ROM Tools
Postlinker 2.2.5
Revert package_definition.xml to changeset 360bd6b35136
# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Raptor installer/uninstaller script
# Standard NSIS Library includes
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include "WinMessages.nsh"
# Extra plugin includes
!include "nsDialogs.nsh"
!include "Registry.nsh"
!include "NSISpcre.nsh"
!include "Time.nsh"
# Define functions from NSISpcre.nsh
!insertmacro REMatches
!insertmacro un.REMatches
!insertmacro REQuoteMeta
# Variables
Var RESULT # Generic variable to obtain results, and immediately thrown away after
Var RESULT2 # Generic variable to obtain results, and immediately thrown away after
Var USERONLYINSTALL_HWND # HWND of radio button control for user-only installation
Var ALLUSERSINSTALL_HWND # HWND of radio button control for system installation
Var NOENVCHANGES_HWND # HWND of radio button control for file-only installation
Var USERONLYINSTALL_STATE # State of user-only radio button
Var ALLUSERSINSTALL_STATE # State of system radio button
Var NOENVCHANGES_STATE # State of file-only installation radio button
Var INSTALL_TYPE # Type of installer ("USR" or "SYS")
# Custom includes (depend on above variables so much be here)
!include "raptorinstallerutils.nsh" # Functions and macros for handling environment variables
# !include "raptorversion.nsh" # Define the RAPTOR_VERSION variable
# Defines
!define RAPTOR "sbs"
########################## Attributes ###########################
# Name of installer executable to create!
# Name for the installer caption
Name "Raptor v${RAPTOR_VERSION}"
####################### Generic Behaviour #######################
# Vista support; use admin in case user decides to install Raptor for all users
RequestExecutionLevel admin
# Set XPStyle on
XPStyle on
###################### Installer Behaviour ######################
# Warn on Cancel
# Abort warning text
!define MUI_ABORTWARNING_TEXT "Are you sure you want to quit the ${INSTALLER_NAME} installer?"
# Cancel is default button on cancel dialogue boxes.
# Don't just to final page
# Show installer details
ShowInstDetails show
##################### Pages in the installer #####################
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\license.txt
!define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT "Installation type"
Page custom UserOrSysInstall UserOrSysInstallLeave
!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE DirLeave # Directory page exit function - disallow spaces in $INSTDIR
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
######################## .onInit function ########################
Function .onInit
StrCpy $INSTDIR "C:\Apps\Raptor"
#################### Sections in the installer ####################
# "Sections" - i.e. components to install. This installer
# only has Raptor, so there is no point giving options
# to the user.
Section "Install Raptor" INSTALLRAPTOR
# Install Raptor
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\bin\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\examples"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\examples\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\lib\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\python"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\python\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\schema"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\schema\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\bin"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\win32\bin\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\bv"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 /x .hg ${BV_LOCATION}\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\cygwin"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 /x .hg ${CYGWIN_LOCATION}\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\mingw"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 /x .hg ${MINGW_LOCATION}\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\win32\python264"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 /x .hg ${PYTHON_LOCATION}\*.*
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\notes"
File /r /x distribution.policy.s60 ${RAPTOR_LOCATION}\notes\*.*
${Unless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "NO_ENV"
# Back up system and user environments before changing them.
!insertmacro DefineDateStamp
!define SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE "$INSTDIR\SysEnvBackUpPreInstall-${DATE_STAMP}.reg"
!define USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE "$INSTDIR\UsrEnvBackUpPreInstall-${DATE_STAMP}.reg"
# Save System Environment just in case.
${registry::SaveKey} "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "${SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE}" "" "$RESULT"
${If} $RESULT == 0
DetailPrint "Successfully backed up system environment in ${SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE}."
DetailPrint "Failed to back up system environment due to an unknown error."
# Save user Environment just in case.
${registry::SaveKey} "HKCU\Environment" "${USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE}" "" "$RESULT"
${If} $RESULT == 0
DetailPrint "Successfully backed up user environment in ${USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE}."
DetailPrint "Failed to back up user environment due to an unknown error."
# Reset error flag
# Write SBS_HOME variable; if it exists, the user will be asked if they want it to be overwritten.
# Read the env var from the appropriate place
!insertmacro ReadEnvVar $SBS_HOME $RESULT
${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so $SBS_HOME exists
DetailPrint "Env Var $SBS_HOME exists with value $RESULT"
# Ask user if they want it replaced. If yes, write it, if no don't write it.
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "The ${INSTALLER_NAME} installer has detected that you already have the SBS_HOME environment variable set with value $RESULT. Would you like the installer to overwrite it with the value $INSTDIR? Click yes to over write with value $INSTDIR, and no to leave it as $RESULT." IDYES write_env_var_yes IDNO write_env_var_no
${Else} # No env var named $SBS_HOME
DetailPrint "Env Var $SBS_HOME does not exist!"
# Write SBS_HOME to registry
Push "SBS_HOME" # Third on stack
Push "$INSTDIR" # Second on stack
Push "" # First on stack
# Needs env var name, env var value, then "" on the stack
call WriteEnvVar
# Prepend PATH with %SBS_HOME%\bin
Push "%SBS_HOME%\bin" # First on stack
call PrependToPath
goto end
DetailPrint "Not writing the environment variable $SBS_HOME."
# Generate batch file to set environment variables for Raptor
StrCpy $RESULT "@REM Environment variables for ${INSTALLER_NAME}$\r$\nset SBS_HOME=$INSTDIR$\r$\nset PATH=%SBS_HOME%\bin;%PATH%$\r$\n"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
!insertmacro WriteFile "RaptorEnv.bat" "$RESULT"
# Finishing up installation.
${Unless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "NO_ENV"
# Refresh environment to get changes for SBS_HOME and PATH
!insertmacro RefreshEnv
# Write the uninstaller
# Unload registry plug in
# Custom install page to select install type
Function UserOrSysInstall
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Choose Installation Type" "Choose the type of installation \
you would like for your computer."
nsDialogs::Create 1018
# Exit is unable to create dialog
${If} $DIALOG == error
# Create second radio button for system install
#${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 10u 100% 33% "Install Raptor for all users on this computer. \
#(Recommended).$\nThis option modifies system wide environment variables."
# Create first radio button for user install
#${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 45u 100% 67% "Install Raptor just for me on this computer.\
#$\nThis option modifies only user environment variables."
# Create first radio button for system install
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 0% 100% 30% "Install Raptor for all users on this computer. \
(Recommended).$\nThis option modifies system wide environment variables."
# Create second radio button for user install
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 25% 100% 30% "Install Raptor just for me on this computer.\
$\nThis option modifies only user environment variables."
# Create third radio button for file-only install
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 0 50% 100% 40% "Install, but do not modify the environment.\
$\nThis option only unpacks Raptor's files. A batch file in the installation \
folder (RaptorEnv.bat) can be used to set Raptor's environment variables in a command prompt."
# Update page control with previous state, if set.
# Initially these will be blank, so set system install to be on by default.
${Else} # Previously set, user has returned to this page using "Back" button
# Store the states of the radio buttons once the user has left the page.
Function UserOrSysInstallLeave
# Set the ${INSTALL_TYPE} variable
${Unless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "USR"
${AndUnless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "SYS"
${AndUnless} $INSTALL_TYPE == "NO_ENV"
Abort "Failed to determine installation type.\n\
Function DirLeave
StrCpy $0 " "
${REQuoteMeta} $9 $0 # $9 now contains the meta-quoted version of $0
${If} $INSTDIR =~ $9
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Please choose a directory without a space in it."
########################### Uninstaller #########################
######################## .onInit function ########################
Function un.onInit
!insertmacro DefineDateStamp
########################### Behaviour ###########################
# Warn on Cancel
# Abort warning text
!define MUI_UNABORTWARNING_TEXT "Are you sure you want to quit the ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller?"
# Cancel is default button on cancel dialogue boxes.
# Don't just to final page
# Show uninstaller details
ShowUninstDetails show
#################### Pages in the uninstaller ####################
!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
################## Sections in the uninstaller ##################
# There is only one section in the uninstaller.
Section "Uninstall"
# Delete Raptor
RmDir /r $INSTDIR\bin
RmDir /r $INSTDIR\examples
RmDir /r $INSTDIR\lib
RmDir /r $INSTDIR\python
RmDir /r $INSTDIR\schema
RmDir /r $INSTDIR\win32
RmDir /r $INSTDIR\notes
Delete $INSTDIR\RaptorEnv.bat
!define SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE "$INSTDIR\SysEnvBackUpPreUninstall-${DATE_STAMP}.reg"
!define USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE "$INSTDIR\UsrEnvBackUpPreUninstall-${DATE_STAMP}.reg"
# Save System Environment just in case.
${registry::SaveKey} "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "${SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE}" "" "$RESULT"
${If} $RESULT == 0
DetailPrint "Successfully backed up system environment in ${SYS_REG_BACKUP_FILE}."
DetailPrint "Failed to back up system environment due to an unknown error."
# Save user Environment just in case.
${registry::SaveKey} "HKCU\Environment" "${USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE}" "" "$RESULT"
${If} $RESULT == 0
DetailPrint "Successfully backed up user environment in ${USR_REG_BACKUP_FILE}."
DetailPrint "Failed to back up user environment due to an unknown error."
# Reset error flag
# Read user SBS_HOME
!insertmacro ReadUsrEnvVar "SBS_HOME" $RESULT
${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so user %SBS_HOME% exists
DetailPrint "Removing user environment variable SBS_HOME ($RESULT)"
# Reset error flag
!insertmacro RmUsrEnvVar "SBS_HOME"
${If} ${Errors}
DetailPrint "ERROR: The ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller could not remove the user environment variable SBS_HOME."
DetailPrint "Please remove it manually."
${Else} # No env var named $SBS_HOME
DetailPrint "Note: Unable to find user environment variable SBS_HOME."
DetailPrint "If required, this variable may need to be removed manually."
# Reset error flag
# Read system SBS_HOME
!insertmacro ReadSysEnvVar "SBS_HOME" $RESULT
${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so system $SBS_HOME exists
DetailPrint "Removing system environment variable SBS_HOME ($RESULT)"
# Reset error flag
!insertmacro RmSysEnvVar "SBS_HOME"
${If} ${Errors}
DetailPrint "ERROR: The ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller could not remove the \
System environment variable SBS_HOME."
DetailPrint "Please remove it manually."
${Else} # No env var named $SBS_HOME
DetailPrint "Note: Unable to find system environment variable SBS_HOME."
DetailPrint "If required, this variable may need to be removed manually."
################################# Clean up the path env vars #################################
# Reset error flag
# Read user path
!insertmacro ReadUsrPath $RESULT
DetailPrint "Read user Path: $RESULT"
${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so user $SBS_HOME exists
${If} $RESULT == "" # If it came back empty.
DetailPrint "No user Path available - nothing to do."
${If} $RESULT un.=~ "%SBS_HOME%\\bin;" # Only need to act if %SBS_HOME%\bin; is in the Path
DetailPrint "Removing %SBS_HOME%\bin; from user path"
# Reset error flag and clean user Path
!insertmacro RemoveFromPathString $RESULT "%SBS_HOME%\bin;"
DetailPrint "DEBUG: User path $$RESULT = "
DetailPrint "DEBUG: User path $RESULT"
${If} $RESULT == ""
!insertmacro RmUsrEnvVar "Path"
# Write cleaned Path to registry
!insertmacro WriteUsrEnvVarExp "Path" $RESULT
${If} ${Errors}
DetailPrint "ERROR: The ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller could not clean the user Path. Please clean it manually."
DetailPrint "Nothing to remove from user path."
${Else} # No user path
DetailPrint "Note: Unable to find user Path environment variable."
DetailPrint "Please check that the variable exists and remove %SBS_HOME\bin manually if required."
# Read system path
!insertmacro ReadSysPath $RESULT
DetailPrint "Read system Path: $RESULT"
${Unless} ${Errors} # No errors, so system path read OK.
${If} $RESULT un.=~ "%SBS_HOME%\\bin;" # Only need to act if %SBS_HOME%\bin; is in the Path
DetailPrint "Removing %SBS_HOME%\bin; from system path"
# Reset error flag
!insertmacro RemoveFromPathString $RESULT "%SBS_HOME%\bin;"
DetailPrint "DEBUG: System Path $$RESULT = "
DetailPrint "DEBUG: System Path $RESULT"
# Write cleaned PATH to registry
!insertmacro WriteSysEnvVarExp "Path" $RESULT
${If} ${Errors}
DetailPrint "ERROR: The ${INSTALLER_NAME} uninstaller could not clean the PATH."
DetailPrint "Please clean it manually."
DetailPrint "Nothing to remove from system path."
${Else} # Some error reading system path
DetailPrint "Note: Unable to read the system Path environment variable."
DetailPrint "Please check that the variable and remove %SBS_HOME\bin manually if required."
# Refresh environment to get changes for SBS_HOME and PATH
!insertmacro RefreshEnv
# Unload registry plug in
# Languages
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
################################################ End ################################################