author Tom Pritchard <>
Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:31:26 +0100
changeset 46 78c240f59c9d
parent 27 117faf51deac
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changes for full working UI on 3.0.0 including Gareth's "persistent" RAM drives

/*  Cypress West Bridge API header file (cyanerr.h)
 ## Symbols for backward compatibility with previous releases of Antioch SDK.
 ## ===========================
 ##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006-2009,
 ##  All Rights Reserved
 ##  Use of this file is governed
 ##  by the license agreement included in the file
 ##     <install>/license/license.txt
 ##  where <install> is the Cypress software
 ##  installation root directory path.
 ## ===========================


#include "cyaserr.h"

#ifndef __doxygen__

 * Function completed successfully.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_SUCCESS                                                     (CY_AS_ERROR_SUCCESS)

 * A function trying to acquire a resource was unable to do so.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_ACQUIRED                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_ACQUIRED)

 * A function trying to acquire a resource was unable to do so.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_RELEASED                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_RELEASED)

 * The West Bridge firmware is not loaded.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE                                                 (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_FIRMWARE)

 * A timeout occurred waiting on a response from the West Bridge device
#define CY_AN_ERROR_TIMEOUT                                                     (CY_AS_ERROR_TIMEOUT)

 * A request to download firmware was made while not in the CONFIG mode
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_IN_CONFIG_MODE                                          (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_IN_CONFIG_MODE)

 * This error is returned if the firmware size specified is too invalid.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE)

 * This error is returned if a request is made to acquire a resource that has
 * already been acquired.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_OWNED                                      (CY_AS_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_OWNED)

 * This error is returned if a request is made to release a resource that has
 * not previously been acquired.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED                                          (CY_AS_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED)

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a media that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEDIA                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEDIA)

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a device that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE)

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a unit that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_UNIT                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_UNIT)

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a block that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK)

 * This error is returned when an invalid trace level is set.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_TRACE_LEVEL                                         (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_TRACE_LEVEL)

 * This error is returned when West Bridge is already in the standby state
 * and an attempt is made to put West Bridge into this state again.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ALREADY_STANDBY                                             (CY_AS_ERROR_ALREADY_STANDBY)

 * This error is returned when the API needs to set a pin on the
 * West Bridge device, but this is not supported by the underlying HAL
 * layer.

 * This error is returned when a module is being started that has
 * already been started.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ALREADY_RUNNING                                             (CY_AS_ERROR_ALREADY_RUNNING)

 * This error is returned when a module is being stopped that has
 * already been stopped.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING                                                 (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING)

 * This error is returned when the caller tries to claim a media that has already been
 * claimed.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_MEDIA_ALREADY_CLAIMED                                       (CY_AS_ERROR_MEDIA_ALREADY_CLAIMED)

 * This error is returned when the caller tries to release a media that has already been
 * released.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_MEDIA_NOT_CLAIMED                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_MEDIA_NOT_CLAIMED)

 * This error is returned when canceling trying to cancel an asynchronous operation when
 * an async operation is not pending.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_OPERATION_PENDING                                        (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_OPERATION_PENDING)

 * This error is returned when an invalid endpoint number is provided to an API call.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_ENDPOINT                                            (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_ENDPOINT)

 * This error is returned when an invalid descriptor type 
 * is specified in an API call.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR                                          (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR)

 * This error is returned when an invalid descriptor index 
 * is specified in an API call.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_BAD_INDEX                                                   (CY_AS_ERROR_BAD_INDEX)

 * This error is returned if trying to set a USB descriptor
 * when in the P port enumeration mode.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_BAD_ENUMERATION_MODE                                        (CY_AS_ERROR_BAD_ENUMERATION_MODE)

 * This error is returned when the endpoint configuration specified
 * is not valid.

 * This error is returned when the API cannot verify it is connected
 * to an West Bridge device.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_ANTIOCH                                                  (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_ANTIOCH)

 * This error is returned when an API function is called and CyAnMiscConfigureDevice
 * has not been called to configure West Bridge for the current environment.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED)

 * This error is returned when West Bridge cannot allocate memory required for
 * internal API operations.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY)

 * This error is returned when a module is being started that has
 * already been started.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NESTED_SLEEP                                                (CY_AS_ERROR_NESTED_SLEEP)

 * This error is returned when an operation is attempted on an endpoint that has
 * been disabled.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ENDPOINT_DISABLED                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_ENDPOINT_DISABLED)

 * This error is returned when a call is made to an API function when the device is in
 * standby.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_IN_STANDBY                                                  (CY_AS_ERROR_IN_STANDBY)

 * This error is returned when an API call is made with an invalid handle value.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)

 * This error is returned when an invalid response is returned from the West Bridge device.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE                                            (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE)

 * This error is returned from the callback function for any asynchronous read or write
 * request that is canceled.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_CANCELED                                                    (CY_AS_ERROR_CANCELED)

 * This error is returned when the call to create sleep channel fails
 * in the HAL layer.

 * This error is returned when the call to CyAnMiscLeaveStandby
 * is made and the device is not in standby.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_IN_STANDBY                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_IN_STANDBY)

 * This error is returned when the call to destroy sleep channel fails
 * in the HAL layer.

 * This error is returned when an invalid resource is specified to a call
 * to CyAnMiscAcquireResource() or CyAnMiscReleaseResource()
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_RESOURCE                                            (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_RESOURCE)

 * This error occurs when an operation is requested on an endpoint that has
 * a currently pending async operation.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ASYNC_PENDING                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_ASYNC_PENDING)

 * This error is returned when a call to CyAnStorageCancelAsync() or
 * CyAnUsbCancelAsync() is made when no asynchronous request is pending.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_ASYNC_NOT_PENDING                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_ASYNC_NOT_PENDING)

 * This error is returned when a request is made to put the West Bridge device
 * into standby mode while the USB stack is still active.

 * A request for in the wrong direction was issued on an endpoint.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_USB_BAD_DIRECTION                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_USB_BAD_DIRECTION)

 * An invalid request was received
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST                                             (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST)

 * An ACK request was requested while no setup packet was pending.

 * A call was made to a API function that cannot be called from a callback.

 * A call was made to CyAnUsbSetEndPointConfig() before CyAnUsbSetPhysicalConfiguration()
 * was called.

 * The physical endpoint referenced is not valid in the current physical configuration

 * The data supplied to the CyAnMiscDownloadFirmware() call is not aligned on a 
 * WORD (16 bit) boundary.

 * A call was made to destroy the West Bridge device, but the USB stack or the storage
 * stack was will running.

 * A call was made to the API for a function that is not yet supported.

 * A NULL callback was provided where a non-NULL callback was required

 * This error is returned when a request is made to put the West Bridge device
 * into standby mode while the storage stack is still active.

 * This error is returned when an operation is attempted that cannot be completed while
 * the USB stack is connected to a USB host.

 * This error is returned when a USB disconnect is attempted and the West Bridge device is
 * not connected.

 * This error is returned when an P2S storage operation attempted and data could not be
 * read or written to the storage media. 

 * This error is returned when an P2S storage operation attempted and the media is write
 * protected. 

 * This error is returned when an attempt is made to cancel a request that has
 * already been sent to the West Bridge.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_OPERATION_IN_TRANSIT                                        (CY_AS_ERROR_OPERATION_IN_TRANSIT)

 * This error is returned when an invalid parameter is passed to one of the APIs.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER                                           (CY_AS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)

 * This error is returned if an API is not supported by the current West Bridge device
 * or the active firmware version.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                                               (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)

 * This error is returned when a call is made to one of the Storage or
 * USB APIs while the device is in suspend mode.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_IN_SUSPEND                                                  (CY_AS_ERROR_IN_SUSPEND)

 * This error is returned when the call to CyAnMiscLeaveSuspend
 * is made and the device is not in suspend mode.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NOT_IN_SUSPEND                                              (CY_AS_ERROR_NOT_IN_SUSPEND)

 * This error is returned when a command that is disabled by USB is called.
#define CY_AN_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED                                         (CY_AS_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED)

 * This error is returned when an Async storage read or write is called before a
 * query device call is issued.

 * This error is returned when a call is made to USB or STORAGE Start or Stop before
 * a prior Start or Stop has finished.

 * This error is returned when a request is made for a bus that does not exist
#define CY_AN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_BUS                                                 (CY_AS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_BUS)

#endif /* __doxygen__ */

#endif /* _INCLUDED_CYANERR_H_ */