author stechong
Wed, 20 Oct 2010 11:19:31 -0500
changeset 2165 2a7b5eccb0bc
parent 2131 ff0156b93599
permissions -rw-r--r--
Keeping PlatSim internal only.

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  <title>New Launch Configuration Wizard</title>
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<h2>New Launch Configuration Wizard </h2>
<p>The <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> launches when no launch configuration exists for a build configuration in a project. Wherever possible the <b>New Launch Configuration </b> wizard gathers the information from the project and asks additional questions based on the type of launch configuration chosen. For example, a launch configuration using Symbian Device (Install SIS) requires different information than  one targeted for Symbian Device. </p>
<p>Every project consists of one or more build configurations as listed under the <b>Build project</b> icon (<img src="../images/icon_build_project.png" alt="Build project icon" width="17" height="17" align="absmiddle">) of the toolbar or in the <a href="../../tasks/projects/prj_new_build_config.htm">Add/Remove Carbide Build Configuration</a> dialog. Every build configuration needs a launch configuration to enable debugging. Launch configurations can be shared between  build configurations. The <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> detects when a build configuration doesn't have an associated launch configuration and guides you through the setup process.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/menu_build_target.png" width="428" height="224"></p>
<p class="figure">Figure 1. Build configurations for the chosen project appear under the Build icon</p>
<p>To access the <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> click the <b>Debug</b> icon (<img src="../../projects/images/icon_debug.png" alt="" width="17" height="16" align="absmiddle">) on the toolbar. If no launch configuration exists for the  selected build target the wizard is launched. If a launch configuration already exists, then that launch configuration is launched and not the wizard.</p>
<h2>Launch Configuration Wizard Pages</h2>
<p>The following are the possible pages you will see depending upon your choice of build configuration and type of debugging required. Different launch configurations need different information to work properly. The following table lists all the pages seen when choosing common types of debugging.</p>
<table width="700"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
        <th width="41%" scope="col">Launch Configuration</th>
        <th width="59%" scope="col">Wizard Pages</th>
            <li><a href="#DEBUGAS">Debug As</a></li>
            <li><a href="#EXE_SEL">Executable Selection</a></li>
            <li><a href="#BLD_OPT">Build Options Selection</a></li>
            <li><a href="#FINISH">New Launch Configuration</a></li>
            <li><a href="#DEBUGAS">Debug As</a><a href="#EXE_SEL"></a></li>
            <li><a href="wnd_config_launch_config.htm">Configure launch configuration</a></li>
<h3><a name="DEBUGAS" id="LAUNCH2"></a>Debug As</h3>
<p>Use the<b> Debug As </b>dialog  to select the method of debugging for the chosen build configuration.  The choices include: </p>
    <li><b>Device</b> &ndash; debug on Symbian devices using CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent) </li>
    <li><b>Simulator</b> &ndash; debug on Symbian simulators</li>
<p>The choice made here filters the <b>Launch Types</b> page to  only show valid launch configurations. Once a debug as choice is made, click <b>OK</b>. </p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/wiz_launch_config_debug_as.png" alt="Debug As dialog" width="350" height="350"></p>
<p class="figure">Figure 1 - Debug As dialog </p>
<h3><a name="BLD_OPT" id="EXE_SEL2"></a>Build Options Selection page</h3>
<p>Use the <b>Build Options Selection </b> page to define if the launch configuration uses automatic build or not. Choices include using the global automatic built setting (default), enable or disable automatic build for the launch configuration. You can also set the global option using the Configure Workspace Settings... to open the Launching preference panel.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/wiz_launch_config_build_options.png" width="631" height="433"></p>
<p class="figure">Figure 3 - Build Options Selection page </p>
<h3><a name="EXE_SEL" id="EXE_SEL"></a>Executable Selection page</h3>
<p>Use the <b>Executable Selection </b> page to choose a binary created by the project to launch and debug. If only a single binary is available the <b>Process to launch</b> option is disabled. </p>
<p><b>EMULATOR ONLY</b> Use the <b>Location</b> field for emulator targets to verify that the correct executable on the host is selected. This field is not used with on-device launch configurations. </p>
<p>Select the <b>Process to launch</b>, verify it is the correct binary. </p>
<p>Use the <b>Specify device path of remote process to launch</b> option (<i>not shown</i>) to specify alternate paths for launching the executable from RAM (<span class="code">c:\sys\bin\</span>), ROM (<span class="code">z:\sys\bin\</span>) or  memory cards (<span class="code">e:\sys\bin\</span>), then click <b>Next</b>. </p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/wiz_launch_config_app_selection.png" width="542" height="421"> </p>
<p class="figure">Figure 4 - Executable Selection page (when project has multiple EXEs)</p>
<h3><a name="FINISH" id="FINISH"></a>New Launch Configuration</h3>
<p>Use the <b>New Launch Configuration</b> page to note the name of the configuration, confirm the launch configuration settings,  and then launch the debug session. If something doesn't look right, click <b>Back</b> to return to a page and change its setting. If all the settings are correct, click <b>Finish</b> to start the debug session using this launch configuration. </p>
<p>If you checkmark <b> Advanced settings</b>, the <a href="../../reference/wnd_debug_configuration.htm">Debug</a> dialog appears instead of launching the project. This enables you to make additional changes to the new launch configuration before starting the debug session. By design and intent, this should seldom be required for the initial launch. </p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/wiz_launch_new_launch_config.png" alt="New Launch Configuration dialog" width="631" height="433"></p>
<p class="figure">Figure 7 - New Launch Configuration page </p>
<h5>Other references</h5>
  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm">Launch Configuration</a></li>
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