecureId=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (stricmp("-vid", argv[i])==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			r=getUIntArg(gVendorId, argc, argv, i);
-			gSetVendorId=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-nocall", argv[i], 7)==0)
-			{
-			gSetCallEntryPoints=TRUE;
-			gCallEntryPoints=FALSE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-call", argv[i], 5)==0)
-			{
-			gSetCallEntryPoints=TRUE;
-			gCallEntryPoints=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-fixed", argv[i], 3)==0)
-			{
-			gSetFixedAddress=TRUE;
-			gFixedAddress=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-moving", argv[i], 3)==0)
-			{
-			gSetFixedAddress=TRUE;
-			gFixedAddress=FALSE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-priority", argv[i], 4)==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			gSetPriority=TRUE;
-			r=getPriorityArg(gPriority,argc,argv,i);
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-capability", argv[i], 10)==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			gSetCapability=TRUE;
-			r=getCapabilitiesArg(gCapability, argc, argv, i);
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-heap", argv[i], 4)==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			gSetHeap=TRUE;
-			r=getUIntArg(gHeapMin, argc, argv, i);
-			if (r==KErrNone)
-				r=getUIntArg(gHeapMax, argc, argv, ++i);
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-allow", argv[i], 6)==0) // Note, toolchain passes 'allow' for 'allowdlldata'
-			{
-			gAllowDllData=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if( strnicmp("-compressionmethod", argv[i], 18) == 0)
-		{
-			if(!gSuppressComprMethod)
-			{
-				gCompress = TRUE;
-				gSetCompress = TRUE;
-				r = getCompressionMethod(gCompressionMethod, argc, argv, ++i);  
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				++i; // Skip the compression method because compessionmethod suppressed.
-			}
-		}
-		else if (strnicmp("-compress", argv[i], 9)==0)
-			{
-			gCompress=TRUE;
-			gSetCompress=TRUE;
-			gSuppressComprMethod=FALSE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-nocompress", argv[i], 11)==0)
-			{
-			gCompress=FALSE;
-			gSetCompress=TRUE;
-			gSuppressComprMethod = TRUE;
-			gCompressionMethod = ENoCompression;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-datalinkaddress", argv[i], 16)==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			r=getUIntArg(gDataBase, argc, argv, i);
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-align-const-section", argv[i], 20)==0)
-			{
-			gAlignConstSection=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-const-section-address-mask", argv[i], 27)==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			r=getUIntArg(gConstSectionAddressMask, argc, argv, i);
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-fpu", argv[i], 4)==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			r=getFPUArg(gFPU, argc, argv, i);
-			gSetFPU=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-paged", argv[i], 6) == 0)
-			{
-			gCodePaged=TRUE;
-			gSetCodePaged=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-unpaged", argv[i], 8) == 0)
-			{
-			gCodeUnpaged=TRUE;
-			gSetCodePaged=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-defaultpaged", argv[i], 13) == 0)
-			{
-			gCodeDefaultPaged=TRUE;
-			gSetCodePaged=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-codepaging", argv[i], 11)==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			if (i>=argc)
-				{
-				r = KErrArgument;
-				}
-			else if ( strnicmp(argv[i], "paged", 5) == 0 )
-				{
-				gCodePaged=TRUE;
-				}
-			else if ( strnicmp(argv[i], "unpaged", 7) == 0 )
-				{
-				gCodeUnpaged=TRUE;
-				}
-			else if ( strnicmp(argv[i], "default", 7) == 0 )
-				{
-				gCodeDefaultPaged=TRUE;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				Print(EError, "Bad argument to -codepaging\n");
-				r = KErrArgument;
-				}
-			gSetCodePaged=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-datapaging", argv[i], 11)==0)
-			{
-			i++;
-			if (i>=argc)
-				{
-				r = KErrArgument;
-				}
-			else if ( strnicmp(argv[i], "paged", 5) == 0 )
-				{
-				gDataPaged=TRUE;
-				}
-			else if ( strnicmp(argv[i], "unpaged", 7) == 0 )
-				{
-				gDataUnpaged=TRUE;
-				}
-			else if ( strnicmp(argv[i], "default", 7) == 0 )
-				{
-				gDataDefaultPaged=TRUE;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				Print(EError, "Bad argument to -datapaging\n");
-				r = KErrArgument;
-				}
-			gSetDataPaged=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-sym_name_lkup", argv[i], 14) == 0)
-			{
-			gSetSymLkup=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-debuggable", argv[i], 11) == 0)
-			{
-			gDebuggable=TRUE;
-			gSetDebuggable=TRUE;
-			}
-		else if (strnicmp("-smpsafe", argv[i], 8) == 0)
-			{
-			gSmpSafe=TRUE;
-			gSetSmpSafe=TRUE;
-			}
-#ifdef __SUPPORT_PE_FILES__
-		else if (strnicmp("-x86imp=", argv[i], 8)==0)
-			{
-			const char* x86impfile=argv[i]+8;
-//			printf("%s\n",x86impfile);
-			FILE* f=fopen(x86impfile,"rb");
-			if (!f)
-				r=KErrArgument;
-			else
-				{
-				fseek(f,0,SEEK_END);
-				long size=ftell(f);
-				fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET);
-				if (size>4)
-					{
-					gX86imp=new char[size];
-					fread(gX86imp,1,size,f);
-					}
-				fclose(f);
-				r=KErrNone;
-				if (gX86imp)
-					{
-					gX86imp_size=ALIGN4(size);
-	//				printf("size %d\n",size);
-					int i;
-					int* p=(int*)gX86imp;
-					gX86num_imp_dlls=*p++;
-					for (i=0; i<gX86num_imp_dlls; ++i)
-						{
-						++p;
-						int n=*p++;
-						gX86num_imports+=n;
-						p+=n;
-						}
-	//				fprintf(stderr,"#imports=%d\n",gX86num_imports);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		else if (gFile1==NULL)
-			{
-			gFile1 = NormaliseFileName(argv[i]);
-			}
-		else if (gFile2==NULL)
-			{
-			gFile2 = NormaliseFileName(argv[i]);
-			}
-		else
-			r=KErrArgument;
-		if (r!=KErrNone)
-			return r;
-		i++;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	{
-#ifdef __SUPPORT_PE_FILES__
-	Print(EAlways,"\nPETRAN - PE file preprocessor");
-	Print(EAlways,"\nELFTRAN - ELF file preprocessor");
-  	Print(EAlways," V%02d.%02d (Build %03d)\n",MajorVersion,MinorVersion,Build);
-	int r=processCL(argc, argv);
-	if (r!=KErrNone)
-		return helpme(argv[0]);
-	if (gFile2)
-		return dotran(gFile1, gFile2);
-	if ((gSetStack || gSetUid1 || gSetUid2 || gSetUid3 || gSetCallEntryPoints || gSetPriority
-		|| gSetCapability || gSetCompress || gSetHeap || gSetVersion || gSetSecureId
-		|| gSetVendorId || gSetFixedAddress || gSetFPU || gSetCodePaged || gSetDataPaged || gSetDebuggable || gSetSmpSafe) && gFile1)
-		return doalter(gFile1);
-	if (gFile1)
-		return dodump(gFile1);
-	helpme(argv[0]);
-	return KErrArgument;
-	}
--- a/e32tools/elf2e32/group/release.txt	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/e32tools/elf2e32/group/release.txt	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
 Postlinker(elf2e32) Release
+version 2.2 build(5)
+Released by Zheng Shen, 11/07/2010
+    1) ou1cimx1#473808 Compiler scripts in Symbian^3 does not allow softvfp+vfp2 compile option
 version 2.2 build(004)
 Released by Lorence Wang, 11/06/2010
--- a/e32tools/elf2e32/include/h_ver.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/e32tools/elf2e32/include/h_ver.h	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 const TInt MajorVersion=2;
 const TInt MinorVersion=2;
-const TInt Build=4;
+const TInt Build=5;
--- a/e32tools/elf2e32/source/byte_pair.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include "byte_pair.h"
-#undef ASSERT
-#define ASSERT(c)	if(!(c))	\
-						{		\
-						__BREAKPOINT()	\
-						}
-const TInt MaxBlockSize = 0x1000;
-TUint16 PairCount[0x10000];
-TUint16 PairBuffer[MaxBlockSize*2];
-TUint16 GlobalPairs[0x10000] = {0};
-TUint16 GlobalTokenCounts[0x100] = {0};
-TUint16 ByteCount[0x100+4];
-void CountBytes(TUint8* data, TInt size)
-	{
-	memset(ByteCount,0,sizeof(ByteCount));
-	TUint8* dataEnd = data+size;
-	while(data<dataEnd)
-		++ByteCount[*data++];
-	}
-inline void ByteUsed(TInt b)
-	{
-	ByteCount[b] = 0xffff;
-	}
-// 11915620
-// 11913551  	return -ByteCount[b1]-ByteCount[b2];
-// 11913185
-#if 0
-int TieBreak(int b1,int b2)
-	{
-	int i;
-	int x = 0;
-	for(i=0; i<0x100; i++)
-		x += PairCount[(b1<<8)+i];
-	int y = 0;
-	for(i=b2; i<0x10000; i+=0x100)
-		y += PairCount[i];
-	return -x-y;
-	}
-int TieBreak(int b1,int b2)
-	{
-	return -ByteCount[b1]-ByteCount[b2];
-	}
-TInt MostCommonPair(TInt& pair, TUint8* data, TInt size, TInt minFrequency, TInt marker)
-	{
-	memset(PairCount,0,sizeof(PairCount));
-	TUint8* dataEnd = data+size-1;
-	TInt pairsFound = 0;
-	TInt lastPair = -1;
-	while(data<dataEnd)
-		{
-		TInt b1 = *data++;
-		if(b1==marker)
-			{
-			// skip marker and following byte
-			lastPair = -1;
-			++data;
-			continue;
-			}
-		TInt b2 = *data;
-		if(b2==marker)
-			{
-			// skip marker and following byte
-			lastPair = -1;
-			data+=2;
-			continue;
-			}
-		TInt p = (b2<<8)|b1;
-		if(p==lastPair)
-			{
-			// ensure a pair of identical bytes don't get double counted
-			lastPair = -1;
-			continue;
-			}
-		lastPair = p;
-		++PairCount[p];
-		if(PairCount[p]==minFrequency)
-			PairBuffer[pairsFound++] = (TUint16)p;
-		}
-	TInt bestCount = -1;
-	TInt bestPair = -1;
-	TInt bestTieBreak = 0;
-	TInt p;
-	while(pairsFound--)
-		{
-		p = PairBuffer[pairsFound];
-		TInt f=PairCount[p];
-		if(f>bestCount)
-			{
-			bestCount = f;
-			bestPair = p;
-			bestTieBreak = TieBreak(p&0xff,p>>8);
-			}
-		else if(f==bestCount)
-			{
-			TInt tieBreak = TieBreak(p&0xff,p>>8);
-			if(tieBreak>bestTieBreak)
-				{
-				bestCount = f;
-				bestPair = p;
-				bestTieBreak = tieBreak;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	pair = bestPair;
-	return bestCount;
-	}
-TInt LeastCommonByte(TInt& byte)
-	{
-	TInt bestCount = 0xffff;
-	TInt bestByte = -1;
-	for(TInt b=0; b<0x100; b++)
-		{
-		TInt f = ByteCount[b];
-		if(f<bestCount)
-			{
-			bestCount = f;
-			bestByte = b;
-			}
-		}
-	byte = bestByte;
-	return bestCount;
-	}
-TInt Pak(TUint8* dst, TUint8* src, TInt size)
-	{
-	TInt originalSize = size;
-	TUint8* dst2 = dst+size*2;
-	TUint8* in = src;
-	TUint8* out = dst;
-	TUint8 tokens[0x100*3];
-	TInt tokenCount = 0;
-	CountBytes(in,size);
-	TInt marker = -1;
-	TInt overhead = 1+3+LeastCommonByte(marker);
-	ByteUsed(marker);
-	TUint8* inEnd = in+size;
-	TUint8* outStart = out;
-	while(in<inEnd)
-		{
-		TInt b=*in++;
-		if(b==marker)
-			*out++ = (TUint8)b;
-		*out++ = (TUint8)b;
-		}
-	size = out-outStart;
-	TInt outToggle = 1;
-	in = dst;
-	out = dst2;
-	for(TInt r=256; r>0; --r)
-		{
-		TInt byte;
-		TInt byteCount = LeastCommonByte(byte);
-		TInt pair;
-		TInt pairCount = MostCommonPair(pair,in,size,overhead+1,marker);
-		TInt saving = pairCount-byteCount;
-		if(saving<=overhead)
-			break;
-		overhead = 3;
-		if(tokenCount>=32)
-			overhead = 2;
-		TUint8* d=tokens+3*tokenCount;
-		++tokenCount;
-		*d++ = (TUint8)byte;
-		ByteUsed(byte);
-		*d++ = (TUint8)pair;
-		ByteUsed(pair&0xff);
-		*d++ = (TUint8)(pair>>8);
-		ByteUsed(pair>>8);
-		++GlobalPairs[pair];
-		inEnd = in+size;
-		outStart = out;
-		while(in<inEnd)
-			{
-			TInt b=*in++;
-			if(b==marker)
-				{
-				*out++ = (TUint8)marker;
-				b = *in++;
-				}
-			else if(b==byte)
-				{
-				*out++ = (TUint8)marker;
-				--byteCount;
-				}
-			else if(b==(pair&0xff) && in<inEnd && *in==(pair>>8))
-				{
-				++in;
-				b = byte;
-				--pairCount;
-				}
-			*out++ = (TUint8)b;
-			}
-		ASSERT(!byteCount);
-		ASSERT(!pairCount);
-		size = out-outStart;
-		outToggle ^= 1;
-		if(outToggle)
-			{
-			in = dst;
-			out = dst2;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			in = dst2;
-			out = dst;
-			}
-		}
-	// sort tokens with a bubble sort...
-	for(TInt x=0; x<tokenCount-1; x++)
-		for(TInt y=x+1; y<tokenCount; y++)
-			if(tokens[x*3]>tokens[y*3])
-				{
-				TInt z = tokens[x*3];
-				tokens[x*3] = tokens[y*3];
-				tokens[y*3] = (TUint8)z;
-				z = tokens[x*3+1];
-				tokens[x*3+1] = tokens[y*3+1];
-				tokens[y*3+1] = (TUint8)z;
-				z = tokens[x*3+2];
-				tokens[x*3+2] = tokens[y*3+2];
-				tokens[y*3+2] = (TUint8)z;
-				}
-	// check for not being able to compress...
-	if(size>originalSize)
-		{
-		*dst++ = 0; // store zero token count
-		memcpy(dst,src,originalSize); // store original data
-		return originalSize+1;
-		}
-	// make sure data is in second buffer (dst2)
-	if(in!=dst2)
-		memcpy(dst2,dst,size);
-	// store tokens...
-	TUint8* originalDst = dst;
-	*dst++ = (TUint8)tokenCount;
-	if(tokenCount)
-		{
-		*dst++ = (TUint8)marker;
-		if(tokenCount<32)
-			{
-			memcpy(dst,tokens,tokenCount*3);
-			dst += tokenCount*3;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			TUint8* bitMask = dst;
-			memset(bitMask,0,32);
-			dst += 32;
-			TUint8* d=tokens;
-			do
-				{
-				TInt t=*d++;
-				bitMask[t>>3] |= (1<<(t&7));
-				*dst++ = *d++;
-				*dst++ = *d++;
-				}
-			while(--tokenCount);
-			}
-		}
-	// store data...
-	memcpy(dst,dst2,size);
-	dst += size;
-	// get stats...
-	++GlobalTokenCounts[tokenCount];
-	// return total size of compressed data...
-	return dst-originalDst;
-	}
-TInt Unpak(TUint8* dst, TInt dstSize, TUint8* src, TInt srcSize, TUint8*& srcNext)
-	{
-	TUint8* dstStart = dst;
-	TUint8* dstEnd = dst+dstSize;
-	TUint8* srcEnd = src+srcSize;
-	TUint32 LUT[0x100/2];
-	TUint8* LUT0 = (TUint8*)LUT;
-	TUint8* LUT1 = LUT0+0x100;
-	TUint8 stack[0x100];
-	TUint8* stackStart = stack+sizeof(stack);
-	TUint8* sp = stackStart;
-	TUint32 marker = ~0u;
-	TInt numTokens;
-	TUint32 p1;
-	TUint32 p2;
-	TUint32* l = (TUint32*)LUT;
-	TUint32 b = 0x03020100;
-	TUint32 step = 0x04040404;
-	do
-		{
-		*l++ = b;
-		b += step;
-		}
-	while(b>step);
-	if(src>=srcEnd)
-		goto error;
-	numTokens = *src++;
-	if(numTokens)
-		{
-		if(src>=srcEnd)
-			goto error;
-		marker = *src++;
-		LUT0[marker] = (TUint8)~marker;
-		if(numTokens<32)
-			{
-			TUint8* tokenEnd = src+3*numTokens;
-			if(tokenEnd>srcEnd)
-				goto error;
-			do
-				{
-				TInt b = *src++;
-				TInt p1 = *src++;
-				TInt p2 = *src++;
-				LUT0[b] = (TUint8)p1;
-				LUT1[b] = (TUint8)p2;
-				}
-			while(src<tokenEnd);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			TUint8* bitMask = src;
-			src += 32;
-			if(src>srcEnd)
-				goto error;
-			TInt b=0;
-			do
-				{
-				TUint8 mask = bitMask[b>>3];
-				if(mask&(1<<(b&7)))
-					{
-					if(src>srcEnd)
-						goto error;
-					TInt p1 = *src++;
-					if(src>srcEnd)
-						goto error;
-					TInt p2 = *src++;
-					LUT0[b] = (TUint8)p1;
-					LUT1[b] = (TUint8)p2;		
-					--numTokens;
-					}
-				++b;
-				}
-			while(b<0x100);
-			if(numTokens)
-				goto error;
-			}
-		}
-	if(src>=srcEnd)
-		goto error;
-	b = *src++;
-	if(dst>=dstEnd)
-		goto error;
-	p1 = LUT0[b];
-	if(p1!=b)
-		goto not_single;
-	if(src>=srcEnd)
-		goto done_s;
-	b = *src++;
-	*dst++ = (TUint8)p1;
-	if(dst>=dstEnd)
-		goto done_d;
-	p1 = LUT0[b];
-	if(p1==b)
-		goto next;
-	if(b==marker)
-		goto do_marker;
-	p2 = LUT1[b];
-	b = p1;
-	p1 = LUT0[b];
-	if(sp<=stack)
-		goto error;
-	*--sp = (TUint8)p2;
-	if(b!=p1)
-		goto do_pair;
-	if(sp==stackStart)
-		goto next;
-	b = *sp++;
-	if(dst>=dstEnd)
-		goto error;
-	*dst++ = (TUint8)p1;
-	p1 = LUT0[b];
-	goto recurse;
-	if(src>=srcEnd)
-		goto error;
-	p1 = *src++;
-	goto next;
-	srcNext = 0;
-	return KErrCorrupt;
-	*dst++ = (TUint8)p1;
-	srcNext = src;
-	return dst-dstStart;
-	if(dst>=dstEnd)
-		--src;
-	srcNext = src;
-	return dst-dstStart;
-	}
-TUint8 PakBuffer[MaxBlockSize*4];
-TUint8 UnpakBuffer[MaxBlockSize];
-TInt BytePairCompress(TUint8* dst, TUint8* src, TInt size)
-	{
-	ASSERT(size<=MaxBlockSize);
-	TInt compressedSize = Pak(PakBuffer,src,size);
-	TUint8* pakEnd;
-	TInt us = Unpak(UnpakBuffer,MaxBlockSize,PakBuffer,compressedSize,pakEnd);
-	ASSERT(us==size)
-	ASSERT(pakEnd==PakBuffer+compressedSize)
-	ASSERT(!memcmp(src,UnpakBuffer,size))
-	if(compressedSize>=size)
-		return KErrTooBig;
-	memcpy(dst,PakBuffer,compressedSize);
-	return compressedSize;
-	}
--- a/e32tools/elf2e32/source/byte_pair.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#ifndef BYTE_PAIR_H
-#define BYTE_PAIR_H
-#ifdef __VC32__
- #ifdef __MSVCDOTNET__
-  #include <strstream>
-  #include <iomanip>
-//  #include <ostream.h>
- #else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
-  #include <strstrea.h>
-  #include <iomanip.h>
- #endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
-#else // !__VC32__
- #include <strstream.h>
- #include <iomanip.h>
-#endif // __VC32__
-#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ostream>
-using namespace std;
-#include <strstream>
-#include <ostream.h>
-#include <e32cmn.h>
-TInt BytePairCompress(TUint8* dst, TUint8* src, TInt size);
-TInt Pak(TUint8* dst, TUint8* src, TInt size);
-TInt Unpak(TUint8* dst, TInt dstSize, TUint8* src, TInt srcSize, TUint8*& srcNext);
-void BytePairCompress(char * bytes, TInt size, ostream &os);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/e32tools/elf2e32/source/h_utl.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Implementation of the e32 image version for e32 image dump for the elf2e32 tool
-// @internalComponent
-// @released
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "h_utl.h"
-Function to check bracketed hex i.e '{', '}'
-@param aTemp
-@param aBrackets
-@param aDigits
-@param aValue
-@return True if the value passed in is a bracketed hex.
-TBool IsBracketedHex(const char* aTemp, const char* aBrackets, TInt aDigits, TUint32& aValue)
-	if (aTemp[0]!=aBrackets[0] || aTemp[1+aDigits]!=aBrackets[1])
-		return 0;
-	TInt i;
-	TUint32 x = 0;
-	for (i=1; i<=aDigits; ++i)
-	{
-		TInt c = aTemp[i];
-		if (c>='a' && c<='z') c-=32;
-		if (c<'0' || (c>'9' && c<'A') || c>'F')
-			return 0;
-		c-='0';
-		if (c>9)
-			c-=7;
-		x = (x<<4) | (TUint32)c;
-	}
-	aValue = x;
-	return 1;
-Function to check the decimal version
-@param aBegin
-Beginning of the version information
-@param aTemp
-@param aValue
-Holds the hexadecimal value
-@return the checked value.
-TInt CheckForDecimalVersion(const char* aBegin, const char* aTemp, TUint32& aValue)
-	aValue = 0;
-	if (aTemp <= aBegin || *aTemp != '}')
-		return 0;
-	TUint32 v[2] = {0,0};
-	TUint32 m = 1;
-	TInt pos = 0;
-	const char* s0 = aTemp + 1;
-	for (--aTemp; aTemp >= aBegin; --aTemp)
-	{
-		int c = *aTemp;
-		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-		{
-			v[pos] += m * (c - '0');
-			if (v[pos] >= 65536u)
-				return 0;
-			m *= 10;
-		}
-		else if (c == '.')
-		{
-			m = 1;
-			if (++pos >= 2)
-				return 0;
-		}
-		else if (c == '{')
-			break;
-		else
-			return 0;
-	}
-	if (aTemp < aBegin)
-		return 0;
-	aValue = (v[1] << 16) | v[0];
-	return s0 - aTemp;
-Function to Parse a filename and convert decimal version number to hex
-@param aName
-Filename to be parsed
-@return the converted name wherein the decimal number is converted to hex.
-char* NormaliseFileName(const char* aName)
-	TFileNameInfo f(aName, 0);
-	TInt nl = f.iBaseLength;
-	TInt el = f.iTotalLength - f.iExtPos;
-	TInt tl = nl + el;
-	if (f.iFlags & EVerPresent)
-		tl += 10;
-	char* t = new char[tl + 1];
-	if (t)
-	{
-		memcpy(t, aName, nl);
-		if (f.iFlags & EVerPresent)
-			sprintf(t + nl, "{%08x}%s", (TInt)f.iModuleVersion, aName + f.iExtPos);
-		else if (el)
-			memcpy(t + nl, aName + f.iExtPos, el);
-		t[tl] = 0;
-	}
-	return t;
-Constructor for Class TFileNameInfo
-@param aFileName
-Filename to be parsed
-@param aLookForUid
-TFileNameInfo::TFileNameInfo(const char* aFileName, TBool aLookForUid)
-	iFileName = aFileName;
-	TInt l = strlen(aFileName);
-	iTotalLength = l;
-	TInt remain = l;
-	iFlags = 0;
-	iUid3 = 0;
-	iModuleVersion = 0;
-	iBaseLength = l;
-	iExtPos = l;
-	const char* s = iFileName + l;
-	for (; s>=iFileName && *s!='.' && *s!='}' && (!aLookForUid || *s!=']'); --s)
-	{
-	}
-	if (s<iFileName)
-		return;
-	if (*s == '.')
-	{
-		iExtPos = s - iFileName;
-		if (iExtPos == 0)
-		{
-			iBaseLength = 0;
-			return;
-		}
-		remain = iExtPos;
-		--s;
-	}
-	else if (s != iFileName + l)
-		return;
-	if (aLookForUid && remain>=10 && IsBracketedHex(s-9, "[]", 8, iUid3))
-	{
-		iFlags |= EUidPresent;
-		remain -= 10;
-		s -= 10;
-	}
-	if (remain>=10 && IsBracketedHex(s-9, "{}", 8, iModuleVersion))
-	{
-		iFlags |= EVerPresent;
-		remain -= 10;
-		s -= 10;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		TInt n = CheckForDecimalVersion(iFileName, s, iModuleVersion);
-		if (n>0)
-		{
-			iFlags |= EVerPresent;
-			remain -= n;
-			s -= n;
-		}
-	}
-	iBaseLength = remain;
-String comparison on Linux seems to be a little half-baked.
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-int stricmp(const char *a, const char *b)
-	{
-	unsigned char ca,cb;
-	do {
-		ca = *a++;
-		cb = *b++;
-		ca = tolower(ca);
-		cb = tolower(cb);
-	}
-	while((ca == cb) && (ca));
-	return (int) ca-cb;
-	}
-int strnicmp(const char *a, const char *b, int n)
-	{
-	unsigned char ca,cb;
-	int i = 0;
-	do {
-		if (++i > n) return 0;
-		ca = *a++;
-		cb = *b++;
-		ca = tolower(ca);
-		cb = tolower(cb);
-	}
-	while((ca == cb) && (ca));
-	return (int) ca-cb;
-	}
-char* strupr(char *a)
-	{
-		char *ret = a;
-		while (*a)
-			{
-			*a = toupper(*a);
-			a++;
-			}
-		return ret;
-	}
--- a/e32tools/elf2e32/source/h_utl.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
- #ifndef __H_UTL_H__
- #define __H_UTL_H__
-#include "e32defwrap.h"
-#include <e32err.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-using namespace std;
-#include <strstream.h>
- /**
- Convert string to number.
- @internalComponent
- @released
- */
- template <class T>
- TInt Val(T& aVal, char* aStr)
- {
-	T x;
-	#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-	istringstream val(aStr);
-	#else
-	istrstream val(aStr,strlen(aStr));
-	#endif
-	val >> x;
-	if (!val.eof() ||
-		return KErrGeneral;
-	aVal=x;
-	return KErrNone;
-     /*T x;
-     istrstream val(aStr,strlen(aStr));
-     val >> x;
-     if (!val.eof() ||
-         return KErrGeneral;
-     aVal=x;
-     return KErrNone;*/
- }
- //enum for decompose flag
- enum TDecomposeFlag
- {
-     EUidPresent=1,
-     EVerPresent=2
- };
- /**
- class for FileNameInfo
- @internalComponent
- @released
- */
- class TFileNameInfo
- {
-     public:
-         TFileNameInfo(const char* aFileName, TBool aLookForUid);
-     public:
-         const char* iFileName;
-         TInt iTotalLength;
-         TInt iBaseLength;
-         TInt iExtPos;
-         TUint32 iUid3;
-         TUint32 iModuleVersion;
-         TUint32 iFlags;
- };
- extern char* NormaliseFileName(const char* aName);
- #ifdef __LINUX__ 
- // Case insensitive comparison functions are named differently on Linux
- #define stricmp strcasecmp 
- #define strnicmp strncasecmp 
- // Convert the provided string to Uppercase
- char* strupr(char *a);
- #endif // __LINUX__
- #endif // __H_UTL_H__
--- a/e32tools/elf2e32/source/pagedcompress.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// byte_pair.cpp
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "h_utl.h"
-#include "h_ver.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#ifdef __TOOLS2__
-#include <sstream>
-#include <strstream.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <iostream>
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-#include <io.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "byte_pair.h"
-#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
-//#define __TEST_ONLY__
-typedef struct IndexTableItemTag
-	TUint16 iSizeOfCompressedPageData;	// pointer to an array TUint16[NumberOfPages]
-	TUint8 *iCompressedPageData;		// pointer to an array TUint8*. Each elemet of 
-										// this array point a compressed Page data	
-typedef struct IndexTableHeaderTag
-	TInt	iSizeOfData;					// Includes the index and compressed pages
-	TInt	iDecompressedSize;
-	TUint16	iNumberOfPages;
-} IndexTableHeader;
-class CBytePairCompressedImage
-	public:
-		static CBytePairCompressedImage* NewLC(TUint16 aNumberOfPages, TInt aSize);
-		~CBytePairCompressedImage();
-		void AddPage(TUint16 aPageNum, TUint8 * aPageData, TUint16 aPageSize);
-		int  GetPage(TUint16 aPageNum, TUint8 * aPageData);
-		void WriteOutTable(std::ofstream &os);
-		int  ReadInTable(std::ifstream &is, TUint & aNumberOfPages);
-	private:
-		TInt ConstructL( TUint16 aNumberOfPages, TInt aSize);
-		CBytePairCompressedImage();
-	private:
-		IndexTableHeader 	iHeader;
-		IndexTableItem*		iPages;
-		TUint8* 			iOutBuffer; 
-CBytePairCompressedImage* CBytePairCompressedImage::NewLC(TUint16 aNumberOfPages, TInt aSize)
-	CBytePairCompressedImage* self = new CBytePairCompressedImage;
-	if( NULL == self)
-	{
-		return self;
-	}
-	if( KErrNone == self->ConstructL(aNumberOfPages, aSize))
-	{
-		return self;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-TInt CBytePairCompressedImage::ConstructL(TUint16 aNumberOfPages, TInt aSize)
-	//Print(EWarning,"Start ofCBytePairCompressedImage::ConstructL(%d, %d)\n", aNumberOfPages, aSize );
-	iHeader.iNumberOfPages = aNumberOfPages;
-	iHeader.iDecompressedSize = aSize;
-	if( 0 != aNumberOfPages)
-	{
-		iPages = (IndexTableItem *) calloc(aNumberOfPages, sizeof(IndexTableItem));
-		if( NULL == iPages )
-		{
-			return KErrNoMemory;
-		}
-	}
-	iHeader.iSizeOfData = 	sizeof(iHeader.iSizeOfData) + 
-							sizeof(iHeader.iDecompressedSize) + 
-							sizeof(iHeader.iNumberOfPages) + 
-							aNumberOfPages * sizeof(TUint16);
-	iOutBuffer = (TUint8 *) calloc(4 * PAGE_SIZE, sizeof(TUint8) ); 
-	if ( NULL == iOutBuffer)
-	{
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	}
-	return KErrNone;
-} // End of ConstructL()
-	for( int i = 0; i < iHeader.iNumberOfPages; i++)
-	{
-		free(iPages[i].iCompressedPageData);
-		iPages[i].iCompressedPageData = NULL;
-	}
-	free( iPages );
-	iPages = NULL;
-	free( iOutBuffer );
-	iOutBuffer = NULL;
-void CBytePairCompressedImage::AddPage(TUint16 aPageNum, TUint8 * aPageData, TUint16 aPageSize)
-	//Print(EWarning,"Start of AddPage(aPageNum:%d, ,aPageSize:%d)\n",aPageNum, aPageSize );
-#ifdef __TEST_ONLY__
-	iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData = 2;
-	iPages[aPageNum].iCompressedPageData = (TUint8 *) calloc(iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData, sizeof(TUint8) );	
-	memcpy(iPages[aPageNum].iCompressedPageData, (TUint8 *) &aPageNum, iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData);
-	TUint16 compressedSize = (TUint16) Pak(iOutBuffer,aPageData,aPageSize );
-	iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData = compressedSize;
-	//Print(EWarning,"Compressed page size:%d\n", iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData );
-	iPages[aPageNum].iCompressedPageData = (TUint8 *) calloc(iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData, sizeof(TUint8) );
-	if( NULL == iPages[aPageNum].iCompressedPageData )
-	{
-		return;
-	}
-	memcpy(iPages[aPageNum].iCompressedPageData, iOutBuffer, iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData );
-	iHeader.iSizeOfData += iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData;
-void CBytePairCompressedImage::WriteOutTable(std::ofstream & os)
-	// Write out IndexTableHeader
-	//Print(EWarning,"Write out IndexTableHeader(iSizeOfData:%d,iDecompressedSize:%d,iNumberOfPages:%d)\n",iHeader.iSizeOfData, iHeader.iDecompressedSize, iHeader.iNumberOfPages );
-	//Print(EWarning,"sizeof(IndexTableHeader) = %d, , sizeof(TUint16) = %d\n",sizeof(IndexTableHeader), sizeof(TUint16) );
-	//os.write((const char *) &iHeader, sizeof(IndexTableHeader));
-	os.write((const char *) &iHeader.iSizeOfData, sizeof(iHeader.iSizeOfData));
-	os.write((const char *) &iHeader.iDecompressedSize, sizeof(iHeader.iDecompressedSize));
-	os.write((const char *) &iHeader.iNumberOfPages, sizeof(iHeader.iNumberOfPages));
-	// Write out IndexTableItems (size of each compressed page)
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < iHeader.iNumberOfPages; i++)
-	{
-		os.write((const char *) &(iPages[i].iSizeOfCompressedPageData), sizeof(TUint16));
-	}
-	// Write out compressed pages
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < iHeader.iNumberOfPages; i++)
-	{
-		os.write( (const char *)iPages[i].iCompressedPageData, iPages[i].iSizeOfCompressedPageData);
-	}
-int CBytePairCompressedImage::ReadInTable(std::ifstream &is, TUint & aNumberOfPages)
-	// Read page index table header 
- *)&iHeader, (sizeof(iHeader.iSizeOfData)+sizeof(iHeader.iDecompressedSize)+sizeof(iHeader.iNumberOfPages)));
-	// Allocatin place to Page index table entries
-	iPages = (IndexTableItem *) calloc(iHeader.iNumberOfPages, sizeof(IndexTableItem));
-	if( NULL == iPages )
-	{
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	}
-	// Read whole Page index table 
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < iHeader.iNumberOfPages; i++)
-	{
- *) &(iPages[i].iSizeOfCompressedPageData), sizeof(TUint16));
-	}
-	// Read compressed data pages page by page, decompress and store them
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < iHeader.iNumberOfPages; i++)
-	{
-		iPages[i].iCompressedPageData = (TUint8 *) calloc(iPages[i].iSizeOfCompressedPageData, sizeof(TUint8) );
-		if( NULL == iPages[i].iCompressedPageData )
-		{
-			return KErrNoMemory;
-		}
- *)iPages[i].iCompressedPageData, iPages[i].iSizeOfCompressedPageData);
-	}
-	aNumberOfPages = iHeader.iNumberOfPages;
-	return KErrNone;
-int  CBytePairCompressedImage::GetPage(TUint16 aPageNum, TUint8 * aPageData)
-	TUint8* pakEnd;
-    const TInt MaxBlockSize = 0x1000;
-   	TUint16 uncompressedSize = (TUint16) Unpak( aPageData, 
-												MaxBlockSize, 
-												iPages[aPageNum].iCompressedPageData, 
-												iPages[aPageNum].iSizeOfCompressedPageData, 
-												pakEnd );
-	return uncompressedSize;
-void CompressPages(TUint8* bytes, TInt size, std::ofstream& os)
-	// Build a list of compressed pages
-	TUint16 numOfPages = (TUint16) ((size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE);
-	CBytePairCompressedImage* comprImage = CBytePairCompressedImage::NewLC(numOfPages, size);
-	if (!comprImage)
-	{
-		//Print(EError," NULL == comprImage\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	TUint pageNum;
-	TUint remain = (TUint)size;
-	for (pageNum=0; pageNum<numOfPages; ++pageNum)
-	{
-		TUint8* pageStart = bytes + pageNum * PAGE_SIZE;
-		TUint pageLen = remain>PAGE_SIZE ? PAGE_SIZE : remain;
-		comprImage->AddPage((TUint16)pageNum, pageStart, (TUint16)pageLen);
-		remain -= pageLen;
-	}
-	// Write out index table and compressed pages
-	comprImage->WriteOutTable(os);
-	delete comprImage;
-	comprImage = NULL;
-int DecompressPages(TUint8 * bytes, std::ifstream& is)
-	TUint decompressedSize = 0;
-	CBytePairCompressedImage *comprImage = CBytePairCompressedImage::NewLC(0, 0);
-	if( NULL == comprImage)
-	{
-		//Print(EError," NULL == comprImage\n");
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	}
-	TUint numberOfPages = 0;
-	comprImage->ReadInTable(is, numberOfPages);
-	TUint8* iPageStart;
-	TUint16 iPage = 0;
-	while(iPage < numberOfPages )
-	{
-		iPageStart = &bytes[iPage * PAGE_SIZE];
-		decompressedSize += comprImage->GetPage(iPage, iPageStart);
-		++iPage;
-	}
-	delete comprImage;
-	return decompressedSize;
--- a/e32tools/elf2e32/source/parametermanager.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/e32tools/elf2e32/source/parametermanager.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -2576,14 +2576,14 @@
-	if (strnicmp(aValue, "softvfp", 7)==0)
-		aPM->SetFPU(0);
+	if (strnicmp(aValue,"vfpv3D16", 8)==0)
+		aPM->SetFPU(3);
+	else if (strnicmp(aValue,"vfpv3", 5)==0)
+		aPM->SetFPU(2);
 	else if ((strnicmp(aValue, "vfpv2", 5)==0) || (strnicmp(aValue, "softvfp+vfpv2",13 )==0))
-	else if (strnicmp(aValue,"vfpv3", 5)==0)
-		aPM->SetFPU(2);
-	else if (strnicmp(aValue,"vfpv3D16", 8)==0)
-		aPM->SetFPU(3);
+	else if (strnicmp(aValue, "softvfp", 7)==0)
+		aPM->SetFPU(0);
 		throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, aOption);
--- a/imgtools/buildrom/tools/cdf.dtd	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).    
-All rights reserved.                                                      
-This component and the accompanying materials are made available          
-under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"                          
-which accompanies this distribution, and is available                     
-at the URL "".                   
-Initial Contributors:                                                     
-Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.                                 
-<!ELEMENT component     (localisation?,file+)>
-<!ATTLIST component id  CDATA #REQUIRED >
-<!ELEMENT file          (source,        destination,
-                         localisation?, options? ,
-                         features?,     dynamicDependencies?)>
-<!ATTLIST file
-        id              CDATA #REQUIRED
-        customisable    (true|false) #IMPLIED
-        addressable     (xip|nonxip|dontcare) #IMPLIED
-        compress        (unchanged|compress|uncompress) #IMPLIED
-        type            (normal|bitmap|compressedbitmap|autobitmap|aif|plugin) #IMPLIED
-	plugin_name	CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT source        (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT destination   (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT features      (supports?,prevents?)>
-<!ELEMENT supports      (feature+)>
-<!ELEMENT prevents      (feature+)>
-<!ELEMENT feature       EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST feature uid   CDATA #IMPLIED
-                  name  CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT dynamicDependencies (depend+)>
-<!ELEMENT depend        (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT localisation  (default, language*)>
-<!ELEMENT default       (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT language      (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT options       ((multilinguify | stack         | heapmin  |
-                          heapmax       | fixed         | priority |
-                          uid1          | uid2          | uid3     | 
-                          dll           | dlldatatop )+)>
-<!ELEMENT multilinguify (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT stack         (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT heapmin       (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT heapmax       (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT fixed         (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT priority      (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT uid1          (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT uid2          (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT uid3          (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT dll           (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT dlldatatop    (#PCDATA)>
--- a/imgtools/buildrom/tools/	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-# changes the paging/unpaged configuration of binaries a generated
-# OBY file according to the list in configpaging.lst
-# use
-# in oby file to enable
-# use
-# tool=configpaging \epoc32\rom\myconfigpaging.lst
-# to change the default configpaging.lst
-package configpaging;
-use strict;
-our @EXPORT=qw(
-        configpaging_info
-		configpaging_initialize
-        configpaging_single
-        configpaging_multiple
-use Exporter;
-our @ISA=qw(Exporter);
-# Initialisation
-use constant CONSTANT_UNPAGED => "unpaged";
-use constant CONSTANT_PAGED => "paged";
-use constant CONSTANT_UNPAGEDCODE => "unpagedcode";
-use constant CONSTANT_PAGEDCODE => "pagedcode";
-use constant CONSTANT_UNPAGEDDATA => "unpageddata";
-use constant CONSTANT_PAGEDDATA => "pageddata";
-use constant CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH => "epoc32\\rom\\configpaging\\";
-my $epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
-my $configlist = $epocroot.CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH."configpaging.cfg";
-# routine to provide information about the tool
-sub configpaging_info ()
-    my %toolinfo;
-    $toolinfo{'name'} = "configpaging";
-    $toolinfo{'invocation'} = "InvocationPoint2";
-	$toolinfo{'initialize'} = \&configpaging_initialize;
-    $toolinfo{'multiple'} = \&configpaging_multiple;
-    $toolinfo{'single'} = \&configpaging_single;
-    return \%toolinfo;
-sub configpaging_initialize
-	{
-	my ($cmdLine) = @_;
-	if (defined ($cmdLine))
-		{
-		print " Initializing with $cmdLine\n";
-		$configlist = $epocroot.CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH.$cmdLine;
-		}
-	}
-# routine to handle multiple invocation
-sub configpaging_multiple
-    my ($line) = @_;
-	my @args=split /[=\s]/, $line;
-	$configlist=$args[2];
-    return "REM Using $configlist";
-sub isobystatement
-	my ($li) = @_;
-	if ($li =~ /^\s*data(=|\s+)/i) { return 1;}
-	if ($li =~ /^\s*file(=|\s+)/i) { return 1;}
-	if ($li =~ /^\s*dll(=|\s+)/i) { return 1;}
-	if ($li =~ /^\s*secondary(=|\s+)/i) { return 1;}
-	return 0;
-#codepaging is codepagingoverride setting
-#datapaging is datapagingoverride setting
-#listref is ref to an associated array keyed by <executable regex>, 
-#and the value is another associated array keyed (un)?paged(code|data)?
-#the value is 1 if set, undeffed if not.
-sub readConfigFile
-	{
-	my ($codepagingref, $datapagingref, $listref, $configfilename) = @_;
-	my $filecodepaging = "";
-	my $filedatapaging = "";
-	local *FILE; # need a filehandle local to this invocation
-	if(!open FILE, $configfilename)
-		{
-		print ("Configpaging Warning: Can't open $configfilename\n");
-		return;
-		}
-	# parse the configfilename
-	# insert the files listed into the listref and set the paging info accordingly.
-	while (my $line=<FILE>)
-		{
-		if ($line !~ /\S/ ) { next; }
-		if ($line =~ /^\s*#/ ) { next; }
-		chomp $line;
-		if ($line =~ /^\s*(code|data)?pagingoverride=(.*)\s*/i) {
-			if ($1 eq undef) {
-				if (lc($2) eq "defaultpaged") {
-					$$codepagingref = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-					$$datapagingref = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-				} elsif (lc($2) eq "defaultunpaged") {
-					$$codepagingref = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-					$$datapagingref = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-				} else {
-					print ("Configpaging Warning: invalid pagingoverride setting:$2\n");
-				}
-			} elsif (lc($1) eq "code") {
-				if (lc($2) eq "defaultpaged") {
-					$$codepagingref = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-				} elsif (lc($2) eq "defaultunpaged") {
-					$$codepagingref = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-				} else {
-					print ("Configpaging Warning: invalid codepagingoverride setting:$2\n");
-				}
-			} elsif ($1 eq "data") {
-				if (lc($2) eq "defaultpaged") {
-					$$datapagingref = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-				} elsif (lc($2) eq "defaultunpaged") {
-					$$datapagingref = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-				} else {
-					print ("Configpaging Warning: invalid datapagingoverride setting:$2\n");
-				}
-			} else {
-				print ("configpaging Warning: invalid keyword: $1" . "pagingoverride\n");
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(un)?paged(code|data)?(\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?)?:/i ) {
-			$filecodepaging = "";
-			$filedatapaging = "";
-			if ($1 eq undef) {
-				if ($2 eq undef) {
-					$filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-					$filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-				}elsif (lc($2) eq "code") {
-					$filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-				} elsif(lc($2) eq "data") {
-					$filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-				} else {
-					print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
-				}
-			} elsif (lc($1) eq "un") {
-				if ($2 eq undef) {
-					$filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-					$filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-				}elsif (lc($2) eq "code") {
-					$filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-				} elsif(lc($2) eq "data") {
-					$filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-				} else {
-					print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
-				}
-			} else {
-				print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
-			}
-			if ($3 ne undef){		
-				if ($4 eq undef) {
-					if ($5 eq undef) {
-						$filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-						$filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-					}elsif (lc($5) eq "code") {
-						$filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-					} elsif(lc($5) eq "data") {
-						$filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-					} else {
-						print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
-					}
-				} elsif (lc($4) eq "un") {
-					if ($5 eq undef) {
-						$filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-						$filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-					}elsif (lc($5) eq "code") {
-						$filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-					} elsif(lc($5) eq "data") {
-						$filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-					} else {
-						print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
-					}
-				} else {
-					print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($line =~ /^\s*include\s*\"(.*)\"/i)
-			{ readConfigFile($codepagingref, $datapagingref, $listref, $epocroot.CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH.$1); } # go recursive
-		elsif ($line =~ /\s*(\S+)(\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?(\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?)?)?/i){
-			my %element;
-			$element{code} = $$codepagingref;
-			$element{data} = $$datapagingref;
-			if ($2 eq undef){
-				if ($filecodepaging ne "") {
-					$element{code} = $filecodepaging;
-				}
-				if ($filedatapaging ne "") {
-					$element{data} = $filedatapaging;
-				}
-			} else {
-				if ($4 eq undef){
-					if ($3 eq undef) {
-						$element{code} = CONSTANT_PAGED; 
-						$element{data} = CONSTANT_PAGED; 
-					} elsif (lc($3) eq "un") {
-						$element{code} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED; 
-						$element{data} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED; 
-					}
-				} elsif (lc($4) eq "code") {
-					if ($3 eq undef) {
-						$element{code} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-					} elsif (lc($3) eq "un") {
-						$element{code} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-					}
-				} elsif (lc($4) eq "data") {
-					if ($3 eq undef) {
-						$element{data} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-					} elsif (lc($3) eq "un") {
-						$element{data} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-					}
-				} else {
-					print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized attribute in line: $line\n");
-		}
-				if ($5 ne undef){
-					if ($7 eq undef){
-						if ($6 eq undef) {
-							$element{code} = CONSTANT_PAGED; 
-							$element{data} = CONSTANT_PAGED; 
-						} elsif (lc($6) eq "un") {
-							$element{code} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED; 
-							$element{data} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED; 
-						}
-					} elsif (lc($7) eq "code") {
-						if ($6 eq undef) {
-							$element{code} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-						} elsif (lc($6) eq "un") {
-							$element{code} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-						}
-					} elsif (lc($7) eq "data") {
-						if ($6 eq undef) {
-							$element{data} = CONSTANT_PAGED;
-						} elsif (lc($6) eq "un") {
-							$element{data} = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
-						}
-					} else {
-						print ("Configpaging Warning: unrecognized attribute in line: $line\n");
-					}
-				}
-			}	
-			$$listref{$1} = \%element;
-		} else {
-			print ("ConfigPaging Warning: unrecognized line:$line\n");
-		}
-	}
-	close FILE;
-	}
-# routine to handle single invocation
-sub configpaging_single
-	my $codepaging="";
-	my $datapaging="";
-	my %list;
-	my @keys;
-    my ($oby) = @_;
-	print " Modifying demand paging configuration using $configlist\n";
-	readConfigFile(\$codepaging, \$datapaging, \%list, $configlist);
-	# read the oby file that was handed to us
-	# find matches between each oby line and any files  in the paged or unpaged list
-	# modify the attributes of the oby line as appropriate
-	my @newlines;
-	my %element;
-	@keys = keys %list;
-	foreach my $line (@$oby)
-		{
-		my $codepagingadd="";
-		my $datapagingadd="";
-		chomp $line;
-		if (isobystatement($line))
-			{
-			my $lcline = lc($line);
-			for(my $index=@keys - 1; $index>=0; $index--) {
-				my $match = $keys[$index];
-				if ($lcline =~ /(\s+|\"|\\|=)$match(\s+|\"|$)/) {
-					%element = %{$list{$match}};
-					if ($element{code} eq CONSTANT_PAGED) {
-						$codepagingadd .= " " . CONSTANT_PAGEDCODE;
-					} elsif  ($element{code} eq CONSTANT_UNPAGED) {
-						$codepagingadd .= " " . CONSTANT_UNPAGEDCODE;
-					} 
-					if ($element{data} eq CONSTANT_PAGED) {
-						$datapagingadd .= " " . CONSTANT_PAGEDDATA;
-					} elsif  ($element{data} eq CONSTANT_UNPAGED) {
-						$datapagingadd .= " " . CONSTANT_UNPAGEDDATA;
-					}
-					last;
-				}
-			}
-			if (!$codepagingadd and $codepaging) {
-				$codepagingadd = " " . $codepaging . "code";
-			}
-			if (!$datapagingadd and $datapaging) {
-				$datapagingadd = " " . $datapaging . "data";
-					}
-			if ($codepagingadd and !$datapagingadd){
-				if ($line =~ /\b(un)?paged(data)?\b\s*$/) {
-					$datapagingadd = " " . $1 . "pageddata";
-				}
-			} elsif ($datapagingadd and !$codepagingadd) {
-				if ($line =~ /\b(un)?paged(code)?\b\s*$/) {
-					$codepagingadd = " " . $1 . "pagedcode";
-			}
-				}
-			if ($datapagingadd or $datapagingadd) {
-				$line =~ s/\b(un)?paged(code|data)?\b/ /ig;
-				}
-			}
-		push @newlines, "$line$codepagingadd$datapagingadd\n";
-		}
-	@$oby = @newlines;
--- a/imgtools/buildrom/tools/featuredatabase.dtd	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).    
-All rights reserved.                                                      
-This component and the accompanying materials are made available          
-under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"                          
-which accompanies this distribution, and is available                     
-at the URL "".                   
-Initial Contributors:                                                     
-Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.                                 
-<!ELEMENT hrhmacro EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST hrhmacro
-	exclude CDATA #IMPLIED
-	include CDATA #IMPLIED
-	infeaturesetiby CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT hfileheader (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST hfileheader
-	interfacestatus CDATA #REQUIRED
-	interfacevisibility CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<!ELEMENT featureset ((hfileheader?, feature+))>
-<!ATTLIST featureset
-	hfilename CDATA #IMPLIED
-	ibyname CDATA #IMPLIED
-	namespace CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT featuredatabase ((featureset+, defaultfeaturerange*))>
-<!ELEMENT feature ((hrhmacro?, comment?))>
-<!ATTLIST feature
-	statusflags CDATA #REQUIRED
-	userdata CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT defaultfeaturerange ((comment?))>
-<!ATTLIST defaultfeaturerange
-	higheruid CDATA #REQUIRED
-	loweruid CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA)>
--- a/imgtools/buildrom/tools/featureuids.dtd	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).    
-All rights reserved.                                                      
-This component and the accompanying materials are made available          
-under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"                          
-which accompanies this distribution, and is available                     
-at the URL "".                   
-Initial Contributors:                                                     
-Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.                                 
-<!ELEMENT featureuids   (features,default)>
-<!ELEMENT features      (feature+)>
-<!ELEMENT feature       EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST feature
-        name            CDATA #REQUIRED
-        uid             CDATA #REQUIRED
-        installable     (true|false) #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT default       (range+)>
-<!ELEMENT range         EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST range
-        min             CDATA #REQUIRED
-        max             CDATA #REQUIRED
-        support         (include|exclude) #REQUIRED>
--- a/imgtools/buildrom/tools/imageContent.dtd	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).    
-All rights reserved.                                                      
-This component and the accompanying materials are made available          
-under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"                          
-which accompanies this distribution, and is available                     
-at the URL "".                   
-Initial Contributors:                                                     
-Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.                                 
-<!ELEMENT imageContent  (version?, romchecksum?, time?, 
-                         options?, romgeometry, romtarget, romscope?)+>
-<!ELEMENT version       (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT romchecksum   (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT time          (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT romgeometry   (image+)>
-<!ELEMENT romtarget     (target+)>
-<!ELEMENT romscope      ((obyFile|cdf)+)>
-<!ELEMENT options       ((binaryselectionorder | trace       | bootbinary    |
-                          dataaddress          | debugport   | 
-                          defaultstackreserve  | device      | 
-                          wrapper              | kernel      | primary+      | 
-                          secondary+           | romalign    | romlinearbase | 
-                          variant              | autosize    | extension     | coreimage)+)>
-<!ELEMENT binaryselectionorder (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT trace         (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT bootbinary    (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT wrapper       (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST wrapper type  (none|epoc|coff) #REQUIRED>
-<!ELEMENT kernel        (dataaddress, heapmax, heapmin, name, trace?)>
-<!ATTLIST kernel number (single|multi) #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT heapmax   (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT heapmin   (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT name   (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT dataaddress   (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT debugport     (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT defaultstackreserve   (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT device        (file+)>
-<!ELEMENT primary       (file+)>
-<!ELEMENT secondary     (file+)>
-<!ELEMENT variant       (file+)>
-<!ELEMENT extension     (file+)>
-<!ELEMENT romalign      (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT romlinearbase (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT autosize      (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT coreimage     (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT file       (source,destination,fixed?)>
-<!ATTLIST file
-<!ELEMENT source       (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT destination  (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT fixed	       (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT image         (partition?)>
-<!ATTLIST image
-        id              CDATA #REQUIRED
-        name            CDATA #REQUIRED
-        type            (xip|nonxip) #REQUIRED
-        compression     (compress|nocompress) #IMPLIED
-        extension       (yes|no) "no"
-        size            CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<!ELEMENT target        (include,exclude?)>
-<!ATTLIST target imageid CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<!--- target imageid of any allowed where it there is no constraints on 
-      which image the files should be placed. -->
-<!ELEMENT include       ((feature|obyFile|cdf)+)>
-<!ELEMENT exclude       (feature+)>
-<!ELEMENT partition     (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT feature       EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST feature name  CDATA #IMPLIED
-                  uid   CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT obyFile       (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT cdf           (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST cdf type      (file|dir) "file">
--- a/imgtools/imgcheck/src/depreporter.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Reports Executable Dependency
- @file
- @internalComponent
- @released
-#include "depreporter.h"
-Constructor: DepReporter class
-Initilize the parameters to data members.
-@param aMap		   - Reference to map data
-@param aReportType - Reference to report type.
-@param aXmlFile	   - Pointer to xml file name.
-DepReporter::DepReporter(const StringVsMapOfExeVsDep& aMap, const unsigned int& aReportType, const char* aXmlFile)
-: Reporter(aReportType,aXmlFile), iReportData(aMap)
-Destructor: DepReporter class
-Generates the Report of mentioned type.
-Checks the validty of input data.
-Construct the report objects(Based on options).
-Traverse the Map and generate the report.
-@return Status - returns the status of the depreporter.
-				 'true' - for sucessful completion of the report.
-bool DepReporter::CreateReport()
-	try
-	{
-		// Check for the empty map.
-		if (iReportData.empty() != 0)
-		{
-			throw ExceptionReporter(NODATATOREPORT);
-		}
-	 	// Check for valid Xml filename for report generation.
-		if (iReportType & XML_REPORT)
-		{
-			if (iXmlFileName.size() <= 0)
-			{
-				throw ExceptionReporter(XMLNAMENOTVALID);
-			}
-		}
-		ConstructReportObjects();
-		ProcessMapData();
-	}
-	catch (ExceptionReporter& aErrorReport)
-	{
-		throw aErrorReport;
-	}
-	return true;
-Traverse the map and Creates the report.
-Both rom and rofs image is supported.
-void DepReporter::ProcessMapData(void)
-	StringVsMapOfExeVsDep::const_iterator aIterMapBegin = iReportData.begin();
-	StringVsMapOfExeVsDep::const_iterator aIterMapEnd = iReportData.end();
-	const ExeNamesVsDepMapData* exeNamesVsDepMapDataAddress = 0;
-	ExeNamesVsDepMapData::const_iterator aIterExeNameBegin;
-	ExeNamesVsDepMapData::const_iterator aIterExeNameEnd;
-	const NameVsDepStatusData* nameVsDepStatusDataAddress = 0;
-	NameVsDepStatusData::const_iterator aIterNameVsDepBegin;
-	NameVsDepStatusData::const_iterator aIterNameVsDepEnd;
-	ConstructReport(KReportStart);
-	for (; aIterMapBegin != aIterMapEnd ; ++aIterMapBegin)
-	{
-		//If no dependency data found don't display the empty report
-		if(((*aIterMapBegin).second).size() == 0)
-		{
-			ExceptionReporter(NOMISSINGDEPS, (char*)(*aIterMapBegin).first.c_str()).Report();
-			continue;
-		}
-		ConstructReport(KReportStartElementHeader,aIterMapBegin->first);
-		exeNamesVsDepMapDataAddress = &aIterMapBegin->second;
-		if(exeNamesVsDepMapDataAddress->empty() != 0)
-		{
-			ConstructReport(KReportEndElementHeader);
-			continue; 
-		}
-		aIterExeNameBegin = exeNamesVsDepMapDataAddress->begin();
-		aIterExeNameEnd = exeNamesVsDepMapDataAddress->end();
-		// Traverse the executable.
-		for( ; aIterExeNameBegin != aIterExeNameEnd ; ++aIterExeNameBegin)
-		{
-			ConstructReport(KReportStartExecutable,"",aIterExeNameBegin->first);
-			nameVsDepStatusDataAddress = &aIterExeNameBegin->second;
-			if(nameVsDepStatusDataAddress->empty() != 0)
-			{
-			ConstructReport(KReportEndExecutable);
-			continue; 
-			}
-			aIterNameVsDepBegin = nameVsDepStatusDataAddress->begin();
-			aIterNameVsDepEnd = nameVsDepStatusDataAddress->end();
-			// Traverse the dependencies.
-			for(; aIterNameVsDepBegin != aIterNameVsDepEnd ; ++aIterNameVsDepBegin)
-			{
-				ConstructReport(KReportWriteDependency,"",
-						"", aIterNameVsDepBegin->first,
-						aIterNameVsDepBegin->second);
-			}
-			ConstructReport(KReportEndExecutable);
-		}
-		ConstructReport(KReportEndElementHeader);
-		ConstructReport(KReportWriteNote);
-	}
-	ConstructReport(KReportEnd);
-Writes the Report sections to the report objects.
-@param aReportSection - Reference to Report section
-@param aImageName	  - Reference to Image Name string.
-@param aExeName	      - Reference to Executable string.
-@param aDepName		  - Reference to Dependency Name string.
-@param aDepStatus	  - Reference to Dependency Status string.
-void DepReporter::ConstructReport(EReportSection aReportSection, const String& aImageName,
-								  const String& aExeName, const String& aDepName,
-								  const String& aDepStatus)
-	ReportWriter* iReportBasePointer = 0;
-	int count = iReportObjectList.size();
-	while(count)
-	{
-		iReportBasePointer = (ReportWriter*)iReportObjectList[count-1];
-		switch(aReportSection)
-		{
-			// Start Report document.
-			case KReportStart	:
-				iReportBasePointer->StartReport();
-				break;
-			// End Report document.
-			case KReportEnd	:
-				iReportBasePointer->EndReport();
-				break;
-			// Start element header info.
-			case KReportStartElementHeader	:
-				iReportBasePointer->StartElementHeader(aImageName);
-				iReportBasePointer->WriteImageHeader(KCmdDependencyHeader);
-				break;
-			// End element header info.
-			case KReportEndElementHeader :	
-				iReportBasePointer->EndElementHeader();
-				break;
-			// Start Executable info.
-			case KReportStartExecutable :	
-				iReportBasePointer->StartExecutable(aExeName);
-				break;
-			// End Executable info.
-			case KReportEndExecutable :	
-				iReportBasePointer->EndExecutable();
-				break;
-			// Write element details
-			case KReportWriteDependency	:	
-				iReportBasePointer->WriteElementDependencies(aDepName, aDepStatus);
-				break;
-			// Write a note about unknown dependency
-			case KReportWriteNote :
-				iReportBasePointer->WriteNote();
-				break;
-			// Do nothing..
-			default	:	
-				break;
-		}
-	--count;
-	}
Binary file imgtools/imglib/boostlibrary/binary/linux/libboost_thread-mgw34-mt-1_39.a has changed
Binary file imgtools/imglib/boostlibrary/binary/windows/libboost_thread-mgw34-mt-1_39.a has changed
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/cluster.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Cluster class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#ifndef CLUSTER_H
-#define CLUSTER_H
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-#include "directory.h"
-typedef multimap <unsigned int,unsigned int> TClustersPerEntryMap;
- * This class is used by classes CDirRegion and CLongName. This class describes 
- * the basic Data members and Member functions related to cluster number 
- * allocation and FAT input map creation.
- *
- * @internalComponent
- * @released
- */
-class CCluster
-	public:
-		static CCluster* Instance (unsigned int aClusterSize, 
-								   unsigned int aTotalNumberOfClusters);
-		unsigned int GetCurrentClusterNumber() const;
-		void DecrementCurrentClusterNumber();
-		unsigned short int GetHighWordClusterNumber() const;
-		unsigned short int GetLowWordClusterNumber() const;
-		void CreateMap(unsigned int aStartingClusterNumber,unsigned int aPairClusterNumber);
-		TClustersPerEntryMap* GetClustersPerEntryMap();
-		void UpdateNextAvailableClusterNumber();
-		unsigned int GetClusterSize() const;
-		~CCluster ();
-	private:
-		CCluster(unsigned int aClusterSize,
-				 unsigned int aTotalNumberOfClusters);
-		static CCluster* iClusterInstance;
-		unsigned long int iClusterSize;
-		unsigned int iRootClusterNumber;
-		unsigned int iCurrentClusterNumber;
-		unsigned int iTotalNumberOfClusters;
-		/* used to store the mapping of Starting cluster and Number's of
-		 * clusters occupied by the specific entry
-		 */
-		TClustersPerEntryMap iClustersPerEntry;
-#endif //CLUSTER_H
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/constants.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Constants used by FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-* This file contains common constants used by FileSystem component
-#ifndef CONSTANTS_H
-#define CONSTANTS_H
- * mingw.inl is included to avoid the below mentioned error throwned by mingw compiler.
- * "stl_construct.h: error: no matching function for call to `operator new(unsigned int, void*)'"
- */
-#include "mingw.inl"
-#include "utils.h"
-//This constant is used to track the FileSystem component version information.
-const int KFileSystemMajorVersion = 1;
-const int KFileSystemMinorVersion = 1;
-#define KDefaultVolumeLabel "NO NAME    "
-#define KDefaultOEMName "SYMBIAN "
-const int KSectorsPerBootSector = 1;
-/* Total number of reserved clusters which is always two as cluster 0 and 1 
- * are never used by data segment for file or directory writing
- */
-const int KReservedClusters = 2;
-//Offset just after the end of boot sector w.r.t to the start of a FAT Volume
-const int KBootSectorOffset = 512;
-//size of the first reserved field in FSInfo data structure
-const int KFSIFutureExpansion=480;
-//size of the second reserved field in FSInfo data structure
-const int KFSIKFSIFutureExpansion2=12;
-//size of reserved field in FAT32 media
-const int KMaxSizeFutureExpansion=12;
-//size of volume label in boot sector 
-const int KMaxVolumeLabel=11;
-const int KBPBMedia =0xF8;
-const unsigned short  KDefaultBytesPerSector=512;
-// default sector per clusters for FAT16 image
-const unsigned char KDefaultSectorsPerCluster=2;
-// default sector per clusters for FAT32 image
-const unsigned char KDefaultSectorsPerCluster32=1;
-//default number of FAT tables
-const unsigned char KDefaultNumFats =2;
-// default number of root directories entries for FAT32 image
-const unsigned short KDefaultRootDirEntries=512;
-const unsigned short KFat32RootDirEntries=0;
-const unsigned int KSizeOfFatBootSector=512;
-const unsigned char  KDefaultReservedByte=0x00;
-//size of the string defining the FileSystem type
-const unsigned int KFileSysTypeLength=8;
-const unsigned int KBootSectorSignature=0xAA55;
-const unsigned int KDefaultRootDirClusterNumber=0x0002;
-const unsigned char KDefaultDriveNumber=0x80;
-//Default extended boot signature to be specified in boot sector
-const unsigned char KDefaultBootSignature=0x29;
-const unsigned short KDefaultVersion=0;	
-const unsigned int KDefaultHiddenSectors= 0;
-const unsigned short KDefaultSectorsPerTrack=0;
-const unsigned short KDefaultNumHeads=0;
-//default value of flags to be specified in FAT32 boot sector
-const unsigned short KDefaultExtFlags=0;
-//sector number containing the FSInfo data structure in FAT32 volume
-const unsigned short KDefaultFSInfoSector=1;
-//sector number to be occupied by backup boot sector in FAT32 volume
-const unsigned short KDefaultBkUpBootSec=6;
-const unsigned short KDefaultFat32ReservedSectors=32;
-const unsigned short KDefaultFat16ReservedSectors=1;
-//constant used in FAT table entries
-const unsigned short EOF16 = 0xffff;
-const unsigned short KFat16FirstEntry = 0xfff8;
-const unsigned int EOF32 = 0x0fffffff;
-const unsigned int KFat32FirstEntry =0x0ffffff8;
-const unsigned short KEmptyFATCluster=0;
-//minimum and maximum number of FAT32 cluster
-const unsigned int KMinimumFat32Clusters= 65525;
-/* Since Sector size as taken as 512 bytes(Mostly followed), total clusters supported 
- * by FAT32 is limited to 67092480 otherwise it is 268435456. Here 67092480 clusters 
- * will cover up to 2047.9999GB of user input partition size.
- */
-const unsigned int KMaximumFat32Clusters= 67092480; 
-//minimum and maximum number of FAT16 cluster
-const unsigned int KMinimumFat16Clusters= 4085;
-const unsigned int KMaximumFat16Clusters=65524;
-//Partition range constants
-const Long64 K16MB = 0x1000000;
-const Long64 K64MB = 0x4000000;
-const Long64 K128MB =0x8000000;
-const Long64 K256MB =0x10000000;
-const Long64 K260MB =0x10400000;
-const Long64 K512MB =0x20000000;
-const Long64 K1GB =0x40000000;
-const Long64 K2GB =0x80000000;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-	const Long64 K8GB =0x200000000;
-	const Long64 K16GB =0x400000000;
-	const Long64 K32GB =0x800000000;
-	const Long64 K8GB =0x200000000LL;
-	const Long64 K16GB =0x400000000LL;
-	const Long64 K32GB =0x800000000LL;
-//Bytes per sector selection constants
-const short int K1SectorsPerCluster = 0x01;
-const short int K2SectorsPerCluster = 0x02;
-const short int K4SectorsPerCluster = 0x04;
-const short int K8SectorsPerCluster = 0x08;
-const short int K16SectorsPerCluster = 0x10;
-const short int K32SectorsPerCluster = 0x20;
-const short int K64SectorsPerCluster = 0x40;
-const int KParentDirClusterNumber = 0x0;
-const int KCurrentDirClusterNumber = 0x01;
-const short int KFat32RootEntryNumber = 0x02;
-const short int KFat16RootEntryNumber = 0x01;
-const short int KRootClusterNumber = 0x02;
-const short int KDirectoryEntrySize = 0x20;
-const short int KZeroFileSize = 0x00;
-const short int KEntryNameSize = 0x3c;
-const short int KFilePathMaxSize = 0xFF;
-const short int KWriteOnce = 0x01;
-const long int KHighWordMask = 0x0000FFFF;
-const short int KBitShift16 = 0x10;
-const short int KNTReserverdByte = 0x00;
-const short int KPaddingCharCnt = 0x02;
-const char KSpace = 0x20;
-const char KDot = 0x2E;
-const char KTilde = 0x7E;
-const char KTildeNumber = 0x31;
-const char KCreateTimeInMsecs = 0x00;
-const unsigned char KLongNamePaddingChar = 0xFF;
-const char KNullPaddingChar = 0x00;
-const char KDirSubComponent = 0x00;//Dir sub component constant
-const char KLongNameCharSeperator = 0x00;//Long sub component Name characters separated by 0x00
-#endif //CONSTANTS_H
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/directory.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Directory operations for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#ifndef DIRECTORY_H
-#define DIRECTORY_H
-#include "utils.h"
-/* If the macro _FILESYSTEM_DLL is defined, then the macro FILESYSTEM_API is used to 
- * export the functions. Hence while building the DLL this macro should be used.
- * Else if the macro _USE_FILESYSTEM_DLL is defined, then the macro FILESYSTEM_API is 
- * used to import the functions. Hence while linking this macro should be used.
- * If none of the above macros defined, then the macro FILESYSTEM_API is defined empty 
- * and it is used for creating static library.
- * The purpose of using multiple macros is to deliver both the static and dynamic 
- * libraries from the same set of source files.
- */
-	#define FILESYSTEM_API __declspec(dllexport)
-	#define FILESYSTEM_API __declspec(dllimport)
-#include <list>
-#include <stack>
-#include <time.h>
-class CDirectory;
-class CLongEntry;
-typedef list<CDirectory*> EntryList;
-//Directory, file and volume Attributes
-enum KAttributes
-	EAttrReadOnly = 0x01,
-	EAttrHidden = 0x02,
-	EAttrSystem = 0x04,
-	EAttrVolumeId = 0x08,
-	EAttrDirectory = 0x10,
-	EAttrArchive = 0x20,
-	EAttrLongName = EAttrReadOnly | EAttrHidden | EAttrSystem | EAttrVolumeId,
-	EAttrLongNameMask = EAttrReadOnly | EAttrHidden | EAttrSystem | EAttrVolumeId \
-						| EAttrDirectory | EAttrArchive,
-	ELastLongEntry = 0x40
-//Time format, should be written as a integer in FAT image
-typedef struct 
-	unsigned short int Seconds:5;
-	unsigned short int Minute:6;
-	unsigned short int Hour:5;
-//Date format, should be written as a integer in FAT image
-typedef struct 
-	unsigned short int Day:5;
-	unsigned short int Month:4;
-	unsigned short int Year:7;
-//This union convention used to convert bit fields into integer
-union TDateInteger
-	FatDate iCurrentDate;
-	unsigned short int iImageDate;
-//This union convention used to convert bit fields into integer
-union TTimeInteger
-	FatTime iCurrentTime;
-	unsigned short int iImageTime;
-struct TShortDirEntry {
-    unsigned char DIR_Name [11];
-    unsigned char DIR_Attr ;
-    unsigned char DIR_NTRes ;
-    unsigned char DIR_CrtTimeTenth ;
-    unsigned char DIR_CrtTime[2] ;
-    unsigned char DIR_CrtDate[2] ;
-    unsigned char DIR_LstAccDate[2] ;
-    unsigned char DIR_FstClusHI[2] ;
-    unsigned char DIR_WrtTime[2] ;
-    unsigned char DIR_WrtDate[2];
-    unsigned char DIR_FstClusLO[2];
-    unsigned char DIR_FileSize[4] ;    
-struct TLongDirEntry {
-    unsigned char LDIR_Ord ;
-    unsigned char LDIR_Name1[10] ;
-    unsigned char LDIR_Attr ;
-    unsigned char LDIR_Type ;
-    unsigned char LDIR_Chksum ;
-    unsigned char LDIR_Name2[12] ;
-    unsigned char LDIR_FstClusLO[2] ; 
-    unsigned char LDIR_Name3[4] ;
-/* This class describes the attributes of a single directory/file/volume entry.
- *
- * @internalComponent
- * @released
- */
-class CDirectory
-	FILESYSTEM_API CDirectory(const char* aEntryName,CDirectory* aParent);
-	FILESYSTEM_API ~CDirectory();
-	FILESYSTEM_API EntryList* GetEntryList();
-	FILESYSTEM_API void InsertIntoEntryList(CDirectory* aEntry);
-	FILESYSTEM_API void SetFilePath(char* aFilePath);
-	FILESYSTEM_API string GetFilePath() const;
-	FILESYSTEM_API void SetEntryName(string aEntryName);
-	FILESYSTEM_API string GetEntryName() const;
-	FILESYSTEM_API void SetEntryAttribute(char aAttribute);
-	FILESYSTEM_API char GetEntryAttribute() const;
-	char GetNtReservedByte() const;
-	char GetCreationTimeMsecs() const;
-	unsigned short int GetCreatedTime() const;
-	unsigned short int GetCreationDate() const;
-	unsigned short int GetLastAccessDate() const;
-	unsigned short int GetClusterNumberHi() const;
-	void SetClusterNumberHi(unsigned short int aHiClusterNumber);
-	unsigned short int GetClusterNumberLow() const;
-	void SetClusterNumberLow(unsigned short int aLowClusterNumber);
-	unsigned short int GetLastWriteDate() const;
-	unsigned short int GetLastWriteTime() const;
-	FILESYSTEM_API void SetFileSize(unsigned int aFileSize);
-	FILESYSTEM_API unsigned int GetFileSize() const;
-	bool IsFile() const ; 
-	FILESYSTEM_API CDirectory* GetParent()const {
-	    return iParent ;
-	}
-	FILESYSTEM_API bool GetShortEntry(TShortDirEntry& rEntry) ;
-	FILESYSTEM_API bool GetLongEntries(list<TLongDirEntry>& rEntries) ;
-	void InitializeTime();
-	void MakeUniqueShortName(unsigned char* rShortName,size_t aWavPos) const ;
-	string iEntryName;					//Directory or file name
-    unsigned char iShortName[12] ; 
-	char iAttribute;					//To mention file or directory or Volume
-	char iNtReserved;					//Reserved for use by windows NT, this value always zero
-	char iCreationTimeMsecs;			/**Millisecond stamp at file creation time, Since this is not 
-	so important, always initialized to zero*/
-	unsigned short int iCreatedTime;	//Time file was created
-	unsigned short int iCreationDate;	//Date file was created
-	unsigned short int iLastAccessDate;	//Date file was last accessed
-	unsigned short int iClusterNumberHi;//High word of this entry's first cluster number
-	unsigned short int iClusterNumberLow;//Low word of this entry's first cluster number
-	unsigned short int iLastWriteDate;	//Date file was written
-	unsigned short int iLastWriteTime;	//Time file was written
-	unsigned int iFileSize;				//file size
-	EntryList iDirectoryList;			//List Template used to hold subdirectories
-	string iFilePath; //Holds file path only if the entry is of type "file"
-	struct tm* iDateAndTime;
-	union TTimeInteger iTime;
-	union TDateInteger iDate; 
-	CDirectory* iParent ;
-#endif //DIRECTORY_H
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/dirregion.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Directory Region Operations for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#ifndef DIRREGION_H
-#define DIRREGION_H
-#include "filesystemclass.h"
-#include "longname.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-class CFileSystem;
-typedef ofstream OfStream;
-typedef ifstream IfStream;
-typedef ios Ios;
-typedef map<unsigned int,string> StringMap;
-This class describes the member functions and data members required to create directory/data
-region of FAT image.
-class CDirRegion
-	{
-	private: 
-		unsigned int Get32BitClusterNumber(unsigned int aHighWord, unsigned int aLowWord);
-		void CheckEntry(EntryList aNodeList);
-		void CreateDirEntry(CDirectory* aEntry,unsigned int aParentDirClusterNumber);
-		void CreateAndWriteCurrentDirEntry(unsigned int aCurClusterNumber,string& aString);
-		void CreateAndWriteParentDirEntry(unsigned int aParDirClusterNumber,string& aString); 
-		void WriteFileDataInToCluster(CDirectory* aEntry); 
-		void PushStringIntoClusterMap(unsigned int aNumber, 
-									  string& aDirString,
-									  unsigned long int aClusterSize,
-									  char aAttribute);
-		void PushDirectoryEntryString(unsigned int aNumber,string& aString,int aClustersRequired);
-	public:
-		CDirRegion(	EntryList iNodeList,
-					CFileSystem *aFileSystemPtr);
-		~CDirRegion();
-		void Execute();
-		void WriteClustersIntoFile(OfStream& aOutPutStream);
-		TClustersPerEntryMap* GetClustersPerEntryMap() const;
-	private:
-		IfStream iInputStream; //Input stream, used to read file contents
-		CCluster* iClusterPtr; //pointer to class CCluster
-		bool iCurrentDirEntry; //Is current entry(.) is created?
-		bool iParentDirEntry;//Is parent entry (..) is created?
-		bool iFirstCluster; //Is this the first cluster for the current FAT image?
-		unsigned int iCurEntryClusterNumber; //Holds current entries cluster number
-		unsigned int iClusterKey; //Number used to map cluster with cluster contents
-		/* To avoid calling CCluster::GetClusterSize() function multiple times, this 
-		 *variable introduced.
-		 */
-		unsigned long int iClusterSize;
-		StringMap iClusterMap; //The map between cluster number and cluster
-		unsigned int iRootDirSizeInBytes;//Reserved sectors for root directory entry
-		EntryList iNodeList;//To hold root directory entry
-	};
-#endif //DIRREGION_H
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/errorhandler.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Error Handler Class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "messagehandler.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-Class for Error handling
-class ErrorHandler
-	public:
-		ErrorHandler(int aMessageIndex,char* aSubMessage,char* aFileName, int aLineNumber);
-        ErrorHandler(int aMessageIndex, char* aFileName, int aLineNumber);
-		virtual ~ErrorHandler();
-		void Report();
-		string iMessage;
-		int iMessageIndex;
-		string iSubMessage;
-        string iFileName;
-        int iLineNumber;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/fat16bootsector.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* FAT16 boot sector Class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "fatbasebootsector.h"
-Class representing Boot Sector of FAT16 types of fat volume.
-class TFAT16BootSector : public TFATBaseBootSector
-	TFAT16BootSector();
-	~TFAT16BootSector();
-	unsigned char* FileSysType();
-	void SetFileSysType();
-	void SetRootDirEntries();
-	void SetReservedSectors();
-	void ComputeSectorsPerCluster(Long64 aPartitionSize);
-	void ComputeFatSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize);
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/fat16filesystem.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* FAT16 file system Class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "filesystemclass.h"
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-#include "dirregion.h"
-Class representing concrete class representing FAT16 type 
-class CFat16FileSystem : public CFileSystem
-	TFAT16BootSector iFAT16BootSector;
-	//use to contain the data structure used to create a FAT Table
-	TClustersPerEntryMap* iClustersPerEntry;
-	CFat16FileSystem (){};
-	~CFat16FileSystem(){};
-	void CreateBootSector(Long64 aPartitionSize,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes);
-	void WriteBootSector(ofstream& aOutPutStream);
-	void CreateFatTable(ofstream& aOutPutStream);
-	void ComputeClusterSizeInBytes();
-	void ComputeRootDirSectors();
-	void ComputeBytesPerSector();
-	void ComputeTotalClusters(Long64 aPartitionSize);
-	void Execute(Long64 aPartitionSize,EntryList aNodeList,
-				 ofstream& aOutPutStream,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes);
-	void ErrorExceptionClean();
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/fat32bootsector.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* FAT32 boot sector Class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "fatbasebootsector.h"
-Class representing Boot Sector of FAT32 types of fat volume.
-class TFAT32BootSector: public TFATBaseBootSector
-	TFAT32BootSector();
-	~TFAT32BootSector();
-	void SetRootDirEntries();
-	void SetFileSysType();
-	void SetReservedSectors();
-	void ComputeSectorsPerCluster(Long64 aPartitionSize);
-	void ComputeFatSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize);	
-	void SetExtFlags();
-	unsigned short ExtFlags();
-	void SetFileSystemVersion();
-	unsigned short FileSystemVersion();
-	void SetRootCluster();
-	unsigned int RootCluster();
-	void SetFSInfo();
-	unsigned short FSInfo();
-	void SetBackUpBootSector();
-	unsigned short BackUpBootSector();
-	void SetFutureReserved();
-	unsigned char* FutureReserved();
-	unsigned char* FileSysType();
-	unsigned short iExtFlags;
-	unsigned short iFileSystemVersion; //revision number
-	unsigned int iRootCluster;
-	unsigned short iFSInfo; //FSINFo structure sector number
-	unsigned short iBackUpBootSector; //Sector area of the reserved area of the volume
-	unsigned char iFutureReserved[KMaxSizeFutureExpansion];
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/fat32filesystem.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* FAT32 file system Class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "filesystemclass.h"
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-#include "dirregion.h"
-#include "filesysteminterface.h"
-// constant values to initialize FSInfo data structure
-const unsigned int KFSIleadSign=0x41615252;
-const unsigned int KFSIStrutSign=0x61417272;
-const unsigned int KFSIFreeCount=0xFFFFFFFF;
-const unsigned int KFSITrailSign=0xAA550000;
-//sector number containing copy of FAT Table and Boot sector
-const unsigned int KBootBackupSector=6;
-const unsigned int KFatBackupSector=7;
-Class representing FSINFO DataStrcuture
-class FSInfo
-	void SetFSInfo();
-	//lead signature use to validate a FSInfo structure
-	unsigned int FSI_LeadSign;
-	//field for future expansion
-	unsigned char FSI_Reserved[KFSIFutureExpansion];
-	//another signature
-	unsigned int FSI_StrucSig;
-	//contains the last known free cluster count on the  volume
-	unsigned int FSI_Free_Count;
-	//indicates the cluster number at which the driver should start looking for free clusters
-	unsigned int FSI_Nxt_Free;
-	//reserved for future expansion
-	unsigned int FSI_Reserved2[KFSIKFSIFutureExpansion2];
-	//use to validate that this is an fact an FSInfo sector
-	unsigned int FSI_TrailSig;
-// Use to initialize the FSInfo data structure
-inline void FSInfo::SetFSInfo()
-	FSI_LeadSign=KFSIleadSign;
-	for(int i=0;i<KFSIFutureExpansion;i++)
-		FSI_Reserved[i]=0;
-	FSI_StrucSig=KFSIStrutSign;
-	FSI_Free_Count=KFSIFreeCount;
-	FSI_Nxt_Free=KFSIFreeCount;
-	for(int j=0;j<KFSIKFSIFutureExpansion2;j++)
-		FSI_Reserved2[j]=0;
-	FSI_TrailSig=KFSITrailSign;
-Class representing concrete class representing FAT32 type 
-class CFat32FileSystem : public CFileSystem
-	CFat32FileSystem(){};
-	~CFat32FileSystem();
-	void CreateBootSector(Long64 aPartitionSize,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes);
-	void WriteBootSector(ofstream& aOutPutStream);
-	void CreateFatTable(ofstream& aOutPutStream);
-	void CreateFSinfoSector(ofstream& aOutPutStream);
-	void RestReservedSectors(ofstream& aOutPutStream);
-	void ComputeClusterSizeInBytes();
-	void ComputeRootDirSectors();
-	void ComputeBytesPerSector();
-	void ComputeTotalClusters(Long64 aPartitionSize);
-	void Execute(Long64 aPartitionSize,EntryList aNodeList,
-				ofstream& aOutPutStream,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes);
-	void ErrorExceptionClean();
-	TFAT32BootSector iFAT32BootSector;
-	//use to contain the data structure used to create a FAT Table
-	TClustersPerEntryMap* iClustersPerEntry;
-	FSInfo iFSInfo; //FSInfo data structure
-	//Pointer to dynamic array representing the content of FSInfo data structure
-	unsigned char* FSinfoData;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/fatbasebootsector.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* FAT base boot sector class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <time.h>
-using namespace std;
-Class representing common fields of Boot Sector of all three fat system volume type.
-class TFATBaseBootSector
-	//jump instruction to boot code
-	unsigned char iJmpBoot[3];
-	unsigned char iOEMName[8] ;
-	unsigned short iBytesPerSector;
-	unsigned int  iHiddenSectors;
-	unsigned char iMedia; //Media Type
-	unsigned char iNumberOfFats;
-	unsigned short  iNumHeads; //number of heads for interrupt 0x13
-	unsigned short  iSectorsPerTrack; //sector per track for interrupt ox13
-	unsigned short iTotalSectors; //16 bit total count of sectors on the volume
-	unsigned int iTotalSectors32; //32 bit total count of sectors on the volume
-	unsigned char iPhysicalDriveNumber;
-	unsigned char iReservedByte;
-	unsigned char iBootSign; //extended boot signature
-	unsigned int  iVolumeId;
-	unsigned char iVolumeLabel[KMaxVolumeLabel];
-	unsigned short iRootDirEntries;
-	unsigned short iReservedSectors;
-	unsigned char  iSectorsPerCluster;
-	unsigned int  iFatSectors; //count of sectors occupied by FAT in FAT16 volume
-	unsigned int  iFatSectors32; //count of sectors occupied by FAT in FAT32 volume
-	unsigned char iFileSysType[KFileSysTypeLength];
-	TFATBaseBootSector();
-	virtual ~TFATBaseBootSector();
-	//Get methods
-	unsigned char* JumpInstruction() ;
-	unsigned char* OEMName() ;
-	unsigned int BytesPerSector() const;
-	unsigned int FatSectors32() const;
-	unsigned short FatSectors() const;
-	unsigned char NumberOfFats() const;
-	unsigned short ReservedSectors() const;
-	unsigned short RootDirEntries() const;
-	unsigned char  SectorsPerCluster() const;
-	unsigned int TotalSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize) const;
-	unsigned short LowSectorsCount() const;
-	unsigned int HighSectorsCount() const;
-	unsigned char Media() const;
-	unsigned short SectorsPerTrack() const;
-	unsigned short NumberOfHeads() const;
-	unsigned int HiddenSectors() const;
-	unsigned char BootSectorDriveNumber() const;
-	unsigned char ReservedByte() const;
-	unsigned char BootSignature() const;
-	unsigned char* VolumeLab() ;
-	unsigned int VolumeId() const;
-	//utility functions
-	int Log2(int aNum);
-	//Set methods
-	void SetJumpInstruction();
-	void SetOEMName();
-	void SetBytesPerSector(unsigned int aDriveSectorSize);
-	void SetNumberOfFats(unsigned int aDriveNoOfFATs);
-	void ComputeTotalSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize);
-	void SetMedia();
-	void SetSectorsPerTrack();
-	void SetNumberOfHeads();
-	void SetHiddenSectors();
-	void SetBootSectorDriveNumber();
-	void SetReservedByte();
-	void SetBootSignature();
-	void SetVolumeId();
-	void SetVolumeLab(string aVolumeLable);
-	//virtual methods
-	virtual void SetRootDirEntries()=0;
-	virtual void SetFileSysType()=0;
-	virtual void SetReservedSectors()=0;
-	virtual void ComputeSectorsPerCluster(Long64 aPartitionSize)=0;
-	virtual void ComputeFatSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize)=0;	
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/filesystemclass.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Base file system class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "cluster.h"
-#include "fat16bootsector.h"
-#include "fat32bootsector.h"
-#include "filesysteminterface.h"
-#include <fstream>
-//default root cluster number 
-const int KDefaultRootCluster=2;
-const int KDefaultSectorSizeinBytes=512;
-const int KDefaultRootDirEntrySize=32;
-typedef	TClustersPerEntryMap::iterator Iterator;
-Class representing base class  of all FAT type 
-class CFileSystem
-	//Pointer to dynamically allocated array for containing the boot sector values of a FAT volume
-	unsigned char* iData;
-	//cluster size in bytes
-	unsigned long int iClusterSize;
-	//number of sectors occupied by a root directory
-	unsigned long iRootDirSectors;	
-	//total number of clusters in data segment
-	unsigned long int iTotalClusters;
-	unsigned int iBytesPerSector;
-	//constructor
-	CFileSystem();
-	// virtual destructor
-	virtual ~CFileSystem();
-	virtual void CreateBootSector(Long64 aPartitionSize,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes)=0 ;
-	virtual void WriteBootSector(ofstream& aOutPutStream)=0 ;
-	virtual void CreateFatTable(ofstream& aOutPutStream)=0;
-	virtual void ComputeClusterSizeInBytes()=0;
-	virtual void ComputeRootDirSectors()=0;
-	virtual void ComputeTotalClusters(Long64 aPartitionSize)=0;
-	virtual void Execute(Long64 aPartitionSize,EntryList aNodeList,ofstream& aOutPutStream,
-						ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes)=0;
-	unsigned long int  GetTotalCluster() const;
-	unsigned long GetRootDirSectors() const;
-	unsigned long int GetClusterSize() const;
-	unsigned int GetBytesPerSector() const;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/filesysteminterface.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Interface class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "directory.h"
-#include <fstream>
-typedef ofstream Ofstream;
-//default image size in Bytes
-const int KDefaultImageSize=50*1024*1024;
-//enum representing the file system type
-enum FILESYSTEM_API TFileSystem
-	EFAT12=1,
-	EFAT16,
-	EFAT32,
-//error code return by the file system component
-enum TErrorCodes
-	//File system not supported
-	EFSNotSupported = -1,
-	//File System general errors
-	EFileSystemError = EXIT_FAILURE
-// Configurable FAT attributes
-struct ConfigurableFatAttributes
-	string iDriveVolumeLabel;
-	unsigned int iDriveSectorSize;
-	unsigned int iDriveNoOfFATs;
-	ConfigurableFatAttributes();
-Interface class containing a static method exposed by the FileSystem 
-component to be used by an external tools
-@param aNodeList Directory structure 
-@param aFileSystem file system type
-@param aImageFileName image file name 
-@param aLogFileName log file name 
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-class CFileSystemInterFace
-		static Ofstream iOutputStream;
-		/**This method is exported to the external component to receive the information 
-		 * required by the FileSystem component
-		 */
-		static FILESYSTEM_API int CreateFilesystem(	EntryList* aNodeList ,TFileSystem aFileSystem, 
-													char* aImageFileName, 
-													char* aLogFileName,
-													ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes,
-													Long64 aPartitionSize=KDefaultImageSize); 
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/longentry.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Long entry class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#ifndef LONGENTRY_H
-#define LONGENTRY_H
-This class is used to represents the single Long entry attributes.
-The long entry can be directory/file/volume entry.
-Also declares the functions to operate on them.
-#include "messagehandler.h"
-#include "directory.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-class CLongEntry
-	char GetDirOrder() const;
-	void SetDirOrder(char aDirOrder);
-	string& GetSubName1();
-	void SetSubName1(string aSubName1);
-	string& GetSubName2();
-	void SetSubName2(string aSubName2);
-	string& GetSubName3();
-	void SetSubName3(string aSubName3);
-	char GetAttribute() const;
-	char GetCheckSum() const;
-	char GetDirType() const;
-	unsigned short int GetClusterNumberLow() const;
-	char iDirOrder;		//Order of this entry in the sequence of long directory entries
-	string iSubName1;	//character 1-5 of long name sub component
-	char iAttribute;	//LONG_FILE_NAME attribute
-	char iDirType;		//zero to mention subcomponent of directory entry
-	char iCheckSum;		//Check sum of Short directory entry name
-	string iSubName2;	//character 6-11 of long name sub component
-	/* Low of cluster number, must be zero for existing disk utility compatible 
-	 * reason
-	 */
-	unsigned short int iFirstClusterNumberLow;
-	string iSubName3;	//character 12-13 of long name sub component
-	CLongEntry(char aChckSum);
-	~CLongEntry();
-#endif //LONGENTRY_H
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/longname.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Long name class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#ifndef LONGNAME_H
-#define LONGNAME_H
-#include "cluster.h"
-#include "longentry.h"
-#define ToString(dataInteger) reinterpret_cast<char*>(&dataInteger),sizeof(dataInteger)
-typedef stack<CLongEntry*> LongEntryStack;
-typedef list<string> StringList;
-//Long entry sub name lengths
-enum TLongSubNameLength
-	ESubName1Length = 5,
-	ESubName2Length = 6,
-	ESubName3Length = 2
-//Name length constants
-enum TNameLength
-	EExtensionLength = 0x03,
-	EShortNameInitialLength = 0x06,
-	ETildeNumberPosition = 0x07,
-	ENameLength = 0x8,
-	ENameLengthWithExtension = 0x0B
-//Holds all the short directory entry.
-static StringList GShortEntryList;
-This class is used to prepare Long Name Directory entry portion of Directory Entry region
-class ClongName
-	StringList iSubNamesList;		//Holds the splitted file names 
-	LongEntryStack iLongEntryStack;	//Holds all the long name directory entry node's
-	unsigned int iClusterNumber;	//Current cluster number, where the current long entry needs to be written
-	CCluster* iClusterPtr;
-	string iLongName;
-	char iLongEntryAttribute;
-	string iShortName;
-	unsigned int iLongNameLength;
-	unsigned int iTildeNumberPosition;
-	/**If the received sub name entry size is equal to its expected length, then
-	two NULL character should be preceded at the start of next sub name 
-	*/
-	bool iSubNameProperEnd; //Is name ends without NULL character termination?
-	bool iFirstNullName;// Is first name ending with NULL character?
-	string GetShortEntryName();
-	unsigned char CalculateCheckSum();
-	void WriteLongEntry(CLongEntry* aLongEntry,string& longEntryString);
-	void WriteSubName(string& aSubName,unsigned short aSubNameLength,
-					  string& alongEntryString);
-	void FormatLongFileName(string& aLongName);
-	void CheckAndUpdateShortName(string& aShortName);
-	void PushAndErase(string& aFirstName,string& aSecondName,string& aThirdName);
-	void GetSubName(string& aLongName,
-				   int& aStartIndex,
-				   int& aStringLength,
-				   int aSubNameLength,
-				   string& aSubName);
-	void PopAndErase();
-	void CalculateExtentionLength();
-	ClongName(CCluster* aClusterPtr, CDirectory* aEntry);
-	~ClongName();
-	CDirectory* CreateShortEntry(CDirectory* aEntry);
-	string CreateLongEntries();
-	static void DestroyShortEntryList();
-#endif //LONGNAME_H
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/messagehandler.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Message Handler Class for FileSystem component
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "messageimplementation.h"
-Class for Message Handler which will be used for getting instance of Message Implementation
-and start logging, creating message file, initializing messages.
-class MessageHandler
-    public:
-		static Message *GetInstance();
-		static void CleanUp();
-		static void StartLogging(char *filename);
-		static void CreateMessageFile(char *fileName);
-		static void ReportMessage(int aMsgType, int aMsgIndex,char* aName);
-    private:
-		static Message* iInstance;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/messageimplementation.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Message Implementation Class for FileSystem tool
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-using namespace std;
-typedef map<int,char*> Map;
-	ERROR = 0,
-To include more error or warning messages, Just include the key word here and
-write the key word contents into the Message array at ".cpp" file.
-Then increase the Message array size by number of messages included
-Abstract base Class for Message Implementation.
-class Message
-    public:
-		virtual ~Message(){};
-		// get error string from message file
-		virtual char * GetMessageString(int errorIndex)=0;
-		// display message to output device
-		virtual void Output(const char *aName) =0;
-		// start logging to a file
-		virtual void StartLogging(char *fileName)=0;
-		virtual void ReportMessage(int aMsgType, int aMsgIndex,...)=0;
-		virtual void InitializeMessages()=0;
-Class for Message Implementation.
-class MessageImplementation : public Message
-    public:
-		MessageImplementation();
-		~MessageImplementation();
-		//override base class methods
-		char* GetMessageString(int errorIndex);
-		void Output(const char *aName);
-		void LogOutput(const char *aString);
-		void StartLogging(char *fileName);
-		void ReportMessage(int aMsgType, int aMsgIndex,...);
-		void InitializeMessages();
-    private:
-		bool iLogging;
-		char* iLogFileName;
-		FILE *iLogPtr;
-		Map iMessage;
-Structure for Messages.
-struct EnglishMessage
-	int index;
-	char message[1024];
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/mingw.inl	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Since the filesystem componenet is standalone, it is not using any definitions from Symbian EPOC.
-* So the inclusion of unavailable definition are much important to avoid compile time errors
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#ifndef _MINGW_INL
-#define _MINGW_INL
-#ifndef __LINUX__
-	#ifndef _MSC_VER
-		/*
-		 * TOOLS2 platform uses Mingw compiler, which does not have below definition in the compiler pre-include
-		 * file "gcc_mingw_3_4_2.h" placed at "/epoc32/include/gcc_mingw".
-		 */
-		inline void* operator new(unsigned int, void* __p) throw() { return __p; }
-	#endif
-#endif //MINGW_INL
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/include/utils.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Contains common utilitied required for filesystem component.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#ifndef UTILS_H
-#define UTILS_H
-#include <string>
-/* While generating FAT32 image, user may specify the larger partition size (say 128GB),
- * Hence to support large integer values 64 bit integers are used.
- * "__int64" is for MSVC compiler and "long long int" is for GCC compilers
- */
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-	typedef __int64 Long64;
-	typedef long long int Long64;
-using namespace std;
-Function responsible to convert given string into upper case.
-Note: In FAT iamge regular entry names are need to be mentioned in Upper case.
-@param aString - input string 
-@return returns the string, were string alphabets are changed to uppercase
-inline string& ToUpper(string& aString)
-	unsigned int stringLength = aString.length();
-	for(unsigned int stringIndex = 0; stringIndex < stringLength; stringIndex++)
-	{
-		unsigned char stringChar =;
-		//Lower case alphabets ASCII value used here, 97 is for 'a' 122 is for 'z'
-		if( stringChar >= 97 && stringChar <= 122 )
-		{
-			stringChar -= 32; //Lower case alphabets case changed to upper case
-		}
-		aString[stringIndex] = stringChar;
-	}
-	return aString;
-#endif //UTILS_H
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/cluster.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Cluster class used to allocate cluster numbers for directory entries 
-* and while writing file contents. And it is responsible to create the 
-* MAP of content starting cluster to ending cluster which can be used 
-* to generate FAT table. Since the cluster number is unique all over the
-* filesystem component, this class is designed as singleton class.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "cluster.h"
-//Initialize the Static CCluster instance pointer
-CCluster* CCluster::iClusterInstance = NULL;
-Static function which is used to instantiate and return the address of CCluster class.
-@param aClusterSize - single cluster size in Bytes
-@param aTotalNumberOfClusters - Maximum number of clusters
-@return - returns the instance of CCluster class
-CCluster* CCluster::Instance(unsigned int aClusterSize,unsigned int aTotalNumberOfClusters) 
-	if (iClusterInstance == NULL)  // is it the first call?
-    {  
-		// create sole instance
-		iClusterInstance = new CCluster(aClusterSize, aTotalNumberOfClusters);
-    }
-    return iClusterInstance; // address of sole instance
-Destructor: Clears the clusters per entry map
-CCluster::~CCluster ()
-	iClustersPerEntry.clear();
-	iClusterInstance = NULL;
-Constructor Receives inputs from dirregion Class and initializes the class variables
-@param aClusterSize - Size of every Cluster
-@param aTotalNumberOfClusters - maximum number of clusters allowed for current FAT image
-CCluster::CCluster(unsigned int aClusterSize, unsigned int aTotalNumberOfClusters)
-				   :iClusterSize(aClusterSize),iTotalNumberOfClusters(aTotalNumberOfClusters)
-	iRootClusterNumber = KRootClusterNumber;
-	iCurrentClusterNumber = iRootClusterNumber;
-Function to return the current cluster number
-@return - returns the current cluster number
-unsigned int CCluster::GetCurrentClusterNumber() const
-	return iCurrentClusterNumber;
-Function to decrement the current cluster number
-void CCluster::DecrementCurrentClusterNumber()
-	--iCurrentClusterNumber;
-Function to get the High word of Current cluster number
-@return - returns the 16 bit HIGH word
-unsigned short int CCluster::GetHighWordClusterNumber() const
-	return (unsigned short)(iCurrentClusterNumber >> KBitShift16);
-Function to get the Low word of Current cluster number
-@return - returns the 16 bit LOW word
-unsigned short int CCluster::GetLowWordClusterNumber() const
-	return (unsigned short)(iCurrentClusterNumber & KHighWordMask);
-Function responsible to 
-1. Increment the current Cluster Number 
-2. Throw the error "image size too big" if the allocated clusters count exceeds total
-number of available clusters.
-void CCluster::UpdateNextAvailableClusterNumber()
-	if(iCurrentClusterNumber >= iTotalNumberOfClusters)
-	{
-    	throw ErrorHandler(IMAGESIZETOOBIG,"Occupied number of clusters count exceeded than available clusters",__FILE__,__LINE__);
-	}
-	++iCurrentClusterNumber;
-Function to Return the cluster size
-@return the cluster size
-unsigned int CCluster::GetClusterSize() const
-	return iClusterSize;
-Function Creates mapping between starting cluster number (where data starts) and 
-the sub sequent cluster numbers (where the data extends).
-@param aStartingClusterNumber - Cluster number where the data starts
-@param aPairClusterNumber - Cluster number where the data extends
-void CCluster::CreateMap(unsigned int aStartingClusterNumber,unsigned int aPairClusterNumber)
-	iClustersPerEntry.insert(make_pair(aStartingClusterNumber,aPairClusterNumber));
-Function to get Clusters per Entry MAP container.
-@return - returns the CLusters per entry container
-TClustersPerEntryMap* CCluster::GetClustersPerEntryMap()
-	return &iClustersPerEntry;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/directory.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Directory class exports the functions required to construct either 
-* single entry (constructor) or to construct directory structure.
-* Also initializes the date and time attributes for all newly created
-* entries.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-#include "directory.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-#include "utf16string.h"
-1. To Initialize the date and time variable
-2. Also to initialize other variable's
-@param aEntryName - the entry name
-FILESYSTEM_API CDirectory::CDirectory(const char* aEntryName,CDirectory* aParent):
-						iEntryName(aEntryName),
-						iAttribute(0),
-						iNtReserved(KNTReserverdByte),
-						iCreationTimeMsecs(KCreateTimeInMsecs),
-						iClusterNumberHi(0),
-						iClusterNumberLow(0),
-						iFileSize (0), 
-						iParent(aParent) 
-	InitializeTime();
-	memset(iShortName,0x20,11);
-	iShortName[11] = 0 ; 
-	size_t length = iEntryName.length();
-	if(0 == length)
-	    return ;
-	if(0 == strcmp(aEntryName,".")){
-        iShortName[0] = '.' ;
-        return ;
-	}
-	if(0 == strcmp(aEntryName,"..")){
-        iShortName[0] = '.' ;
-        iShortName[1] = '.' ;
-        return ;
-    }
-    size_t lenOfSuffix = 0 ;
-    size_t dotPos = iEntryName.rfind('.',length);
-    size_t lenOfPrefix ;
-    if(dotPos != string::npos) {
-        lenOfSuffix = length - dotPos - 1;
-        lenOfPrefix = dotPos ;
-    }
-    else 
-        lenOfPrefix = length ;
-    size_t p  ;
-    char c ;
-    bool flag = false ;
-    for( p = 0 ; p < lenOfPrefix ; p ++) {
-        c = aEntryName[p];
-        if(c == 0x22 || c == 0x2A || c == 0x2B || c == 0x2C || c == 0x2E || c == 0x2F || \
-           c == 0x3A || c == 0x3B || c == 0x3C || c == 0x3D || c == 0x3E || c == 0x3 || \
-           c == 0x5B || c == 0x5C || c == 0x5D || c == 0x7C )  { // illegal characters ;
-            flag = true ;
-            break ;
-        }  
-    }
-    lenOfPrefix = p ;
-    if(lenOfPrefix > 8){
-        flag = true ;
-    }    
-    if(flag){
-        size_t len =  (6 <= p) ? 6 : p;
-        memcpy(iShortName,aEntryName,len);
-        iShortName[len] = '~';
-        iShortName[len + 1] = '1' ;
-		if(lenOfSuffix > 0){
-			memcpy(&iShortName[8],&aEntryName[dotPos + 1], ((3 <= lenOfSuffix) ? 3 : lenOfSuffix));
-		}
-		for(p = 0 ; p < 11 ; p++){
-			if(iShortName[p] >= 'a' && iShortName[p] <= 'z')
-				iShortName[p] = iShortName[p] + 'A' - 'a' ;
-		}
-		if(iParent)
-			iParent->MakeUniqueShortName(iShortName,len);
-    }
-    else {
-        memcpy(iShortName,aEntryName,lenOfPrefix);
-		if(lenOfSuffix > 0){
-			memcpy(&iShortName[8],&aEntryName[dotPos + 1], ((3 <= lenOfSuffix) ? 3 : lenOfSuffix));
-		}
-		for(p = 0 ; p < 11 ; p++){
-			if(iShortName[p] >= 'a' && iShortName[p] <= 'z')
-				iShortName[p] = iShortName[p] + 'A' - 'a' ;
-		}
-    }
-void CDirectory::MakeUniqueShortName(unsigned char* rShortName,size_t aWavPos) const { 
-	list<CDirectory*>::const_iterator i = iDirectoryList.begin();
-	unsigned char nIndex = 1 ;
-	while(i != iDirectoryList.end()){
-		CDirectory* dir = (CDirectory*)(*i); 
-		if(0 == memcmp(rShortName,dir->iShortName,aWavPos + 1) &&
-			0 == memcmp(&rShortName[8],&(dir->iShortName[8]),3)) {
-			nIndex ++ ;
-		}
-		i++ ;
-	} 
-	if(nIndex < 10)
-		rShortName[aWavPos + 1] =  ('0' + nIndex) ;
-	else if( nIndex < 36) 
-		rShortName[aWavPos + 1] =  ('A' + nIndex - 10) ;
-	else {
-		nIndex = 10 ;
-		rShortName[aWavPos-1] = '~';
-		i = iDirectoryList.begin();
-		while(i != iDirectoryList.end()){
-			CDirectory* dir = (CDirectory*)(*i);
-			if(0 == memcmp(rShortName,dir->iShortName,aWavPos) &&
-				0 == memcmp(&rShortName[8],&(dir->iShortName[8]),3))
-				nIndex ++ ;
-			i++ ;
-		}
-		sprintf((char*)(&rShortName[aWavPos]),"%u",(unsigned int)(nIndex));
-		rShortName[aWavPos + 2] = 0x20;
-	}
-1. To delete all the entries available in the form of directory structure
-2. Also to delete the current entry
-FILESYSTEM_API CDirectory::~CDirectory()
-	while(iDirectoryList.size() > 0)
-	{
-		delete iDirectoryList.front();
-		iDirectoryList.pop_front();
-	}
-Function to initialize the time attributes of an entry
-void CDirectory::InitializeTime()
-	time_t rawtime;
-	time ( &rawtime );
-	iDateAndTime = localtime ( &rawtime );
-	iDate.iCurrentDate.Day = iDateAndTime->tm_mday;
-	iDate.iCurrentDate.Month = iDateAndTime->tm_mon+1; //As per FAT spec
-	iDate.iCurrentDate.Year = iDateAndTime->tm_year - 80;//As per FAT spec
-	iTime.iCurrentTime.Hour = iDateAndTime->tm_hour;
-	iTime.iCurrentTime.Minute = iDateAndTime->tm_min;
-	iTime.iCurrentTime.Seconds = iDateAndTime->tm_sec / 2;//As per FAT spec
-	iCreationDate = iDate.iImageDate;
-	iCreatedTime = iTime.iImageTime;
-	iLastAccessDate = iDate.iImageDate;
-	iLastWriteDate = iDate.iImageDate;
-	iLastWriteTime = iTime.iImageTime;
-Function to initialize the entry name
-@param aEntryName - entry name need to be initialized
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetEntryName(string aEntryName)
-	iEntryName = aEntryName;
-Function to return the entry name
-@return iEntryName - the entry name
-FILESYSTEM_API string CDirectory::GetEntryName() const
-	return iEntryName;
-Function to initialize the file path
-@param aFilePath - where the current entry contents actually stored
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetFilePath(char* aFilePath)
-	iFilePath.assign(aFilePath);
-Function to return the file path
-@return iFilePath - the file path
-FILESYSTEM_API string CDirectory::GetFilePath() const
-	return iFilePath;
-Function to set the entry attribute
-@param aAttribute - entry attribute
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetEntryAttribute(char aAttribute)
-	iAttribute = aAttribute;
-Function to return the entry attribute
-@return iAttribute - the entry attribute
-FILESYSTEM_API char CDirectory::GetEntryAttribute() const
-	return iAttribute;
-Function to initialize the file size, this function is called only if the entry is of
-type File.
-@param aFileSize - the current entry file size
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetFileSize(unsigned int aFileSize)
-	iFileSize = aFileSize;
-Function to return the entry file size, this function is called only if the entry is of
-type File.
-@return iFileSize - the file size
-FILESYSTEM_API unsigned int CDirectory::GetFileSize() const
-	return iFileSize;
-Function to check whether this is a file 
-@return iFileFlag - the File Flag
-bool CDirectory::IsFile() const 
-	return (iAttribute & EAttrDirectory) == 0  ;
-Function to return the entries Nt Reserved byte
-@return iNtReserverd - the Nt Reserved byte
-char CDirectory::GetNtReservedByte() const
-	return iNtReserved;
-Function to return the entry Creation time in milli-seconds.
-@return iCreatedTimeMsecs - created time in Milli-seconds
-char CDirectory::GetCreationTimeMsecs() const
-	return iCreationTimeMsecs;
-Function to return the entry Created time
-@retun iCreatedTime - created time
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetCreatedTime() const
-	return iCreatedTime;
-Function to return the entry Created date
-@return iCreationDate - created date
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetCreationDate() const
-	return iCreationDate;
-Function to return the entry last accessed date
-@return iLastAccessDate - last access date
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastAccessDate() const
-	return iLastAccessDate;
-Function to set high word cluster number
-@param aHiClusterNumber - high word of current cluster number
-void CDirectory::SetClusterNumberHi(unsigned short int aHiClusterNumber)
-	iClusterNumberHi = aHiClusterNumber;
-Function to return high word cluster number
-@return iClusterNumberHi - high word of cluster number
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetClusterNumberHi() const
-	return iClusterNumberHi;
-Function to set low word cluster number
-@param aLowClusterNumber - low word of current cluster number
-void CDirectory::SetClusterNumberLow(unsigned short int aLowClusterNumber)
-	iClusterNumberLow = aLowClusterNumber;
-Function to return low word cluster number
-@return iClusterNumberLow - low word of cluster number
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetClusterNumberLow() const
-	return iClusterNumberLow;
-Function to return last write date
-@return iLastWriteDate - last write date
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastWriteDate() const
-	return iLastWriteDate;
-Function to return last write time
-@return iLastWriteTime - last write time
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastWriteTime() const
-	return iLastWriteTime;
-Function to return sub directory/file list
-@return iDirectoryList -  entry list
-FILESYSTEM_API EntryList* CDirectory::GetEntryList()
-	return &iDirectoryList;
-Function to insert a entry into Directory list. Also this function can be used 
-extensively to construct tree form of directory structure.
-@param aEntry - the entry to be inserted
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::InsertIntoEntryList(CDirectory* aEntry)
-    aEntry->iParent = this ;
-	iDirectoryList.push_back(aEntry);
-FILESYSTEM_API bool CDirectory::GetShortEntry(TShortDirEntry& rEntry) {
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_Name,iShortName,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_Name)); 
-    rEntry.DIR_Attr = iAttribute;
-    rEntry.DIR_NTRes = 0 ;
-    rEntry.DIR_CrtTimeTenth = 0 ;        
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_CrtTime,&iCreatedTime,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_CrtTime)); 
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_CrtDate,&iCreationDate,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_CrtDate));
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_LstAccDate,&iLastAccessDate,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_LstAccDate));
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_FstClusHI,&iClusterNumberHi,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_FstClusHI)); 
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_WrtTime,&iLastWriteTime,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_WrtTime)); 
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_WrtDate,&iLastWriteDate,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_WrtDate)); 
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_FstClusLO,&iClusterNumberLow,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_FstClusLO)); 
-    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_FileSize,&iFileSize,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_FileSize)); 
-    return true ;
-static unsigned char ChkSum(const unsigned char* pFcbName) {
-    short fcbNameLen ;
-    unsigned char sum = 0 ;
-    for(fcbNameLen = 11 ; fcbNameLen != 0 ; fcbNameLen --) {
-        sum = ((sum & 1) ? 0x80 : 0 ) + (sum >> 1 ) + *pFcbName++ ; 
-    }
-    return sum ;        
-FILESYSTEM_API bool CDirectory::GetLongEntries(list<TLongDirEntry>& rEntries) {
-    if(0 ==".") || 0 =="..")){
-        return false ;
-    }
-    rEntries.clear();
-    TLongDirEntry entry ; 
-	UTF16String uniStr(iEntryName.c_str() , iEntryName.length());
-    size_t length = uniStr.length() ;
-    const size_t KBytesPerEntry = (sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name1) + sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name2) +  \
-		sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name3)) / 2 ;  
-    size_t packs =  (length + KBytesPerEntry) / KBytesPerEntry  ;
-    size_t buflen = packs * KBytesPerEntry;
-    TUint16* buffer = new TUint16[buflen];
-    if(!buffer)
-        return false ;
-    memset(buffer,0xff,(buflen << 1));    
-    memcpy(buffer,uniStr.c_str(),(length << 1)); 
-	buffer[length] = 0;
-    entry.LDIR_Attr = (unsigned char)EAttrLongName;
-    entry.LDIR_Chksum = ChkSum(iShortName);
-    entry.LDIR_FstClusLO[0] = 0;
-	entry.LDIR_FstClusLO[1] = 0;
-    entry.LDIR_Type = 0;
-    TUint16* ptr = buffer ;
-    for(size_t n = 1 ; n <= packs ; n++ ) {
-        entry.LDIR_Ord = n ;
-        if(n == packs ){
-            entry.LDIR_Ord |= 0x40 ;
-        }
-        memcpy(entry.LDIR_Name1,ptr,sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name1));
-        ptr += (sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name1) / 2) ;
-        memcpy(entry.LDIR_Name2,ptr,sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name2));
-        ptr += (sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name2) / 2);
-        memcpy(entry.LDIR_Name3,ptr,sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name3));
-        ptr += (sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name3) / 2);
-        rEntries.push_front(entry);
-    }
-    delete []buffer ;
-    return true ; 
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/dirregion.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Class receives tree structured directory and file information. And 
-* prepares the cluster versus content MAP by traversing through the same. 
-* Later all the prepared clusters are written into image file.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "dirregion.h"
-#include "directory.h"
-1.Get the instance of class CCluster
-2.Intializes the Cluster pointer
-3.Intialize the flags and other variables
-@param aNodeList - Root node placed in this list
-@param aFileSystemPtr - CFileSystem class pointer
-CDirRegion::CDirRegion(EntryList aNodeList,
-					   CFileSystem * aFileSystemPtr):
-					   iCurrentDirEntry(false),
-					   iParentDirEntry(false),
-					   iFirstCluster(true),
-   					   iNodeList(aNodeList)
-	iClusterSize = aFileSystemPtr->GetClusterSize();
-	iRootDirSizeInBytes = (aFileSystemPtr->GetRootDirSectors () * 
-						   aFileSystemPtr->GetBytesPerSector());
-	int totalClusters = aFileSystemPtr->GetTotalCluster();
-	iClusterPtr = CCluster::Instance(iClusterSize,totalClusters);
-	if(iClusterPtr == NULL)
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(CLUSTERERROR,"Instance creation error", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	iClusterSize = iClusterPtr->GetClusterSize();
-1. Clean the Node List 
-2. Clean the instance of Cluster object 
-3. Clean the Cluster MAP.
-4. Invokes the DestroyShortEntryList to clear the contents of static GShortEntryList.
-	if(iNodeList.size() > 0)
-	{
-		//Delete the root node
-		delete iNodeList.front();
-	}
-	if(iClusterPtr != NULL)
-	{
-		delete iClusterPtr;
-		iClusterPtr = NULL;
-	}
-	iClusterMap.clear();
-	ClongName::DestroyShortEntryList();
-Function to return Clusters per entry map(input for FAT table generator function) 
-@return - returns clusters per entry map container
-TClustersPerEntryMap* CDirRegion::GetClustersPerEntryMap() const
-	return iClusterPtr->GetClustersPerEntryMap();
-Function responsible to write all the clusters available in iClusterMap
-into file. 
-@param aOutPutStream - output file stream to write clusters in it
-void CDirRegion::WriteClustersIntoFile(OfStream& aOutPutStream)
-	StringMap::iterator mapBeginIter = iClusterMap.begin();
-	StringMap::iterator mapEndIter= iClusterMap.end();
-	//MAPs are sorted associative containers, so no need to sort
-	string tempString;
-	while(mapBeginIter != mapEndIter)
-	{
-		tempString = (*mapBeginIter++).second;
-		aOutPutStream.write(tempString.c_str(),tempString.length());
-	}
-	aOutPutStream.flush();
-	if(aOutPutStream.bad())
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(FILEWRITEERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-Function responsible to 
-1. Read the file content and write into string.
-2. Invoke the function to push data clusters into cluster Map
-@param aEntry - the directory entry node
-void CDirRegion::WriteFileDataInToCluster(CDirectory* aEntry)
-	if( == true )
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(FILEOPENERROR,(char*)aEntry->GetFilePath().c_str(),__FILE__,__LINE__);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		iInputStream.seekg (0,ios_base::end);
-		Long64 fileSize = iInputStream.tellg(); 
-		iInputStream.seekg(0,ios_base::beg);
-		char* dataBuffer = (char*)malloc((unsigned int)fileSize);
-		if(dataBuffer == 0)
-		{
-			throw ErrorHandler(MEMORYALLOCATIONERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-		}
-		//Read the whole file in one short
- (dataBuffer,fileSize);
-		Long64 bytesRead = (unsigned int)iInputStream.tellg();
-		if((iInputStream.bad()) || (bytesRead != fileSize))
-		{
-			throw ErrorHandler(FILEREADERROR,(char*)aEntry->GetFilePath().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
-		}
-		string clusterData(dataBuffer,(unsigned int)bytesRead);
-		PushStringIntoClusterMap(iClusterPtr->GetCurrentClusterNumber(),clusterData,iClusterSize,aEntry->GetEntryAttribute());
-	}
-	iInputStream.close();
-Function invokes 
-1. CheckEntry function, to identify whether the received entry list is proper or not.
-2. Invokes CreateDirEntry, to create directory and data portion of FAT image.
-void CDirRegion::Execute()
-	CheckEntry(iNodeList);
-	CreateDirEntry(iNodeList.front(),KParentDirClusterNumber);
-Function is to initialize the Parent directory entry with parent cluster number
-and appends all the attributes into the string (aString).
-@param aParDirClusterNumber - parent directory cluster number
-@param aString - parent directory entry attributes appended to this string
-void CDirRegion::CreateAndWriteParentDirEntry(unsigned int aParDirClusterNumber,string& aString)
-	CDirectory* parentDirectory = new CDirectory("..",NULL);
-	parentDirectory->SetEntryAttribute(EAttrDirectory);
-	parentDirectory->SetClusterNumberLow((unsigned short) (aParDirClusterNumber & KHighWordMask));
-	parentDirectory->SetClusterNumberHi((unsigned short) (aParDirClusterNumber >> KBitShift16));
-	TShortDirEntry entry ;
-	parentDirectory->GetShortEntry(entry);
-	aString.append((const char*)(&entry),sizeof(entry));
-	iParentDirEntry = true;
-	delete parentDirectory;
-	parentDirectory = NULL;
-Function responsible to 
-1. Initialize the Current directory entry attribute
-2. Write the entry attributes into received string
-@param aCurDirClusterNumber - Current directory Cluster number
-@param aString - the entry attributes should be appended to this string
-void CDirRegion::CreateAndWriteCurrentDirEntry(unsigned int aCurClusterNumber,string& aString)
-	iCurEntryClusterNumber = aCurClusterNumber;
-	CDirectory* currentDirectory = new CDirectory(".",NULL);
-	currentDirectory->SetEntryAttribute(EAttrDirectory);
-	currentDirectory->SetClusterNumberLow((unsigned short) (iCurEntryClusterNumber & KHighWordMask));
-	currentDirectory->SetClusterNumberHi((unsigned short) (iCurEntryClusterNumber >> KBitShift16));
-	TShortDirEntry entry ;
-    currentDirectory->GetShortEntry(entry);
-    aString.append((const char*)(&entry),sizeof(entry));
-	iCurrentDirEntry = true;
-	delete currentDirectory;
-	currentDirectory = NULL;
-Function responsible to push the directory entry clusters into cluster MAP only if the
-directory entry string size is greater than the cluster size.
-@param aNumber - is the Cluster Key used to insert the cluster into cluster map
-@param aString - is the directory entry string
-@param aClustersRequired - No of clusters required to hold this string
-void CDirRegion::PushDirectoryEntryString(unsigned int aNumber,string& aString,int aClustersRequired)
-	int clusterCount = 0;
-	int clusterKey = aNumber;
-	iClusterPtr->CreateMap(aNumber,clusterKey);
-	iClusterMap[clusterKey] =	aString.substr(clusterCount*iClusterSize,iClusterSize);
-	++clusterCount;
-	string clusterSizeString;
-	for(; clusterCount < aClustersRequired; ++clusterCount)
-	{
-		clusterKey = iClusterPtr->GetCurrentClusterNumber();
-		clusterSizeString = aString.substr(clusterCount*iClusterSize,iClusterSize);
-		clusterSizeString.append((iClusterSize - clusterSizeString.length()),0);
-		iClusterMap[clusterKey] = clusterSizeString;
-		iClusterPtr->CreateMap(aNumber,clusterKey);
-		iClusterPtr->UpdateNextAvailableClusterNumber();
-	}
-/**Function responsible to 
-1. Convert the string into equal size clusters of cluster size
-2. Insert the clusters into Cluster MAP
-@param aNumber - cluster number, used to map the cluster
-@param aString - reference of input string
-@param aClusterSize - used to split the string
-@param aAttribute - current entry attribute
-void CDirRegion::PushStringIntoClusterMap(unsigned int aNumber, string& aString, unsigned long int aClusterSize,char aAttribute)
-	int receivedStringLength = aString.length();
-	/* Precaution, once the map is initialized with specific cluster number don't over write
-	 * it once again. Look for the cluster number within the existing MAP and then proceed with 
-	 * filling in the cluster.
-	 */
-	StringMap::iterator iter= iClusterMap.find(aNumber);
-	if(iter == iClusterMap.end())
-	{
-		/* The length of the cluster content (aString) can be more or less than the cluster size, 
-		 * hence, calculate the total number of clusters required.
-		 */
-		int clustersRequired = receivedStringLength / aClusterSize;
-		if((receivedStringLength % aClusterSize) > 0)
-		{
-			++clustersRequired;
-		}
-		if((clustersRequired > 1) && (aAttribute == EAttrDirectory))
-		{
-			PushDirectoryEntryString(aNumber,aString,clustersRequired);
-			return;
-		}
-		int updatedClusterNumber = aNumber;
-		string clusterSizeString;
-		for(short int clusterCount = 0; clusterCount < clustersRequired; ++clusterCount)
-		{
-			/* In case of the contents occupying more than one cluster, break the contents into
-			 * multiple parts, each one measuring as that of the cluster size.
-			 */
-			clusterSizeString = aString.substr(clusterCount * aClusterSize,aClusterSize);
-			iClusterPtr->CreateMap(aNumber,updatedClusterNumber);
-			if(clusterSizeString.length() < aClusterSize)
-			{
-				/* Copied string size is less than cluster size, fill the remaining space
-				 * with zero
-				 */
-				clusterSizeString.append((aClusterSize - clusterSizeString.length()),0);
-			}
-			// Insert the string into ClusterMap	
-			iClusterMap[updatedClusterNumber] = clusterSizeString;
-			iClusterPtr->UpdateNextAvailableClusterNumber();
-			updatedClusterNumber = iClusterPtr->GetCurrentClusterNumber ();
-		}
-		/* In the above loop, cluster number is incremented to point to the next entry.
-		 * However, before writing a directory or a volume id entry, it is always ensured 
-		 * to get the next cluster number. Hence in this case, it is required to decrement
-		 * the cluster number, so that the pointer points to the end of the cluster occupied.
-		 */
-		if(aAttribute == EAttrDirectory || aAttribute == EAttrVolumeId)
-		{
-			iClusterPtr->DecrementCurrentClusterNumber ();
-		}
-	}
-Function is responsible to take in the tree structured directory 
-information and to initialize the starting cluster in the Cluster Map.
-@param aNodeList - the list which holds root entry
-void CDirRegion::CheckEntry(EntryList aNodeList)
-	if(aNodeList.size() > 0)
-	{
-		if(iRootDirSizeInBytes > 0)
-		{
-			//FAT16 Root entries are written into Cluster 1
-			iClusterKey = KFat16RootEntryNumber;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			//FAT32 Root entries are written into Cluster 2			
-			iClusterPtr->UpdateNextAvailableClusterNumber();
-			iClusterKey = KFat32RootEntryNumber; 
-		}
-		if(aNodeList.front()->GetEntryList()->size() <= 0)
-		{
-			throw ErrorHandler(NOENTRIESFOUND, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(ROOTNOTFOUND, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-Function receives Tree structured folder information and does the following:
-1. Generates Directory Entry portion of FAT image recursively.
-2. If it finds the entry as file then writes its contents.
-3. If the entry is long name then longfilename class invoked to create long entries.
-@param aEntry  - Subdirectory pointer of root directory
-@param aParentDirClusterNumber - parent directory cluster number
-void CDirRegion::CreateDirEntry(CDirectory* aEntry,unsigned int aParentDirClusterNumber)
-	unsigned int currentDirClusterNumber = 0;
-	int rootClusterSize = 0;
-	if(iFirstCluster == true)
-	{
-			iCurrentDirEntry = true;
-			iParentDirEntry = true;
-			/**Root directory and Normal directory has one difference.
-			FAT16 : Root cluster occupies 32 sectors
-			FAT32 : Root cluster occupies only one cluster
-			*/
-			rootClusterSize = (iRootDirSizeInBytes > 0)?iRootDirSizeInBytes:iClusterSize; 
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		currentDirClusterNumber = Get32BitClusterNumber(aEntry->GetClusterNumberHi(),
-														aEntry->GetClusterNumberLow());
-	}
-	//printIterator used while printing the entries
-	EntryList::iterator printIterator = aEntry->GetEntryList()->begin(); 
-	//traverseIterator used during recursive call
-	EntryList::iterator traverseIterator = printIterator;
-	unsigned int dirEntryCount = aEntry->GetEntryList()->size();
-	string dirString;
-	string nameString;
-	CDirectory* tempDirEntry = (*printIterator);
-	list<TLongDirEntry> longNames ; 
-	//Writes all the Directory entries available in one Directory entry
-	while(dirEntryCount > 0)
-	{
-		tempDirEntry = (*printIterator);
-		tempDirEntry->SetClusterNumberHi(iClusterPtr->GetHighWordClusterNumber());
-		tempDirEntry->SetClusterNumberLow(iClusterPtr->GetLowWordClusterNumber());
-		/* Every directory should have current and parent directory entries in its
-		 * respective cluster. Hence Create the current and parent directory entries 
-		 * only if it is not created already.
-		 */
-		if(!iCurrentDirEntry && !iParentDirEntry)
-		{
-			CreateAndWriteCurrentDirEntry(currentDirClusterNumber,dirString);
-			iClusterKey = currentDirClusterNumber;
-			CreateAndWriteParentDirEntry(aParentDirClusterNumber,dirString);
-		}
-		MessageHandler::ReportMessage(INFORMATION,
-									  (char*)tempDirEntry->GetEntryName().c_str()); 
-		if(tempDirEntry->GetLongEntries(longNames)){ 
-			list<TLongDirEntry>::const_iterator i = longNames.begin();
-			while(i != longNames.end()) {
-				dirString.append((char*)(&(*i)),sizeof(TLongDirEntry)); 
-				i++ ;
-			} 
-		}
-		TShortDirEntry shortEntry ;
-		tempDirEntry->GetShortEntry(shortEntry);	 
-		dirString.append((char*)(&shortEntry),sizeof(TShortDirEntry));		 
-		if(tempDirEntry->IsFile())
-		{
-			WriteFileDataInToCluster(tempDirEntry);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			iClusterPtr->UpdateNextAvailableClusterNumber ();
-			//tempDirEntry->SetEntryAttribute(tempDirEntry->GetEntryAttribute() | EAttrDirectory);
-		}
-		++printIterator;
-		--dirEntryCount;
-	}
-	iCurrentDirEntry = false;
-	iParentDirEntry = false;
-	aParentDirClusterNumber = currentDirClusterNumber;
-	if(iFirstCluster == true)
-	{
-		PushStringIntoClusterMap(iClusterKey,dirString,rootClusterSize,aEntry->GetEntryAttribute());
-		iFirstCluster = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		PushStringIntoClusterMap(iClusterKey,dirString,iClusterSize,aEntry->GetEntryAttribute());
-	}
-	dirEntryCount = aEntry->GetEntryList()->size();
-	//Recursive algorithm to print all entries
-	while(dirEntryCount > 0)
-	{
-		if(aEntry->GetEntryList()->size() > 0)
-		{		
-			CreateDirEntry((*traverseIterator),aParentDirClusterNumber);
-		}
-		--dirEntryCount;
-		//if no entries found don't go deep
-		if(dirEntryCount > 0)
-		{
-			aEntry = (*++traverseIterator);
-		}
-	}
-Function responsible to convert two 16 bit words into single 32 bit integer
-@param aHighWord - 16 bit high word
-@param aLowWord - 16 bit low word
-@return returns the 32 bit integer
-unsigned int CDirRegion::Get32BitClusterNumber(unsigned int aHighWord, unsigned int aLowWord)
-	unsigned int clusterNumber = aHighWord;
-	clusterNumber <<= KBitShift16;
-	clusterNumber |= aLowWord;
-	return clusterNumber;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/errorhandler.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* ErrorHandler class receives the message index and the message.
-* Formats the error message using MessageHandler then writes the
-* same into the log file and standard output.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-#include "messagehandler.h"
-char *errMssgPrefix="FileSystem : Error:";
-char *Gspace=" ";
-ErrorHandler constructor for doing common thing required for derived 
-class functions.
-In some error conditions aSubMessage is required to be passed. So overloaded 
-constructor used here.
-@param aMessageIndex - Message Index
-@param aSubMessage - Should be displayed  with original message
-@param aFileName - File name from where the error is thrown
-@param aLineNumber - Line number from where the error is thrown
-ErrorHandler::ErrorHandler(int aMessageIndex, char* aSubMessage, char* aFileName, int aLineNumber)
-                            :iSubMessage(aSubMessage), iFileName(aFileName), iLineNumber(aLineNumber)
-	iMessageIndex = aMessageIndex;
-	iMessage = errMssgPrefix;
-	iMessage += Gspace;
-ErrorHandler constructor for doing common thing required for derived 
-class functions.
-@param aMessageIndex - Message Index
-@param aFileName - File name from where the error is thrown
-@param aLineNumber - Line number from where the error is thrown
-ErrorHandler::ErrorHandler(int aMessageIndex, char* aFileName, int aLineNumber)
-                            : iFileName(aFileName), iLineNumber(aLineNumber)
-	iMessageIndex = aMessageIndex;
-	iMessage = errMssgPrefix;
-	iMessage += Gspace;
-ErrorHandler destructor.
-	MessageHandler::CleanUp();
-Function to report the error
-void ErrorHandler::Report()
-	char *tempMssg;
-	char *errMessage;
-	errMessage=MessageHandler::GetInstance()->GetMessageString(iMessageIndex);
-	if(errMessage)
-	{
-		tempMssg = new char[strlen(errMessage) + iFileName.length() + sizeof(int) + iSubMessage.length()];
-		sprintf(tempMssg, errMessage, iFileName.c_str(), iLineNumber, iSubMessage.c_str());
-		iMessage += tempMssg;
-		MessageHandler::GetInstance()->Output(iMessage.c_str());
-		delete[] tempMssg;
-	}
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/fat16bootsector.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This class represents the boot sector of a FAT16 image. 
-* This class is derived from basebootsector class which is constitutes 
-* the common boot sector fields for FAT16 and FAT32 class. 	
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "fat16bootsector.h"
-Constructor of the fat16 boot sector class
-Destructor of the fat16 boot sector class
-Set the file system type
-void TFAT16BootSector::SetFileSysType()
-	strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iFileSysType),"FAT16   ");
-returns the file system type
-@return file system type 
-unsigned char* TFAT16BootSector::FileSysType()
-	return iFileSysType;
-Number of entries allowed in the root directory,specific to Fat12/16,
-zero for FAT32
-void TFAT16BootSector::SetRootDirEntries()
-	iRootDirEntries = KDefaultRootDirEntries;;		
-Sets the number of reserved sectors on the volume
-void TFAT16BootSector::SetReservedSectors()
-	iReservedSectors = KDefaultFat16ReservedSectors;
-Computes the sectors per cluster ratio
-To refer this mathematical computation, Please see:
-Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative FAT32 File 
-System Specification document
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-void TFAT16BootSector::ComputeSectorsPerCluster(Long64 aPartitionSize)
-	if(aPartitionSize > K1GB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K64SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-	else if(aPartitionSize > K512MB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K32SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-	else if(aPartitionSize > K256MB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K16SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-	else if(aPartitionSize > K128MB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K8SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-	else if(aPartitionSize > K16MB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K4SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K2SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-Sectors used for the Fat table
-To refer this mathematical formulae, Please see:
-Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative FAT32 File System Specification 
-@param aPartitionSize partition size
-void TFAT16BootSector::ComputeFatSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize)
-	int iRootDirSectors = ((iRootDirEntries * 32) + (iBytesPerSector - 1)) / iBytesPerSector;
-	int Log2OfBytesPerSector = Log2(iBytesPerSector);
-	unsigned long TotalSectors64 = (unsigned long)(aPartitionSize >> Log2OfBytesPerSector);
-	unsigned int tmpval1 = TotalSectors64 - (iReservedSectors + iRootDirSectors);
-	unsigned int tmpval2 =(256 * iSectorsPerCluster) + iNumberOfFats;
-	unsigned int FatSectors =(tmpval1 + (tmpval2 - 1)) / tmpval2;
-	iFatSectors = (unsigned short)FatSectors;	
-	iFatSectors32 = 0;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/fat16filesystem.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* CFat16FileSystem is the concrete class which is responsible for 
-* creating a FAT16 image. This class constitutes the method to 
-* create boot sector, FAT Table and data region of a FAT16 Image
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-Initializes the boot sector of a FAT 16 volume
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-@param aConfigurableFatAttributes ConfigurableFatAttributes
-void CFat16FileSystem::CreateBootSector(Long64 aPartitionSize,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes)
- 	iFAT16BootSector.SetOEMName();
-	unsigned char* OEMName = iFAT16BootSector.OEMName();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetJumpInstruction();
-	unsigned char* JmpBoot = iFAT16BootSector.JumpInstruction();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetBytesPerSector(aConfigurableFatAttributes->iDriveSectorSize);
-	unsigned short BytesPerSector = (unsigned short)iFAT16BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-	iFAT16BootSector.ComputeSectorsPerCluster(aPartitionSize);
-	unsigned char SectorsPerCluster = iFAT16BootSector.SectorsPerCluster();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetReservedSectors();
-	unsigned short ReservedSectors = iFAT16BootSector.ReservedSectors();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetNumberOfFats(aConfigurableFatAttributes->iDriveNoOfFATs);
-	unsigned char NumFats = iFAT16BootSector.NumberOfFats();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetRootDirEntries();
-	unsigned short RootDirEntries = iFAT16BootSector.RootDirEntries();
-	iFAT16BootSector.ComputeTotalSectors(aPartitionSize);
-	unsigned short LowSectors = iFAT16BootSector.LowSectorsCount();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetMedia();
-	unsigned char Media = iFAT16BootSector.Media();
-	iFAT16BootSector.ComputeFatSectors(aPartitionSize);
-	unsigned short FatSectors = iFAT16BootSector.FatSectors();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetSectorsPerTrack();
-	unsigned short SectorPerTrack = iFAT16BootSector.SectorsPerTrack();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetNumberOfHeads();
-	unsigned short NumberOfHeads = iFAT16BootSector.NumberOfHeads();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetHiddenSectors();
-	unsigned int HiddenSectors = iFAT16BootSector.HiddenSectors();
-	unsigned int HighSectorsCount = iFAT16BootSector.HighSectorsCount();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetBootSectorDriveNumber();
-	unsigned char BootSectorDriveNumber = iFAT16BootSector.BootSectorDriveNumber();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetReservedByte();
-	unsigned char ReservedByte = iFAT16BootSector.ReservedByte();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetBootSignature();
-	unsigned char BootSignature = iFAT16BootSector.BootSignature();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetVolumeId();
-	unsigned int VolumeId = iFAT16BootSector.VolumeId();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetVolumeLab(aConfigurableFatAttributes->iDriveVolumeLabel);
-	unsigned char* VolumeLab = iFAT16BootSector.VolumeLab();
-	iFAT16BootSector.SetFileSysType();
-	unsigned char* FileSysType = iFAT16BootSector.FileSysType();
-	//copying of boot sector values in to the array
-	iData = new unsigned char[BytesPerSector];
-	unsigned int pos = 0;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],JmpBoot,3);
-	pos += 3;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],OEMName,8);
-	pos += 8;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&BytesPerSector,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&SectorsPerCluster,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&ReservedSectors,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&NumFats,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&RootDirEntries,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&LowSectors,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&Media,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&FatSectors,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&SectorPerTrack,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&NumberOfHeads,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&HiddenSectors,4);
-	pos += 4;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&HighSectorsCount,4);
-	pos += 4;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&BootSectorDriveNumber,1);		
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&ReservedByte,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&BootSignature,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&VolumeId,4);
-	pos += 4;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],VolumeLab,11);
-	pos += 11;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],FileSysType,8);
-	pos += 8;
-	while(pos < BytesPerSector)
-	{
-		iData[pos] = 0;
-		pos++;
-	}
-	// Set sector [510] as 0xAA and [511] as 0x55 to mark the end of boot sector
-	iData[KSizeOfFatBootSector-2] = 0x55;
-	iData[KSizeOfFatBootSector-1] = 0xAA;
-	// It is perfectly ok for the last two bytes of the boot sector to also 
-	// have the signature 0xAA55.
-	iData[BytesPerSector-2] = 0x55;
-	iData[BytesPerSector-1] = 0xAA;
-	ComputeClusterSizeInBytes();
-	ComputeRootDirSectors();
-	ComputeBytesPerSector();
-	MessageHandler::ReportMessage (INFORMATION,BOOTSECTORCREATEMSG, "FAT16");
-Writes the boot sector of a FAT 16 volume
-@param aOutPutStream handle to file stream	
-void CFat16FileSystem::WriteBootSector(ofstream& aOutPutStream)
-	MessageHandler::ReportMessage (INFORMATION,BOOTSECTORWRITEMSG,"FAT16");
-	aOutPutStream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&iData[0]),iFAT16BootSector.BytesPerSector());
-	aOutPutStream.flush();
-Creates the FAT Table
-@param ofstream
-void CFat16FileSystem::CreateFatTable(ofstream& aOutPutStream)
-	int FATSizeInBytes = (iFAT16BootSector.FatSectors()) * (iFAT16BootSector.BytesPerSector());
-	// Each FAT16 entries occupies 2 bytes, hence divided by 2
-	unsigned int totalFatEntries = FATSizeInBytes / 2;
-	unsigned short *FatTable = new unsigned short[totalFatEntries];
-	unsigned short int clusterCounter = 1;
-	int previousCluster;
-	FatTable[0] = KFat16FirstEntry;
-	/**Say cluster 5 starts at 5 and occupies clusters 7 and 9. The FAT table should have the 
-	value 7 at	cluster location 5, the value 9 at cluster 7 and 'eof' value at cluster 9.
-	Below algorithm serves this algorithm
-	*/
-	Iterator itr = iClustersPerEntry->begin();
-	while(itr != iClustersPerEntry->end())
-	{
-		previousCluster = itr->second;
-		if(iClustersPerEntry->count(itr->first) > 1)
-		{
-			for(unsigned int i = 1; i < iClustersPerEntry->count(itr->first); i++)
-			{
-				FatTable[previousCluster] = (unsigned short)(++itr)->second;
-				previousCluster = itr->second;
-				++clusterCounter;
-			}
-		}
-		FatTable[previousCluster] = EOF16;
-		itr++;
-		++clusterCounter;
-	}
-	// Each FAT16 entries occupies 2 bytes, hence multiply by 2
-	string aFatString(reinterpret_cast<char*>(FatTable),clusterCounter*2);
-	delete[] FatTable;
-	if(clusterCounter < totalFatEntries)
-	{
-		// Each FAT16 entries occupies 2 bytes, hence multiply by 2
-		aFatString.append((totalFatEntries - clusterCounter)*2, 0);
-	}
-	MessageHandler::ReportMessage (INFORMATION,FATTABLEWRITEMSG,
-								   "FAT16");
-	// Write FAT table multiple times depending upon the No of FATS set.
-	unsigned int noOfFats = iFAT16BootSector.NumberOfFats();
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i<noOfFats; i++)
-	{
-		aOutPutStream.write(aFatString.c_str(),aFatString.length());
-	}
-	aFatString.erase();
-	aOutPutStream.flush();
-set the cluster size in bytes,iClusterSize
-void CFat16FileSystem::ComputeClusterSizeInBytes()
-	iClusterSize = (iFAT16BootSector.SectorsPerCluster()) * (iFAT16BootSector.BytesPerSector());
-set the count of sectors occupied by the root directory,iRootDirSectors.
-void CFat16FileSystem::ComputeRootDirSectors()
-	iRootDirSectors = (iFAT16BootSector.RootDirEntries() * (KDefaultRootDirEntrySize) + 
-					  (iFAT16BootSector.BytesPerSector() - 1)) / iFAT16BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-Initialize the Bytes per Sector variable value.
-void CFat16FileSystem::ComputeBytesPerSector()
-	iBytesPerSector = iFAT16BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-Compute the total number of clusters in Data segment of the FAT volume
-void CFat16FileSystem::ComputeTotalClusters(Long64 aPartitionSize)
-	unsigned long int iTotalDataSectors = iFAT16BootSector.TotalSectors(aPartitionSize) - 
-										  ((iFAT16BootSector.NumberOfFats() * iFAT16BootSector.FatSectors()) + 
-										  iRootDirSectors + iFAT16BootSector.ReservedSectors());
-	iTotalClusters = iTotalDataSectors / iFAT16BootSector.SectorsPerCluster();
-	if(iTotalClusters < KMinimumFat16Clusters)
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(BOOTSECTORERROR,"Low Partition Size",__FILE__,__LINE__);
-	}
-	if(iTotalClusters > KMaximumFat16Clusters)
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(BOOTSECTORERROR,"High Partition Size",__FILE__,__LINE__);
-	}
-This methods encapsulates the function call to write a complete FAT16 Image
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-@param aNodeList Directory structure 
-@param aOutPutStream output stream for writing file image
-@param aImageFileName image file name 
-@param aLogFileName log file name 
-@param aConfigurableFatAttributes ConfigurableFatAttributes
-void CFat16FileSystem::Execute(Long64 aPartitionSize,EntryList aNodeList,ofstream& aOutPutStream,
-							   ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes)
-	CDirRegion* dirRegionPtr = NULL;
-	try
-	{
-		CreateBootSector(aPartitionSize,aConfigurableFatAttributes);
-		ComputeTotalClusters(aPartitionSize);
-		WriteBootSector(aOutPutStream);
-		dirRegionPtr = new CDirRegion(aNodeList,this);
-		dirRegionPtr->Execute();
-		iClustersPerEntry = dirRegionPtr->GetClustersPerEntryMap();
-		CreateFatTable(aOutPutStream);
-		dirRegionPtr ->WriteClustersIntoFile(aOutPutStream);
-		delete dirRegionPtr ;
-	}
-	catch(ErrorHandler &aError)
-	{
-		delete dirRegionPtr;
-		//Re throw the same error message
-		throw ErrorHandler(aError.iMessageIndex,(char*)aError.iSubMessage.c_str(),(char*)aError.iFileName.c_str(),aError.iLineNumber);
-	}
-	/**
-	Irrespective of successful or unsuccessful data drive image generation ROFSBUILD
-	may try to generate images for successive ".oby" file input.
-	During this course unhandled exceptions may cause leaving some memory on heap 
-	unused. so the unhandled exceptions handling is used to free the memory allocated 
-	on heap. 
-	*/
-	catch(...)
-	{
-		delete dirRegionPtr;
-		throw ErrorHandler(UNKNOWNERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/fat32bootsector.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This class represents the boot sector of a FAT32 image. 
-* This class is derived from basebootsector class which is constitutes 
-* the common boot sector fields for FAT16 and FAT32 class. 
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "fat32bootsector.h"
-Constructor of the fat16 boot sector class
-Destructor of the fat16 boot sector class
-Set the file system type
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetFileSysType()
-	strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iFileSysType),"FAT32   ");
-//Number of entries allowed in the root directory, specific to Fat12/16, zero for FAT32
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetRootDirEntries()
-	iRootDirEntries = KFat32RootDirEntries;;		
-//Sets the number of reserved sectors on the volume
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetReservedSectors()
-	iReservedSectors = KDefaultFat32ReservedSectors;
-Set the sectors per cluster ratio
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-void TFAT32BootSector::ComputeSectorsPerCluster(Long64 aPartitionSize)
-	if (aPartitionSize > K32GB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K64SectorsPerCluster;	
-	}
-	else if(aPartitionSize > K16GB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K32SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-	else if(aPartitionSize > K8GB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K16SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-	else if ( aPartitionSize > K260MB)
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K8SectorsPerCluster;	
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-		iSectorsPerCluster = K1SectorsPerCluster;
-	}
-Set the sectors per cluster ratio
-To refer this mathematical computation, Please see:
-Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative FAT32 File System 
-Specification document
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-void TFAT32BootSector::ComputeFatSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize)
-	int iRootDirSectors = ((iRootDirEntries*32) + (iBytesPerSector - 1)) / iBytesPerSector;
-	int Log2OfBytesPerSector = Log2(iBytesPerSector);
-	Long64 TotalSectors64 = aPartitionSize >> Log2OfBytesPerSector;
-	Long64 tmpval1 = TotalSectors64 - (iReservedSectors + iRootDirSectors);
-	Long64 tmpval2 =(256 * iSectorsPerCluster) + iNumberOfFats;
-	tmpval2 = tmpval2 / 2;
-	Long64 FatSectors = (tmpval1 + (tmpval2 - 1)) / tmpval2;
-	iFatSectors = 0;
-	iFatSectors32 = (unsigned int)FatSectors;
-Sets the Fat flags
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetExtFlags()
-	iExtFlags = KDefaultExtFlags;
-Returns the Fat flags
-@return fat flags
-unsigned short TFAT32BootSector::ExtFlags()
-	return iExtFlags;
-Sets the version number of the file system
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetFileSystemVersion()
-	iFileSystemVersion = KDefaultVersion;
-Returns the version number of the file system
-@return file system version
-unsigned short TFAT32BootSector::FileSystemVersion()
-	return iFileSystemVersion;
-Sets the cluster number of the root directory
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetRootCluster()
-	iRootCluster = KDefaultRootDirClusterNumber;
-Returns the cluster number of the root directory
-@return cluster number allocated to root directory,usually 2.
-unsigned int TFAT32BootSector::RootCluster()
-	return iRootCluster;
-Set the sector number containing the FSIInfo structure
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetFSInfo()
-	iFSInfo = KDefaultFSInfoSector;
-Returns  the sector number containing the FSIInfo structure
-@return FSInfo structure
-unsigned short TFAT32BootSector::FSInfo()
-	return iFSInfo;
-Set the backup boot sector
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetBackUpBootSector()
-	iBackUpBootSector = KDefaultBkUpBootSec;
-Returns the backup boot sector
-@return backup boot sector
-unsigned  short TFAT32BootSector::BackUpBootSector()
-	return iBackUpBootSector;
-Reserved for future expansion. Code that formats FAT32 volumes should always 
-set all of the bytes of this field to 0.
-void TFAT32BootSector::SetFutureReserved()
-	for(int i = 0;i < KMaxSizeFutureExpansion;i++)
-	iFutureReserved[i] = 0;
-Returns field value reserved for future expansion
-@return zero as this field is initialized to null value here
-unsigned char* TFAT32BootSector::FutureReserved()
-	return iFutureReserved;
-/**Returns the file system type
-@return file system type
-unsigned char* TFAT32BootSector::FileSysType()
-	return iFileSysType;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/fat32filesystem.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* CFat32FileSystem is the concrete class which is responsible for 
-* creating a FAT32 image. This class constitutes the method to 
-* create boot sector, FAT Table and data region of a FAT32 Image
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-Initializes the boot sector of a FAT 32 volume
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-@param aConfigurableFatAttributes ConfigurableFatAttributes
-void CFat32FileSystem::CreateBootSector(Long64 aPartitionSize,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes)
-	//initializes the boot sector values
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetOEMName();
-	unsigned char* OEMName =  iFAT32BootSector.OEMName();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetJumpInstruction();
-	unsigned char* JmpBoot = iFAT32BootSector.JumpInstruction();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetBytesPerSector(aConfigurableFatAttributes->iDriveSectorSize);
-	unsigned short BytesPerSector = (unsigned short)iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-	iFAT32BootSector.ComputeSectorsPerCluster(aPartitionSize);
-	unsigned char SectorsPerCluster = iFAT32BootSector.SectorsPerCluster();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetReservedSectors();
-	unsigned short ReservedSectors =  iFAT32BootSector.ReservedSectors();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetNumberOfFats(aConfigurableFatAttributes->iDriveNoOfFATs);
-	unsigned char NumFats = iFAT32BootSector.NumberOfFats();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetRootDirEntries();
-	unsigned short RootDirEntries = iFAT32BootSector.RootDirEntries();
-	iFAT32BootSector.ComputeTotalSectors(aPartitionSize);
-	unsigned short LowSectors = iFAT32BootSector.LowSectorsCount();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetMedia();
-	unsigned char Media = iFAT32BootSector.Media();
-	iFAT32BootSector.ComputeFatSectors(aPartitionSize);
-	unsigned short FatSectors = iFAT32BootSector.FatSectors();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetSectorsPerTrack();
-	unsigned short SectorPerTrack = iFAT32BootSector.SectorsPerTrack();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetNumberOfHeads();
-	unsigned short NumberOfHeads = iFAT32BootSector.NumberOfHeads();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetHiddenSectors();
-	unsigned int HiddenSectors = iFAT32BootSector.HiddenSectors();
-	unsigned int HighSectorsCount = iFAT32BootSector.HighSectorsCount();
-	unsigned int FatSectors32 = iFAT32BootSector.FatSectors32();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetExtFlags();
-	unsigned short ExtFlags = iFAT32BootSector.ExtFlags();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetFileSystemVersion();
-	unsigned short FileSystemVersion = iFAT32BootSector.FileSystemVersion();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetRootCluster();
-	unsigned int RootCluster =  iFAT32BootSector.RootCluster();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetFSInfo();
-	unsigned short FSInfo  = iFAT32BootSector.FSInfo();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetBackUpBootSector();
-	unsigned short BackUpBootSector = iFAT32BootSector.BackUpBootSector();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetFutureReserved();
-	unsigned char* FutureReserved = iFAT32BootSector.FutureReserved();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetBootSectorDriveNumber();
-	unsigned char BootSectorDriveNumber = iFAT32BootSector.BootSectorDriveNumber();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetReservedByte();
-	unsigned char ReservedByte = iFAT32BootSector.ReservedByte();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetBootSignature();
-	unsigned char BootSignature = iFAT32BootSector.BootSignature();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetVolumeId();
-	unsigned int VolumeId = iFAT32BootSector.VolumeId();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetVolumeLab(aConfigurableFatAttributes->iDriveVolumeLabel);
-	unsigned char* VolumeLab = iFAT32BootSector.VolumeLab();
-	iFAT32BootSector.SetFileSysType();
-	unsigned char* FileSystemType = iFAT32BootSector.FileSysType();
-	//copying of boot sector values in to the array
-	iData = new unsigned char[BytesPerSector];
-	unsigned int pos = 0;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],JmpBoot,3);
-	pos += 3;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],OEMName,8);
-	pos += 8;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&BytesPerSector,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&SectorsPerCluster,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&ReservedSectors,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&NumFats,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&RootDirEntries,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&LowSectors,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&Media,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&FatSectors,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&SectorPerTrack,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&NumberOfHeads,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&HiddenSectors,4);
-	pos += 4;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&HighSectorsCount,4);
-	pos += 4;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&FatSectors32,4);
-	pos += 4;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&ExtFlags,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&FileSystemVersion,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&RootCluster,4);
-	pos += 4;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&FSInfo,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&BackUpBootSector,2);
-	pos += 2;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],FutureReserved,12);
-	pos += 12;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&BootSectorDriveNumber,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&ReservedByte,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&BootSignature,1);
-	pos += 1;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],&VolumeId,4);
-	pos += 4;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],VolumeLab,11);
-	pos += 11;
-	memcpy(&iData[pos],FileSystemType,8);
-	pos += 8;
-	while(pos < BytesPerSector)
-	{
-		iData[pos] = 0x00;
-		pos++;
-	}
-	// Set sector [510] as 0xAA and [511] as 0x55 to mark the end of boot sector
-	iData[KSizeOfFatBootSector-2] = 0x55;
-	iData[KSizeOfFatBootSector-1] = 0xAA;
-	// It is perfectly ok for the last two bytes of the boot sector to also 
-	// have the signature 0xAA55.
-	iData[BytesPerSector-2] = 0x55;
-	iData[BytesPerSector-1] = 0xAA;
-	ComputeClusterSizeInBytes();
-	ComputeRootDirSectors();
-	ComputeBytesPerSector();
-	MessageHandler::ReportMessage (INFORMATION,BOOTSECTORCREATEMSG, "FAT32");
-Writes the boot sector of a FAT 32 volume
-@param aOutPutStream handle for the image file
-void CFat32FileSystem::WriteBootSector(ofstream& aOutPutStream)
-	MessageHandler::ReportMessage (INFORMATION,BOOTSECTORWRITEMSG, "FAT32");
-	aOutPutStream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&iData[0]),iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector());
-	aOutPutStream.flush();
-Creates and writes the FAT Table sector of a FAT 32 volume
-@param aClustersPerEntryMap iDatastructure containing the mapping of clusters allocated to the file.
-@param aOutPutStream handle for the image file
-void CFat32FileSystem::CreateFatTable(ofstream& aOutPutStream)
-	//data is written from cluster 2
-	unsigned int clusterCounter = 2;
-	unsigned int FATSizeInBytes = (iFAT32BootSector.FatSectors32()) * (iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector());
-	// Each FAT32 entries occupies 4 bytes, hence divided by 4
-	unsigned int totalFatEntries = FATSizeInBytes / 4;
-	//contains the address of FAT Table 	
-	unsigned int *FatTable = new unsigned int[totalFatEntries];
-	/**Say cluster 5 starts at 5 and occupies clusters 7 and 9. The FAT table should have the 
-	value 7 at	cluster location 5, the value 9 at cluster 7 and 'eof' value at cluster 9.
-	Below algorithm serves this algorithm
-	*/
-	int previousCluster;
-	FatTable[0] = KFat32FirstEntry;
-	FatTable[1] =  EOF32;
-	Iterator itr = iClustersPerEntry->begin();
-	while(itr !=  iClustersPerEntry->end())
-	{
-		previousCluster = itr->second;
-		if(iClustersPerEntry->count(itr->first) > 1)
-		{
-			for(unsigned int i = 1; i < iClustersPerEntry->count(itr->first); i++)
-			{
-				FatTable[previousCluster] = (++itr)->second;
-				previousCluster = itr->second;
-				++clusterCounter;
-			}
-		}
-		FatTable[previousCluster] = EOF32;
-		itr++;
-		++clusterCounter;
-	}
-	// Each FAT32 entries occupies 4 bytes, hence multiply by 4
-	string aFatString(reinterpret_cast<char*>(FatTable),clusterCounter*4);
-	delete[] FatTable;
-	if(clusterCounter < totalFatEntries)
-	{
-		// Each FAT32 entries occupies 4 bytes, hence multiply by 4
-		aFatString.append((totalFatEntries - clusterCounter)*4, 0);
-	}
-	MessageHandler::ReportMessage (INFORMATION,FATTABLEWRITEMSG,
-								   "FAT32");
-	//Write FAT table multiple times depending on the value of No of FATS set.
-	unsigned int noOfFats = iFAT32BootSector.NumberOfFats();
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i<noOfFats; i++)
-	{
-		aOutPutStream.write(aFatString.c_str(),aFatString.length());
-	}
-	aFatString.erase();
-	aOutPutStream.flush();
-FSINfo iData structure specific to FAT32
-@param aOutPutStream handle for the image file
-void CFat32FileSystem::CreateFSinfoSector(ofstream& aOutPutStream)
-	int counter = 0;
-	unsigned int bytesPerSector = iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-	FSinfoData = new unsigned char[bytesPerSector];
-	iFSInfo.SetFSInfo();
-	memcpy(&FSinfoData[counter], &iFSInfo.FSI_LeadSign,4);
-	counter += 4;
-	memcpy(&FSinfoData[counter], &iFSInfo.FSI_Reserved,480);
-	counter += 480;
-	memcpy(&FSinfoData[counter], &iFSInfo.FSI_StrucSig,4);
-	counter += 4;
-	memcpy(&FSinfoData[counter], &iFSInfo.FSI_Free_Count,4);
-	counter += 4;
-	memcpy(&FSinfoData[counter], &iFSInfo.FSI_Nxt_Free,4);
-	counter += 4;
-	memcpy(&FSinfoData[counter], &iFSInfo.FSI_Reserved2,12);
-	counter += 12;
-	memcpy(&FSinfoData[counter], &iFSInfo.FSI_TrailSig,4);
-	counter += 4;
-	counter += (bytesPerSector-KSizeOfFatBootSector);
-	aOutPutStream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&FSinfoData[0]),counter);
-	aOutPutStream.flush();	
- Initializes the left over reserved sectors of FAT32 image other than boot sector and FSinfo iData sector(sector 0 and 1)
- @internalComponent
- @released
- @param aOutPutStream handle to file stream		
-void CFat32FileSystem::RestReservedSectors(ofstream& aOutPutStream)
-	unsigned int bytesPerSector = iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-	unsigned char* nullsector = new unsigned char[bytesPerSector];
-	for(unsigned int counter = 0; counter < bytesPerSector ; counter++)
-	{
-		nullsector[counter] = 0;
-	}
-	nullsector[KSizeOfFatBootSector-2] = 0x55;
-	nullsector[KSizeOfFatBootSector-1] = 0xAA;
-	for(unsigned int sectorcount = 2; sectorcount < (unsigned int)(iFAT32BootSector.ReservedSectors()) - 1; sectorcount++)
-	{
-		// Sector no 6 and 7 contains the duplicate copy of boot sector and FSInfo sector in a FAT32 Image
-		if(sectorcount == KBootBackupSector)
-		{
-			aOutPutStream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&iData[0]),bytesPerSector);		
-			aOutPutStream.flush();
-		}
-		if(sectorcount == KFatBackupSector)
-		{
-			aOutPutStream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&FSinfoData[0]),bytesPerSector);		
-			aOutPutStream.flush();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			aOutPutStream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&nullsector[0]),bytesPerSector);		
-			aOutPutStream.flush();
-		}
-	}
-	delete[] nullsector;
-	nullsector = NULL;
-compute the cluster size in bytes,iClusterSize
-void CFat32FileSystem::ComputeClusterSizeInBytes()
-	iClusterSize = iFAT32BootSector.SectorsPerCluster()*iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-Compute the count of sectors occupied by the root directory,iRootDirSectors.
-void CFat32FileSystem::ComputeRootDirSectors()
-	iRootDirSectors = (iFAT32BootSector.RootDirEntries() * (KDefaultRootDirEntrySize) + 
-		              (iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector() - 1)) / iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-Initialize the Bytes per Sector variable value.
-void CFat32FileSystem::ComputeBytesPerSector()
-	iBytesPerSector = iFAT32BootSector.BytesPerSector();
-Sets the total number of clusters in iData segment of the FAT volume
-@aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-void CFat32FileSystem::ComputeTotalClusters(Long64 aPartitionSize)
-	unsigned int totalDataSectors = iFAT32BootSector.TotalSectors(aPartitionSize) - 
-									((iFAT32BootSector.NumberOfFats() * 
-									iFAT32BootSector.FatSectors32()) + 
-									iRootDirSectors+iFAT32BootSector.ReservedSectors());
- 	iTotalClusters = totalDataSectors / iFAT32BootSector.SectorsPerCluster();
-	if(iTotalClusters < KMinimumFat32Clusters)
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(BOOTSECTORERROR,"Low Partition Size",__FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	else if(iTotalClusters > KMaximumFat32Clusters)
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(BOOTSECTORERROR,"high Partition Size",__FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-This methods encapsulates the function call to write a complete FAT32 Image
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-@param aNodeList Directory structure 
-@param aOutPutStream output stream for writing file image
-@param aImageFileName image file name 
-@param aLogFileName log file name 
-@param aConfigurableFatAttributes ConfigurableFatAttributes
-void CFat32FileSystem::Execute(Long64 aPartitionSize,EntryList aNodeList,
-							   ofstream& aOutPutStream,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes)
-	CDirRegion* dirRegionPtr = NULL;
-	try
-	{
-		CreateBootSector(aPartitionSize,aConfigurableFatAttributes);
-		ComputeTotalClusters(aPartitionSize);
-		WriteBootSector(aOutPutStream);
-		dirRegionPtr = new CDirRegion(aNodeList,this);
-		dirRegionPtr->Execute();
-		iClustersPerEntry = dirRegionPtr->GetClustersPerEntryMap();
-		CreateFSinfoSector(aOutPutStream);
-		RestReservedSectors(aOutPutStream);
-		CreateFatTable(aOutPutStream);
-		dirRegionPtr->WriteClustersIntoFile(aOutPutStream);
-		delete dirRegionPtr;
-		dirRegionPtr = NULL;
-	}
-	catch(ErrorHandler &aError)
-	{
-		delete dirRegionPtr;
-		dirRegionPtr = NULL;
-		throw ErrorHandler(aError.iMessageIndex,(char*)aError.iSubMessage.c_str(),(char*)aError.iFileName.c_str(),aError.iLineNumber);
-	}
-	/**
-	Irrespective of successful or unsuccessful data drive image generation ROFSBUILD
-	may try to generate images for successive ".oby" file input.
-	During this course unhandled exceptions may cause leaving some memory on heap 
-	unused. so the unhandled exceptions handling is used to free the memory allocated 
-	on heap. 
-	*/
-	catch(...)
-	{
-		delete dirRegionPtr;
-		dirRegionPtr = NULL;
-		throw ErrorHandler(UNKNOWNERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-Destructor of class CFat32FileSystem
-	delete[] FSinfoData;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/fatbasebootsector.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This file contains the definition of class TFATBaseBootSector. 
-* TFATBaseBootSector is the base class for the boot sector class 
-* of different FAT file system type.This contains the data member 
-* representing the common fields in each FAT image type
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "fatbasebootsector.h"
-Constructor of the base boot sector class
-Destructor of the base boot sector class
-Function Sets the OEM name generally, Indication of what system 
-formats the volume
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetOEMName()
-	{
-		strcpy( reinterpret_cast<char*>(iOEMName),KDefaultOEMName);
-	}
-Function to get the OEM name
-@return OEM Name
-unsigned char* TFATBaseBootSector::OEMName() 
-	{
-		return iOEMName;
-	}
-Function to set the jump instructions
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetJumpInstruction()
-	iJmpBoot[0]= 0xEB;
-	iJmpBoot[1]= 0x5A;
-	iJmpBoot[2]= 0x90;
-Function to get the jump instructions
-@return jump boot instruction
-unsigned char* TFATBaseBootSector::JumpInstruction()  
-	return iJmpBoot;
-Function to set the bytes per sector.  
-@param aDriveSectorSize Sector size in bytes 
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetBytesPerSector(unsigned int aDriveSectorSize)
-	// Take the default value if SectorSize is not provided by the user. 
-	if (aDriveSectorSize != 0)
-	{
-		unsigned short int acceptableValues[] = {512,1024,2048,4096};
-		unsigned short int acceptableValuesCount = 4;
-		bool validSectorSize = false;
-		for (unsigned int count=0; count<acceptableValuesCount; count++)
-		{
-			if(aDriveSectorSize == acceptableValues[count])
-			{
-				validSectorSize = true;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		// If invalid value for Sector Size is provided, consider the default value.
-		if (validSectorSize)
-		{
-			iBytesPerSector=aDriveSectorSize;
-			return;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			cout<<"Warning: Invalid Sector Size value. Default value is considered.\n";
-		}
-	}
-	iBytesPerSector=KDefaultBytesPerSector;	
-Return the bytes per sector
-@return bytes per sector, hard coded as 512 here.
-unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::BytesPerSector() const
-	return iBytesPerSector;
-Sets the number of Fats on the volume
-@param aDriveNoOfFATs Number of fats
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetNumberOfFats(unsigned int aDriveNoOfFATs) 
-	// Take the default value if No of FATs is not provided by the user. 
-	if (aDriveNoOfFATs != 0)
-	{
-		// If invalid value for No of FATs is provided, generate a warning and take the default value. 
-		if ((aDriveNoOfFATs>255) || (aDriveNoOfFATs<1))
-		{
-			cout<<"Warning: No of FATs should be between 0 and 256. Default value is considered.\n";
-			iNumberOfFats= KDefaultNumFats;
-			return;
-		}
-		iNumberOfFats= aDriveNoOfFATs;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		iNumberOfFats= KDefaultNumFats;
-	}
-Total sectors on the volume,This count includes the total count of all sectors 
-in all four regions of the volume.iTatalSectors is a 16 bit field and iTotalSectors32
-is a 32 bit field.Hence if the total sectors are more than 2^16(0x10000 in hex) 
-then iTotalSectors32 is set otherwise it is zero.
-@param aPartitionSize Partition size in bytes
-void TFATBaseBootSector::ComputeTotalSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize)
-	int Log2OfBytesPerSector = Log2(iBytesPerSector);
-	unsigned long TotalSectors64 = (unsigned long)(aPartitionSize >> Log2OfBytesPerSector);
-	if(TotalSectors64 >= 0x10000)
-	{
-			iTotalSectors = 0;
-			iTotalSectors32 = (unsigned int) TotalSectors64;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-			iTotalSectors = (unsigned short)TotalSectors64;
-			iTotalSectors32=0;
-	}
-Set the media descriptor,0xF8 is the standard for fixed (non removable) media.
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetMedia()
-	iMedia=KBPBMedia;
-This methods gets the media descriptor
-@return media descriptor
-unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::Media() const
-	return iMedia;
-Set the number of hidden sectors in the volume,Count of hidden sector
-preceding the partition.
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetHiddenSectors()
-	iHiddenSectors=KDefaultHiddenSectors;
-Gets the number of hidden sectors in the volume
-@return the number of hidden sectors in a given FAT Volume
-unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::HiddenSectors() const
-	return iHiddenSectors;
-Set the sectors per track preceding the partition.
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetSectorsPerTrack()
-	iSectorsPerTrack=KDefaultSectorsPerTrack;// default value for flash memory
-Gets the number sectors per track in the volume
-@return the number of sectors per track in a given FAT Volume
-unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::SectorsPerTrack() const
-	 return iSectorsPerTrack;
-Set the number of heads
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetNumberOfHeads()
-	iNumHeads=KDefaultNumHeads;// default value for flash memory
-Gets the the number of heads
-@return number of heads in a given FAT Volume
-unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::NumberOfHeads() const
-	return iNumHeads;// default value for flash memory
-Set the Physical drive number,not used in Symbian OS
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetBootSectorDriveNumber()
-	iPhysicalDriveNumber=KDefaultDriveNumber;
-Function to return drive number
-@return Physical drive number, not used in Symbian OS
-unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::BootSectorDriveNumber() const
-	return iPhysicalDriveNumber;
-Set the reserved byte value
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetReservedByte()
-	iReservedByte=KDefaultReservedByte;
-Get the value of reserved byte in boot sector
-@return Returns the reserved byte value
-unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::ReservedByte() const
-	return iReservedByte;
-Set the extended boot signature
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetBootSignature() 
-	iBootSign=KDefaultBootSignature;
-Gets the extended boot signature
-@return boot signature
-unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::BootSignature() const
-	return iBootSign;
-Set the unique volume serial number,This ID is usually generated by 
-simply combining the current date and time in to 32 bit value.
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetVolumeId()
-	time_t rawtime;
-	time(&rawtime);
-	iVolumeId=rawtime;
-Returns the volume id 
-@return volume id field of the boot sector 
-unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::VolumeId() const
-return iVolumeId ;
-Set the volume's label
-@param aVolumeLable Data Drive Volume Label
-void TFATBaseBootSector::SetVolumeLab(string aVolumeLable)
-	// Set the default value of VolumeLable(i.e. "NO NAME    ") if not provided
-	// by the user.
-	if (aVolumeLable.empty())	
-	{
-		strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iVolumeLabel),KDefaultVolumeLabel);
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-		// If the volume label provided is greater than 11 characters then consider only 
-		// the first 11 characters and generate a warning.
-		int volumeMaxLangth= 11;
-		int volumeLabelSize= aVolumeLable.size();
-		if (volumeLabelSize > volumeMaxLangth)
-		{
-			cout<<"Warning: Size overflow for Data Drive Volume Label. Truncating to 11-bytes.\n";	
-			aVolumeLable.resize(volumeMaxLangth);
-			strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iVolumeLabel),aVolumeLable.c_str());
-			return;
-		}
-		// If the VolumeLable provided is less than 11-characters then pad the 
-		// remaining bytes with white-spaces.		
-		if (volumeLabelSize < KMaxVolumeLabel)
-		{
-			while(volumeLabelSize < 11)
-			{
-				aVolumeLable.append(" ");
-				volumeLabelSize = aVolumeLable.size();
-			}	
-		}
-		strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iVolumeLabel),aVolumeLable.c_str());
-	}
-returns  the volume's label
-unsigned char* TFATBaseBootSector::VolumeLab() 
-	return iVolumeLabel;
-Returns the number of reserved sectors on the volume
-@return iReservedSectors
-unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::ReservedSectors() const
-	return iReservedSectors;
-Returns the number of Fats on the volume
-@return iNumberOfFats
-unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::NumberOfFats() const
-	return iNumberOfFats;
-Returns the number of entries allowed in the root directory, specific to Fat12/16, zero for FAT32
-@return iRootDirEntries
-unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::RootDirEntries() const
-	return iRootDirEntries;
-Returns the total sectors on the volume, 
-@return iTotalSectors 
-unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::TotalSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize) const
-	if((aPartitionSize/iBytesPerSector)>= 0x10000)	
-	return iTotalSectors32;
-	else 
-	return iTotalSectors;
-Returns base 2 Logarithm of a number 
-@param aNum number whose logarithm is to be taken
-@return log base 2 of the number passed
-int TFATBaseBootSector::Log2(int aNum) 
-	int res=-1;
-	while(aNum)
-		{
-		res++;
-		aNum>>=1;
-		}
-	return(res);
-Returns the sectors per cluster ratio
-@return iSectorsPerCluster
-unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::SectorsPerCluster() const
-	return iSectorsPerCluster;
-Returns the 16 bit count of total sectors on the volume 
-@return iTotalSectors 
-unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::LowSectorsCount() const
-	return iTotalSectors;
-Returns the 32 bit count of total sectors on the volume 
-@return iTotalSectors 
-unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::HighSectorsCount() const
-	return iTotalSectors32;
-Returns sectors used for the Fat table, zero for FAT32
-@return iFatSectors
-unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::FatSectors() const
-	return (unsigned short)iFatSectors;
-Returns sectors used for the Fat table in FAT32
-@return iFatSectors32
-unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::FatSectors32() const
-	return iFatSectors32;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/filesystemclass.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
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@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This base class defines the common functions, should be available
-* for the derived classes (FAT16 and FAT32 boot sector classes).
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-constructor for CFileSystem class
-virtual destructor for CFileSystem class
-	delete[] iData;
-get total number of clusters in data segment of FAT image
-@return iTotalClusters total number of clusters
-unsigned long int  CFileSystem::GetTotalCluster() const
-	return iTotalClusters;
-Return total number of sectors occupied in root directory
-@return iRootDirSectors total number of root directory sectors
-unsigned long int CFileSystem::GetRootDirSectors() const
-	return iRootDirSectors;
-Returns cluster size in bytes
-@return iClusterSize cluster size in bytes
-unsigned long int  CFileSystem::GetClusterSize() const
-	return iClusterSize;
-Function to get the sector size in bytes
-@return iBytesPerSector cluster size in bytes
-unsigned int CFileSystem::GetBytesPerSector() const
-	return iBytesPerSector;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/filesysteminterface.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
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@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This class provides the interface to external tools which can
-* use FileSystem component library. Upon external request this class 
-* classifies the request type either FAT16 or FAT32 and invokes 
-* the specific functions to generate the FAT image.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-//static member definition
-Ofstream CFileSystemInterFace::iOutputStream;
-API exposed by the  FileSystem component to be used by an external component(s).
-This is method to be used by the external component for passing information required 
-by the FileSystem component
-@param aNodeList Directory structure 
-@param aFileSystem file system type
-@param aImageFileName image file name 
-@param aLogFileName log file name 
-@param aPartitionSize partition size in bytes
-FILESYSTEM_API int CFileSystemInterFace::CreateFilesystem(EntryList* aNodeList , 
-										   TFileSystem aFileSystem,
-										   char* aImageFileName, 
-										   char* aLogFileName,
-										   ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes,
-										   Long64 aPartitionSize)
-	CFileSystem* iFileSystem = NULL;
-	try
-	{
-		MessageHandler::StartLogging (aLogFileName);
-		if( == true )
-		{
-			throw ErrorHandler(FILEOPENERROR,aImageFileName,__FILE__, __LINE__);
-		}
-		switch(aFileSystem)
-		{
-			case EFAT16:
-				iFileSystem = new CFat16FileSystem;
-				break;
-			case EFAT32:
-				iFileSystem= new CFat32FileSystem;
-				break;
-			default:
-				return EFSNotSupported;
-				break;
-		}
-		iFileSystem->Execute(aPartitionSize,*aNodeList,iOutputStream,aConfigurableFatAttributes);
-		delete iFileSystem;
-		iFileSystem = NULL;
-		iOutputStream.close();
-		MessageHandler::CleanUp();
-	}
-	catch(ErrorHandler &error)
-	{
-		iOutputStream.close();
-		delete iFileSystem;
-		iFileSystem = NULL;
-		MessageHandler::StartLogging (aLogFileName);
-		error.Report();
-		MessageHandler::CleanUp();
-		return EFileSystemError;
-	}
-	/**
-	Irrespective of successful or unsuccessful data drive image generation ROFSBUILD
-	may try to generate images for successive oby file input.
-	During this course unhandled exceptions may cause leaving some memory on heap 
-	unused. so the unhandled exceptions handling is used to free the memory allocated 
-	on heap. 
-	*/
-	catch(...)
-	{
-		iOutputStream.close();
-		delete iFileSystem;
-		iFileSystem = NULL;
-		return EFileSystemError;
-	}
-	return 0;
-Constructor of Class ConfigurableFatAttributes
-	iDriveSectorSize = 0;
-	iDriveNoOfFATs = 0;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/longentry.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This class provides the basic set and get operations associated 
-* with longentry attributes.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "longentry.h"
-Constructor responsible to initialze the possible attributes of 
-long entry
-@param aChckSum - Short entry checksum value
-CLongEntry::CLongEntry(	char aChckSum):
-						iDirOrder(0),
-						iAttribute(EAttrLongName),
-						iDirType(KDirSubComponent),
-						iCheckSum(aChckSum),
-						iFirstClusterNumberLow(0)						
-Function responsible to return Directory entry Order
-@return iDirOrder - Long name sub entry order
-char CLongEntry::GetDirOrder() const
-	return iDirOrder;
-Function responsible to initialize Directory entry Order
-@param aDirOrder - Long name sub entry order
-void CLongEntry::SetDirOrder(char aDirOrder)
-	iDirOrder = aDirOrder;
-Function responsible to return SubName1
-@return iSubName1 - returns sub name 1 of a long entry
-string& CLongEntry::GetSubName1()
-	return iSubName1;
-Function responsible to set SubName3
-@param aSubName1 - a long entry sub name 1
-void CLongEntry::SetSubName1(string aSubName1)
-	iSubName1 = aSubName1;
-Function responsible to return SubName2
-@return iSubName2 - returns sub name 2 of a long entry
-string& CLongEntry::GetSubName2()
-	return iSubName2;
-Function responsible to set SubName2
-@param aSubName2 - a long entry sub name 2
-void CLongEntry::SetSubName2(string aSubName2)
-	iSubName2 = aSubName2;
-Function responsible to return SubName3
-@return iSubName3 - returns sub name 3 of a long entry
-string& CLongEntry::GetSubName3()
-	return iSubName3;
-Function responsible to set SubName3
-@param aSubName3 - a long entry sub name 3
-void CLongEntry::SetSubName3(string aSubName3)
-	iSubName3 = aSubName3;
-Function responsible to return attribute
-@return iAttribute - returns a long entry attribute
-char CLongEntry::GetAttribute() const
-	return iAttribute;
-Function responsible to return check sum
-@return iCheckSum - returns long entry check sum
-char CLongEntry::GetCheckSum() const
-	return iCheckSum;
-Function responsible to return Dir Type
-@return iDirType - returns long entry dir type
-char CLongEntry::GetDirType() const
-	return iDirType;
-Function responsible to return Low cluster number
-@return iFirstClusterNumberLow - returns Low cluster number
-unsigned short int CLongEntry::GetClusterNumberLow() const
-	return iFirstClusterNumberLow;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/longname.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Receives the long file name and prepares short and long directory 
-* entries.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "longname.h"
-Constructor: Responsible to create 
-1. Short entry
-2. Sub components of long entry name as per microsoft FAT spec.
-@param aClusterPtr - Cluster instance address
-@param aEntry - CDirectory class pointer
-ClongName::ClongName(CCluster* aClusterPtr,
-					 CDirectory* aEntry):
-					 iClusterPtr(aClusterPtr),
-					 iTildeNumberPosition(ETildeNumberPosition),
-					 iSubNameProperEnd(false),
-					 iFirstNullName(false)
-	iLongName = aEntry->GetEntryName();
-	iLongEntryAttribute = aEntry->GetEntryAttribute();
-	iClusterNumber = aClusterPtr->GetCurrentClusterNumber();
-	iLongNameLength = iLongName.length();
-	if(iLongNameLength == 0)
-	{
-		throw ErrorHandler(EMPTYFILENAME, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	}
-	FormatLongFileName(iLongName);
-	iShortName = GetShortEntryName();
-	GShortEntryList.push_back(iShortName);
-Static function to clear the strings stored in static Global Stringlist
-void ClongName::DestroyShortEntryList()
-	GShortEntryList.clear();
-Destructor: To clear the contents from the STL containers in any exception case.
-In normal case the containers are cleared once its usage is finished
-	iSubNamesList.clear();
-	while(iLongEntryStack.size() > 0)
-	{
-		delete;
-		iLongEntryStack.pop();
-	}
-	/* Cluster instance should be deleted only by dirregion, So just assign 
-	 * NULL value to the pointer
-	 */
-	iClusterPtr = NULL;
-Function takes a long entry and writes all of the attributes into iLongNameEntryString.
-To write the sub name's in a formatted WriteSubName() function invoked
-@param aLongEntry - the long entry
-void ClongName::WriteLongEntry(CLongEntry* aLongEntry,string& longEntryString)
-	longEntryString.append(KWriteOnce, aLongEntry->GetDirOrder());
-	WriteSubName(aLongEntry->GetSubName1(),(ESubName1Length*2),longEntryString);
-	longEntryString.append(KWriteOnce, aLongEntry->GetAttribute());
-	longEntryString.append(KWriteOnce, aLongEntry->GetDirType());
-	longEntryString.append(KWriteOnce, aLongEntry->GetCheckSum());
-	WriteSubName(aLongEntry->GetSubName2(),(ESubName2Length*2),longEntryString);
-	unsigned short int lowClusterNumber = aLongEntry->GetClusterNumberLow();
-	longEntryString.append(ToString(lowClusterNumber));
-	WriteSubName(aLongEntry->GetSubName3(),(ESubName3Length*2),longEntryString);
-Function responsible to 
-1. Write the sub name of the long entry, every character splitted by '.'(00)
-2. If the name is not multiple of 13 this function applies NULL character padding and 
-   padding with 'FF'.
-@param aName - Sub name of a long entry
-@param aSubNameLength - No of characters to be filled
-@param alongEntryString - formatted sub name appended to this string
-void ClongName::WriteSubName(string& aSubName,unsigned short aSubNameLength,string& alongEntryString)
-	unsigned int subNameCurrLength = aSubName.length();
-	if(subNameCurrLength == 0)
-	{
-		iFirstNullName = true;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		iFirstNullName = false;
-	}
-	unsigned int beginIndex = 1;
-	if(subNameCurrLength > 0)
-	{
-		//Insert zero between every character, as per FAT spec requirement
-		while(subNameCurrLength > 0)
-		{
-			aSubName.insert(beginIndex,1,0); //Insert zero once
-			beginIndex += 2; //Jump 2 characters
-			--subNameCurrLength;
-		}
-		subNameCurrLength = aSubName.length();
-		if(subNameCurrLength == aSubNameLength)
-		{
-			iSubNameProperEnd = true;
-		}
-		//Apply padding with two zero's to mention Long Name end.
-		if(subNameCurrLength < aSubNameLength)
-		{
-			aSubName.insert(subNameCurrLength, KPaddingCharCnt, 0); 
-			iSubNameProperEnd = false;
-		}
-	}
-	subNameCurrLength = aSubName.length();
-	if((iSubNameProperEnd == true) && (iFirstNullName == true))
-	{
-		aSubName.insert(subNameCurrLength, KPaddingCharCnt, 0);
-		iSubNameProperEnd = false;
-		iFirstNullName = false;
-	}
-	subNameCurrLength = aSubName.length();
-	//Insert FF for all unfilled characters.
-	if(subNameCurrLength < aSubNameLength)
-	{
-			aSubName.insert(subNameCurrLength,(aSubNameLength - subNameCurrLength),
-							KLongNamePaddingChar);
-	}
-	alongEntryString.append(aSubName.c_str(),aSubName.length());
-Function responsible to push the string into iNameList container and to erase the input
-strings data
-@param aFirstName - first sub name
-@param aSecondName - Second sub name
-@param aThirdName - third sub name
-void ClongName::PushAndErase(string& aFirstName,string& aSecondName,string& aThirdName)
-	iSubNamesList.push_back(aFirstName);
-	aFirstName.erase();
-	iSubNamesList.push_back(aSecondName);
-	aSecondName.erase();
-	iSubNamesList.push_back(aThirdName);
-	aThirdName.erase();
-Function responsible split single sub name from the long name
-@param aLongName - The long name need to be splitted
-@param aStartIndex - Sub name starting index
-@param aStringLength - total string length
-@param aSubNameLength - Length of the Sub Name of required length
-@param aSubName - splitted Sub Name assigned using this string
-void ClongName::GetSubName(string& aLongName,
-						   int& aStartIndex,
-						   int& aStringLength,
-						   int aSubNameLength,
-						   string& aSubName)
-	if((aStartIndex + aSubNameLength) <= aStringLength)
-	{
-		aSubName = aLongName.substr(aStartIndex,aSubNameLength);
-		aStartIndex += aSubNameLength;
-		return;
-	}
-	aSubName = aLongName.substr(aStartIndex);
-	aStartIndex += aSubName.length();
-Function to split the long file name into smaller sub names,such as it should be 
-written into long directory entries. All splitted names are pushed into the 
-iNameList container.
-void ClongName::FormatLongFileName(string& aLongName)
-	int stringLength = aLongName.length();
-	int startIndex = 0;
-	string iSubName1;
-	string iSubName2;
-	string iSubName3;
-	while(startIndex < stringLength)
-	{
-		GetSubName(aLongName,startIndex,stringLength,ESubName1Length,iSubName1);
-		GetSubName(aLongName,startIndex,stringLength,ESubName2Length,iSubName2);
-		GetSubName(aLongName,startIndex,stringLength,ESubName3Length,iSubName3);
-		PushAndErase(iSubName1,iSubName2,iSubName3);
-	}
-Function responsible to create new short name if the currently generated short name 
-already exists. 
-eg. Input:UNITTE~1TXT returns:UNITTE~2TXT
-@return - returns the short name
-void ClongName::CheckAndUpdateShortName(string& aShortName)
-	char trailingChar;
-	StringList::iterator beginIter = GShortEntryList.begin();
-	StringList::iterator endIter = GShortEntryList.end();
-	string tempString;
-	while(beginIter != endIter)
-	{
-		tempString = (*beginIter);
-		if(strcmp(tempString.c_str(),aShortName.c_str()) == 0)
-		{
-			trailingChar =;
-			aShortName[iTildeNumberPosition] = ++trailingChar; //Increment the character value by 1
-			continue;
-		}
-		++beginIter;
-	}
-        int gap = ENameLengthWithExtension - aShortName.length();
-        if(gap >0 )
-            aShortName.append(gap,KSpace);
-Function responsible to take the long file name as input and to prepare the short name.
-e.g. Long File to LONGFI~1PL
-@return - returns the short name
-string ClongName::GetShortEntryName()
-	string shortName;
-	unsigned int extensionIndex = iLongName.find_last_of(KDot);
-	unsigned int dotIndex = extensionIndex;
-	//Erase all the dots from the string, but keep the extension index 
-	while(dotIndex != string::npos)
-	{
-		iLongName.erase(dotIndex,1); //Erase the dot
-		dotIndex = iLongName.find_first_of(KDot);
-		if(dotIndex != string::npos)
-		{
-			//Decrement only if more than one dot exists
-			--extensionIndex;
-		}
-	}
-	if((iLongEntryAttribute & EAttrDirectory)== 0) 
-	{
-		if(extensionIndex <= EShortNameInitialLength)
-		{
-			//if the full name length is less than 6 characters, assign the whole name
-			shortName.assign(iLongName.c_str(),extensionIndex);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			shortName.assign(iLongName.c_str(),EShortNameInitialLength);
-		}
-		//+1 is added to get '~' symbol position
-		iTildeNumberPosition = shortName.length() + 1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		shortName.assign(iLongName.c_str(),EShortNameInitialLength);
-	}
-	shortName += KTilde;
-	shortName += KTildeNumber;
-	shortName.assign(ToUpper(shortName));
-	if(extensionIndex <  iLongName.length()) //to identify whether the name has any extension.
-	{
-		if(shortName.length() < ENameLength)
-		{
-			shortName.append((ENameLength - shortName.length()),KSpace);
-		}
-		string shortNameString = iLongName.substr(extensionIndex,EExtensionLength);
-		shortName.append(ToUpper(shortNameString));
-		CheckAndUpdateShortName(shortName);
-		return shortName;
-	}
-	//extension padding
-	shortName.append(EExtensionLength,KSpace);
-	CheckAndUpdateShortName(shortName);
-	return shortName;
-Function takes the short entry name as input and calculates checksum as per the 
-Microsoft FAT spec.
-@return - returns checkSum
-unsigned char ClongName::CalculateCheckSum()
-	char* tempShortNamePtr = (char*)iShortName.c_str();
-	unsigned short int nameLength = 0;
-	unsigned char chckSum = '\0';
-	for(nameLength = ENameLengthWithExtension; nameLength != 0; nameLength--)
-	{
-		chckSum = ((chckSum & 1) ? 0x80 : NULL) + (chckSum >>1) + *tempShortNamePtr++;
-	}
-	return chckSum;
-Function responsible to initialize short entry attributes.
-Short entry is also an sub entry along with Long entries
-@param aEntry - directory entry which has long file name
-@return shortEntry - returns the initialized short Directory entry
-CDirectory* ClongName::CreateShortEntry(CDirectory* aEntry)
-	CDirectory* shortEntry = new CDirectory(iShortName.c_str(),NULL);
-	shortEntry->SetEntryAttribute(aEntry->GetEntryAttribute()); 
-	if(aEntry->IsFile())
-	{	 
-		shortEntry->SetFilePath((char*)aEntry->GetFilePath().c_str());
-	}
-	shortEntry->SetFileSize(aEntry->GetFileSize());
-	/** Initialize the cluster number variables by splitting high and low words of
-	current cluster number
-	*/
-	shortEntry->SetClusterNumberHi((unsigned short)(iClusterNumber >> KBitShift16));
-	shortEntry->SetClusterNumberLow((unsigned short)(iClusterNumber & KHighWordMask));
-	return shortEntry;
-Function responsible
-1. To erase the string from the iNameList container.
-2. To pop out the element
-void ClongName::PopAndErase()
-	iSubNamesList.front().erase();
-	iSubNamesList.pop_front();
-Function responsible to 
-1. Pop all the name's 3 by 3 from iNameList container
-2. Construct long name directory entries
-3. Push the long entries into iLongEntryStack 
-4. finally create Long name sub entries as string and append it to longEntryString.
-@return - returns the formatted long name string
-string ClongName::CreateLongEntries()
-	string longEntryString;
-	CLongEntry* longEntryObject;
-	unsigned char chckSum = CalculateCheckSum();
-	unsigned char dirOrderNumber = 0x00;
-	while(iSubNamesList.size() > 0)
-	{
-		longEntryObject = new CLongEntry(chckSum);
-		longEntryObject->SetSubName1(iSubNamesList.front());
-		PopAndErase();
-		longEntryObject->SetSubName2(iSubNamesList.front());
-		PopAndErase();
-		longEntryObject->SetSubName3(iSubNamesList.front());
-		PopAndErase();
-		longEntryObject->SetDirOrder(++dirOrderNumber);
-		iLongEntryStack.push(longEntryObject);
-	}
-	bool lastLongEntry = true;
-	while(iLongEntryStack.size() > 0)
-	{
-		if(lastLongEntry == true)
-		{
-			longEntryObject =;
-			/* As per Microsoft FAT spec, Last sub entry of Long name Directory Order attribute
-			 * should be logically OR'ed with value '0x40'
-			 */
-			longEntryObject->SetDirOrder(longEntryObject->GetDirOrder() | ELastLongEntry);
-			lastLongEntry = false;
-		}
-		WriteLongEntry(,longEntryString);
-		delete;
-		iLongEntryStack.pop();
-	}
-	return longEntryString;
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/messagehandler.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This Class responsible to manage the instance of messageimplementation 
-* class.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "messagehandler.h"
-Message* MessageHandler::iInstance=0;
-Function Get Instance of class Message Implementation and initializing messages.
-@return Instance of MessageImplementation
-Message * MessageHandler::GetInstance()
-    if(iInstance == 0)
-	{
-		iInstance = new MessageImplementation();
-		iInstance->InitializeMessages();
-	}
-	return iInstance;
-Function to call StartLogging function of class Message Implementation.
-@param aFileName
-Name of the Log File
-void MessageHandler::StartLogging(char *aFileName)
-    GetInstance()->StartLogging(aFileName);
-Function to delete instance of class MessageImplementation
-void MessageHandler::CleanUp()
-	delete iInstance;
-	iInstance = NULL;
-Function to report message to class MessageImplementation
-void MessageHandler::ReportMessage(int aMsgType, int aMsgIndex,char* aName)
-	GetInstance()->ReportMessage(aMsgType,aMsgIndex,aName);
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/messageimplementation.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This class is used get the message strings and provides operations 
-* to log them into log file
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "messageimplementation.h"
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-char *errorMssgPrefix="FileSystem : Error:";
-char *warnMssgPrefix="FileSystem : Warning:";
-char *infoMssgPrefix="FileSystem : Information:";
-char *Space=" ";
-enum MessageArraySize{MAX=16};
-//Messages stored required for the program
-struct EnglishMessage MessageArray[MAX]=
-	{FILEOPENERROR,"%s:%d: Could not open file : %s."},
-	{FILEREADERROR,"%s:%d: Could not read file : %s."},
-	{FILEWRITEERROR,"%s:%d: Could not write input image file."},
-	{MEMORYALLOCATIONERROR,"%s:%d: Memory allocation failure."},
-	{ENTRYCREATEMSG,"Creating the entry : %s."},
-	{BOOTSECTORERROR,"%s:%d: Boot Sector Error: %s."},
-	{BOOTSECTORCREATEMSG,"Creating bootsector : %s."},
-	{BOOTSECTORWRITEMSG,"Writing bootsector : %s"},
-	{FATTABLEWRITEMSG, "Writing FAT table for : %s"},
-	{IMAGESIZETOOBIG,"%s:%d: Current image size is greater than the given partition size: %s"},
-	{NOENTRIESFOUND,"%s:%d: No entries found under root."},
-	{EMPTYFILENAME,"%s:%d: Empty name received."},
-	{EMPTYSHORTNAMEERROR,"%s:%d: Empty short name."},
-	{CLUSTERERROR,"%s:%d: Cluster Instance error."},
-	{ROOTNOTFOUND,"%s:%d: None of the entries received."},
-	{UNKNOWNERROR,"%s:%d: Unknown exception occured."}
-Constructor to reset the logging option flag.
-    iLogging = false;
-Destructor to close log file if logging is enabled and to clear the messaged.
-    if(iLogging)
-    {
-		fclose(iLogPtr);
-    }
-	iMessage.clear();
-Function to Get Message stored in map.
-@param aMessageIndex - Index of the Message to be displayed
-@return Message string to be displayed
-char * MessageImplementation::GetMessageString(int aMessageIndex)
-	Map::iterator p = iMessage.find(aMessageIndex);
-	if(p != iMessage.end())
-	{
-		return p->second;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(aMessageIndex <= MAX)
-		{
-			return MessageArray[aMessageIndex-1].message;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-Function to log message in log file if logging is enable.
-@param aString - Message to be displayed
-void MessageImplementation::LogOutput(const char *aString)
-    if (iLogging)
-    {
-		fputs(aString,iLogPtr);
-		fputs("\n",iLogPtr);
-    }
-Function to display output and log message in log file if logging is enable.
-@param aString - Message to be displayed
-void MessageImplementation::Output(const char *aString)
-    if (iLogging)
-    {
-		fputs(aString,iLogPtr);
-		fputs("\n",iLogPtr);
-    }
-	cout << aString << endl;
-Function to Get Message stored in map and to display the Message
-@param aMessageType - The type of the message, whether it is Error or Warning or Information.
-@param aMsgIndex - The index of the information and the corresponding arguments.
-void MessageImplementation::ReportMessage(int aMessageType, int aMsgIndex,...)
-	string reportMessage;
-	char* ptr;
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap,aMsgIndex);
-	ptr = GetMessageString(aMsgIndex);
-	if(ptr)
-	{
-		switch (aMessageType)
-		{
-			case ERROR:
-				reportMessage += errorMssgPrefix;
-				break;
-			case WARNING:
-				reportMessage += warnMssgPrefix;
-				break;
-				reportMessage += infoMssgPrefix;
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-		reportMessage += Space;
-		reportMessage.append(ptr);
-		int location = reportMessage.find('%',0);
-		//Erase the string from % to the end, because it is no where required.
-		reportMessage.erase(location);
-		reportMessage += va_arg(ap, char *);
-		LogOutput(reportMessage.c_str());
-	}
-Function to start logging.
-@param aFileName - Name of the Log file
-void MessageImplementation::StartLogging(char *aFileName)
-	char logFile[1024];
-	FILE *fptr;
-	strcpy(logFile,aFileName);
-	// open file for log etc.
-	if((fptr=fopen(logFile,"a"))==NULL)
-	{
-		ReportMessage(WARNING, FILEOPENERROR,aFileName);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    iLogging = true;
-		iLogPtr=fptr;
-	}
-Function to put Message string in map which is stored in message file.
-If file is not available the put message in map from Message Array structure.
-@param aFileName - Name of the Message file passed in
-void MessageImplementation::InitializeMessages()
-	char *errStr;
-	int i;
-	for(i=0;i<MAX;i++)
-	{
-		errStr = new char[strlen(MessageArray[i].message) + 1];
-		strcpy(errStr, MessageArray[i].message);
-		iMessage.insert(pair<int,char*>(MessageArray[i].index,errStr));
-	}
--- a/imgtools/imglib/group/filesystem.mmp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-target			libfilesystem.a
-targettype		lib
-sourcepath	../filesystem/source
-source			cluster.cpp directory.cpp dirregion.cpp errorhandler.cpp fat16bootsector.cpp fat16filesystem.cpp fat32bootsector.cpp fat32filesystem.cpp fatbasebootsector.cpp filesysteminterface.cpp longentry.cpp longname.cpp messagehandler.cpp messageimplementation.cpp filesystemclass.cpp
-userinclude	../filesystem/include
-userinclude	../inc
-option GCC -O2 -Wno-uninitialized
--- a/imgtools/romtools/group/release.txt	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/group/release.txt	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
+Version 2.12.3 (ROFSBUILD)
+Released by Marvin Shi, 09/07/2010
+	1) ou1cimx1#471304 Rofsbuild fails to build SMR image with non-HCR content 
 Version 2.12.2 (ROFSBUILD)
-Released by Marvin Shi, 30/06/2010
-	1)DEF145479 Rofsbuild fails to build SMR image with non-HCR content. 
+Released by Lorence Wang, 09/07/2010
+	1)Rofsbuild build empty FAT image.
+Version 2.17.4 (rombuild)
+Released by Lorence Wang, 06/07/2010
+	1)Rombuild generates ROM dependency including Paged and Unpaged section.
 Version 2.12.1 (ROFSBUILD)
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/fsnode.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/fsnode.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -41,6 +41,12 @@
 using namespace std;
 const TUint KBytesPerEntry = 13 ;
+static inline bool is_a_long_file_name_char(unsigned char ch){
+	return ( ch >= ' ' && ch != '"' && ch != '*' && ch != ':' && ch != '<' \
+		&& ch != '>' && ch != '?' && ch != '|' && ch != 127) ; 
 TFSNode::TFSNode(TFSNode* aParent, const char* aFileName, TUint8 aAttrs, const char* aPCSideName)  :
 iParent(aParent),iFirstChild(0),iSibling(0),iAttrs(aAttrs), iPCSideName(0), iWideName(0){
@@ -49,7 +55,18 @@
 	iShortName[11] = 0 ; 
 	if(aFileName) {
-		iFileName = strdup(aFileName);
+		const unsigned char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(aFileName);
+		bool allSpaces = true ;
+		while(*ptr){
+			if( !is_a_long_file_name_char(*ptr))
+				throw "Illegal filename or dir name! \n";		
+			if(*ptr != ' ')
+				allSpaces = false ;		
+			ptr++ ;
+		}
+		if(allSpaces)
+			throw "Illegal filename or dir name(all spaces)!\n";
+		iFileName = strdup(aFileName); 
 		GenerateBasicName() ;	
 	if(aPCSideName) {
@@ -84,9 +101,12 @@
 		free(iFileName) ;
 		delete iWideName;
+	if(iPCSideName)
+		free(iPCSideName);
 TFSNode* TFSNode::CreateFromFolder(const char* aPath,TFSNode* aParent) { 
-	static char fileName[2048];
 	int len = strlen(aPath);  
 #ifdef __LINUX__
 	DIR* dir = opendir(aPath);
@@ -95,45 +115,49 @@
 			return aParent;
-		aParent = new TFSNode(NULL,"/",ATTR_VOLUME_ID);
+		aParent = new TFSNode(NULL,"/",ATTR_DIRECTORY);
 	dirent*  entry; 
 	struct stat statbuf ;
+	char* fileName = new(nothrow) char[len + 200];
+	if(!fileName) return NULL ;
+	memcpy(fileName,aPath,len); 
+	fileName[len] = SPLIT_CHAR;
 	while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL)  {
-		if(entry->d_name[0] == '.') continue ; 
-			memcpy(fileName,aPath,len); 
-			fileName[len] = SPLIT_CHAR;
-			strcpy(&fileName[len+1],entry->d_name);             
-			stat(fileName , &statbuf);         
-			TFSNode* pNewItem = new TFSNode(aParent,fileName,S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ? ATTR_DIRECTORY : 0);
-			pNewItem->Init(statbuf.st_ctime,statbuf.st_atime,statbuf.st_mtime,statbuf.st_size);         
-			if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)){ 
-				CreateFromFolder(fileName,pNewItem);
-			}  
-	}
+		if(strcmp(entry->d_name,".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name,"..") == 0)
+			continue ; 
+		strcpy(&fileName[len+1],entry->d_name);             
+		stat(fileName , &statbuf);         
+		TFSNode* pNewItem = new TFSNode(aParent,fileName,S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ? ATTR_DIRECTORY : 0);
+		pNewItem->Init(statbuf.st_ctime,statbuf.st_atime,statbuf.st_mtime,statbuf.st_size);         
+		if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)){ 
+			CreateFromFolder(fileName,pNewItem);
+		} 
+	}	
+	delete []fileName ;
 	struct _finddata_t data ;
 	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); 	
-	char* pattern = new char[len + 4] ;
-	memcpy(pattern,aPath,len);
-	pattern[len] = SPLIT_CHAR;
-	pattern[len+1] = '*';
-	pattern[len+2] = 0;
-	intptr_t hFind =  _findfirst(pattern,&data);
-	delete []pattern ;
+	char* fileName = new(nothrow) char[len + 200];
+	if(!fileName) return NULL ;
+	memcpy(fileName,aPath,len); 
+    fileName[len] = SPLIT_CHAR;
+	fileName[len+1] = '*';
+	fileName[len+2] = 0;
+	intptr_t hFind =  _findfirst(fileName,&data); 
 	if(hFind == (intptr_t)-1 ) {
 		cout << aPath << " does not contain any subfolder/file.\n";		
+		delete []fileName;
 		return aParent;
-	}
+	}	
-	    aParent = new TFSNode(NULL,"/",ATTR_VOLUME_ID);
+	    aParent = new TFSNode(NULL,"/",ATTR_DIRECTORY);	
 	do {        
-        if([0] == '.') 
+        if(strcmp(,".") == 0 || strcmp(,"..") == 0)
             continue ; 
-        memcpy(fileName,aPath,len); 
-        fileName[len] = SPLIT_CHAR;
         TUint8 attr = 0;
         if(data.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)  
@@ -146,31 +170,20 @@
             attr |= ATTR_SYSTEM ;
         if(data.attrib & _A_ARCH)
             attr |= ATTR_ARCHIVE;      
-        TFSNode* pNewItem = new TFSNode(aParent,fileName,attr);        
+        TFSNode* pNewItem = new TFSNode(aParent,,attr,fileName);        
         if(data.attrib & _A_SUBDIR){ 
     } while(-1 != _findnext(hFind, &data));
+	delete []fileName ;
 	return aParent;
-static const char* lbasename(const char* aFullName) {
-	const char* retval = aFullName ;
-	while(*aFullName) {
-		if('\\' == *aFullName || '/' == *aFullName )
-			retval = ++aFullName ;
-		else
-			aFullName ++ ;
-	}
-	return retval ;
 /** GenerateBasicName : Generate the short name according to long name 
 	* algorithm :
@@ -205,7 +218,7 @@
 void TFSNode::GenerateBasicName() { 
-	const char* filename = lbasename(iFileName);	 
+	const char* filename =  iFileName ;	 
 	TUint length = strlen(filename);
 	if(0 == length)
 	    return ;
@@ -217,10 +230,7 @@
         iShortName[0] = '.' ;
         iShortName[1] = '.' ;
         return ;
-	}	
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-		cout << "GenericBasicName: \"" << filename ;
+	} 
 	iWideName = new UTF16String(filename,length); // The unicode string
 	char base[10];
 	const char* ext = filename + length;
@@ -286,10 +296,7 @@
-		iParent->MakeUniqueShortName(iShortName,bl);
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-		cout << "\" => \"" << iShortName << "\"\n";
+		iParent->MakeUniqueShortName(iShortName,bl); 
 #ifdef _DEBUG
@@ -304,7 +311,7 @@
 bool TFSNode::IsDirectory() const {
-	return 0 != (iAttrs & ATTR_DIRECTORY);
+	return (0 != (iAttrs & ATTR_DIRECTORY) || ATTR_VOLUME_ID == iAttrs) ;
 int TFSNode::GetWideNameLength() const {
@@ -313,7 +320,7 @@
 TUint TFSNode::GetSize() const {
-	if(  0 == (iAttrs & ATTR_DIRECTORY))
+	if( !IsDirectory())
 		return iFileSize ;
 	TUint retVal = sizeof(TShortDirEntry) ; // the tailed entry 
@@ -368,7 +375,7 @@
 		*((TUint16*)iFATEntry->DIR_FstClusLO) = (aStartIndex & 0xFFFF) ;
-	if(iAttrs & ATTR_DIRECTORY) { // Directory , write dir entries ; 
+	if(IsDirectory()) { // Directory , write dir entries ; 
 		TShortDirEntry* entry = reinterpret_cast<TShortDirEntry*>(aClusterData);
 		if(iParent != NULL) {
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_driveimage.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_driveimage.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -89,11 +89,18 @@
 			attrib |= ATTR_HIDDEN ;
 		if(romNode->iAtt & KEntryAttSystem)
 			attrib |= ATTR_SYSTEM ;  
-		if(romNode->IsDirectory()) {		  
-			curFS = new(std::nothrow)  TFSNode(parentFS,romNode->iName,attrib | ATTR_DIRECTORY);
-			if(!curFS){
-					err = true ;
-					break ;
+		if(romNode->IsDirectory()) {
+			try {
+				curFS = new TFSNode(parentFS,romNode->iName,attrib | ATTR_DIRECTORY);
+			}
+			catch(const char* errInfo){
+				Print(EError,errInfo);
+				err = true ;
+				break ;
+			}
+			catch(...) {
+				err = true ;
+				break ;
 			if(!root) root = curFS ;  
 			time_t now = time(NULL); 
@@ -108,17 +115,24 @@
 				continue ;
-		else { // file             
-				curFS = new(std::nothrow) TFSNode(parentFS,romNode->iEntry->iName,attrib,romNode->iEntry->iFileName);
-				if(!curFS){
+		else { // file   
+			try {         
+				curFS = new TFSNode(parentFS,romNode->iEntry->iName,attrib,romNode->iEntry->iFileName);
+			}
+			catch(const char* errInfo){
+				Print(EError,errInfo);
+				err = true ;
+				break ;
+			}
+			catch(...) { 
 					err = true ;
 					break ;
-				} 
+			} 
-				if(!root) root = curFS ;  
-				struct stat statbuf ;
-				stat(romNode->iEntry->iFileName, &statbuf);             
-				curFS->Init(statbuf.st_ctime,statbuf.st_atime,statbuf.st_mtime,statbuf.st_size);   
+			if(!root) root = curFS ;  
+			struct stat statbuf ;
+			stat(romNode->iEntry->iFileName, &statbuf);             
+			curFS->Init(statbuf.st_ctime,statbuf.st_atime,statbuf.st_mtime,statbuf.st_size);   
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_obey.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_obey.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@
 	{_K("fileuncompress"),2, -2,EKeywordFileUncompress,"Non-XIP Executable to be loaded into the ROM uncompressed" },
 	{_K("patchdata"),2, 5,EKeywordPatchDllData, "Patch exported data"},
 	{_K("imagename"), 1, 1, EKeywordSmrImageName, "output file for SMR image"},
-	{_K("smrdata"), 1, 1, EKeywordSmrFileData, "file data for SMR image"},
+	{_K("hcrdata"), 1, 1, EKeywordSmrFileData, "file data for HCR SMR image"},
+	{_K("smrdata"), 1, 1, EKeywordSmrFileData, "file data for general SMR image"},
 	{_K("formatversion"), 1, 1, EKeywordSmrFormatVersion, "format version for HCR SMR image"},
 	{_K("payloadflags"), 1, 1, EKeywordSmrFlags, "payload flags for the HCR SMR image"},
 	{_K("payloaduid"), 1, 1, EKeywordSmrUID, "payload UID for the HCR SMR image"},
@@ -755,7 +756,7 @@
 		return KErrGeneral;
 	if (!iNumberOfFiles)
-		Print(EWarning,"No files specified.\n");
+		Print(EAlways,"No files specified.\n");
 	return KErrNone;
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_smrimage.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_smrimage.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
 	if(aValues.size() == 0)
-		Print(EError, "Keyword Imageanme has not been set!");
+		Print(EError, "Keyword Imageanme has not been set!\n");
 		return EFalse;
 	if(aValues.size() > 1)
-		Print(EError, "Keyword Imagename has been set more than one time!");
+		Print(EError, "Keyword Imagename has been set more than one time!\n");
 		return EFalse;
 	iImageName =;
@@ -59,28 +59,62 @@
 	if(aValues.size() == 0)
-		Print(EError, "keyword formatversion has not been set!");
+		Print(EError, "keyword formatversion has not been set!\n");
 		return EFalse;
 	if(aValues.size() > 1)
-		Print(EError, "Keyword Formatversion has been set more than one time!");
+		Print(EError, "Keyword Formatversion has been set more than one time!\n");
 		return EFalse;
 	return ETrue;
-TBool CSmrImage::SetSmrData(const StringVector& aValues)
+TBool CSmrImage::SetHcrData(const StringVector& aValues)
 	if(aValues.size() == 0)
-		Print(EError, "keyword smrdata has not been set!");
-		return EFalse;
+		return ETrue;
 	if(aValues.size() > 1)
-		Print(EError, "Keyword smrdata has been set more than one time!");
+		Print(EError, "Keyword hcrdata has been set more than one time!\n");
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+	iHcrData =;
+	ifstream is(iHcrData.c_str(), ios_base::binary );
+	if(!is)
+	{
+		Print(EError, "HCR data file: %s dose not exist!\n", iHcrData.c_str());
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+	TUint32 magicWord = 0;
+	if(0x66524348 != magicWord){
+		Print(EError, "HCR data file: %s is an invalid HCR data file!\n", iHcrData.c_str());
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+	is.close();
+	return ETrue;
+TBool CSmrImage::SetSmrData(const StringVector& aValues)
+	if((aValues.size() == 0) && iHcrData.empty())
+	{
+		Print(EError, "Keyword smrdata has not been set!\n");
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+	if(! iHcrData.empty())
+	{
+		Print(EWarning, "Keyword hcrdata has been used, the value for smrdata will be ignored!\n");
+		return ETrue;
+	}
+	if(aValues.size() > 1)
+	{
+		Print(EError, "Keyword smrdata has been set more than one time!\n");
 		return EFalse;
 	iSmrData =;
@@ -88,7 +122,7 @@
 	ifstream is(iSmrData.c_str(), ios_base::binary );
-		Print(EError, "SMR data file: %s dose not exist!", iSmrData.c_str());
+		Print(EError, "SMR data file: %s dose not exist!\n", iSmrData.c_str());
 		return EFalse;
@@ -99,12 +133,12 @@
 	if(aValues.size() == 0)
-		Print(EError, "keyword PayloadUID has not been set!");
+		Print(EError, "keyword PayloadUID has not been set!\n");
 		return EFalse;
 	if(aValues.size() > 1)
-		Print(EError, "Keyword PayloadUID has been set more than one time!");
+		Print(EError, "Keyword PayloadUID has been set more than one time!\n");
 		return EFalse;
@@ -115,12 +149,12 @@
 	if(aValues.size() == 0)
-		Print(EError, "keyword Payloadflags has not been set!");
+		Print(EError, "keyword Payloadflags has not been set!\n");
 		return EFalse;
 	if(aValues.size() > 1)
-		Print(EError, "Keyword Payloadfalgs has been set more than one time!");
+		Print(EError, "Keyword Payloadfalgs has been set more than one time!\n");
 		return EFalse;
 	Val(iSmrRomHeader.iPayloadFlags ,;
@@ -134,6 +168,8 @@
 		return result;
 	if(! SetFormatVersion(iObeyFile->getValues("formatversion")))
 		return result;
+	if(! SetHcrData(iObeyFile->getValues("hcrdata"))) 
+		return result;
 	if(! SetSmrData(iObeyFile->getValues("smrdata")))
 		return result;
 	if(! SetPayloadUID(iObeyFile->getValues("payloaduid")))
@@ -147,10 +183,18 @@
 	TInt imageSize = 0;
 	ifstream is;
-, ios_base::binary);
+	string datafile;
+	if(! iHcrData.empty())
+	{
+		datafile = iHcrData;
+	}else if(! iSmrData.empty())
+	{
+		datafile = iSmrData;
+	}
+, ios_base::binary);
-		Print(EError, "Open SMR data file: %s error!\n", iSmrData.c_str());
+		Print(EError, "Open SMR data file: %s error!\n", datafile.c_str());
 		return KErrGeneral;
 	is.seekg(0, ios_base::end);
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_smrimage.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_smrimage.h	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 	TInt CreateImage();
 	TBool SetImageName(const StringVector& aValues);
 	TBool SetFormatVersion(const StringVector& aValues);
+	TBool SetHcrData(const StringVector& aValues);
 	TBool SetSmrData(const StringVector& aValues);
 	TBool SetPayloadUID(const StringVector& aValues);
 	TBool SetPayloadFlags(const StringVector& aValues);
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@
 	CObeyFile* iObeyFile;
 	SSmrRomHeader iSmrRomHeader;
 	string iImageName;
-	string iSmrData; 
+	string iHcrData; 
+	string iSmrData;
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/rofsbuild.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/rofsbuild.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 static const TInt RofsbuildMajorVersion=2;
 static const TInt RofsbuildMinorVersion=12;
-static const TInt RofsbuildPatchVersion=2;
+static const TInt RofsbuildPatchVersion=4;
 static TBool SizeSummary=EFalse;
 static TPrintType SizeWhere=EAlways;
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/r_areaset.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/r_areaset.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -303,8 +303,6 @@
 	iFirstPagedCode = normal[0];
-	if(gGenDepGraph)
-		WriteDependenceGraph();
 	return KErrNone;
@@ -313,7 +311,7 @@
 	TDepInfoList::iterator infoIt;
 	TStringList::iterator strIt;
 	TDepInfoList myDepInfoList;
-	TRomBuilderEntry* e = iFirstPagedCode;
+	TRomBuilderEntry* e = iFiles;
 	char buffer[255];
 	TInt count = 0;
 	TStringList nameList;
@@ -332,7 +330,7 @@
 		e = e->iNextInArea;
-	e = iFirstPagedCode;
+	e = iFiles;
 	count = 0;
 	while(e) {
 		TRomNode* rn = e->iRomNode;
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/r_areaset.h	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/r_areaset.h	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
 	void AddFile(TRomBuilderEntry* aFile);
 	TInt SortFilesForPagedRom();
+	void WriteDependenceGraph();
 	// only AreaSet can create areas
 	Area(const char* aName, TLinAddr aDestBaseAddr, TUint aMaxSize, Area* aNext=0);
 	void ReleaseAllFiles();
-	void WriteDependenceGraph();
 	TRomBuilderEntry* iFirstPagedCode; // For PagedRom only
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/r_rom.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/r_rom.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -460,14 +460,16 @@
-		gDepInfoFile = iObey->iRomFileName; 
 		// exception search table needs to go at start of ROM to make it not demand paged...
 		addr = ReserveRomExceptionSearchTable(addr,exceptionSearchTable);
-	else if(gGenDepGraph)
+	if(gGenDepGraph)
-			Print(EWarning, "Not dependence information in an unpaged ROM.");
+			Print(ELog, "Generate dependence information in ROM.");
+			gDepInfoFile = iObey->iRomFileName; 
+			iObey->SetArea().DefaultArea()->WriteDependenceGraph();
 	addr=WriteDirectory(addr, aHeader);
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/rombuild.cpp	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/rombuild.cpp	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 static const TInt RombuildMajorVersion=2;
 static const TInt RombuildMinorVersion=17;
-static const TInt RombuildPatchVersion=3;
+static const TInt RombuildPatchVersion=4;
 static TBool SizeSummary=EFalse;
 static TPrintType SizeWhere=EAlways;
 static string compareROMName = "";
--- a/package_definition.xml	Wed Jul 14 14:50:01 2010 +0100
+++ b/package_definition.xml	Tue Jul 20 15:02:28 2010 +0800
@@ -1,331 +1,76 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
-<!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel?, SystemBuild? )>
- <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-  schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
- <!ELEMENT layer (block* | collection*)*>
- <!ATTLIST layer
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
- <!ELEMENT block (subblock* | collection*)*>
- <!ATTLIST block
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
- <!ATTLIST subblock
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
- <!ATTLIST collection
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
- <!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
- <!ATTLIST component
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-  deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
-  introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
-  plugin (Y|N) "N"
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  supports CDATA #IMPLIED
-  purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional">
- <!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  prebuilt NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT SystemBuild (option* | target+ | targetList+ | list+ | configuration+)*>
- <!ATTLIST SystemBuild
-  schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT list (ref+)>
- <!ATTLIST list
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT targetList EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST targetList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
- <!ELEMENT target EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST target
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldTarget CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT option EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST option
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldOption CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  enable (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT configuration (listRef+ | ref+ | task+)*>
- <!ATTLIST configuration
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  filter CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT task (listRef* , (buildLayer | specialInstructions))>
- <!ELEMENT listRef EMPTY>
- <!ELEMENT buildLayer EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST buildLayer
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED
-  targetList IDREFS #IMPLIED
-  unitParallel (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED
-  targetParallel (Y | N | y | n) #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT specialInstructions EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST specialInstructions
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<SystemDefinition schema="2.0.1" name="Symbian">
-    <systemModel>
-        <layer name="dev" levels="device middleware eclipse" long-name="Development">
-            <block name="buildtools" level="framework" levels="lowlevel-libs middleware framework ui" long-name="Build Tools">
-                <collection name="imgtools_os" level="framework" long-name="Image Tools Metadata">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="romkiteka2">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\buildtools\imgtools_os\romkiteka2\group" mrp="trunk\buildtools\imgtools_os\romkiteka2\group\tools_romkit.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <!-- 
-                <collection name="perltoolsplat_os" level="framework" long-name="Redistribution Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="redistribution">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\buildtools\perltoolsplat_os\redistribution" mrp="trunk\buildtools\perltoolsplat_os\redistribution\tools_redistribution_common.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="sbsv1_os" level="framework" long-name="Symbian Build System v1">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="e32toolp">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group" mrp="trunk\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group\tools_e32toolp.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="toolsandutils" level="framework" long-name="Other Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="e32tools">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\buildtools\toolsandutils\e32tools\group" mrp="trunk\buildtools\toolsandutils\e32tools\group\tools_e32tools.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="stlport">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\buildtools\toolsandutils\stlport\group" mrp="trunk\buildtools\toolsandutils\stlport\group\tools_stlport.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="miscomponents" level="framework" long-name="Mis Components">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="emulatorlauncher">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\buildtools\misccomponents\emulatorlauncher\group" mrp="trunk\buildtools\misccomponents\emulatorlauncher\group\tools_sdk_eng_emulator_launcher.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="dist_os" level="framework" long-name="Redistribution Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="redistributionwinceka2">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\buildtools\dist_os\redistributionwinceka2" mrp="trunk\buildtools\dist_os\redistributionwinceka2\tools_redistribution_winc.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                -->
-            </block>
-            <block name="build" level="framework" levels="lowlevel-libs middleware framework ui" long-name="Build">
-                <collection name="bintools" level="framework" long-name="Binary Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="rcomp" long-name="Resource Compiler">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\bintools\rcomp\group" mrp="trunk\build\bintools\rcomp\group\rcomp.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="bin2coff">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\bintools\bin2coff\group" mrp="trunk\build\bintools\bin2coff\group\bin2coff.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="petools">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\bintools\petools\group" mrp="trunk\build\bintools\petools\group\petools.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="elftools">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\bintools\elftools\group" mrp="trunk\build\bintools\elftools\group\elftools.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="checklib">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\bintools\checklib\group" mrp="trunk\build\bintools\checklib\group\checklib.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="evalid">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\bintools\evalid" mrp="trunk\build\bintools\evalid\dev_build_bintools_evalid.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="releasing" level="framework" long-name="Binary Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="cbrtools">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\releasing\cbrtools\group" mrp="trunk\build\releasing\cbrtools\group\cbrtools.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="makecbr">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\releasing\makecbr\group" mrp="trunk\build\releasing\makecbr\group\makecbr.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="zdelta-2.1">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\releasing\zdelta-2.1\group" mrp="trunk\build\releasing\zdelta-2.1\group\zdelta-2.1.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="e32tools" level="framework" long-name="E32 Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="e32lib">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\e32tools\e32lib\group" mrp="trunk\build\e32tools\e32lib\group\e32lib.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="elf2e32" long-name="Post Linker">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\e32tools\elf2e32\group" mrp="trunk\build\e32tools\elf2e32\group\elf2e32.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="deprecated" level="framework" long-name="Deprecated Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="eruntest">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\deprecated\eruntest\group" mrp="trunk\build\deprecated\eruntest\group\eruntest.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="etouch">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\deprecated\etouch\group" mrp="trunk\build\deprecated\etouch\group\etouch.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="rommask">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\deprecated\rommask\group" mrp="trunk\build\deprecated\rommask\group\rommask.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="w32repro">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\deprecated\w32repro\group" mrp="trunk\build\deprecated\w32repro\group\w32repro.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="wveconv">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\deprecated\wveconv\group" mrp="trunk\build\deprecated\wveconv\group\wveconv.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="sbsv1" level="framework" long-name="Symbian Build System v1">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="abld">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\sbsv1\abld\group" mrp="trunk\build\sbsv1\abld\group\abld.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="buildsystem">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\sbsv1\buildsystem\group" mrp="trunk\build\sbsv1\buildsystem\group\buildsystem.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="make-abld">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\sbsv1\make-abld\group" mrp="trunk\build\sbsv1\make-abld\group\make-abld.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="scpp-abld">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\sbsv1\scpp-abld\group" mrp="trunk\build\sbsv1\scpp-abld\group\scpp-abld.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="imgtools" level="framework" long-name="Image Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase2" name="imgcheck" long-name="Image Checker">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\imgtools\imgcheck\group" mrp="trunk\build\imgtools\imgcheck\group\imgcheck.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="imglib" long-name="ROM/ROFS Image Library">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\imgtools\imglib\group" mrp="trunk\build\imgtools\imglib\group\imglib.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase3" name="romtools" long-name="ROM Tools">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\imgtools\romtools\group" mrp="trunk\build\imgtools\romtools\group\romtools.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase3" name="buildrom" long-name="Build ROM">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\imgtools\buildrom\group" mrp="trunk\build\imgtools\buildrom\group\buildrom.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase3" name="sisutils" long-name="SIS Utility Library">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\imgtools\sisutils\group" mrp="trunk\build\imgtools\sisutils\group\sisutils.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="srctools" level="framework" long-name="Source Tools">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="tranasm">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\srctools\tranasm\group" mrp="trunk\build\srctools\tranasm\group\tranasm.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="readtype">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\srctools\readtype\group" mrp="trunk\build\srctools\readtype\group\readtype.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-								<collection name="cpptoolsplat" level="framework" long-name="C++ Tools Platform">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="stlport" long-name="STLport">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\stlport\group" mrp="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\stlport\group\stlport.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="cpp-2.9-psion-98r2">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\cpp-2.9-psion-98r2\group" mrp="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\cpp-2.9-psion-98r2\group\cpp-2.9-psion-98r2.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="mingw-gcc-3.4.5">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\mingw-gcc-3.4.5\group" mrp="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\mingw-gcc-3.4.5\group\mingw-gcc-3.4.5.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="gcce-4.3.2">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\gcce-4.3.2\group" mrp="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\gcce-4.3.2\group\gcce-4.3.2.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="gcce-3.4.3">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\gcce-3.4.3\group" mrp="trunk\build\cpptoolsplat\gcce-3.4.3\group\gcce-3.4.3.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="perltoolsplat" level="framework" long-name="Perl Tools Platform">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="activestate-perl-5.6.1">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\perltoolsplat\activestate-perl-5.6.1\group" mrp="trunk\build\perltoolsplat\activestate-perl-5.6.1\group\activestate-perl-5.6.1.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="javatoolsplat" level="framework" long-name="Java Tools Platform">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="j2re-1.3.1">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\javatoolsplat\j2re-1.3.1\group" mrp="trunk\build\javatoolsplat\j2re-1.3.1\group\j2re-1.3.1.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-                <collection name="hostenv" level="framework" long-name="Host Environment">
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="zip-2.2">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\hostenv\zip-2.2\group" mrp="trunk\build\hostenv\zip-2.2\group\zip-2.2.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                    <component filter="build_SFPhase1" name="unzip-5.40">
-                        <unit bldFile="trunk\build\hostenv\unzip-5.40\group" mrp="trunk\build\hostenv\unzip-5.40\group\unzip-5.40.mrp"/>
-                    </component>
-                </collection>
-            </block>
-        </layer>
-    </systemModel>
-    <SystemBuild name="TCL" schema="2.0.0">
-        <option name="KEEPGOING" abldOption="-keepgoing" description="Causes make to keepgoing on errors" enable="Y"/>
-        <option name="SAVESPACE" abldOption="-savespace" description="Causes the removal of intermediate files" enable="Y"/>
-        <target name="WINS" abldTarget="wins" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-        <target name="WINS_REL" abldTarget="wins urel" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-        <target name="WINS_DEB" abldTarget="wins udeb" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-        <target name="WINSCW" abldTarget="winscw" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-        <target name="WINSCW_REL" abldTarget="winscw urel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-        <target name="WINSCW_DEB" abldTarget="winscw udeb" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-        <target name="TOOLS" abldTarget="tools" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools"/>
-        <target name="TOOLS_REL" abldTarget="tools rel" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/>
-        <target name="TOOLS2" abldTarget="tools2" description="MinGW GCC Compiler for Tools"/>
-        <target name="TOOLS2_REL" abldTarget="tools2 rel" description="MinGW GCC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/>
-        <target name="ARMV5" abldTarget="armv5" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-        <target name="ARMV5_REL" abldTarget="armv5 urel" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-        <target name="ARMV5_DEB" abldTarget="armv5 udeb" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-        <target name="ARMV5SMP" abldTarget="armv5smp" description="RVCT Compiler for SMP"/>
-        <target name="ARMV5SMP_REL" abldTarget="armv5smp urel" description="RVCT Compiler for SMP"/>
-        <target name="ARMV5SMP_DEB" abldTarget="armv5smp udeb" description="RVCT Compiler for SMP"/>
-        <!-- <target name="GCCE" abldTarget="gcce" description="GCCCE Compiler"/> -->
-        <!-- <target name="GCCE_DEB" abldTarget="gcce udeb" description="GCCCE Compiler"/> -->
-        <!-- <target name="GCCE_REL" abldTarget="gcce urel" description="GCCCE Compiler"/> -->
-        <!-- Aditional Targets -->
-        <target name="CWTOOLS" abldTarget="cwtools" description="CodeWarrior Compiler for Tools"/><!-- Not supported -->
-        <target name="CWTOOLS_REL" abldTarget="cwtools rel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/><!-- Not supported -->
-        <target name="GCCXML" abldTarget="gccxml" description="GCCXML for Code comparision tools"/>
-        <target name="GCCXML_REL" abldTarget="gccxml urel" description="GCCXML for Code comparision tools release mode only"/>
-        <targetList name="default_9.0" description="Main Targets for 9.0" target="WINSCW ARMV5 ARMV5SMP"/>
-        <targetList name="default_9.0_rel" description="Main Targets for 9.0_rel" target="WINSCW_REL ARMV5_REL ARMV5SMP_REL"/>
-        <targetList name="default_9.0_deb" description="Main Targets for 9.0_deb" target="WINSCW_DEB ARMV5_DEB ARMV5SMP_DEB"/>
-        <targetList name="tools" description="tools Targets" target="TOOLS"/>
-        <targetList name="tools_rel" description="tools Release Targets" target="TOOLS_REL"/>
-        <targetList name="tools2" description="tools Targets" target="TOOLS2"/>
-        <targetList name="tools2_rel" description="tools Release Targets" target="TOOLS2_REL"/>
-        <targetList name="gccxml" description="tools Targets" target="GCCXML"/>
-        <targetList name="gccxml_rel" description="tools Release Targets" target="GCCXML_REL"/>
-        <targetList name="armv5smp" description="Separate ARMV5 SMP target" target="ARMV5SMP"/>
-        <targetList name="armv5smp_rel" description="Separate ARMV5 SMP release target" target="ARMV5SMP_REL"/>
-        <targetList name="armv5smp_deb" description="Separate ARMV5 SMP debug target" target="ARMV5SMP_DEB"/>
-        <!-- Default configuration -->
-        <configuration name="TCL_SF_PHASE3" description="Symbian Foundation Build Phase3" filter="tcl,build_SFPhase3">
-            <ref item="ana"/>
-            <ref item="depl"/>
-            <ref item="dev"/>
-            <ref item="unclassifiedlayer"/>
-        </configuration>
+<SystemDefinition schema="3.0.0">
+    <package id="build" levels="lowlevel-libs middleware framework ui" name="Build">
+        <collection id="bintools" level="framework" name="Binary Tools">
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="evalid" name="Evalid" >
+                <unit bldFile="bintools/evalid" mrp="bintools/evalid/evalid.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase1" id="rcomp" name="Resource Compiler" >
+                <unit bldFile="bintools/rcomp/group" mrp="bintools/rcomp/group/rcomp.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase1" id="checklib" name="checklib" >
+                <unit bldFile="bintools/checklib/group" mrp="bintools/checklib/group/checklib.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase1" id="elftools" name="elftools" >
+                <unit bldFile="bintools/elftools/group" mrp="bintools/elftools/group/elftools.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+        </collection>
+        <collection id="srctools" level="middleware" name="Source Tools">
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase1" id="tranasm" name="tranasm" >
+                <unit bldFile="srctools/tranasm/group" mrp="srctools/tranasm/group/tranasm.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+        </collection>
+        <collection id="e32tools" level="middleware" name="E32 Tools">
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase1" id="elf2e32" name="elf2e32 (Postlinker)" >
+                <unit bldFile="e32tools/elf2e32/group" mrp="e32tools/elf2e32/group/elf2e32.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase1" id="e32lib" name="E32 Image Library" >
+                <unit bldFile="e32tools/e32lib/group" mrp="e32tools/e32lib/group/e32lib.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+        </collection>
+        <collection id="buildtoolguides" level="ui" name="Build Tool Guides">
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="emulconfiguratorguide" name="Emulator Configurator Guide" >
+                <unit bldFile="buildtoolguides/emulconfiguratorguide/group" mrp="buildtoolguides/emulconfiguratorguide/group/emulbuilderguide.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="romtoolsguide" name="ROM Tools Guide" >
+                <unit bldFile="buildtoolguides/romtoolsguide/group" mrp="buildtoolguides/romtoolsguide/group/romtoolsguide.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="sbsv2guide" name="SBSv2 Guide" >
+                <unit bldFile="buildtoolguides/sbsv2guide/group" mrp="buildtoolguides/sbsv2guide/group/sbsv2guide.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+        </collection>
+        <collection id="sbsv2" level="middleware" name="Symbian Build System v2">
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="cpp-raptor" name="CPP (Raptor)" >
+                <unit bldFile="sbsv2/cpp-raptor/group" mrp="sbsv2/cpp-raptor/group/cpp-raptor.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="pvmgmake" name="PVM Gmake" >
+                <unit bldFile="sbsv2/pvmgmake/group" mrp="sbsv2/pvmgmake/group/pvmgmake.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="raptor" name="SBSv2 (Raptor)" >
+                <unit bldFile="sbsv2/raptor/group" mrp="sbsv2/raptor/group/raptor.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+        </collection>
+        <collection id="imgtools" level="framework" name="Image Tools">
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="romtools" name="ROM Tools" >
+                <unit bldFile="imgtools/romtools/group" mrp="imgtools/romtools/group/romtools.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="buildrom" name="Build ROM" >
+                <unit bldFile="imgtools/buildrom/group" mrp="imgtools/buildrom/group/buildrom.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase1" id="imglib" name="ROM/ROFS Image Library" >
+                <unit bldFile="imgtools/imglib/group" mrp="imgtools/imglib/group/imglib.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase3" id="sisutils" name="SIS Utility Library" >
+                <unit bldFile="imgtools/sisutils/group" mrp="imgtools/sisutils/group/sisutils.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+            <component filter="build_SFPhase2" id="imgcheck" name="Image Checker" >
+                <unit bldFile="imgtools/imgcheck/group" mrp="imgtools/imgcheck/group/imgcheck.mrp"/>
+            </component>
+        </collection>
+        <collection id="build_info" name="Build Info" level="ui">
+          <component id="build_metadata" name="Build Metadata" filter="build_SFPhase3">
+            <unit mrp="build_info/build_metadata/build_metadata.mrp"/>
+          </component>
+        </collection>
+    </package>