author Eugene Ostroukhov <>
Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:22:02 -0700
changeset 495 0008ebdc0ec0
parent 470 d4809db37847
permissions -rw-r--r--
Launch configurations were updated

// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.sdk;


 * Logger facility for the Chromium debugger connection. It can eavesdrop both
 * incoming and outgoing streams and log them somewhere. To make other code
 * less dependent on this interface, it works by wrapping reader/writer and is
 * only visible at start-up time. This approach has its disadvantages, because
 * it works with raw data streams, which are not perfectly formatted for human
 * reading. E.g. adjacent  requests or responses are not separated even
 * by EOL.
public interface ConnectionLogger {
   * @return new writer that should pass all data to {@code streamWriter} and
   * silently copy it elsewhere (without additional exceptions).
  LoggableWriter wrapWriter(LoggableWriter streamWriter);

   * @return new reader that should give access to all data
   * from {@code streamReader} and silently copy it elsewhere (without
   * additional exceptions).
  LoggableReader wrapReader(LoggableReader streamReader);

   * Connection may allow the logger to close it. It is nice for UI, where
   * user sees logger and the corresponding stop button.
   * TODO(peter.rybin): consider removing it out of logging.
  void setConnectionCloser(ConnectionCloser connectionCloser);

   * Interface that gives you control over underlying connection.
  interface ConnectionCloser {
    void closeConnection();

   * Notifies logger that actual transmission is starting. After this {@link #handleEos()}
   * is guaranteed to be called.
  void start();

   * Notifies logger that EOS has been received from remote. Technically some
   * traffic still may go through writer (i.e. be sent to remote) after this.
  void handleEos();

   * Factory for connection logger. ConnectionLogger is NOT reconnectable.
  interface Factory {
     * Creates new instance of {@link ConnectionLogger}.
    ConnectionLogger newConnectionLogger();

   * Reader that allows client to add marks to stream. These marks may become visible in log
   * console.
  interface LoggableReader {
    LineReader getReader();

     * Add log mark at current reader's position.
    void markSeparatorForLog();

   * Writer that allows client to add marks to stream. These marks may become visible in log
   * console.
  interface LoggableWriter {
    Writer getWriter();

     * Add log mark at current writer's position.
    void markSeparatorForLog();