diff -r 7685cec9fd3c -r f2ddfa555b0f doc/api/python/validateoverlay-pysrc.html --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/doc/api/python/validateoverlay-pysrc.html Fri Sep 11 11:54:49 2009 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,795 @@ + + + + + validateoverlay + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Module validateoverlay + + + + + + +
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Source Code for Module validateoverlay

+  1  #============================================================================  
+  2  #Name        : validateoverlay.py  
+  3  #Part of     : Helium  
+  4   
+  5  #Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+  6  #All rights reserved. 
+  7  #This component and the accompanying materials are made available 
+  8  #under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
+  9  #which accompanies this distribution, and is available 
+ 10  #at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". 
+ 11  # 
+ 12  #Initial Contributors: 
+ 13  #Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. 
+ 14  # 
+ 15  #Contributors: 
+ 16  # 
+ 17  #Description: 
+ 18  #=============================================================================== 
+ 19   
+ 20   
+ 21   
+ 22  import StringIO 
+ 23  import sys 
+ 24  import os 
+ 25  import optparse 
+ 26  import traceback 
+ 27   
+ 28  import amara 
+ 29   
+ 30  import ccm 
+ 31  import comments 
+ 32  import helium.logger 
+ 33  from helium.outputer import XML2XHTML 
+ 34  import nokia.nokiaccm 
+ 35  import virtualbuildarea 
+ 36   
+ 37   
38 -def __findChild(p, d, name): +
39 if (p is None or d is None): + 40 return None + 41 for child in d.children(p): + 42 if name.lower() == child.name.lower(): + 43 return child + 44 return None +
45 +
46 -def __getDir(p, o): +
47 if (o.type == 'project'): + 48 return o, o.root_dir() + 49 return p, o +
50 +
51 -class ValidateOverlayInfo: +
52 UNKNOW = 0 + 53 STILL_VALID = 1 + 54 MERGE = 2 +
55 - def __init__(self, name): +
56 self.name = name + 57 #self.status = status + 58 self.overlayObject = None + 59 self.deliveryObjects = [] +
60 +
61 -def ValidateOverlay(vproject, vdir, oproject, odir, extraobject = None): +
62 """ This function scan an the virtual build area and the overlay to validate + 63 if the overlay content is still up to date compare to the delivery. + 64 """ + 65 if extraobject is None: + 66 extraobject = [] + 67 print "ValidateOverlay(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (vproject, vdir, oproject, odir) + 68 result = {'name': odir.name, 'content': []} + 69 for child in odir.children(oproject): + 70 o = __findChild(vproject, vdir, child.name) + 71 if o is None: + 72 if (child.type == 'dir' or child.type == 'project'): + 73 op, oo = __getDir(oproject, child) + 74 result['content'].append(ValidateOverlay(None, None, op, oo, extraobject)) + 75 else: + 76 info = ValidateOverlayInfo(child.name) + 77 info.overlayObject = child + 78 result['content'].append(info) + 79 else: + 80 if (child.type == 'dir' or child.type == 'project'): + 81 vp, vo = __getDir(vproject, o) + 82 op, oo = __getDir(oproject, child) + 83 result['content'].append(ValidateOverlay(vp, vo, op, oo, extraobject)) + 84 else: + 85 info = ValidateOverlayInfo(child.name) + 86 info.overlayObject = child + 87 info.deliveryObjects.append({'status': ValidateOverlayInfo.UNKNOW, 'object': o}) + 88 + 89 for eo in extraobject: + 90 if eo.is_same_family(o): + 91 info.deliveryObjects.append({'status': ValidateOverlayInfo.UNKNOW, 'object': eo}) + 92 + 93 for delivery in info.deliveryObjects: + 94 if child.is_recursive_sucessor_of(delivery['object']): + 95 delivery['status'] = ValidateOverlayInfo.STILL_VALID + 96 else: + 97 delivery['status'] = ValidateOverlayInfo.MERGE + 98 + 99 result['content'].append(info) +100 return result +
101 +
102 -def getObjectPath(project, spath, dir=None): +
103 name = spath.pop(0) +104 if (dir == None): +105 if project.root_dir().name.lower() == name.lower(): +106 return getObjectPath(project, spath, project.root_dir()) +107 raise Exception("project.root_dir().name.lower()!=name.lower():") +108 else: +109 for o in dir.children(project): +110 if o.name.lower() == name.lower(): +111 if len(spath) == 0: +112 return o +113 elif o.type == 'dir': +114 return getObjectPath(project, spath, o) +115 else: +116 raise Exception("Object could not be accessed") +117 raise Exception("Object not found") +
118 +
119 -def showBranchInfo(logger, object): +
120 doc = comments.CommentParser.scan_content(str(object.overlayObject), object.overlayObject.content(), "branchInfo") +121 if len(doc.commentLog.xml_xpath('branchInfo'))>0: +122 for child in doc.commentLog.xml_xpath('branchInfo'): +123 logger.PrintRaw("<b>Branch Information:</b>\n") +124 if hasattr(child, 'xml_attributes'): +125 for attr in child.xml_attributes: +126 logger.PrintRaw("<b>%s:</b> %s\n" % (attr, getattr(child, attr))) +127 if hasattr(child, 'branch'): +128 logger.PrintRaw("<b>Should validate compare to file:</b> %s\n" % child.branch) +129 else: +130 logger.Print("No branch info...\n") +131 +
132 -def showValidity(logger, obj): +
133 if len(obj.deliveryObjects)==0: +134 logger.NotFound("Could not find %s relative objects." % (obj.overlayObject)) +135 else: +136 for delivery in obj.deliveryObjects: +137 if (delivery['status'] == ValidateOverlayInfo.MERGE): +138 logger.Merge("Overlay object %s requires a merge with %s." % (obj.overlayObject, delivery['object'])) +139 elif (delivery['status'] == ValidateOverlayInfo.STILL_VALID): +140 logger.Valid("%s is still a successor of %s." % (obj.overlayObject, delivery['object'])) +
141 +142 +
143 -def showValidateOverlayInfo(logger, data, comments=False): +
144 logger.OpenEvent(data['name']) +145 for o in data['content']: +146 if isinstance(o, ValidateOverlayInfo): +147 logger.OpenEvent(o.name) +148 showValidity(logger, o) +149 # Showing branch information. +150 if comments: +151 showBranchInfo(logger, o) +152 logger.CloseEvent() +153 else: +154 showValidateOverlayInfo(logger, o, comments) +155 logger.CloseEvent() +
156 +
157 -def mergeObjects(logger, data, task): +
158 for obj in data['content']: +159 if isinstance(obj, ValidateOverlayInfo): +160 mergedobject = None +161 for delivery in obj.deliveryObjects: +162 if (delivery['status'] == ValidateOverlayInfo.MERGE): +163 try: +164 if not mergedobject: +165 (mergedobject, validity) = obj.overlayObject.merge(delivery['object'], task) +166 mergedobject.checkin('public', 'Makes object public.') +167 logger.Print("%s (%s, %s)" % (mergedobject, obj.overlayObject, delivery['object'])) +168 else: +169 delivery['object'].relate(mergedobject) +170 logger.Print("%s (%s, %s)" % (mergedobject, obj.overlayObject, delivery['object'])) +171 #mergedobject +172 except Exception, e: +173 logger.Error("%s" % e) +174 # if o.status == ValidateOverlayInfo.MERGE: +175 # try: +176 # (object, validity) = o.overlayObject.merge(o.deliveryObject, task) +177 # object.checkin('public', 'Makes object public.') +178 ## logger.Print("%s (%s, %s)" % (object, o.overlayObject, o.deliveryObject)) +179 # except Exception, e: +180 # logger.Error("%s" % e) +181 else: +182 mergeObjects(logger, obj, task) +
183 +184 +
185 -def validate(session, inputfile, overlaydir, showBranchInfo, createtask=False, releasetag = None, extra_objects = None, logname = "validate_overlay"): +
186 """ Validate an overlay uisng data from the inputfile to generate the virtual build area. """ +187 vba = virtualbuildarea.create(session, open(inputfile, 'r')) +188 print overlaydir +189 if extra_objects is None: +190 extra_objects = [] +191 overlay = session.get_workarea_info(overlaydir)['project'] +192 voresult = ValidateOverlay(vba, vba.root_dir(), overlay, getObjectPath(overlay, [overlay.name, 'common', 'files']), extra_objects) +193 +194 mclogger = helium.logger.Logger() +195 mclogger.SetInterface("http://fawww.europe.nokia.com/isis/isis_interface/") +196 mclogger.SetTitle("Validate Overlay") +197 mclogger.SetSubTitle("Validating: %s" % overlay) +198 mclogger.OpenMainContent("Analysing %s" % overlay) +199 showValidateOverlayInfo(mclogger, voresult, showBranchInfo) +200 mclogger.CloseMainContent() +201 if createtask and releasetag != None: +202 mclogger.OpenMainContent("Creating merge task") +203 team = 'TEAM_NAME' +204 if os.environ.has_key('TEAM'): +205 team = os.environ['TEAM'] +206 try: +207 task = ccm.Task.create(session, session.create(releasetag), "%s: %s: %s: Merge task" % (team, overlay.name, os.environ['USERNAME'])) +208 #task = session.create("Task fa1f5132#17458") +209 task.assign(os.environ['USERNAME']) +210 mclogger.Print("Created task %s.\n" % task['displayname']) +211 mergeObjects(mclogger, voresult, task) +212 except Exception, e: +213 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) +214 mclogger.Error(e) +215 mclogger.CloseMainContent() +216 +217 mclogger.WriteToFile(logname + ".xml") +218 g = XML2XHTML(logname+".xml") +219 g.addCSSLink("http://fawww.europe.nokia.com/isis/isis_interface/css/overlaycheck.css") +220 g.generate() +221 g.WriteToFile(logname + ".html") +
222 +223 +
224 -def main(): +
225 +226 usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg1 arg2" +227 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) +228 parser.add_option("--host", dest="ccm_host", action="store", +229 help="Synergy Host") +230 parser.add_option("-d", "--db", dest="ccm_db", action="store", +231 help="Synergy database") +232 parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="ccm_login", action="store", +233 help="Synergy username") +234 parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="ccm_password", action="store", +235 help="Synergy user password") +236 parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="inputfile", action="store", +237 help="Configuration file", metavar="PATH") +238 parser.add_option("-o", "--overlay", dest="overlaydir", action="store", +239 help="Overlay work area directory", metavar="PATH") +240 parser.add_option("--showBranchInfo", dest="showBranchInfo", action="store_true", +241 help="Show up branch information", default=False) +242 parser.add_option("--ct", dest="createtask", action="store_true", +243 help="Create merge task", default=False) +244 parser.add_option("--rt", dest="releasetag", action="store", +245 help="Release tag", default=None) +246 +247 (options, args) = parser.parse_args() +248 session = nokia.nokiaccm.open_session(options.ccm_login, options.ccm_password, options.ccm_host, options.ccm_db) +249 validate(session, options.inputfile, options.overlaydir, options.showBranchInfo, options.createtask, options.releasetag) +250 session.close() +
251 +252 if __name__ == "__main__": +253 main() +254 +255 #vba = virtualbuildarea.VirtualProject(session,'vba') +256 +257 #try: +258 # #dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(input) +259 # dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(input) +260 #except Exception, e: +261 # raise Exception("XML cannot be parsed properly %s" % e) +262 # +263 #virtualBA = dom.documentElement +264 #for child in virtualBA.childNodes: +265 # if (child.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE) and (child.nodeName=='add'): +266 # print "add node :%s (%d)" % (child.getAttribute('project'),len(child.childNodes)) +267 # pathobject = createVirtualPath(child.getAttribute('to').split('/'),vba) +268 # if len(child.childNodes)==0: +269 # p = session.create(child.getAttribute('project')) +270 # pathobject.addChild(p,p) +271 # else: +272 # project = session.create(child.getAttribute('project')) +273 # for subChild in child.childNodes: +274 # if (subChild.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE) and (subChild.nodeName=='objects'): +275 # spath = removeEmptyStrings(subChild.getAttribute('from').split('/')) +276 # for t in getObjects(project,spath): +277 # pathobject.addChild(t['object'],t['project']) +278 # +279 +280 +281 #print "******************************************" +
282 -def showVirtualContent(project, path, indent=''): +
283 if not isinstance(path, virtualbuildarea.VirtualDir): +284 return +285 print "%s+ %s" % (indent, path) +286 indent += " " +287 for obj in path.children(project): +288 if (obj.type == 'dir'): +289 showVirtualContent(project, obj, indent) +290 else: +291 print "%s- %s" % (indent, obj) +
292 +293 #showVirtualContent(vba, vba.root_dir()) +294 +
295 -def get_additional_delivery_objects(session, deliveryinput): +
296 objects = [] +297 delivery = amara.parse(open(deliveryinput, 'r')) +298 for t in delivery.xml_xpath('/deliveryConfiguration//task[@id]'): +299 for task in map(lambda x: x.strip(), t.id.split(',')): +300 objects.extend(session.create("Task %s" % task).objects) +301 for f in delivery.xml_xpath('/deliveryConfiguration//folder[@id]'): +302 for folder in map(lambda x: x.strip(), f.id.split(',')): +303 objects.extend(session.create("Folder %s" % folder).objects) +304 return objects +
305 +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +