diff -r 7685cec9fd3c -r f2ddfa555b0f doc/api/python/flash_config-pysrc.html --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/doc/api/python/flash_config-pysrc.html Fri Sep 11 11:54:49 2009 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,506 @@ + + + + + flash_config + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Module flash_config + + + + + + +
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Source Code for Module flash_config

+  1  #============================================================================  
+  2  #Name        : flash_config.py  
+  3  #Part of     : Helium  
+  4   
+  5  #Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+  6  #All rights reserved. 
+  7  #This component and the accompanying materials are made available 
+  8  #under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
+  9  #which accompanies this distribution, and is available 
+ 10  #at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". 
+ 11  # 
+ 12  #Initial Contributors: 
+ 13  #Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. 
+ 14  # 
+ 15  #Contributors: 
+ 16  # 
+ 17  #Description: 
+ 18  #=============================================================================== 
+ 19   
+ 20  """ This modules implements flash configuration writer. 
+ 21  """ 
+ 22  import logging 
+ 23  import os 
+ 24  import re 
+ 25  import rom 
+ 26  import types 
+ 27  import imaker 
+ 28   
+ 29   
+ 30  # Uncomment this line to enable logging in this module, or configure logging elsewhere 
+ 31  #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) 
+ 32  logger = logging.getLogger("flash_config") 
+ 33   
34 -class ImagePack: +
35 """ Local storage of image type + 36 """ + 37 +
38 - def __init__(self, config, type): +
39 """ init from config + 40 """ + 41 config['image.type'] = '${image.type.temp}' + 42 self._type = type + 43 self._id = config[type + '.id'] + 44 self._image_name = config[type + '.image.name'] + 45 self._image_path = config[type + '.image.path'] +
46 +
47 - def set_config(self, config): +
48 """ Set the image type in a config + 49 """ + 50 config[self._type + '.id'] = self._id + 51 config[self._type + '.image.name'] = self._image_name + 52 config[self._type + '.image.path'] = self._image_path +
53 +
54 - def __repr__(self): +
55 """ String representation the class + 56 """ + 57 return self._id + " " + self._image_name + " " + self._image_path +
58 +
59 -class FlashConfigurationWriter: +
60 """ Builder that creates the flash configuration files + 61 """ +
62 - def __init__(self, configs, product): +
63 """ FlashConfigurationWriter init + 64 """ + 65 self._configs = configs + 66 self._product = product + 67 self._all_languagepacks = {} # pylint recomendation + 68 self._all_udas = {} + 69 self._all_mms = {} + 70 self._all_mcs = {} +
71 +
72 - def _get_all_languagepacks(self): +
73 """ Collect all language packs and store them internally + 74 """ + 75 self._all_languagepacks = {} + 76 for config in self._configs.getConfigurations(self._product): + 77 if (config.type == "languagepack"): + 78 lp = ImagePack(config, 'languagepack') + 79 self._all_languagepacks[lp._id] = lp +
80 +
81 - def _get_compatible_languagepacks(self, config): +
82 """ Get language packs compatible with a customer variant + 83 """ + 84 languagepack_list = [] + 85 if config.has_key('compatible.languagepack'): + 86 lp_list = config['compatible.languagepack'] + 87 if not isinstance(lp_list, types.ListType): + 88 lp_list = [lp_list] + 89 for lp_id in lp_list: + 90 if self._all_languagepacks.has_key(lp_id): + 91 languagepack_list.append(self._all_languagepacks[lp_id]) + 92 else: + 93 print "Compatible languagepack " + str(lp_id) + " does not exists" + 94 else: + 95 languagepack_list = self._all_languagepacks.values() + 96 + 97 return languagepack_list +
98 +
99 - def _get_all_udas(self): +
100 """ Collect all udas and store them internally +101 """ +102 self._all_udas = {} +103 for config in self._configs.getConfigurations(self._product): +104 if (config.type == "uda"): +105 lp = ImagePack(config, 'uda') +106 self._all_udas[lp._id] = lp +
107 +
108 - def _get_all_mms(self): +
109 """ Collect all mm's and store them internally +110 """ +111 self._all_mms = {} +112 for config in self._configs.getConfigurations(self._product): +113 if (config.type == "massmemory"): +114 lp = ImagePack(config, 'massmemory') +115 self._all_mms[lp._id] = lp +
116 +
117 - def _get_all_mcs(self): +
118 """ Collect all mc's and store them internally +119 """ +120 self._all_mcs = {} +121 for config in self._configs.getConfigurations(self._product): +122 if (config.type == "memorycard"): +123 lp = ImagePack(config, 'memorycard') +124 self._all_mcs[lp._id] = lp +
125 +
126 - def _get_compatible_udas(self, config): +
127 """ Get uda's compatible with a customer variant +128 """ +129 uda_list = [] +130 if config.has_key('compatible.uda'): +131 lp_list = config['compatible.uda'] +132 if not isinstance(lp_list, types.ListType): +133 lp_list = [lp_list] +134 for lp_id in lp_list: +135 if self._all_udas.has_key(lp_id): +136 uda_list.append(self._all_udas[lp_id]) +137 else: +138 print "Compatible uda " + str(lp_id) + " does not exists" +139 else: +140 return None +141 +142 return uda_list +
143 +
144 - def _get_compatible_mms(self, config): +
145 """ Get mm's compatible with a customer variant +146 """ +147 mm_list = [] +148 if config.has_key('compatible.massmemory'): +149 lp_list = config['compatible.massmemory'] +150 +151 if not isinstance(lp_list, types.ListType): +152 lp_list = [lp_list] +153 for lp_id in lp_list: +154 if self._all_mms.has_key(lp_id): +155 mm_list.append(self._all_mms[lp_id]) +156 else: +157 print "Compatible massmemory " + str(lp_id) + " does not exists" +158 else: +159 return None +160 +161 return mm_list +
162 +
163 - def _get_compatible_mcs(self, config): +
164 """ Get mc's compatible with a customer variant +165 """ +166 mc_list = [] +167 if config.has_key('compatible.memorycard'): +168 lp_list = config['compatible.memorycard'] +169 if not isinstance(lp_list, types.ListType): +170 lp_list = [lp_list] +171 for lp_id in lp_list: +172 if self._all_mcs.has_key(lp_id): +173 mc_list.append(self._all_mcs[lp_id]) +174 else: +175 print "Compatible memorycard " + str(lp_id) + " does not exists" +176 else: +177 return None +178 +179 return mc_list +
180 +
181 - def _write_file(self, config, romtype, uda, mm, mc): +
182 """ Write an xml flash configuration file +183 """ +184 +185 #data = escapeddict.EscapedDict(config) +186 template = rom.read_file_content(config['flash.config.template']) +187 +188 if not uda: +189 #templatexml = amara.parse(template) +190 +191 #for image in templatexml.flash_config.image_set.image: +192 # if image.type == u'uda': +193 # templatexml.flash_config.image_set.xml_remove_child(image) +194 +195 #template = templatexml.xml(indent=u"yes") +196 #needed to avoid customer complaints about empty lines +197 #template = template.replace('\n\t\t\n', '\n') +198 +199 #workaround for makeupct, can't use real xml library +200 template = re.sub(r".*<image type=\"uda\".*/>\n", '', template) +201 +202 if not mm: +203 template = re.sub(r".*<image type=\"massmemory\".*/>\n", '', template) +204 if not mc: +205 template = re.sub(r".*<image type=\"memorycard\".*/>\n", '', template) +206 +207 if not os.path.exists(config['flash.config.publish.dir']): +208 print "Creating " + config['flash.config.publish.dir'] +209 os.makedirs(config['flash.config.publish.dir']) +210 +211 fp = open(os.path.join(config['flash.config.publish.dir'], config['flash.config.name']), 'w') +212 print "Writing file " + fp.name +213 fp.write(rom.escape_string(template, config)) +214 fp.close() +
215 +
216 - def _append_to_makefile(self, config, romtype): +
217 template = rom.read_file_content(config['flash.config.makefile.template']) +218 out = config.interpolate(template) + "\n" +219 self._makefile_content += out + "\n" +220 self._targets += rom.get_makefile_target(out) + " " +
221 +
222 - def write(self): +
223 """ Go throught the config and creates the flash configuration files +224 """ +225 +226 # Pass #1: Store all language packs +227 self._get_all_languagepacks() +228 self._get_all_udas() +229 self._get_all_mcs() +230 self._get_all_mms() +231 self._makefile_content = "" +232 self._targets = "flash_config: " +233 +234 # Pass #2: Create all flash config files +235 for config in self._configs.getConfigurations(self._product): +236 if (config.type == "customer") or (config.type == "operator"): +237 image_types = config['image.type'] +238 if not isinstance(config['image.type'], types.ListType): +239 image_types = [config['image.type']] +240 +241 for lp in self._get_compatible_languagepacks(config): +242 lp.set_config(config) +243 config['image.type.temp'] = '${image.type}' +244 +245 enable_uda = True +246 enable_mm = True +247 enable_mc = True +248 compatible_uda = self._get_compatible_udas(config) +249 compatible_mm = self._get_compatible_mms(config) +250 compatible_mc = self._get_compatible_mcs(config) +251 +252 if compatible_uda == None: +253 enable_uda = False +254 compatible_uda = [None] +255 if compatible_mm == None: +256 enable_mm = False +257 compatible_mm = [None] +258 if compatible_mc == None: +259 enable_mc = False +260 compatible_mc = [None] +261 +262 for uda in compatible_uda: +263 if uda: +264 uda.set_config(config) +265 for mm in compatible_mm: +266 if mm: +267 mm.set_config(config) +268 for mc in compatible_mc: +269 if mc: +270 mc.set_config(config) +271 for romtype in image_types: +272 config['image.type'] = romtype +273 self._write_file(config, romtype, enable_uda, enable_mm, enable_mc) +274 self._append_to_makefile(config, romtype) +275 +276 if self._makefile_content == "": +277 logger.warning("No customer's or operator's found in rom config") +278 +279 # Write makefile +280 makefile_filename = "%s/mc_flash_config.mk" % imaker.get_product_dir(self._product) +281 print "Writing makfile " + makefile_filename +282 fp = open(makefile_filename, 'w') +283 fp.write("include $(E32ROMCFG)/helium_features.mk\n") +284 fp.write(self._makefile_content) +285 fp.write(self._targets) +286 fp.close() +
287 +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +