ROM Tools
Postlinker 2.2.5
Revert package_definition.xml to changeset 360bd6b35136
# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path;
use IniData;
use RelData;
use RelTransfer::Import;
use CommandController;
# Globals.
my $verbose = 0;
my $ftpResume = 0;
my $iniData;
my $commandController;
my $envcomp;
my $envver;
my $passphraseFile;
my $force;
my $noPassphraseRetry;
my %goodImports;
my %failedImports;
my %alreadyImported;
# Main.
# Subs.
sub ProcessCommandLine {
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
my $help;
GetOptions("h" => \$help, "v+" => \$verbose, "r" => \$ftpResume, "p=s" => \$passphraseFile, "f" => \$force, "noPassphraseRetry" => \$noPassphraseRetry);
if ($help) {
$envcomp = lc($ARGV[0]);
$envver = $ARGV[1];
unless (defined $envcomp and defined $envver and $#ARGV = -1) {
print "Error: Invalid arguments\n";
$iniData = IniData->New(undef,1);
$commandController = CommandController->New($iniData, 'ImportEnv');
#if ftp resume option is used override value in reltools.ini
if ($ftpResume) {
sub Usage {
my $exitCode = shift;
Utils::PrintDeathMessage($exitCode, "\nUsage: importenv [options] <component> <external_version>
-h help
-r use FTP reconnect and resume transfer mode
-v verbose output (-vv very verbose)
-p <file> file containing passphrase
-f force the re-import of component releases
--noPassphraseRetry Will cause ImportEnv to terminate if an incorrect passphrase is specified
N.B. You will be prompted for your passphrase unless the -p option is specified.
Use of the -p option is NOT recommended though, as storing your passphrase in a file is considered a security risk.\n");
sub ReadPassphraseFile {
return undef unless $passphraseFile;
open(PP, $passphraseFile) or die "Couldn't open passphrase file \"$passphraseFile\" because $!\n";
my $passphrase = join ("\n", <PP>);
close PP;
return $passphrase;
sub ImportEnvironment {
my $importer = RelTransfer::Import->New(ini_data => $iniData, force => $force,
verbose => $verbose, passphrase => ReadPassphraseFile);
#import the release to get the environment information
eval {
$importer->TransferRelease($envcomp, $envver, $noPassphraseRetry);
if ($@) {
print $@;
die "Aborting import of $envcomp $envver environment\n";
#read the environment information and transfer releases
print "Reading $envcomp $envver environment...\n" if ($verbose);
my $relData = RelData->Open($iniData, $envcomp, $envver, $verbose);
my %env = %{$relData->Environment()};
delete $env{$envcomp};
#do the import checking for errors
foreach my $comp (sort keys %env) {
my $imported;
my $ver = $env{$comp};
eval {
$imported = $importer->TransferRelease($comp, $ver, $noPassphraseRetry);
if ($@) {
print $@;
if ($@ =~ /cannot\s+connect/i) {
print "\nAborting import of $envcomp $envver environment\n";
my $error = $@;
chomp $error;
$error =~ s/^error: ("?$comp $ver"? )?//i;
$failedImports{$comp}->{$ver} = $error;
print "Aborting import of $envcomp $envver environment\n";
else {
if ($imported) {
push (@{$goodImports{$comp}}, $ver);
} else {
push (@{$alreadyImported{$comp}}, $ver);
sub PrintReport {
print "\n=========IMPORT SUMMARY==========\n";
my $tableData = [["Component", "Version", "status"]];
foreach my $comp (sort keys %goodImports) {
foreach my $ver (@{$goodImports{$comp}}) {
push (@$tableData, [$comp, $ver, 'successfully imported']);
foreach my $comp (sort keys %alreadyImported) {
foreach my $ver (@{$alreadyImported{$comp}}) {
push (@$tableData, [$comp, $ver, 'has already been imported']);
$iniData->TableFormatter->PrintTable($tableData, 1);
if (scalar (keys %alreadyImported) > 0) {
print "\nYou can specify the -f option to force the re-import of component releases\n";
if (keys %failedImports) {
print "\n=========FAILED IMPORTS==========\n";
print "\nImport Failure Summary\n\n";
my $failureTableData = [["Component", "Version", "Failure reason"]];
foreach my $comp (sort keys %failedImports) {
foreach my $ver (sort keys %{$failedImports{$comp}}) {
push (@$failureTableData, [$comp, $ver, $failedImports{$comp}->{$ver}]);
$iniData->TableFormatter->PrintTable($failureTableData, 1);
print "\nError: Unable to import environment successfully. Environment might be corrupted.\n";
if (keys %goodImports) {
print "\nEnvironment $envcomp $envver successfully imported\n";
} else {
print "\nNothing to do!\n";
=head1 NAME
ImportEnv - Imports the environment from which a component release was made.
importenv [options] <component> <version>
-h help
-r use FTP reconnect and resume transfer mode
-v verbose output (-vv very verbose)
-p <file> file containing passphrase
-f force the re-import of component releases
--noPassphraseRetry Will cause ImportEnv to terminate if an incorrect passphrase is specified
When a release is made, a description of the environment it was made from is stored with it.
C<ImportEnv> takes a component name and version, reads the environment data for this
component and imports the necessary releases from a remote site if they do not already
exist on the local archive. If the environment data is not available from the local archive
an attempt is made to import this component first.
If the C<-r> option is used and the FTP connection is dropped during the download of a release, the tools will automatically reconnect to the FTP site and resume the download. This feature may not be supported by some FTP servers.
It is recommended NOT to use the -p option; you will be prompted for your
passphrase. Having a file containing your passphrase is be a security risk.
Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".
Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.