55""" Function that determines if a unit should be included or not.
+ 56 returns None => could be included, string reason.
+ 57 """
+ 58
+ 59defhasvalue(filter_list,value):
+ 60""" Check if a filter list contains a particular value.
+ 61 It handles list's item negation using "!".
+ 62 """
+ 63forlist_valueinfilter_list:
+ 64iflist_value==value:
+ 65returnTrue
+ 66returnFalse
203""" Initialisation """
+209sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find unit '%s'\n"%unitRef.unit+"\n"+error)
302""" Process unit list from layers """
+313sys.stderr.write("Filter-out: %s (%s)\n"%(unit.id,reason))
+315sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find unitList of layer %s\n"%error)
359""" Unit list references getter method. """
+365sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find unitList %s\n"%error)
369""" Return unit from unitList or layer. """
+381# Get the unit object from the cache if this is a string
+382# TODO - remove once unitlist returns list of Unit objects
+387sys.stderr.write("Filter-out: %s (%s)\n"%(unit.id,reason))
+389sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find unitList or layer %s\n"%error)
449""" Logical representation of the System Definition.
+451 The System Definition is defined in terms of a system model and a
+452 build model. The default physical representation of this is the Symbian
+453 XML format. """
560""" Adds SysDef element to cache. """
+561#TODO - handle duplicate names of different types
+564_logger.info('Adding SysDef element to cache: %s'%str(element))
+566_logger.warning("Element already exists: %s"%element.name)
573""" Merge binaries based on build log and system definition. """
+578#if bin.find('_stolon_ekern') != -1:
+579_logger.debug("Merging: %s"%bin)
+584_logger.info('Merging binary: %s'%str(binary))
+586_logger.warning('Component found in the build log but not in sysdef: %s'%unit_name)
589""" Merge binary size base on binary sizes input and system definition. """
+591#if binary_name.find('_stolon_ekern') != -1:
+594_logger.debug("Merging binary size: %s"%binary_name)
+600_logger.warning('Binary found in the binary sizes input but not in the system definition: %s'%binary_name)