author lorewang
Wed, 01 Dec 2010 16:05:36 +0800
changeset 715 e0739b8406dd
parent 645 b8d81fa19e7d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Specify extenal tool with path

#Name        : 
#Part of     : Helium 
#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
#All rights reserved.
#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
#at the URL "".
#Initial Contributors:
#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
""" Custom Sphinx operations to help with Helium doc linking. """

import os
import re
import atexit

from docutils import nodes, utils
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives

import amara

tree = None
treecache = None
database_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd() + '/build', 'public_database.xml'))

# Error count for custom sphinx operations
exit_with_failure = 0 

def check_cached_database():
    """ Check the Ant database XML data is cached as needed. """
    global tree
    global treecache    
    if tree == None or treecache == None:
        f = open(database_path)
        tree = amara.parse(f)
        treecache = {}
        for project in tree.antDatabase.project:
            for x in project.xml_children:
                if hasattr(x, 'name'):
                    treecache[str(] = [str(,'project']
        if hasattr(tree.antDatabase, "antlib"):
            for antlib in tree.antDatabase.antlib:
                for x in antlib.xml_children:
                    if hasattr(x, 'name'):
                        treecache[str(] = [str(,'antlib']
def handle_hlm_role(role, _, text, lineno, inliner, options=None, content=None): # pylint: disable=W0613
    """ Process a custom Helium ReStructuredText role to link to a target, property or macro. """
    if options == None:
        options = {}
    if content == None:
        content = []
    # See if the role is used to embed a API element field
    if '[' in text:
        role_data = _embed_role_field(role, text, lineno, inliner)
        role_data = _build_link(text, lineno, inliner, options)
    return role_data
def _embed_role_field(role, text, lineno, inliner):
    """ Insert the contents of an element field. 
    These take the form of e.g. hlm-p:`[summary]`
    messages = []
    node = nodes.Text('', '')
    field_match ="(.*?)\[(.*?)\]", text)
    if field_match != None:
        element_name =
        field_name =
        if field_name != None and len(field_name) > 0:
            field_value = find_field_value(role, element_name, field_name)
            if field_value != None and len(field_value) > 0:
                node = nodes.Text(field_value, utils.unescape(field_value))
                messages.append(inliner.reporter.error(('Field value cannot be found for API field: "%s".' % text), line=lineno))
            messages.append(inliner.reporter.error(('Invalid field name for API value replacement: "%s".' % text), line=lineno))
        return [node], messages

def find_field_value(role, element_name, field_name):
    """ Gets the value of a field from an API element. """
    field_value = None
    element = tree.xml_xpath('//' + roles[role] + "[name='" + element_name + "']")
    if element != None and len(element) == 1:
        field_value_list = element[0].xml_xpath(field_name)
        if field_value_list != None and len(field_value_list) == 1:
            field_value = str(field_value_list[0])
    return field_value

def _build_link(text, lineno, inliner, options):
    """ Build an HTML link to the API doc location for API element. """
    global exit_with_failure
    full_path_match ="<document source=\"(.*?)\"", str(inliner.document))
    full_path =
    path_segment = full_path[full_path.index('\\doc\\') + 5:]
    dir_levels = path_segment.count('\\')
    (parent_type, parent_name) = get_root_element_name(text)
    messages = []
    # See if link can be built
    if parent_type != None and parent_name != None:
        href_text = text.replace('.', '-').lower()
        api_path_segment = 'api/helium/' + parent_type + '-' + parent_name  + '.html#' + href_text
        relative_path = ('../' * dir_levels) + api_path_segment
        api_doc_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd() + '/build/doc', api_path_segment))
        node = nodes.reference(text, utils.unescape(text), refuri=relative_path, **options)
        node = nodes.literal(text, '', node, **options)
    # Or just insert the basic property text
        messages.append(inliner.reporter.error(('Missing API doc for "%s".' % text), line=lineno))
        node = nodes.literal(text, utils.unescape(text))
        # Error occurred so record this in order to return the total number as a failure when exiting the program
        exit_with_failure += 1 
    return [node], messages

def get_root_element_name(text):
    if text in treecache:
        return (treecache[text][1], treecache[text][0])
    return (None, None)

roles = {'hlm-t': 'target',
         'hlm-p': 'property',
         'hlm-m': 'macro',}

def setup(app):
    """ Register custom RST roles for linking Helium targets, properties and macros
    to the API documentation. """
    for role in roles.keys():
        app.add_role(role, handle_hlm_role)
    app.add_description_unit('property', 'ant-prop', 'pair: %s; property')
    app.add_description_unit('target', 'ant-target', 'pair: %s; target')

def check_for_failure():
    """ Check whether we need to exit the program with a failure due to one or more errors in a custom Sphinx operation. """
    if exit_with_failure:
        raise SystemExit("EXCEPTION: Found %d error(s) of type '(ERROR/3) Missing API doc for <property>'" % (exit_with_failure) )

# Register a cleanup routine to handle exit with failure