ROM Tools
Postlinker 2.2.5
Revert package_definition.xml to changeset 360bd6b35136
# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Description:
package RemoteSite::FTP;
use strict;
use Net::FTP;
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;
use RemoteSite;
use vars qw(@ISA);
# Constants
use constant DEFAULTRECONNECTS => 5;
use constant DEFAULTTIMEOUT => 30;
use constant BLOCKSIZE => 32768;
# Initialization
sub Initialize {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
$self->{username} = $args{username};
$self->{password} = $args{password};
$self->{passiveMode} = $args{passive_mode};
$self->{resumeMode} = $args{resume_mode};
$self->{timeout} = $args{timeout};
$self->{reconnects} = $args{reconnects};
#call base class initialization
#if username or password not defined ask for them interactively
unless ($self->Username()) {
$self->HandleError("No remote host defined.") unless $self->Host();
print 'FTP username: ';
my $userName = <STDIN>;
if ($userName) {
chomp ($userName);
unless ($self->Password()) {
print 'FTP password: ';
#set timeout to default value if not set or not a positive integer
unless (defined $self->{timeout} and $self->{timeout} =~ /^\d+$/) {
$self->{timeout} = DEFAULTTIMEOUT;
#set reconnects to default value if not set or not a positive integer
unless (defined $self->{reconnects} and $self->{reconnects} =~ /^\d+$/) {
$self->{reconnects} = DEFAULTRECONNECTS;
#connect to FTP site, login and set to binary mode
# Public getters/setters
sub Username {
my $self = shift;
if (defined $_[0]) {$self->{username} = shift;}
return $self->{username};
sub Password {
my $self = shift;
if (defined $_[0]) {$self->{password} = shift;}
return $self->{password};
sub PassiveMode {
my $self = shift;
if (defined $_[0]) {$self->{passiveMode} = shift;}
return $self->{passiveMode};
sub ResumeMode {
my $self = shift;
if (defined $_[0]) {$self->{resumeMode} = shift;}
return $self->{resumeMode};
sub Timeout {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{timeout};
sub Reconnects {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{reconnects};
# Public (from RemoteSite)
sub SendFile {
my $self = shift;
my $localFile = shift;
my $remoteFile = shift;
unless (defined $localFile and defined $remoteFile) {
$self->HandleError("Incorrect args passed to ".ref($self)."::SendFile");
$remoteFile =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
my $localFileSize = Utils::FileSize($localFile);
if ($self->{verbose}) {
print 'Uploading '.basename($localFile).' to FTP site '.$self->Host()." ...\n";
elsif ($localFileSize) {
print 'Uploading '.basename($localFile).': ';
#check the file to upload exists
unless (-e $localFile) {
$self->HandleError("Local file $localFile does not exist");
#check remote dir exists and create it if it doesn't
my $remoteDir = dirname($remoteFile);
unless ($self->DirExists($remoteDir)) {
#if a file with same name as the remote file already exists delete it (even if it has different case)
if (my $actualFileName = $self->FileExists($remoteFile)) {
#create a temporary file name in the remote directory for uploading to
my $tmpFile = $self->CreateTemporaryFile($remoteDir);
#send the file
if ($self->ResumeMode()) {
$self->SendFileWithResume($localFile, $tmpFile);
else {
if ($self->{verbose} and $localFileSize) {
print "Upload progress: ";
$self->SendFileWithoutResume($localFile, $tmpFile);
#rename the temporary file to the final remote file name
$self->MoveFile($tmpFile, $remoteFile);
if ($self->{verbose} > 1) {
print "Upload successful. Stored as $remoteFile on FTP site.\n";
sub GetFile {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteFile = shift;
my $localFile = shift;
unless (defined $localFile and defined $remoteFile) {
$self->HandleError("Incorrect args passed to ".ref($self)."::GetFile");
$remoteFile =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
if ($self->{verbose}) {
print "Downloading ".$remoteFile." from FTP site ".$self->Host()." ...\n";
else {
print "Downloading ".basename($remoteFile).": ";
#check that the file to download exists
my $actualFileName;
unless ($actualFileName = $self->FileExists($remoteFile)) {
$self->HandleError("Remote file $remoteFile does not exist");
$remoteFile = $actualFileName; #handles case sensitivity correctly
#check local dir exists and create it if it doesn't
my $localDir = dirname($localFile);
unless (-e $localDir) {
if ($self->{verbose}) {
print "Created directory $localDir on local drive\n";
my $remoteFileSize = $self->FileSize($remoteFile);
if ($self->{verbose} and $remoteFileSize) {
print "Download progress: ";
#get the file
if ($self->ResumeMode()) {
$self->GetFileWithResume($remoteFile, $localFile);
else {
$self->GetFileWithoutResume($remoteFile, $localFile);
if ($self->{verbose} > 1) {
print "Download successful. Stored as $localFile on local site.\n";
sub FileExists {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteFile = shift;
unless (defined $remoteFile) {
return 0;
#use Carp qw/cluck/;
#cluck "Called FileExists";
# List the directory the file is in, and see if the file name is in it.
$remoteFile =~ s{\/}{\\}g; #convert forward slashes to back slashes
(my $path, my $baseName, my $ext) = Utils::SplitFileName($remoteFile);
my $fileName = $baseName . $ext;
$path =~ s/\\$//; #remove trailing slash
$path =~ s/\\/\//g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
my $ls = $self->DirList($path);
print "Checking for existence of remote file \"$remoteFile\" by looking for \"$fileName\" in \"$path\".\n" if ($self->{verbose} && $ls);
return 0 unless $ls; # definitely doesn't exist if nothing in the directory
my @present = grep /(\/|\\|^\s*)\Q$fileName\E\s*$/i, @$ls;
if (@present) {
print "Have found file: YES\n" if ($self->{verbose});
$present[0] = $path."/".$present[0] if ( $present[0] !~ /\// );
return $present[0];
else {
print "Have found file: NO\n" if ($self->{verbose});
return 0;
sub DirList {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteDir = shift;
print "Listing FTP directory $remoteDir\n" if ($self->{verbose});
my $dirlist_retries = 3;
$remoteDir =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
my $retry;
for ($retry = 0; $retry < $dirlist_retries; $retry++) {
unless ($self->Connected()) {
# The Net::FTP module that we're using here has two options for listing the contents
# of a directory. They are the 'ls' and 'dir' calls.
# The 'ls' call is great, and just returns a list of the items. But, irritatingly, it
# misses out directories: the returned list just contains names of *files*.
# dir is better, in some ways, as it lists directories too, but its output format
# varies from one FTP site to the next. So we have to stick with ls.
print "About to call dir(\"$remoteDir\")\n" if ($self->{verbose});
my $ls = $self->{ftp}->ls($remoteDir);
my $resp = $self->{ftp}->message;
print "FTP response to list command was \"$resp\"\n" if ($self->{verbose});
if (ref $ls) {
print "FTP dir returned \"$ls\" which is a ".(ref $ls)." containing ".(scalar @$ls)." items\n" if ($self->{verbose});
$ls = undef if ($resp eq ""); # if we didn't get "Opening BINARY mode connection..." or something similar, then we've
# come across the problem where Net::FTP says Net::FTP: Unexpected EOF on command channel at d:/reltools/2.6x/personal/bin/Net
# /FTP/ line 73. Unfortunately, it doesn't die, and it returns an empty array, so the only way to find out this has
# happened is to check message.
$ls = undef if ($resp =~ m/^connection closed/i);
# $ls might now be undef
if (ref($ls)) {
return $ls;
else {
if ($self->Connected()) {
return undef;
else {
print "Warning: Listing of \"$remoteDir\" failed due to an FTP site problem: " . $self->{ftp}->message . ". ";
if ($self->PassiveMode()) {
print "PASV mode FTP is currently enabled. This can cause connectivity issues under certain circumstances. ",
"To disable, remove the pasv_transfer_mode directive from your reltools.ini file.\n";
else {
print "PASV mode FTP is currently disabled. Enabling it can prevent connectivity issues under certain circumstances. ",
"To enable, add the pasv_transfer_mode directive to your reltools.ini file.\n";
# Fall through to next loop iteration
die "Error: have tried to list \"$remoteDir\" $retry times with no success - giving up\n";
sub MakeDir {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteDir = shift;
$remoteDir =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
unless ($self->Connected()) {
if ($self->{ftp}->mkdir($remoteDir, 1)) {
if ($self->{verbose}) {
print "Created directory $remoteDir on FTP site\n";
else {
if ($self->Connected()) {
$self->HandleError("Cannot make directory $remoteDir on FTP site");
else {
sub FileSize {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
$file =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
unless ($self->Connected()) {
my $size;
if (defined($size = $self->{ftp}->size($file))) {
return $size;
else {
if ($self->Connected()) {
return 0;
else {
$self->FileSize($file); #try to get the size again after reconnecting
sub DeleteFile {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
$file =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
unless ($self->Connected()) {
if ($self->{ftp}->delete($file)) {
elsif ($self->{ftp}->rmdir($file)) {
else {
if ($self->Connected()) {
$self->HandleError("Cannot delete $file on FTP site");
else {
sub MoveFile {
my $self = shift;
my $oldFile = shift;
my $newFile = shift;
$oldFile =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
$newFile =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
unless ($self->Connected()) {
if ($self->{ftp}->rename($oldFile, $newFile)) {
else {
if ($self->Connected()) {
$self->HandleError("Cannot move $oldFile to $newFile on FTP site");
else {
$self->MoveFile($oldFile, $newFile);
sub FileModifiedTime {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
$file =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
unless ($self->Connected()) {
my $modifiedTime;
if (defined($modifiedTime = $self->{ftp}->mdtm($file))) {
return $modifiedTime;
else {
if ($self->Connected()) {
print "Warning: failed to find modified time for file \"$file\"\n";
return undef;
else {
# Private
sub Connect {
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->Host()) {
$self->HandleError("Cannot connect FTP host name not defined");
my $debug = (($self->{verbose} && $self->{verbose} > 1) ? 1 : 0);
#Attempt to connect (or reconnect if connection fails)
for (1..$self->Reconnects()) {
$self->{ftp} = undef;
if ($self->{verbose}) {
print "Connecting to FTP site ".$self->Host()."...\n";
$self->{ftp} = Net::FTP->new($self->Host(),
Passive => $self->PassiveMode(),
Debug => $debug,
Timeout => $self->Timeout());
if (defined $self->{ftp}) {
#login to FTP site
$self->{ftp}->login($self->Username(), $self->Password())
or $self->HandleError("FTP login failed");
#change transfer mode to binary
or $self->HandleError("Failed to set FTP server to binary transfer mode");
$self->HandleError("Cannot connect to FTP site ".$self->Host());
sub Connected {
my $self = shift;
return (defined $self->{ftp} and defined $self->{ftp}->pwd);
sub SendFileWithResume {
my $self = shift;
my $localFile = shift;
my $remoteFile = shift;
#open the local file for reading
$self->{localfh} = IO::File->new("< $localFile");
my $localFileSize = Utils::FileSize($localFile);
my $buffer;
my $bytesSent;
my $totalBytesSent = 0;
#Open the temporary file on the FTP site for writing/appending
$self->{dataconn} = $self->OpenRemoteFileForAppending($remoteFile);
if ($self->{verbose} and $localFileSize) {
print "Upload progress: ";
#upload temporary file in blocks
while ($self->{localfh}->read($buffer, BLOCKSIZE)) {
eval {
$bytesSent = $self->{dataconn}->write($buffer, length($buffer));
unless ($bytesSent) {
if (my $ftpResponse = $self->{ftp}->getline()) {
next if ($ftpResponse !~ m/^(3|4|5)/);
chomp $ftpResponse;
print "\nError: The FTP server returned \'$ftpResponse\'\n";
if ($self->Connected()) {
$self->HandleError("Cannot append to remote file $remoteFile");
else {
#connection dropped. Reconnect and resume upload
if ($self->{verbose}) {print "\n"}
$totalBytesSent = $self->FileSize($remoteFile);
seek($self->{localfh}, $totalBytesSent, 0);
goto RESUME;
else {
$totalBytesSent += $bytesSent;
$self->UpdateProgress($totalBytesSent, $localFileSize);
#close the remote and local files now the transfer has finished
sub SendFileWithoutResume {
my $self = shift;
my $localFile = shift;
my $remoteFile = shift;
my $putSuccess;
eval {
$putSuccess = $self->{ftp}->put($localFile, $remoteFile);
unless ($putSuccess) {
$self->HandleError("Problem occurred during FTP upload of $localFile");
sub GetFileWithResume {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteFile = shift;
my $localFile = shift;
my $totalBytesReceived = 0;
my $getSuccess;
unless ($self->Connected()) {
eval {
$getSuccess = $self->{ftp}->get($remoteFile, $localFile, $totalBytesReceived);
unless ($getSuccess or !$@) {
if ($self->Connected()) {
$self->HandleError("Problem occurred during FTP download of $remoteFile");
else {
$totalBytesReceived = Utils::FileSize($localFile);
goto RESUME;
sub GetFileWithoutResume {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteFile = shift;
my $localFile = shift;
unless ($self->Connected()) {
my $getSuccess;
eval {
$getSuccess = $self->{ftp}->get($remoteFile, $localFile);
unless ($getSuccess) {
$self->HandleError("Problem occurred during FTP download of $remoteFile");
sub DirExists {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteDir = shift;
$remoteDir =~ s{\\}{\/}g; #convert back slashes to forward slashes
unless ($self->Connected()) {
my $pwd = $self->{ftp}->pwd() or $self->HandleError("Problem reading current working directory on FTP site\n");
my $exists = 0;
if ($self->{ftp}->cwd($remoteDir)) {
$exists = 1;
$self->{ftp}->cwd($pwd) or $self->HandleError("Problem changing current working directory back to $pwd on FTP site\n");
return $exists;
sub OpenRemoteFileForAppending {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteFile = shift;
unless ($self->Connected()) {
my $dataconn;
if (defined($dataconn = $self->{ftp}->appe($remoteFile))) {
return $dataconn;
else {
if ($self->Connected()) {
$self->HandleError("Cannot open $remoteFile for appending on FTP site");
else {
sub CloseAllOpenFiles {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{localfh}) {
$self->{localfh} = undef;
if ($self->{dataconn}) {
$self->{dataconn} = undef;
sub DisplayProgress {
my $self = shift;
my $total = shift;
my $numHashes = 50;
my $bytesPerHash = int $total / $numHashes;
if ($total) {
$self->{ftp}->hash(\*STDERR, $bytesPerHash);
sub UpdateProgress {
my $self = shift;
my $current = shift;
my $total = shift;
my $bytesPerPercent = int $total/100;
if ($current == $total) {
print "\b\b\b100%\n";
elsif ($bytesPerPercent == 0) {
print "\b\b0%";
else {
my $percentComplete = int $current/$bytesPerPercent;
if ($percentComplete < 10) {
print "\b\b$percentComplete%";
else {
print "\b\b\b$percentComplete%";
sub HandleError {
my $self = shift;
my $errorString = shift;
if (defined $self->{ftp}) {
$self->{ftp} = undef;
#call the super class error handler
sub CreateTemporaryFile {
my $self = shift;
my $remoteDir = shift;
my $fileNum = 10000;
my $tmpFile = $remoteDir.'/lpdrt'.$fileNum.'.tmp';
while ($self->FileExists($tmpFile)) {
$tmpFile = $remoteDir.'/lpdrt'.$fileNum.'.tmp';
return $tmpFile;
# Destructor
my $self = shift;
if (defined $self->{ftp}) {
if ($self->{verbose}) {
print "Dropping connection to FTP site ".$self->Host()."\n";
$self->{ftp} = undef;
=head1 NAME - Access a remote FTP site.
use RemoteSite::FTP;
$ftp = RemoteSite::FTP->New(host => '',
username => 'myusername',
password => 'mypassword',
verbose => 1);
if ($ftp->FileExists('/somedir/someremotefile')) {
do something...
$ftp->SendFile('somelocalfile', 'someremotefile');
$ftp->GetFile('someremotefile', 'somelocalfile');
C<RemoteSite::FTP> is inherited from the abstract base class C<RemoteSite>, implementing the abstract methods required for transfer of files to and from a remote site when the remote site is an FTP server.
=head2 New
Passed an argument list in the form of hash key value pairs. The supported arguments are...
host => $host_address_string
username => $user_name_string
password => $pass_word_string
passiveMode => $passive_mode_bool
resumeTransfers => $resume_transfers_bool
timeout => $timeout_integer
reconnects => $reconnects_integer
verbose => $verbosity_integer
Returns a reference to a C<RemoteSite::FTP> object
=head2 Host
Returns the current value of the C<host> attribute which contains the host FTP address. If passed an argument sets the attribute to this new value.
=head2 Username
Returns the current value of the C<username> attribute which stores the user name required to access the FTP site. If passed an argument sets the attribute to this new value.
=head2 Password
Returns the current value of the C<password> attribute which stores the password required to access the FTP site. If passed an argument sets the attribute to this new value.
=head2 SendFile
Passed a local and a remote file name. Uploads the local file to the FTP site. Dies if upload fails
=head2 GetFile
Passed a remote and local file name. Downloads the remote file from the FTP site and stores it on the local drive. Dies if download fails.
=head2 FileExists
Passed a filename (with full path) on the FTP site. Returns a non zero value if the file exists.
=head2 DirList
Passed a directory name. Returns a list of files contained in the directory or undef if fails to read directory
=head2 MakeDir
Passed a directory name. Creates the directory on the FTP site
=head2 DeleteFile
Passed a file name. Deletes the file on the FTP site. Dies if fails
=head2 FileSize
Passed a file name. Returns the size of the file. Returns 0 if fails.
=head2 FileModifiedTime
Passed a file name. Returns the last modified time stamp of the file. Returns undef if fails
=head2 MoveFile
Passed two file names. Renames the first file to the second file name. Dies if fails.
Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".
Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.