author bdonegan
Thu, 30 Sep 2010 16:15:48 +0100
changeset 3 b667e5204120
parent 0 c6b0df440bee
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove reference to cinidata in order to allow TrkEngine to build

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Definition of Data Source API that supplies crash information.



#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <scmdatatypes.h>
#include <crashdata.h>
#include <processdata.h>
#include <executabledata.h>
#include <threaddata.h>

#ifdef __MARM__
#include <rm_debug_api.h>

Definition of the Data Source API. This API is used by formatters to obtain crash data from
the Core Dump Server. The Core Dump Server derives and implements this API.
class CCrashDataSource : public CBase

	/** Standard second-phase constructor. */
	virtual void ConstructL() = 0;


	This call returns information on all available registers. It does not
	return the register contents. This is used to establish which registers
	a caller could ask for, in particular for Co Processor registers.
	The callee (not the caller) allocates aRegisterList.
	This method is used by a formatter to establish which registers it can ask for,
	and thus need only be called once per session.

    @param aRegisterList Returned register list with available registers.

    @see TRegisterData.
	@see RRegisterList.
	virtual void GetRegisterListL( RRegisterList  &	aRegisterList ) = 0;

	Ask the Core Dump server for some register data. The caller allocates
	the array and fills in the details of the registers for which it would like
	the contents.
	@param aThreadId Thread to read registers from.
	@param aRegisterList Returned register list with current values.

    @see TRegisterData.
	@see GetRegisterListL().
	@see RRegisterList.
	virtual void ReadRegistersL( const TUint64 aThreadId, RRegisterList &aRegisterList ) = 0;

 	Read data from target relative to a particular thread.
	The caller assumes ownership of the resulting data descriptor.

 	@param aThreadId Memory read is relative to this thread parameter
	@param aAddress Virtual address to read from
    @param aLength Number of bytes to read
	@param aData Descriptor for read data
	virtual void ReadMemoryL(
                   const TUint64    aThreadId,
                   const TUint32    aAddress,
                   const TUint32    aLength,
                   TDes8          & aData ) = 0;

 	Read the current process list.
	The caller assumes ownership of resulting data.
	@param aData Array of currently running processes .

	@see RProcessPointerList.
	@see CProcessInfo.
	virtual void GetProcessListL( RProcessPointerList & aData )
		TUint totalProcessListDescSize;
		GetProcessListL( aData, totalProcessListDescSize );

 	Read the current process list.
	The caller assumes ownership of the resulting data.
	This call is only useful if the total descriptor size required for
	transferring across the client-server boundary must be known.

 	@param aData	Array of currently running processes.
	@param aTotalProcessListDescSize Total descriptor size required
	to transfer the list across the client-server interface.
	@leave One of the OS wide codes
    @see RProcessPointerList.
	@see CProcessInfo.
	virtual void GetProcessListL( RProcessPointerList & aData,
						         TUint & aTotalProcessListDescSize ) = 0;

 	Read the current executable list. The caller assumes ownership of the resulting data.
	@param aData Array of current executables.
 	@leave One of the OS wide codes
	@see RExecutablePointerList.
	@see CExecutableInfo
	virtual void GetExecutableListL( RExecutablePointerList & aData )
		TUint totalExecutableListDescSize;
		GetExecutableListL( aData, totalExecutableListDescSize );

 	Read the current executable list.
	The caller assumes ownership of the resulting data.
	This call is only useful if the total descriptor size required for
	transferring across the client-server boundary must be known.

 	@param aData	Array of current executables.
	@param aTotalExecutableListDescSize	Total descriptor size required
	to transfer the list across the client-server interface.
	@leave One of the OS wide codes
	@see RExecutablePointerList.
	@see CExecutableInfo
	virtual void GetExecutableListL( RExecutablePointerList & aData,
						         TUint & aTotalExecutableListDescSize ) = 0;

	Read the current thread list.
	This call is only useful if the total descriptor size required for
	transferring across the client-server boundary must be known.

	@param aProcessId If this argument is -1, all the threads in the
	system are returned. Otherwise the threads under the process with the id
	aProcessId are returned.
 	@param aThreadList Array of currently running threads.
	@param aTotalThreadListDescSize Size in bytes of the descriptor
	required to transfer the data over the client server interface.
 	@leave One of the OS wide codes
  	@see CThreadInfo
    @see RThreadPointerList.
	@see GetThreadListL
	virtual void GetThreadListL( const TUint64 aProcessId,
						RThreadPointerList & aThreadList,
						TUint & aTotalThreadListDescSize ) = 0;

 	Read the current thread list.
	The caller assumes ownership of the resulting data.

	@param aProcessId If this argument is -1, all the threads in the
	system are returned. Otherwise the threads under the process with the id
	aProcessId are returned.
 	@param aThreadList	Array of currently running threads.
	@leave One of the OS wide codes
	@see CThreadInfo
	@see RThreadPointerList
  	virtual void GetThreadListL( const TUint64 aProcessId,
								 RThreadPointerList & aThreadList )
		TUint totalThreadListDescSize;
		GetThreadListL(	aProcessId, aThreadList, totalThreadListDescSize );

	Obtain a list of the code segments for a process.

	@param aTid Thread identifier to obtain code segments for.
	@param aCodeSegs Array of code segments.
	@param aTotalCodeSegListDescSize Size in bytes of the descriptor
	required to transfer the data over the client server interface.
 	@leave One of the OS wide codes
	@see RCodeSegPointerList
	@see TSegmentInfo
    virtual void GetCodeSegmentsL(const TUint64 aTid,
									RCodeSegPointerList &aCodeSegs,
									TUint &aTotalCodeSegListDescSize ) = 0;

	Obtain a list of the code segments for a process.

	@param aTid Thread identifier to obtain code segments for.
	@param aCodeSegs Array of code segments.
    @leave One of the OS wide codes
	@see RCodeSegPointerList
	@see TSegmentInfo
    virtual void GetCodeSegmentsL(const TUint64 aTid, RCodeSegPointerList &aCodeSegs)
        TUint totalThreadListDescSize;
        GetCodeSegmentsL(aTid, aCodeSegs, totalThreadListDescSize);

     * Returns the size of the trace buffer that is available. Should be used in conjunction with ReadTraceBufferL to
     * determine the size of the buffer you need to pass in.
     * @return Trace Buffer Size
     * @leave One of the OS wide codes
     * @see ReadTraceBufferL
    virtual TUint GetAvailableTraceSizeL() {User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); return 0;};

	 * Reads trace data from trace buffer at time of crash. If the resulting
	 * descriptor is of size zero then no trace data is available. Use GetAvailableTraceSizeL to see what size buffer to supply.
	 * @param aTraceData Descriptor to store trace data
	 * @param aPos Position in the trace buffer from which to read. It will read to the end or until the supplied descriptor is full, whichever happens first.
	 * @leave One of the OS wide codes
	 * @see GetAvailableTraceSizeL
	virtual void ReadTraceBufferL(TDes8 &aTraceData, TUint aPos = 0 ) {User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); };

	 * Reads locks data
	 * @param aLockData Descriptor to store trace data
	 * @leave One of the OS wide codes
	 * @see TSCMLockData
	virtual void GetLocksL(TSCMLockData& aLockData) {User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); };

	 * Reads the ROM Build Info
	 * @param aRomHeader Contains the ROM header info after the call if succesful
	 * @leave One of the OS wide codes
	 * @see TRomHeaderData
	virtual void GetROMBuildInfoL(TRomHeaderData& aRomHeader) {User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); };

	 * Gets the size of any variant specific information that might be available. Should
	 * be used in conjunction with GetVariantSpecificDataL to determine the size of descriptor
	 * required to be passed in	 *
	 * @return One of the system wide error codes
	 * @param aDataSize Stores the datasize after the call
	 * @see GetVariantSpecificData
	virtual TInt GetVariantSpecificDataSize(TUint& aDataSize) = 0;

	 * Gets any variant specific data that might be available
	 * @return One of the system wide error codes
	 * @param aVarSpecData Reference to descriptor to store data. Must be large enough
	 *			to store the data. If this returns size zero, no data was available
	 * @see GetVariantSpecificDataSize
	virtual TInt GetVariantSpecificData(TDes8& aVarSpecData) = 0;

#ifdef __MARM__

	 * If the stack for the given mode is available, this will return the size of it
	 * @return The size of the stack
	 * @param aMode Processer mode of interest
	 * @leave One of the OS wide codes
	 * @see Debug::TArmProcessorModes
	 * @see GetExceptionStackL
	virtual TUint GetExceptionStackSizeL(const Debug::TArmProcessorModes aMode) {User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); };

	 * Reads the exception stack for a given exception mode into the descriptor. Will start reading
	 * aStartReadPoint bytes into the stack and will fill up the descriptor as much as possible. The intention
	 * is to make multiple calls of this so you don't have to allocate a large buffer at the start.
	 * @param aMode Processer mode of interest
	 * @param aStack Descriptor to put stack into
	 * @param aStartReadPoint Will start reading aStartReadPoint bytes into the stack
	 * @see GetExceptionStackSizeL
	virtual void GetExceptionStackL(const Debug::TArmProcessorModes aMode, TDes8& aStack, TUint aStartReadPoint) {User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); };
#endif   //MARM_ARMV5

	 * Returns the version of this implementation of the data source
	 * @return TVersion Data Source version
	virtual TVersion GetVersion() const  { return TVersion(1,0,0);};

	 * Returns the buffer size that will be required to read the Data Source
	 * functionality block
	 * @param aBufSize Size of the buffer required
	 * @return One of the OS wide codes
	 * @see GetDataSourceFunctionality
	virtual TInt GetDataSourceFunctionalityBufSize(TUint& aBufSize)   {return 0;};

	 * Returns the Data Source Functionality block. Should be used in conjunction with
	 * GetDataSourceFunctionalityBufSize to determine how big a buffer should be passed through.
	 * Information in the debug functionality block is represented as a concatenation
	 * of TTag objects and a TTagHeader.
	 * @param aBuffer Contains the functionality block
	 * @return One of the OS wide codes
	 * @see GetDataSourceFunctionalityBufSize
	 * @see Debug::TTag
	 * @see Debug::TTagType
	 * @see Debug::TTagHeader
	virtual TInt GetDataSourceFunctionality(TDes8& aFuncBuffer)   { return 0;};

	/** For future expansion
	@internalTechnology */
	TUint32 iSpare1;

	/** @internalTechnology */
	TUint32 iSpare2;


	 * These tags define what kinds of core functionality is supported by a given implementation of
	 * the data source. TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdCore sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
	 * See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
	enum TDataSourceFunctionalityCore
		ECodeSegments = 0,        /**< Indicates whether getting code segments is supported */
		EExecutableList = 1,     /**< Indicates whether getting the executable list is supported */
		EProcessList = 2,        /**< Indicates whether getting the process list is supported */
		ERegisterList = 3,      /**< Indicates whether getting the register list is supported */
		EThreadList = 4,    /**< Indicates whether getting the thread list */
		EReadMemory = 5,      /**< Indicates whether reading memory is supported. */
		EReadRegisters = 6,         /**< Indicates whether reading registers is supported. */
		EReadTraceBuffer = 7,       /**< Indicates whether reading the trace buffer is supported. */
		ERomBuildInfo = 8,      /**< Indicates whether obtaining the ROM build info is supported */
		ESystemLocks = 9,  /**< Indicates whether obtaining the System Locks info is supported */
		EExceptionStacks = 10,  /**< Indicates whether obtaining the exception stacks is supported */
		  A debug agent should find the number of core tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.

	 * Information in the Data Source functionality block is represented as a concatenation
	 * of pairs of TDataSourceTagHeader structures and arrays of TTag objects.
	 * @see Debug::TTag
	 * @see GetDataSourceFunctionality
	struct TDataSourceTagHeader
		/** Value identifying the contents of this TTagHeader, should be interpreted as an enumerator from TTagHeaderId.
		  @see TTagHeaderId
		TUint16	iTagHdrId;
		/** The number of TTag elements in the array associated with this TTagHeader. */
		TUint16 iNumTags;

	 * Enumeration used to identify TDataSourceTagHeader structures, TDataSourceTagHeader::iTagHdrId elements take
	 * these enumerators as values.
	 * @see TDataSourceTagHeader
	enum TDataSourceTagHeaderId
		ETagHeaderIdCore = 0,            /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TDataSourceFunctionalityCore. */
		 * @internalTechnology
